Abstract:While recent multilingual automatic speech recognition models claim to support thousands of languages, ASR for low-resource languages remains highly unreliable due to limited bimodal speech and text training data. Better multilingual spoken language understanding (SLU) can strengthen massively the robustness of multilingual ASR by levering language semantics to compensate for scarce training data, such as disambiguating utterances via context or exploiting semantic similarities across languages. Even more so, SLU is indispensable for inclusive speech technology in roughly half of all living languages that lack a formal writing system. However, the evaluation of multilingual SLU remains limited to shallower tasks such as intent classification or language identification. To address this, we present Fleurs-SLU, a multilingual SLU benchmark that encompasses topical speech classification in 102 languages and multiple-choice question answering through listening comprehension in 92 languages. We extensively evaluate both end-to-end speech classification models and cascaded systems that combine speech-to-text transcription with subsequent classification by large language models on Fleurs-SLU. Our results show that cascaded systems exhibit greater robustness in multilingual SLU tasks, though speech encoders can achieve competitive performance in topical speech classification when appropriately pre-trained. We further find a strong correlation between robust multilingual ASR, effective speech-to-text translation, and strong multilingual SLU, highlighting the mutual benefits between acoustic and semantic speech representations.
Abstract:Most Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) to date are trained predominantly on English data, which makes them struggle to understand non-English input and fail to generate output in the desired target language. Existing efforts mitigate these issues by adding multilingual training data, but do so in a largely ad-hoc manner, lacking insight into how different training mixes tip the scale for different groups of languages. In this work, we present a comprehensive investigation into the training strategies for massively multilingual LVLMs. First, we conduct a series of multi-stage experiments spanning 13 downstream vision-language tasks and 43 languages, systematically examining: (1) the number of training languages that can be included without degrading English performance and (2) optimal language distributions of pre-training as well as (3) instruction-tuning data. Further, we (4) investigate how to improve multilingual text-in-image understanding, and introduce a new benchmark for the task. Surprisingly, our analysis reveals that one can (i) include as many as 100 training languages simultaneously (ii) with as little as 25-50\% of non-English data, to greatly improve multilingual performance while retaining strong English performance. We further find that (iii) including non-English OCR data in pre-training and instruction-tuning is paramount for improving multilingual text-in-image understanding. Finally, we put all our findings together and train Centurio, a 100-language LVLM, offering state-of-the-art performance in an evaluation covering 14 tasks and 56 languages.
Abstract:Encoder architectures play a pivotal role in neural news recommenders by embedding the semantic and contextual information of news and users. Thus, research has heavily focused on enhancing the representational capabilities of news and user encoders to improve recommender performance. Despite the significant impact of encoder architectures on the quality of news and user representations, existing analyses of encoder designs focus only on the overall downstream recommendation performance. This offers a one-sided assessment of the encoders' similarity, ignoring more nuanced differences in their behavior, and potentially resulting in sub-optimal model selection. In this work, we perform a comprehensive analysis of encoder architectures in neural news recommender systems. We systematically evaluate the most prominent news and user encoder architectures, focusing on their (i) representational similarity, measured with the Central Kernel Alignment, (ii) overlap of generated recommendation lists, quantified with the Jaccard similarity, and (iii) the overall recommendation performance. Our analysis reveals that the complexity of certain encoding techniques is often empirically unjustified, highlighting the potential for simpler, more efficient architectures. By isolating the effects of individual components, we provide valuable insights for researchers and practitioners to make better informed decisions about encoder selection and avoid unnecessary complexity in the design of news recommenders.
Abstract:Recent advancements in multilingual speech encoding as well as transcription raise the question of the most effective approach to semantic speech classification. Concretely, can (1) end-to-end (E2E) classifiers obtained by fine-tuning state-of-the-art multilingual speech encoders (MSEs) match or surpass the performance of (2) cascading (CA), where speech is first transcribed into text and classification is delegated to a text-based classifier. To answer this, we first construct SpeechTaxi, an 80-hour multilingual dataset for semantic speech classification of Bible verses, covering 28 diverse languages. We then leverage SpeechTaxi to conduct a wide range of experiments comparing E2E and CA in monolingual semantic speech classification as well as in cross-lingual transfer. We find that E2E based on MSEs outperforms CA in monolingual setups, i.e., when trained on in-language data. However, MSEs seem to have poor cross-lingual transfer abilities, with E2E substantially lagging CA both in (1) zero-shot transfer to languages unseen in training and (2) multilingual training, i.e., joint training on multiple languages. Finally, we devise a novel CA approach based on transcription to Romanized text as a language-agnostic intermediate representation and show that it represents a robust solution for languages without native ASR support. Our SpeechTaxi dataset is publicly available at: https://huggingface.co/ datasets/LennartKeller/SpeechTaxi/.
Abstract:While there is a widespread belief that artificial general intelligence (AGI) -- or even superhuman AI -- is imminent, complex problems in expert domains are far from being solved. We argue that such problems require human-AI cooperation and that the current state of the art in generative AI is unable to play the role of a reliable partner due to a multitude of shortcomings, including inability to keep track of a complex solution artifact (e.g., a software program), limited support for versatile human preference expression and lack of adapting to human preference in an interactive setting. To address these challenges, we propose HAI-Co2, a novel human-AI co-construction framework. We formalize HAI-Co2 and discuss the difficult open research problems that it faces. Finally, we present a case study of HAI-Co2 and demonstrate its efficacy compared to monolithic generative AI models.
Abstract:Multilingual sentence encoders are commonly obtained by training multilingual language models to map sentences from different languages into a shared semantic space. As such, they are subject to curse of multilinguality, a loss of monolingual representational accuracy due to parameter sharing. Another limitation of multilingual sentence encoders is the trade-off between monolingual and cross-lingual performance. Training for cross-lingual alignment of sentence embeddings distorts the optimal monolingual structure of semantic spaces of individual languages, harming the utility of sentence embeddings in monolingual tasks. In this work, we address both issues by modular training of sentence encoders, i.e., by separating monolingual specialization from cross-lingual alignment. We first efficiently train language-specific sentence encoders to avoid negative interference between languages (i.e., the curse). We then align all non-English monolingual encoders to the English encoder by training a cross-lingual alignment adapter on top of each, preventing interference with monolingual specialization from the first step. In both steps, we resort to contrastive learning on machine-translated paraphrase data. Monolingual and cross-lingual evaluations on semantic text similarity/relatedness and multiple-choice QA render our modular solution more effective than multilingual sentence encoders, especially benefiting low-resource languages.
Abstract:Research on token-level reference-free hallucination detection has predominantly focused on English, primarily due to the scarcity of robust datasets in other languages. This has hindered systematic investigations into the effectiveness of cross-lingual transfer for this important NLP application. To address this gap, we introduce ANHALTEN, a new evaluation dataset that extends the English hallucination detection dataset to German. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that explores cross-lingual transfer for token-level reference-free hallucination detection. ANHALTEN contains gold annotations in German that are parallel (i.e., directly comparable to the original English instances). We benchmark several prominent cross-lingual transfer approaches, demonstrating that larger context length leads to better hallucination detection in German, even without succeeding context. Importantly, we show that the sample-efficient few-shot transfer is the most effective approach in most setups. This highlights the practical benefits of minimal annotation effort in the target language for reference-free hallucination detection. Aiming to catalyze future research on cross-lingual token-level reference-free hallucination detection, we make ANHALTEN publicly available: https://github.com/janekh24/anhalten
Abstract:The process mining community has recently recognized the potential of large language models (LLMs) for tackling various process mining tasks. Initial studies report the capability of LLMs to support process analysis and even, to some extent, that they are able to reason about how processes work. This latter property suggests that LLMs could also be used to tackle process mining tasks that benefit from an understanding of process behavior. Examples of such tasks include (semantic) anomaly detection and next activity prediction, which both involve considerations of the meaning of activities and their inter-relations. In this paper, we investigate the capabilities of LLMs to tackle such semantics-aware process mining tasks. Furthermore, whereas most works on the intersection of LLMs and process mining only focus on testing these models out of the box, we provide a more principled investigation of the utility of LLMs for process mining, including their ability to obtain process mining knowledge post-hoc by means of in-context learning and supervised fine-tuning. Concretely, we define three process mining tasks that benefit from an understanding of process semantics and provide extensive benchmarking datasets for each of them. Our evaluation experiments reveal that (1) LLMs fail to solve challenging process mining tasks out of the box and when provided only a handful of in-context examples, (2) but they yield strong performance when fine-tuned for these tasks, consistently surpassing smaller, encoder-based language models.
Abstract:Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have recently dramatically pushed the state of the art in image captioning and many image understanding tasks (e.g., visual question answering). LVLMs, however, often \textit{hallucinate} and produce captions that mention concepts that cannot be found in the image. These hallucinations erode the trustworthiness of LVLMs and are arguably among the main obstacles to their ubiquitous adoption. Recent work suggests that addition of grounding objectives -- those that explicitly align image regions or objects to text spans -- reduces the amount of LVLM hallucination. Although intuitive, this claim is not empirically justified as the reduction effects have been established, we argue, with flawed evaluation protocols that (i) rely on data (i.e., MSCOCO) that has been extensively used in LVLM training and (ii) measure hallucination via question answering rather than open-ended caption generation. In this work, in contrast, we offer the first systematic analysis of the effect of fine-grained object grounding on LVLM hallucination under an evaluation protocol that more realistically captures LVLM hallucination in open generation. Our extensive experiments over three backbone LLMs reveal that grounding objectives have little to no effect on object hallucination in open caption generation.
Abstract:Recent Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) demonstrate impressive abilities on numerous image understanding and reasoning tasks. The task of fine-grained object classification (e.g., distinction between \textit{animal species}), however, has been probed insufficiently, despite its downstream importance. We fill this evaluation gap by creating \texttt{FOCI} (\textbf{F}ine-grained \textbf{O}bject \textbf{C}lass\textbf{I}fication), a difficult multiple-choice benchmark for fine-grained object classification, from existing object classification datasets: (1) multiple-choice avoids ambiguous answers associated with casting classification as open-ended QA task; (2) we retain classification difficulty by mining negative labels with a CLIP model. \texttt{FOCI}\xspace complements five popular classification datasets with four domain-specific subsets from ImageNet-21k. We benchmark 12 public LVLMs on \texttt{FOCI} and show that it tests for a \textit{complementary skill} to established image understanding and reasoning benchmarks. Crucially, CLIP models exhibit dramatically better performance than LVLMs. Since the image encoders of LVLMs come from these CLIP models, this points to inadequate alignment for fine-grained object distinction between the encoder and the LLM and warrants (pre)training data with more fine-grained annotation. We release our code at \url{https://github.com/gregor-ge/FOCI-Benchmark}.