Abstract:One key characteristic of the Chinese spelling check (CSC) task is that incorrect characters are usually similar to the correct ones in either phonetics or glyph. To accommodate this, previous works usually leverage confusion sets, which suffer from two problems, i.e., difficulty in determining which character pairs to include and lack of probabilities to distinguish items in the set. In this paper, we propose a light-weight plug-and-play DISC (i.e., decoding intervention with similarity of characters) module for CSC models.DISC measures phonetic and glyph similarities between characters and incorporates this similarity information only during the inference phase. This method can be easily integrated into various existing CSC models, such as ReaLiSe, SCOPE, and ReLM, without additional training costs. Experiments on three CSC benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed method significantly improves model performance, approaching and even surpassing the current state-of-the-art models.
Abstract:Inspired by early research on exploring naturally annotated data for Chinese Word Segmentation (CWS), and also by recent research on integration of speech and text processing, this work for the first time proposes to explicitly mine word boundaries from speech-text parallel data. We employ the Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA) toolkit to perform character-level alignment on speech-text data, giving pauses as candidate word boundaries. Based on detailed analysis of collected pauses, we propose an effective probability-based strategy for filtering unreliable word boundaries. To more effectively utilize word boundaries as extra training data, we also propose a robust complete-then-train (CTT) strategy. We conduct cross-domain CWS experiments on two target domains, i.e., ZX and AISHELL2. We have annotated about 1,000 sentences as the evaluation data of AISHELL2. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Abstract:This work proposes a simple training-free prompt-free approach to leverage large language models (LLMs) for the Chinese spelling correction (CSC) task, which is totally different from all previous CSC approaches. The key idea is to use an LLM as a pure language model in a conventional manner. The LLM goes through the input sentence from the beginning, and at each inference step, produces a distribution over its vocabulary for deciding the next token, given a partial sentence. To ensure that the output sentence remains faithful to the input sentence, we design a minimal distortion model that utilizes pronunciation or shape similarities between the original and replaced characters. Furthermore, we propose two useful reward strategies to address practical challenges specific to the CSC task. Experiments on five public datasets demonstrate that our approach significantly improves LLM performance, enabling them to compete with state-of-the-art domain-general CSC models.
Abstract:Revealing the syntactic structure of sentences in Chinese poses significant challenges for word-level parsers due to the absence of clear word boundaries. To facilitate a transition from word-level to character-level Chinese dependency parsing, this paper proposes modeling latent internal structures within words. In this way, each word-level dependency tree is interpreted as a forest of character-level trees. A constrained Eisner algorithm is implemented to ensure the compatibility of character-level trees, guaranteeing a single root for intra-word structures and establishing inter-word dependencies between these roots. Experiments on Chinese treebanks demonstrate the superiority of our method over both the pipeline framework and previous joint models. A detailed analysis reveals that a coarse-to-fine parsing strategy empowers the model to predict more linguistically plausible intra-word structures.
Abstract:While recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) bring us closer to achieving artificial general intelligence, the question persists: Do LLMs truly understand language, or do they merely mimic comprehension through pattern recognition? This study seeks to explore this question through the lens of syntax, a crucial component of sentence comprehension. Adopting a natural language question-answering (Q&A) scheme, we craft questions targeting nine syntactic knowledge points that are most closely related to sentence comprehension. Experiments conducted on 24 LLMs suggest that most have a limited grasp of syntactic knowledge, exhibiting notable discrepancies across different syntactic knowledge points. In particular, questions involving prepositional phrase attachment pose the greatest challenge, whereas those concerning adjectival modifier and indirect object are relatively easier for LLMs to handle. Furthermore, a case study on the training dynamics of the LLMs reveals that the majority of syntactic knowledge is learned during the initial stages of training, hinting that simply increasing the number of training tokens may not be the `silver bullet' for improving the comprehension ability of LLMs.
Abstract:The sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) approach has recently been widely used in grammatical error correction (GEC) and shows promising performance. However, the Seq2Seq GEC approach still suffers from two issues. First, a Seq2Seq GEC model can only be trained on parallel data, which, in GEC task, is often noisy and limited in quantity. Second, the decoder of a Seq2Seq GEC model lacks an explicit awareness of the correctness of the token being generated. In this paper, we propose a unified decoding intervention framework that employs an external critic to assess the appropriateness of the token to be generated incrementally, and then dynamically influence the choice of the next token. We discover and investigate two types of critics: a pre-trained left-to-right language model critic and an incremental target-side grammatical error detector critic. Through extensive experiments on English and Chinese datasets, our framework consistently outperforms strong baselines and achieves results competitive with state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:This work visits the topic of jointly parsing constituency and dependency trees, i.e., to produce compatible constituency and dependency trees simultaneously for input sentences, which is attractive considering that the two types of trees are complementary in representing syntax. Compared with previous works, we make progress in four aspects: (1) adopting a much more efficient decoding algorithm, (2) exploring joint modeling at the training phase, instead of only at the inference phase, (3) proposing high-order scoring components for constituent-dependency interaction, (4) gaining more insights via in-depth experiments and analysis.
Abstract:We introduce NaSGEC, a new dataset to facilitate research on Chinese grammatical error correction (CGEC) for native speaker texts from multiple domains. Previous CGEC research primarily focuses on correcting texts from a single domain, especially learner essays. To broaden the target domain, we annotate multiple references for 12,500 sentences from three native domains, i.e., social media, scientific writing, and examination. We provide solid benchmark results for NaSGEC by employing cutting-edge CGEC models and different training data. We further perform detailed analyses of the connections and gaps between our domains from both empirical and statistical views. We hope this work can inspire future studies on an important but under-explored direction--cross-domain GEC.
Abstract:Recent years have seen remarkable progress in automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, traditional token-level ASR models have struggled with accurately transcribing entities due to the problem of homophonic and near-homophonic tokens. This paper introduces a novel approach called CopyNE, which uses a span-level copying mechanism to improve ASR in transcribing entities. CopyNE can copy all tokens of an entity at once, effectively avoiding errors caused by homophonic or near-homophonic tokens that occur when predicting multiple tokens separately. Experiments on Aishell and ST-cmds datasets demonstrate that CopyNE achieves significant reductions in character error rate (CER) and named entity CER (NE-CER), especially in entity-rich scenarios. Furthermore, even when compared to the strong Whisper baseline, CopyNE still achieves notable reductions in CER and NE-CER. Qualitative comparisons with previous approaches demonstrate that CopyNE can better handle entities, effectively improving the accuracy of ASR.
Abstract:Recently, Zhang et al. (2022) propose a syntax-aware grammatical error correction (GEC) approach, named SynGEC, showing that incorporating tailored dependency-based syntax of the input sentence is quite beneficial to GEC. This work considers another mainstream syntax formalism, i.e., constituent-based syntax. By drawing on the successful experience of SynGEC, we first propose an extended constituent-based syntax scheme to accommodate errors in ungrammatical sentences. Then, we automatically obtain constituency trees of ungrammatical sentences to train a GEC-oriented constituency parser by using parallel GEC data as a pivot. For syntax encoding, we employ the graph convolutional network (GCN). Experimental results show that our method, named CSynGEC, yields substantial improvements over strong baselines. Moreover, we investigate the integration of constituent-based and dependency-based syntax for GEC in two ways: 1) intra-model combination, which means using separate GCNs to encode both kinds of syntax for decoding in a single model; 2)inter-model combination, which means gathering and selecting edits predicted by different models to achieve final corrections. We find that the former method improves recall over using one standalone syntax formalism while the latter improves precision, and both lead to better F0.5 values.