Abstract:Image Quality Assessment (IQA) measures and predicts perceived image quality by human observers. Although recent studies have highlighted the critical influence that variations in the scale of an image have on its perceived quality, this relationship has not been systematically quantified. To bridge this gap, we introduce the Image Intrinsic Scale (IIS), defined as the largest scale where an image exhibits its highest perceived quality. We also present the Image Intrinsic Scale Assessment (IISA) task, which involves subjectively measuring and predicting the IIS based on human judgments. We develop a subjective annotation methodology and create the IISA-DB dataset, comprising 785 image-IIS pairs annotated by experts in a rigorously controlled crowdsourcing study. Furthermore, we propose WIISA (Weak-labeling for Image Intrinsic Scale Assessment), a strategy that leverages how the IIS of an image varies with downscaling to generate weak labels. Experiments show that applying WIISA during the training of several IQA methods adapted for IISA consistently improves the performance compared to using only ground-truth labels. We will release the code, dataset, and pre-trained models upon acceptance.
Abstract:Advances in image compression, storage, and display technologies have made high-quality images and videos widely accessible. At this level of quality, distinguishing between compressed and original content becomes difficult, highlighting the need for assessment methodologies that are sensitive to even the smallest visual quality differences. Conventional subjective visual quality assessments often use absolute category rating scales, ranging from ``excellent'' to ``bad''. While suitable for evaluating more pronounced distortions, these scales are inadequate for detecting subtle visual differences. The JPEG standardization project AIC is currently developing a subjective image quality assessment methodology for high-fidelity images. This paper presents the proposed assessment methods, a dataset of high-quality compressed images, and their corresponding crowdsourced visual quality ratings. It also outlines a data analysis approach that reconstructs quality scale values in just noticeable difference (JND) units. The assessment method uses boosting techniques on visual stimuli to help observers detect compression artifacts more clearly. This is followed by a rescaling process that adjusts the boosted quality values back to the original perceptual scale. This reconstruction yields a fine-grained, high-precision quality scale in JND units, providing more informative results for practical applications. The dataset and code to reproduce the results will be available at https://github.com/jpeg-aic/dataset-BTC-PTC-24.
Abstract:The datasets of most image quality assessment studies contain ratings on a categorical scale with five levels, from bad (1) to excellent (5). For each stimulus, the number of ratings from 1 to 5 is summarized and given in the form of the mean opinion score. In this study, we investigate families of multinomial probability distributions parameterized by mean and variance that are used to fit the empirical rating distributions. To this end, we consider quantized metric models based on continuous distributions that model perceived stimulus quality on a latent scale. The probabilities for the rating categories are determined by quantizing the corresponding random variables using threshold values. Furthermore, we introduce a novel discrete maximum entropy distribution for a given mean and variance. We compare the performance of these models and the state of the art given by the generalized score distribution for two large data sets, KonIQ-10k and VQEG HDTV. Given an input distribution of ratings, our fitted two-parameter models predict unseen ratings better than the empirical distribution. In contrast to empirical ACR distributions and their discrete models, our continuous models can provide fine-grained estimates of quantiles of quality of experience that are relevant to service providers to satisfy a target fraction of the user population.
Abstract:The just noticeable difference (JND) is the minimal difference between stimuli that can be detected by a person. The picture-wise just noticeable difference (PJND) for a given reference image and a compression algorithm represents the minimal level of compression that causes noticeable differences in the reconstruction. These differences can only be observed in some specific regions within the image, dubbed as JND-critical regions. Identifying these regions can improve the development of image compression algorithms. Due to the fact that visual perception varies among individuals, determining the PJND values and JND-critical regions for a target population of consumers requires subjective assessment experiments involving a sufficiently large number of observers. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for conducting such experiments using crowdsourcing. By applying this framework, we created a novel PJND dataset, KonJND++, consisting of 300 source images, compressed versions thereof under JPEG or BPG compression, and an average of 43 ratings of PJND and 129 self-reported locations of JND-critical regions for each source image. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of our proposed framework, which is easy to be adapted for collecting a large-scale dataset. The source code and dataset are available at https://github.com/angchen-dev/LocJND.
Abstract:In image quality assessment, a collective visual quality score for an image or video is obtained from the individual ratings of many subjects. One commonly used format for these experiments is the two-alternative forced choice method. Two stimuli with the same content but differing visual quality are presented sequentially or side-by-side. Subjects are asked to select the one of better quality, and when uncertain, they are required to guess. The relaxed alternative forced choice format aims to reduce the cognitive load and the noise in the responses due to the guessing by providing a third response option, namely, ``not sure''. This work presents a large and comprehensive crowdsourcing experiment to compare these two response formats: the one with the ``not sure'' option and the one without it. To provide unambiguous ground truth for quality evaluation, subjects were shown pairs of images with differing numbers of dots and asked each time to choose the one with more dots. Our crowdsourcing study involved 254 participants and was conducted using a within-subject design. Each participant was asked to respond to 40 pair comparisons with and without the ``not sure'' response option and completed a questionnaire to evaluate their cognitive load for each testing condition. The experimental results show that the inclusion of the ``not sure'' response option in the forced choice method reduced mental load and led to models with better data fit and correspondence to ground truth. We also tested for the equivalence of the models and found that they were different. The dataset is available at http://database.mmsp-kn.de/cogvqa-database.html.
Abstract:Scale-invariance is an open problem in many computer vision subfields. For example, object labels should remain constant across scales, yet model predictions diverge in many cases. This problem gets harder for tasks where the ground-truth labels change with the presentation scale. In image quality assessment (IQA), downsampling attenuates impairments, e.g., blurs or compression artifacts, which can positively affect the impression evoked in subjective studies. To accurately predict perceptual image quality, cross-resolution IQA methods must therefore account for resolution-dependent errors induced by model inadequacies as well as for the perceptual label shifts in the ground truth. We present the first study of its kind that disentangles and examines the two issues separately via KonX, a novel, carefully crafted cross-resolution IQA database. This paper contributes the following: 1. Through KonX, we provide empirical evidence of label shifts caused by changes in the presentation resolution. 2. We show that objective IQA methods have a scale bias, which reduces their predictive performance. 3. We propose a multi-scale and multi-column DNN architecture that improves performance over previous state-of-the-art IQA models for this task, including recent transformers. We thus both raise and address a novel research problem in image quality assessment.
Abstract:Computer vision models for image quality assessment (IQA) predict the subjective effect of generic image degradation, such as artefacts, blurs, bad exposure, or colors. The scarcity of face images in existing IQA datasets (below 10\%) is limiting the precision of IQA required for accurately filtering low-quality face images or guiding CV models for face image processing, such as super-resolution, image enhancement, and generation. In this paper, we first introduce the largest annotated IQA database to date that contains 20,000 human faces (an order of magnitude larger than all existing rated datasets of faces), of diverse individuals, in highly varied circumstances, quality levels, and distortion types. Based on the database, we further propose a novel deep learning model, which re-purposes generative prior features for predicting subjective face quality. By exploiting rich statistics encoded in well-trained generative models, we obtain generative prior information of the images and serve them as latent references to facilitate the blind IQA task. Experimental results demonstrate the superior prediction accuracy of the proposed model on the face IQA task.
Abstract:Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have significantly advanced computational modeling for saliency prediction. However, the inherent inductive biases of convolutional architectures cause insufficient long-range contextual encoding capacity, which potentially makes a saliency model less humanlike. Transformers have shown great potential in encoding long-range information by leveraging the self-attention mechanism. In this paper, we propose a novel saliency model integrating transformer components to CNNs to capture the long-range contextual information. Experimental results show that the new components make improvements, and the proposed model achieves promising results in predicting saliency.
Abstract:In subjective full-reference image quality assessment, differences between perceptual image qualities of the reference image and its distorted versions are evaluated, often using degradation category ratings (DCR). However, the DCR has been criticized since differences between rating categories on this ordinal scale might not be perceptually equidistant, and observers may have different understandings of the categories. Pair comparisons (PC) of distorted images, followed by Thurstonian reconstruction of scale values, overcome these problems. In addition, PC is more sensitive than DCR, and it can provide scale values in fractional, just noticeable difference (JND) units that express a precise perceptional interpretation. Still, the comparison of images of nearly the same quality can be difficult. We introduce boosting techniques embedded in more general triplet comparisons (TC) that increase the sensitivity even more. Boosting amplifies the artefacts of distorted images, enlarges their visual representation by zooming, increases the visibility of the distortions by a flickering effect, or combines some of the above. Experimental results show the effectiveness of boosted TC for seven types of distortion. We crowdsourced over 1.7 million responses to triplet questions. A detailed analysis shows that boosting increases the discriminatory power and allows to reduce the number of subjective ratings without sacrificing the accuracy of the resulting relative image quality values. Our technique paves the way to fine-grained image quality datasets, allowing for more distortion levels, yet with high-quality subjective annotations. We also provide the details for Thurstonian scale reconstruction from TC and our annotated dataset, KonFiG-IQA, containing 10 source images, processed using 7 distortion types at 12 or even 30 levels, uniformly spaced over a span of 3 JND units.
Abstract:Data used to train supervised machine learning models are commonly split into independent training, validation, and test sets. In this paper we illustrate that intricate cases of data leakage have occurred in the no-reference video and image quality assessment literature. We show that the performance results of several recently published journal papers that are well above the best performances in related works, cannot be reached. Our analysis shows that information from the test set was inappropriately used in the training process in different ways. When correcting for the data leakage, the performances of the approaches drop below the state-of-the-art by a large margin. Additionally, we investigate end-to-end variations to the discussed approaches, which do not improve upon the original.