Abstract:User-level differentially private stochastic convex optimization (DP-SCO) has garnered significant attention due to the paramount importance of safeguarding user privacy in modern large-scale machine learning applications. Current methods, such as those based on differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD), often struggle with high noise accumulation and suboptimal utility due to the need to privatize every intermediate iterate. In this work, we introduce a novel linear-time algorithm that leverages robust statistics, specifically the median and trimmed mean, to overcome these challenges. Our approach uniquely bounds the sensitivity of all intermediate iterates of SGD with gradient estimation based on robust statistics, thereby significantly reducing the gradient estimation noise for privacy purposes and enhancing the privacy-utility trade-off. By sidestepping the repeated privatization required by previous methods, our algorithm not only achieves an improved theoretical privacy-utility trade-off but also maintains computational efficiency. We complement our algorithm with an information-theoretic lower bound, showing that our upper bound is optimal up to logarithmic factors and the dependence on $\epsilon$. This work sets the stage for more robust and efficient privacy-preserving techniques in machine learning, with implications for future research and application in the field.
Abstract:We propose SCONE ($\textbf{S}$calable, $\textbf{C}$ontextualized, $\textbf{O}$ffloaded, $\textbf{N}$-gram $\textbf{E}$mbedding), a method for extending input embedding layers to enhance language model performance as layer size scales. To avoid increased decoding costs, SCONE retains the original vocabulary while introducing embeddings for a set of frequent $n$-grams. These embeddings provide contextualized representation for each input token and are learned with a separate model during training. During inference, they are precomputed and stored in off-accelerator memory with minimal impact on inference speed. SCONE enables two new scaling strategies: increasing the number of cached $n$-gram embeddings and scaling the model used to learn them, all while maintaining fixed inference-time FLOPS. We show that scaling both aspects allows SCONE to outperform a 1.9B parameter baseline across diverse corpora, while using only half the inference-time FLOPS.
Abstract:Scaling laws have emerged as important components of large language model (LLM) training as they can predict performance gains through scale, and provide guidance on important hyper-parameter choices that would otherwise be expensive. LLMs also rely on large, high-quality training datasets, like those sourced from (sometimes sensitive) user data. Training models on this sensitive user data requires careful privacy protections like differential privacy (DP). However, the dynamics of DP training are significantly different, and consequently their scaling laws are not yet fully understood. In this work, we establish scaling laws that accurately model the intricacies of DP LLM training, providing a complete picture of the compute-privacy-utility tradeoffs and the optimal training configurations in many settings.
Abstract:We introduce the Balls-and-Bins sampling for differentially private (DP) optimization methods such as DP-SGD. While it has been common practice to use some form of shuffling in DP-SGD implementations, privacy accounting algorithms have typically assumed that Poisson subsampling is used instead. Recent work by Chua et al. (ICML 2024) however pointed out that shuffling based DP-SGD can have a much larger privacy cost in practical regimes of parameters. We show that the Balls-and-Bins sampling achieves the "best-of-both" samplers, namely, the implementation of Balls-and-Bins sampling is similar to that of Shuffling and models trained using DP-SGD with Balls-and-Bins sampling achieve utility comparable to those trained using DP-SGD with Shuffling at the same noise multiplier, and yet, Balls-and-Bins sampling enjoys similar-or-better privacy amplification as compared to Poisson subsampling in practical regimes.
Abstract:We provide new lower bounds on the privacy guarantee of the multi-epoch Adaptive Batch Linear Queries (ABLQ) mechanism with shuffled batch sampling, demonstrating substantial gaps when compared to Poisson subsampling; prior analysis was limited to a single epoch. Since the privacy analysis of Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) is obtained by analyzing the ABLQ mechanism, this brings into serious question the common practice of implementing shuffling-based DP-SGD, but reporting privacy parameters as if Poisson subsampling was used. To understand the impact of this gap on the utility of trained machine learning models, we introduce a practical approach to implement Poisson subsampling at scale using massively parallel computation, and efficiently train models with the same. We compare the utility of models trained with Poisson-subsampling-based DP-SGD, and the optimistic estimates of utility when using shuffling, via our new lower bounds on the privacy guarantee of ABLQ with shuffling.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) achieve good performance on challenging reasoning benchmarks, yet could also make basic reasoning mistakes. This contrasting behavior is puzzling when it comes to understanding the mechanisms behind LLMs' reasoning capabilities. One hypothesis is that the increasingly high and nearly saturated performance on common reasoning benchmarks could be due to the memorization of similar problems. In this paper, we systematically investigate this hypothesis with a quantitative measurement of memorization in reasoning tasks, using a dynamically generated logical reasoning benchmark based on Knights and Knaves (K&K) puzzles. We found that LLMs could interpolate the training puzzles (achieving near-perfect accuracy) after fine-tuning, yet fail when those puzzles are slightly perturbed, suggesting that the models heavily rely on memorization to solve those training puzzles. On the other hand, we show that while fine-tuning leads to heavy memorization, it also consistently improves generalization performance. In-depth analyses with perturbation tests, cross difficulty-level transferability, probing model internals, and fine-tuning with wrong answers suggest that the LLMs learn to reason on K&K puzzles despite training data memorization. This phenomenon indicates that LLMs exhibit a complex interplay between memorization and genuine reasoning abilities. Finally, our analysis with per-sample memorization score sheds light on how LLMs switch between reasoning and memorization in solving logical puzzles. Our code and data are available at https://memkklogic.github.io.
Abstract:We study differential privacy (DP) in a multi-party setting where each party only trusts a (known) subset of the other parties with its data. Specifically, given a trust graph where vertices correspond to parties and neighbors are mutually trusting, we give a DP algorithm for aggregation with a much better privacy-utility trade-off than in the well-studied local model of DP (where each party trusts no other party). We further study a robust variant where each party trusts all but an unknown subset of at most $t$ of its neighbors (where $t$ is a given parameter), and give an algorithm for this setting. We complement our algorithms with lower bounds, and discuss implications of our work to other tasks in private learning and analytics.
Abstract:We study the differentially private (DP) empirical risk minimization (ERM) problem under the semi-sensitive DP setting where only some features are sensitive. This generalizes the Label DP setting where only the label is sensitive. We give improved upper and lower bounds on the excess risk for DP-ERM. In particular, we show that the error only scales polylogarithmically in terms of the sensitive domain size, improving upon previous results that scale polynomially in the sensitive domain size (Ghazi et al., 2021).
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are typically multilingual due to pretraining on diverse multilingual corpora. But can these models relate corresponding concepts across languages, effectively being crosslingual? This study evaluates six state-of-the-art LLMs on inherently crosslingual tasks. We observe that while these models show promising surface-level crosslingual abilities on machine translation and embedding space analyses, they struggle with deeper crosslingual knowledge transfer, revealing a crosslingual knowledge barrier in both general (MMLU benchmark) and domain-specific (Harry Potter quiz) contexts. We observe that simple inference-time mitigation methods offer only limited improvement. On the other hand, we propose fine-tuning of LLMs on mixed-language data, which effectively reduces these gaps, even when using out-of-domain datasets like WikiText. Our findings suggest the need for explicit optimization to unlock the full crosslingual potential of LLMs. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/google-research/crosslingual-knowledge-barriers.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for tackling complex tasks across diverse domains, but they also raise privacy concerns when fine-tuned on sensitive data due to potential memorization. While differential privacy (DP) offers a promising solution by ensuring models are `almost indistinguishable' with or without any particular privacy unit, current evaluations on LLMs mostly treat each example (text record) as the privacy unit. This leads to uneven user privacy guarantees when contributions per user vary. We therefore study user-level DP motivated by applications where it necessary to ensure uniform privacy protection across users. We present a systematic evaluation of user-level DP for LLM fine-tuning on natural language generation tasks. Focusing on two mechanisms for achieving user-level DP guarantees, Group Privacy and User-wise DP-SGD, we investigate design choices like data selection strategies and parameter tuning for the best privacy-utility tradeoff.