Abstract:Multifractal analysis (MFA) provides a framework for the global characterization of image textures by describing the spatial fluctuations of their local regularity based on the multifractal spectrum. Several works have shown the interest of using MFA for the description of homogeneous textures in images. Nevertheless, natural images can be composed of several textures and, in turn, multifractal properties associated with those textures. This paper introduces a Bayesian multifractal segmentation method to model and segment multifractal textures by jointly estimating the multifractal parameters and labels on images. For this, a computationally and statistically efficient multifractal parameter estimation model for wavelet leaders is firstly developed, defining different multifractality parameters to different regions of an image. Then, a multiscale Potts Markov random field is introduced as a prior to model the inherent spatial and scale correlations between the labels of the wavelet leaders. A Gibbs sampling methodology is employed to draw samples from the posterior distribution of the parameters. Numerical experiments are conducted on synthetic multifractal images to evaluate the performance of the proposed segmentation approach. The proposed method achieves superior performance compared to traditional unsupervised segmentation techniques as well as modern deep learning-based approaches, showing its effectiveness for multifractal image segmentation.
Abstract:Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are advanced sensors capable of detecting individual photons and recording their arrival times with picosecond resolution using time-correlated Single-Photon Counting detection techniques. They are used in various applications, such as LiDAR, and can capture high-speed sequences of binary single-photon images, offering great potential for reconstructing 3D environments with high motion dynamics. To complement single-photon data, they are often paired with conventional passive cameras, which capture high-resolution (HR) intensity images at a lower frame rate. However, 3D reconstruction from SPAD data faces challenges. Aggregating multiple binary measurements improves precision and reduces noise but can cause motion blur in dynamic scenes. Additionally, SPAD arrays often have lower resolution than passive cameras. To address these issues, we propose a novel computational imaging algorithm to improve the 3D reconstruction of moving scenes from SPAD data by addressing the motion blur and increasing the native spatial resolution. We adopt a plug-and-play approach within an optimization scheme alternating between guided video super-resolution of the 3D scene, and precise image realignment using optical flow. Experiments on synthetic data show significantly improved image resolutions across various signal-to-noise ratios and photon levels. We validate our method using real-world SPAD measurements on three practical situations with dynamic objects. First on fast-moving scenes in laboratory conditions at short range; second very low resolution imaging of people with a consumer-grade SPAD sensor from STMicroelectronics; and finally, HR imaging of people walking outdoors in daylight at a range of 325 meters under eye-safe illumination conditions using a short-wave infrared SPAD camera. These results demonstrate the robustness and versatility of our approach.
Abstract:Deploying 3D single-photon Lidar imaging in real world applications faces several challenges due to imaging in high noise environments and with sensors having limited resolution. This paper presents a deep learning algorithm based on unrolling a Bayesian model for the reconstruction and super-resolution of 3D single-photon Lidar. The resulting algorithm benefits from the advantages of both statistical and learning based frameworks, providing best estimates with improved network interpretability. Compared to existing learning-based solutions, the proposed architecture requires a reduced number of trainable parameters, is more robust to noise and mismodelling of the system impulse response function, and provides richer information about the estimates including uncertainty measures. Results on synthetic and real data show competitive results regarding the quality of the inference and computational complexity when compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. This short paper is based on contributions published in [1] and [2].
Abstract:3D single-photon LiDAR imaging has an important role in many applications. However, full deployment of this modality will require the analysis of low signal to noise ratio target returns and a very high volume of data. This is particularly evident when imaging through obscurants or in high ambient background light conditions. This paper proposes a multiscale approach for 3D surface detection from the photon timing histogram to permit a significant reduction in data volume. The resulting surfaces are background-free and can be used to infer depth and reflectivity information about the target. We demonstrate this by proposing a hierarchical Bayesian model for 3D reconstruction and spectral classification of multispectral single-photon LiDAR data. The reconstruction method promotes spatial correlation between point-cloud estimates and uses a coordinate gradient descent algorithm for parameter estimation. Results on simulated and real data show the benefits of the proposed target detection and reconstruction approaches when compared to state-of-the-art processing algorithms
Abstract:Deploying 3D single-photon Lidar imaging in real world applications faces multiple challenges including imaging in high noise environments. Several algorithms have been proposed to address these issues based on statistical or learning-based frameworks. Statistical methods provide rich information about the inferred parameters but are limited by the assumed model correlation structures, while deep learning methods show state-of-the-art performance but limited inference guarantees, preventing their extended use in critical applications. This paper unrolls a statistical Bayesian algorithm into a new deep learning architecture for robust image reconstruction from single-photon Lidar data, i.e., the algorithm's iterative steps are converted into neural network layers. The resulting algorithm benefits from the advantages of both statistical and learning based frameworks, providing best estimates with improved network interpretability. Compared to existing learning-based solutions, the proposed architecture requires a reduced number of trainable parameters, is more robust to noise and mismodelling effects, and provides richer information about the estimates including uncertainty measures. Results on synthetic and real data show competitive results regarding the quality of the inference and computational complexity when compared to state-of-the-art algorithms.
Abstract:The process of tracking human anatomy in computer vision is referred to pose estimation, and it is used in fields ranging from gaming to surveillance. Three-dimensional pose estimation traditionally requires advanced equipment, such as multiple linked intensity cameras or high-resolution time-of-flight cameras to produce depth images. However, there are applications, e.g.~consumer electronics, where significant constraints are placed on the size, power consumption, weight and cost of the usable technology. Here, we demonstrate that computational imaging methods can achieve accurate pose estimation and overcome the apparent limitations of time-of-flight sensors designed for much simpler tasks. The sensor we use is already widely integrated in consumer-grade mobile devices, and despite its low spatial resolution, only 4$\times$4 pixels, our proposed Pixels2Pose system transforms its data into accurate depth maps and 3D pose data of multiple people up to a distance of 3 m from the sensor. We are able to generate depth maps at a resolution of 32$\times$32 and 3D localization of a body parts with an error of only $\approx$10 cm at a frame rate of 7 fps. This work opens up promising real-life applications in scenarios that were previously restricted by the advanced hardware requirements and cost of time-of-flight technology.
Abstract:3D single-photon LiDAR imaging plays an important role in numerous applications. However, long acquisition times and significant data volumes present a challenge to LiDAR imaging. This paper proposes a task-optimized adaptive sampling framework that enables fast acquisition and processing of high-dimensional single-photon LiDAR data. Given a task of interest, the iterative sampling strategy targets the most informative regions of a scene which are defined as those minimizing parameter uncertainties. The task is performed by considering a Bayesian model that is carefully built to allow fast per-pixel computations while delivering parameter estimates with quantified uncertainties. The framework is demonstrated on multispectral 3D single-photon LiDAR imaging when considering object classification and/or target detection as tasks. It is also analysed for both sequential and parallel scanning modes for different detector array sizes. Results on simulated and real data show the benefit of the proposed optimized sampling strategy when compared to fixed sampling strategies.
Abstract:3D time-of-flight (ToF) imaging is used in a variety of applications such as augmented reality (AR), computer interfaces, robotics and autonomous systems. Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are one of the enabling technologies providing accurate depth data even over long ranges. By developing SPADs in array format with integrated processing combined with pulsed, flood-type illumination, high-speed 3D capture is possible. However, array sizes tend to be relatively small, limiting the lateral resolution of the resulting depth maps, and, consequently, the information that can be extracted from the image for applications such as object detection. In this paper, we demonstrate that these limitations can be overcome through the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for high-performance object detection. We present outdoor results from a portable SPAD camera system that outputs 16-bin photon timing histograms with 64x32 spatial resolution. The results, obtained with exposure times down to 2 ms (equivalent to 500 FPS) and in signal-to-background (SBR) ratios as low as 0.05, point to the advantages of providing the CNN with full histogram data rather than point clouds alone. Alternatively, a combination of point cloud and active intensity data may be used as input, for a similar level of performance. In either case, the GPU-accelerated processing time is less than 1 ms per frame, leading to an overall latency (image acquisition plus processing) in the millisecond range, making the results relevant for safety-critical computer vision applications which would benefit from faster than human reaction times.
Abstract:3D Lidar imaging can be a challenging modality when using multiple wavelengths, or when imaging in high noise environments (e.g., imaging through obscurants). This paper presents a hierarchical Bayesian algorithm for the robust reconstruction of multispectral single-photon Lidar data in such environments. The algorithm exploits multi-scale information to provide robust depth and reflectivity estimates together with their uncertainties to help with decision making. The proposed weight-based strategy allows the use of available guide information that can be obtained by using state-of-the-art learning based algorithms. The proposed Bayesian model and its estimation algorithm are validated on both synthetic and real images showing competitive results regarding the quality of the inferences and the computational complexity when compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms.
Abstract:Three-dimensional imaging plays an important role in imaging applications where it is necessary to record depth. The number of applications that use depth imaging is increasing rapidly, and examples include self-driving autonomous vehicles and auto-focus assist on smartphone cameras. Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) via single-photon sensitive detector (SPAD) arrays is an emerging technology that enables the acquisition of depth images at high frame rates. However, the spatial resolution of this technology is typically low in comparison to the intensity images recorded by conventional cameras. To increase the native resolution of depth images from a SPAD camera, we develop a deep network built specifically to take advantage of the multiple features that can be extracted from a camera's histogram data. The network is designed for a SPAD camera operating in a dual-mode such that it captures alternate low resolution depth and high resolution intensity images at high frame rates, thus the system does not require any additional sensor to provide intensity images. The network then uses the intensity images and multiple features extracted from downsampled histograms to guide the upsampling of the depth. Our network provides significant image resolution enhancement and image denoising across a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios and photon levels. We apply the network to a range of 3D data, demonstrating denoising and a four-fold resolution enhancement of depth.