Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities across diverse visual tasks, including image recognition, video understanding, and Visual Question Answering (VQA) when explicitly trained for these tasks. Despite these advances, we find that current VLMs lack a fundamental cognitive ability: learning to localize objects in a scene by taking into account the context. In this work, we focus on the task of few-shot personalized localization, where a model is given a small set of annotated images (in-context examples) -- each with a category label and bounding box -- and is tasked with localizing the same object type in a query image. To provoke personalized localization abilities in models, we present a data-centric solution that fine-tunes them using carefully curated data from video object tracking datasets. By leveraging sequences of frames tracking the same object across multiple shots, we simulate instruction-tuning dialogues that promote context awareness. To reinforce this, we introduce a novel regularization technique that replaces object labels with pseudo-names, ensuring the model relies on visual context rather than prior knowledge. Our method significantly enhances few-shot localization performance without sacrificing generalization, as demonstrated on several benchmarks tailored to personalized localization. This work is the first to explore and benchmark personalized few-shot localization for VLMs, laying a foundation for future research in context-driven vision-language applications. The code for our project is available at https://github.com/SivanDoveh/IPLoc
Abstract:Phase-coded imaging is a computational imaging method designed to tackle tasks such as passive depth estimation and extended depth of field (EDOF) using depth cues inserted during image capture. Most of the current deep learning-based methods for depth estimation or all-in-focus imaging require a training dataset with high-quality depth maps and an optimal focus point at infinity for all-in-focus images. Such datasets are difficult to create, usually synthetic, and require external graphic programs. We propose a new method named "Deep Phase Coded Image Prior" (DPCIP) for jointly recovering the depth map and all-in-focus image from a coded-phase image using solely the captured image and the optical information of the imaging system. Our approach does not depend on any specific dataset and surpasses prior supervised techniques utilizing the same imaging system. This improvement is achieved through the utilization of a problem formulation based on implicit neural representation (INR) and deep image prior (DIP). Due to our zero-shot method, we overcome the barrier of acquiring accurate ground-truth data of depth maps and all-in-focus images for each new phase-coded system introduced. This allows focusing mainly on developing the imaging system, and not on ground-truth data collection.
Abstract:Language models struggle with handling numerical data and performing arithmetic operations. We hypothesize that this limitation can be partially attributed to non-intuitive textual numbers representation. When a digit is read or generated by a causal language model it does not know its place value (e.g. thousands vs. hundreds) until the entire number is processed. To address this issue, we propose a simple adjustment to how numbers are represented by including the count of digits before each number. For instance, instead of "42", we suggest using "{2:42}" as the new format. This approach, which we term NumeroLogic, offers an added advantage in number generation by serving as a Chain of Thought (CoT). By requiring the model to consider the number of digits first, it enhances the reasoning process before generating the actual number. We use arithmetic tasks to demonstrate the effectiveness of the NumeroLogic formatting. We further demonstrate NumeroLogic applicability to general natural language modeling, improving language understanding performance in the MMLU benchmark.
Abstract:Self-supervised models allow (pre-)training on unlabeled data and therefore have the potential to overcome the need for large annotated cohorts. One leading self-supervised model is the masked autoencoder (MAE) which was developed on natural imaging data. The MAE is masking out a high fraction of visual transformer (ViT) input patches, to then recover the uncorrupted images as a pretraining task. In this work, we extend MAE to perform anomaly detection on breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This new model, coined masked autoencoder for medical imaging (MAEMI) is trained on two non-contrast enhanced MRI sequences, aiming at lesion detection without the need for intravenous injection of contrast media and temporal image acquisition. During training, only non-cancerous images are presented to the model, with the purpose of localizing anomalous tumor regions during test time. We use a public dataset for model development. Performance of the architecture is evaluated in reference to subtraction images created from dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)-MRI.
Abstract:The goal of Anomaly-Detection (AD) is to identify outliers, or outlying regions, from some unknown distribution given only a set of positive (good) examples. Few-Shot AD (FSAD) aims to solve the same task with a minimal amount of normal examples. Recent embedding-based methods, that compare the embedding vectors of queries to a set of reference embeddings, have demonstrated impressive results for FSAD, where as little as one good example is provided. A different approach, image-reconstruction-based, has been historically used for AD. The idea is to train a model to recover normal images from corrupted observations, assuming that the model will fail to recover regions when encountered with an out-of-distribution image. However, image-reconstruction-based methods were not yet used in the low-shot regime as they need to be trained on a diverse set of normal images in order to properly perform. We suggest using Masked Auto-Encoder (MAE), a self-supervised transformer model trained for recovering missing image regions based on their surroundings for FSAD. We show that MAE performs well by pre-training on an arbitrary set of natural images (ImageNet) and only fine-tuning on a small set of normal images. We name this method MAEDAY. We further find that MAEDAY provides an orthogonal signal to the embedding-based methods and the ensemble of the two approaches achieves very strong SOTA results. We also present a novel task of Zero-Shot AD (ZSAD) where no normal samples are available at training time. We show that MAEDAY performs surprisingly well at this task. Finally, we provide a new dataset for detecting foreign objects on the ground and demonstrate superior results for this task as well. Code is available at https://github.com/EliSchwartz/MAEDAY .
Abstract:In Deep Image Prior (DIP), a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is fitted to map a latent space to a degraded (e.g. noisy) image but in the process learns to reconstruct the clean image. This phenomenon is attributed to CNN's internal image-prior. We revisit the DIP framework, examining it from the perspective of a neural implicit representation. Motivated by this perspective, we replace the random or learned latent with Fourier-Features (Positional Encoding). We show that thanks to the Fourier features properties, we can replace the convolution layers with simple pixel-level MLPs. We name this scheme ``Positional Encoding Image Prior" (PIP) and exhibit that it performs very similarly to DIP on various image-reconstruction tasks with much less parameters required. Additionally, we demonstrate that PIP can be easily extended to videos, where 3D-DIP struggles and suffers from instability. Code and additional examples for all tasks, including videos, are available on the project page https://nimrodshabtay.github.io/PIP/
Abstract:Vision and Language (VL) models have demonstrated remarkable zero-shot performance in a variety of tasks. However, some aspects of complex language understanding still remain a challenge. We introduce the collective notion of Structured Vision&Language Concepts (SVLC) which includes object attributes, relations, and states which are present in the text and visible in the image. Recent studies have shown that even the best VL models struggle with SVLC. A possible way of fixing this issue is by collecting dedicated datasets for teaching each SVLC type, yet this might be expensive and time-consuming. Instead, we propose a more elegant data-driven approach for enhancing VL models' understanding of SVLCs that makes more effective use of existing VL pre-training datasets and does not require any additional data. While automatic understanding of image structure still remains largely unsolved, language structure is much better modeled and understood, allowing for its effective utilization in teaching VL models. In this paper, we propose various techniques based on language structure understanding that can be used to manipulate the textual part of off-the-shelf paired VL datasets. VL models trained with the updated data exhibit a significant improvement of up to 15% in their SVLC understanding with only a mild degradation in their zero-shot capabilities both when training from scratch or fine-tuning a pre-trained model.
Abstract:Foundation Models (FMs) have demonstrated unprecedented capabilities including zero-shot learning, high fidelity data synthesis, and out of domain generalization. However, as we show in this paper, FMs still have poor out-of-the-box performance on expert tasks (e.g. retrieval of car manuals technical illustrations from language queries), data for which is either unseen or belonging to a long-tail part of the data distribution of the huge datasets used for FM pre-training. This underlines the necessity to explicitly evaluate and finetune FMs on such expert tasks, arguably ones that appear the most in practical real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a first of its kind FETA benchmark built around the task of teaching FMs to understand technical documentation, via learning to match their graphical illustrations to corresponding language descriptions. Our FETA benchmark focuses on text-to-image and image-to-text retrieval in public car manuals and sales catalogue brochures. FETA is equipped with a procedure for completely automatic annotation extraction (code would be released upon acceptance), allowing easy extension of FETA to more documentation types and application domains in the future. Our automatic annotation leads to an automated performance metric shown to be consistent with metrics computed on human-curated annotations (also released). We provide multiple baselines and analysis of popular FMs on FETA leading to several interesting findings that we believe would be very valuable to the FM community, paving the way towards real-world application of FMs for practical expert tasks currently 'overlooked' by standard benchmarks focusing on common objects.
Abstract:The ability to generalize learned representations across significantly different visual domains, such as between real photos, clipart, paintings, and sketches, is a fundamental capacity of the human visual system. In this paper, different from most cross-domain works that utilize some (or full) source domain supervision, we approach a relatively new and very practical Unsupervised Domain Generalization (UDG) setup of having no training supervision in neither source nor target domains. Our approach is based on self-supervised learning of a Bridge Across Domains (BrAD) - an auxiliary bridge domain accompanied by a set of semantics preserving visual (image-to-image) mappings to BrAD from each of the training domains. The BrAD and mappings to it are learned jointly (end-to-end) with a contrastive self-supervised representation model that semantically aligns each of the domains to its BrAD-projection, and hence implicitly drives all the domains (seen or unseen) to semantically align to each other. In this work, we show how using an edge-regularized BrAD our approach achieves significant gains across multiple benchmarks and a range of tasks, including UDG, Few-shot UDA, and unsupervised generalization across multi-domain datasets (including generalization to unseen domains and classes).
Abstract:Nowadays, there is an abundance of data involving images and surrounding free-form text weakly corresponding to those images. Weakly Supervised phrase-Grounding (WSG) deals with the task of using this data to learn to localize (or to ground) arbitrary text phrases in images without any additional annotations. However, most recent SotA methods for WSG assume the existence of a pre-trained object detector, relying on it to produce the ROIs for localization. In this work, we focus on the task of Detector-Free WSG (DF-WSG) to solve WSG without relying on a pre-trained detector. We directly learn everything from the images and associated free-form text pairs, thus potentially gaining an advantage on the categories unsupported by the detector. The key idea behind our proposed Grounding by Separation (GbS) method is synthesizing `text to image-regions' associations by random alpha-blending of arbitrary image pairs and using the corresponding texts of the pair as conditions to recover the alpha map from the blended image via a segmentation network. At test time, this allows using the query phrase as a condition for a non-blended query image, thus interpreting the test image as a composition of a region corresponding to the phrase and the complement region. Using this approach we demonstrate a significant accuracy improvement, of up to $8.5\%$ over previous DF-WSG SotA, for a range of benchmarks including Flickr30K, Visual Genome, and ReferIt, as well as a significant complementary improvement (above $7\%$) over the detector-based approaches for WSG.