Abstract:Paired inspiratory-expiratory CT scans enable the quantification of gas trapping due to small airway disease and emphysema by analyzing lung tissue motion in COPD patients. Deformable image registration of these scans assesses regional lung volumetric changes. However, variations in reconstruction kernels between paired scans introduce errors in quantitative analysis. This work proposes a two-stage pipeline to harmonize reconstruction kernels and perform deformable image registration using data acquired from the COPDGene study. We use a cycle generative adversarial network (GAN) to harmonize inspiratory scans reconstructed with a hard kernel (BONE) to match expiratory scans reconstructed with a soft kernel (STANDARD). We then deformably register the expiratory scans to inspiratory scans. We validate harmonization by measuring emphysema using a publicly available segmentation algorithm before and after harmonization. Results show harmonization significantly reduces emphysema measurement inconsistencies, decreasing median emphysema scores from 10.479% to 3.039%, with a reference median score of 1.305% from the STANDARD kernel as the target. Registration accuracy is evaluated via Dice overlap between emphysema regions on inspiratory, expiratory, and deformed images. The Dice coefficient between inspiratory emphysema masks and deformably registered emphysema masks increases significantly across registration stages (p<0.001). Additionally, we demonstrate that deformable registration is robust to kernel variations.
Abstract:Estimated brain age from magnetic resonance image (MRI) and its deviation from chronological age can provide early insights into potential neurodegenerative diseases, supporting early detection and implementation of prevention strategies. Diffusion MRI (dMRI), a widely used modality for brain age estimation, presents an opportunity to build an earlier biomarker for neurodegenerative disease prediction because it captures subtle microstructural changes that precede more perceptible macrostructural changes. However, the coexistence of macro- and micro-structural information in dMRI raises the question of whether current dMRI-based brain age estimation models are leveraging the intended microstructural information or if they inadvertently rely on the macrostructural information. To develop a microstructure-specific brain age, we propose a method for brain age identification from dMRI that minimizes the model's use of macrostructural information by non-rigidly registering all images to a standard template. Imaging data from 13,398 participants across 12 datasets were used for the training and evaluation. We compare our brain age models, trained with and without macrostructural information minimized, with an architecturally similar T1-weighted (T1w) MRI-based brain age model and two state-of-the-art T1w MRI-based brain age models that primarily use macrostructural information. We observe difference between our dMRI-based brain age and T1w MRI-based brain age across stages of neurodegeneration, with dMRI-based brain age being older than T1w MRI-based brain age in participants transitioning from cognitively normal (CN) to mild cognitive impairment (MCI), but younger in participants already diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Approximately 4 years before MCI diagnosis, dMRI-based brain age yields better performance than T1w MRI-based brain ages in predicting transition from CN to MCI.
Abstract:Purpose: Diffusion weighted MRI (dMRI) and its models of neural structure provide insight into human brain organization and variations in white matter. A recent study by McMaster, et al. showed that complex graph measures of the connectome, the graphical representation of a tractogram, vary with spatial sampling changes, but biases introduced by anisotropic voxels in the process have not been well characterized. This study uses microstructural measures (fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity) and white matter bundle properties (bundle volume, length, and surface area) to further understand the effect of anisotropic voxels on microstructure and tractography. Methods: The statistical significance of the selected measures derived from dMRI data were assessed by comparing three white matter bundles at different spatial resolutions with 44 subjects from the Human Connectome Project Young Adult dataset scan/rescan data using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. The original isotropic resolution (1.25 mm isotropic) was explored with six anisotropic resolutions with 0.25 mm incremental steps in the z dimension. Then, all generated resolutions were upsampled to 1.25 mm isotropic and 1 mm isotropic. Results: There were statistically significant differences between at least one microstructural and one bundle measure at every resolution (p less than or equal to 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Cohen's d coefficient evaluated the effect size of anisotropic voxels on microstructure and tractography. Conclusion: Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity cannot be recovered with basic up sampling from low quality data with gold standard data. However, the bundle measures from tractogram become more repeatable when voxels are resampled to 1 mm isotropic.
Abstract:To date, there has been no comprehensive study characterizing the effect of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging voxel resolution on the resulting connectome for high resolution subject data. Similarity in results improved with higher resolution, even after initial down-sampling. To ensure robust tractography and connectomes, resample data to 1 mm isotropic resolution.
Abstract:Connectivity matrices derived from diffusion MRI (dMRI) provide an interpretable and generalizable way of understanding the human brain connectome. However, dMRI suffers from inter-site and between-scanner variation, which impedes analysis across datasets to improve robustness and reproducibility of results. To evaluate different harmonization approaches on connectivity matrices, we compared graph measures derived from these matrices before and after applying three harmonization techniques: mean shift, ComBat, and CycleGAN. The sample comprises 168 age-matched, sex-matched normal subjects from two studies: the Vanderbilt Memory and Aging Project (VMAP) and the Biomarkers of Cognitive Decline Among Normal Individuals (BIOCARD). First, we plotted the graph measures and used coefficient of variation (CoV) and the Mann-Whitney U test to evaluate different methods' effectiveness in removing site effects on the matrices and the derived graph measures. ComBat effectively eliminated site effects for global efficiency and modularity and outperformed the other two methods. However, all methods exhibited poor performance when harmonizing average betweenness centrality. Second, we tested whether our harmonization methods preserved correlations between age and graph measures. All methods except for CycleGAN in one direction improved correlations between age and global efficiency and between age and modularity from insignificant to significant with p-values less than 0.05.
Abstract:The reconstruction kernel in computed tomography (CT) generation determines the texture of the image. Consistency in reconstruction kernels is important as the underlying CT texture can impact measurements during quantitative image analysis. Harmonization (i.e., kernel conversion) minimizes differences in measurements due to inconsistent reconstruction kernels. Existing methods investigate harmonization of CT scans in single or multiple manufacturers. However, these methods require paired scans of hard and soft reconstruction kernels that are spatially and anatomically aligned. Additionally, a large number of models need to be trained across different kernel pairs within manufacturers. In this study, we adopt an unpaired image translation approach to investigate harmonization between and across reconstruction kernels from different manufacturers by constructing a multipath cycle generative adversarial network (GAN). We use hard and soft reconstruction kernels from the Siemens and GE vendors from the National Lung Screening Trial dataset. We use 50 scans from each reconstruction kernel and train a multipath cycle GAN. To evaluate the effect of harmonization on the reconstruction kernels, we harmonize 50 scans each from Siemens hard kernel, GE soft kernel and GE hard kernel to a reference Siemens soft kernel (B30f) and evaluate percent emphysema. We fit a linear model by considering the age, smoking status, sex and vendor and perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the emphysema scores. Our approach minimizes differences in emphysema measurement and highlights the impact of age, sex, smoking status and vendor on emphysema quantification.
Abstract:The accuracy of predictive models for solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) diagnosis can be greatly increased by incorporating repeat imaging and medical context, such as electronic health records (EHRs). However, clinically routine modalities such as imaging and diagnostic codes can be asynchronous and irregularly sampled over different time scales which are obstacles to longitudinal multimodal learning. In this work, we propose a transformer-based multimodal strategy to integrate repeat imaging with longitudinal clinical signatures from routinely collected EHRs for SPN classification. We perform unsupervised disentanglement of latent clinical signatures and leverage time-distance scaled self-attention to jointly learn from clinical signatures expressions and chest computed tomography (CT) scans. Our classifier is pretrained on 2,668 scans from a public dataset and 1,149 subjects with longitudinal chest CTs, billing codes, medications, and laboratory tests from EHRs of our home institution. Evaluation on 227 subjects with challenging SPNs revealed a significant AUC improvement over a longitudinal multimodal baseline (0.824 vs 0.752 AUC), as well as improvements over a single cross-section multimodal scenario (0.809 AUC) and a longitudinal imaging-only scenario (0.741 AUC). This work demonstrates significant advantages with a novel approach for co-learning longitudinal imaging and non-imaging phenotypes with transformers.
Abstract:Anatomically consistent field-of-view (FOV) completion to recover truncated body sections has important applications in quantitative analyses of computed tomography (CT) with limited FOV. Existing solution based on conditional generative models relies on the fidelity of synthetic truncation patterns at training phase, which poses limitations for the generalizability of the method to potential unknown types of truncation. In this study, we evaluate a zero-shot method based on a pretrained unconditional generative diffusion prior, where truncation pattern with arbitrary forms can be specified at inference phase. In evaluation on simulated chest CT slices with synthetic FOV truncation, the method is capable of recovering anatomically consistent body sections and subcutaneous adipose tissue measurement error caused by FOV truncation. However, the correction accuracy is inferior to the conditionally trained counterpart.