Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany
Abstract:Virtually all verification techniques using formal methods rely on the availability of a formal specification, which describes the design requirements precisely. However, formulating specifications remains a manual task that is notoriously challenging and error-prone. To address this bottleneck in formal verification, recent research has thus focussed on automatically generating specifications for formal verification from examples of (desired and undesired) system behavior. In this survey, we list and compare recent advances in mining specifications in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), the de facto standard specification language for reactive systems. Several approaches have been designed for learning LTL formulas, which address different aspects and settings of specification design. Moreover, the approaches rely on a diverse range of techniques such as constraint solving, neural network training, enumerative search, etc. We survey the current state-of-the-art techniques and compare them for the convenience of the formal methods practitioners.
Abstract:Explaining why and how a tree $t$ structurally differs from another tree $t^*$ is a question that is encountered throughout computer science, including in understanding tree-structured data such as XML or JSON data. In this article, we explore how to learn explanations for structural differences between pairs of trees from sample data: suppose we are given a set $\{(t_1, t_1^*),\dots, (t_n, t_n^*)\}$ of pairs of labelled, ordered trees; is there a small set of rules that explains the structural differences between all pairs $(t_i, t_i^*)$? This raises two research questions: (i) what is a good notion of "rule" in this context?; and (ii) how can sets of rules explaining a data set be learnt algorithmically? We explore these questions from the perspective of database theory by (1) introducing a pattern-based specification language for tree transformations; (2) exploring the computational complexity of variants of the above algorithmic problem, e.g. showing NP-hardness for very restricted variants; and (3) discussing how to solve the problem for data from CS education research using SAT solvers.
Abstract:Formal verification has emerged as a promising method to ensure the safety and reliability of neural networks. Naively verifying a safety property amounts to ensuring the safety of a neural network for the whole input space irrespective of any training or test set. However, this also implies that the safety of the neural network is checked even for inputs that do not occur in the real-world and have no meaning at all, often resulting in spurious errors. To tackle this shortcoming, we propose the VeriFlow architecture as a flow based density model tailored to allow any verification approach to restrict its search to the some data distribution of interest. We argue that our architecture is particularly well suited for this purpose because of two major properties. First, we show that the transformation and log-density function that are defined by our model are piece-wise affine. Therefore, the model allows the usage of verifiers based on SMT with linear arithmetic. Second, upper density level sets (UDL) of the data distribution take the shape of an $L^p$-ball in the latent space. As a consequence, representations of UDLs specified by a given probability are effectively computable in latent space. This allows for SMT and abstract interpretation approaches with fine-grained, probabilistically interpretable, control regarding on how (a)typical the inputs subject to verification are.
Abstract:We present LARL-RM (Large language model-generated Automaton for Reinforcement Learning with Reward Machine) algorithm in order to encode high-level knowledge into reinforcement learning using automaton to expedite the reinforcement learning. Our method uses Large Language Models (LLM) to obtain high-level domain-specific knowledge using prompt engineering instead of providing the reinforcement learning algorithm directly with the high-level knowledge which requires an expert to encode the automaton. We use chain-of-thought and few-shot methods for prompt engineering and demonstrate that our method works using these approaches. Additionally, LARL-RM allows for fully closed-loop reinforcement learning without the need for an expert to guide and supervise the learning since LARL-RM can use the LLM directly to generate the required high-level knowledge for the task at hand. We also show the theoretical guarantee of our algorithm to converge to an optimal policy. We demonstrate that LARL-RM speeds up the convergence by 30% by implementing our method in two case studies.
Abstract:In runtime verification, manually formalizing a specification for monitoring system executions is a tedious and error-prone process. To address this issue, we consider the problem of automatically synthesizing formal specifications from system executions. To demonstrate our approach, we consider the popular specification language Metric Temporal Logic (MTL), which is particularly tailored towards specifying temporal properties for cyber-physical systems (CPS). Most of the classical approaches for synthesizing temporal logic formulas aim at minimizing the size of the formula. However, for efficiency in monitoring, along with the size, the amount of "lookahead" required for the specification becomes relevant, especially for safety-critical applications. We formalize this notion and devise a learning algorithm that synthesizes concise formulas having bounded lookahead. To do so, our algorithm reduces the synthesis task to a series of satisfiability problems in Linear Real Arithmetic (LRA) and generates MTL formulas from their satisfying assignments. The reduction uses a novel encoding of a popular MTL monitoring procedure using LRA. Finally, we implement our algorithm in a tool called TEAL and demonstrate its ability to synthesize efficiently monitorable MTL formulas in a CPS application.
Abstract:The proliferation of large AI models trained on uncurated, often sensitive web-scraped data has raised significant privacy concerns. One of the concerns is that adversaries can extract information about the training data using privacy attacks. Unfortunately, the task of removing specific information from the models without sacrificing performance is not straightforward and has proven to be challenging. We propose a rather easy yet effective defense based on backdoor attacks to remove private information such as names of individuals from models, and focus in this work on text encoders. Specifically, through strategic insertion of backdoors, we align the embeddings of sensitive phrases with those of neutral terms-"a person" instead of the person's name. Our empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our backdoor-based defense on CLIP by assessing its performance using a specialized privacy attack for zero-shot classifiers. Our approach provides not only a new "dual-use" perspective on backdoor attacks, but also presents a promising avenue to enhance the privacy of individuals within models trained on uncurated web-scraped data.
Abstract:We study a class of reinforcement learning (RL) tasks where the objective of the agent is to accomplish temporally extended goals. In this setting, a common approach is to represent the tasks as deterministic finite automata (DFA) and integrate them into the state-space for RL algorithms. However, while these machines model the reward function, they often overlook the causal knowledge about the environment. To address this limitation, we propose the Temporal-Logic-based Causal Diagram (TL-CD) in RL, which captures the temporal causal relationships between different properties of the environment. We exploit the TL-CD to devise an RL algorithm in which an agent requires significantly less exploration of the environment. To this end, based on a TL-CD and a task DFA, we identify configurations where the agent can determine the expected rewards early during an exploration. Through a series of case studies, we demonstrate the benefits of using TL-CDs, particularly the faster convergence of the algorithm to an optimal policy due to reduced exploration of the environment.
Abstract:Anomaly detection is essential in many application domains, such as cyber security, law enforcement, medicine, and fraud protection. However, the decision-making of current deep learning approaches is notoriously hard to understand, which often limits their practical applicability. To overcome this limitation, we propose a framework for learning inherently interpretable anomaly detectors from sequential data. More specifically, we consider the task of learning a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) from a given multi-set of unlabeled sequences. We show that this problem is computationally hard and develop two learning algorithms based on constraint optimization. Moreover, we introduce novel regularization schemes for our optimization problems that improve the overall interpretability of our DFAs. Using a prototype implementation, we demonstrate that our approach shows promising results in terms of accuracy and F1 score.
Abstract:This paper provides the first comprehensive evaluation and analysis of modern (deep-learning) unsupervised anomaly detection methods for chemical process data. We focus on the Tennessee Eastman process dataset, which has been a standard litmus test to benchmark anomaly detection methods for nearly three decades. Our extensive study will facilitate choosing appropriate anomaly detection methods in industrial applications.
Abstract:Learning linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas from examples labeled as positive or negative has found applications in inferring descriptions of system behavior. We summarize two methods to learn LTL formulas from examples in two different problem settings. The first method assumes noise in the labeling of the examples. For that, they define the problem of inferring an LTL formula that must be consistent with most but not all of the examples. The second method considers the other problem of inferring meaningful LTL formulas in the case where only positive examples are given. Hence, the first method addresses the robustness to noise, and the second method addresses the balance between conciseness and specificity (i.e., language minimality) of the inferred formula. The summarized methods propose different algorithms to solve the aforementioned problems, as well as to infer other descriptions of temporal properties, such as signal temporal logic or deterministic finite automata.