Abstract:Imagination in world models is crucial for enabling agents to learn long-horizon policy in a sample-efficient manner. Existing recurrent state-space model (RSSM)-based world models depend on single-step statistical inference to capture the environment dynamics, and, hence, they are unable to perform long-term imagination tasks due to the accumulation of prediction errors. Inspired by the dual-process theory of human cognition, we propose a novel dual-mind world model (DMWM) framework that integrates logical reasoning to enable imagination with logical consistency. DMWM is composed of two components: an RSSM-based System 1 (RSSM-S1) component that handles state transitions in an intuitive manner and a logic-integrated neural network-based System 2 (LINN-S2) component that guides the imagination process through hierarchical deep logical reasoning. The inter-system feedback mechanism is designed to ensure that the imagination process follows the logical rules of the real environment. The proposed framework is evaluated on benchmark tasks that require long-term planning from the DMControl suite. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework yields significant improvements in terms of logical coherence, trial efficiency, data efficiency and long-term imagination over the state-of-the-art world models.
Abstract:The emergence of optical intelligent reflecting surface (OIRS) technologies marks a milestone in optical wireless communication (OWC) systems, enabling enhanced control over light propagation in indoor environments. This capability allows for the customization of channel conditions to achieve specific performance goals. This paper presents an enhancement in downlink cell-free OWC networks through the integration of OIRS. The key focus is on fine-tuning crucial parameters, including transmit power, receiver orientations, OIRS elements allocation, and strategic placement. In particular, a multi-objective optimization problem (MOOP) aimed at simultaneously improving the network's spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) while adhering to the network's quality of service (QoS) constraints is formulated. The problem is solved by employing the $\epsilon$-constraint method to convert the MOOP into a single-objective optimization problem and solving it through successive convex approximation. Simulation results show the significant impact of OIRS on SE and EE, confirming its effectiveness in improving OWC network performance.
Abstract:Multi-task large language models (MTLLMs) are important for many applications at the wireless edge, where users demand specialized models to handle multiple tasks efficiently. However, training MTLLMs is complex and exhaustive, particularly when tasks are subject to change. Recently, the concept of model fusion via task vectors has emerged as an efficient approach for combining fine-tuning parameters to produce an MTLLM. In this paper, the problem of enabling edge users to collaboratively craft such MTTLMs via tasks vectors is studied, under the assumption of worst-case adversarial attacks. To this end, first the influence of adversarial noise to multi-task model fusion is investigated and a relationship between the so-called weight disentanglement error and the mean squared error (MSE) is derived. Using hypothesis testing, it is directly shown that the MSE increases interference between task vectors, thereby rendering model fusion ineffective. Then, a novel resilient MTLLM fusion (R-MTLLMF) is proposed, which leverages insights about the LLM architecture and fine-tuning process to safeguard task vector aggregation under adversarial noise by realigning the MTLLM. The proposed R-MTLLMF is then compared for both worst-case and ideal transmission scenarios to study the impact of the wireless channel. Extensive model fusion experiments with vision LLMs demonstrate R-MTLLMF's effectiveness, achieving close-to-baseline performance across eight different tasks in ideal noise scenarios and significantly outperforming unprotected model fusion in worst-case scenarios. The results further advocate for additional physical layer protection for a holistic approach to resilience, from both a wireless and LLM perspective.
Abstract:Path planning is a complex problem for many practical applications, particularly in robotics. Existing algorithms, however, are exhaustive in nature and become increasingly complex when additional side constraints are incorporated alongside distance minimization. In this paper, a novel approach using vision language models (VLMs) is proposed for enabling path planning in complex wireless-aware environments. To this end, insights from a digital twin (DT) with real-world wireless ray tracing data are explored in order to guarantee an average path gain threshold while minimizing the trajectory length. First, traditional approaches such as A* are compared to several wireless-aware extensions, and an optimal iterative dynamic programming approach (DP-WA*) is derived, which fully takes into account all path gains and distance metrics within the DT. On the basis of these baselines, the role of VLMs as an alternative assistant for path planning is investigated, and a strategic chain-of-thought tasking (SCoTT) approach is proposed. SCoTT divides the complex planning task into several subproblems and solves each with advanced CoT prompting. Results show that SCoTT achieves very close average path gains compared to DP-WA* while at the same time yielding consistently shorter path lengths. The results also show that VLMs can be used to accelerate DP-WA* by efficiently reducing the algorithm's search space and thus saving up to 62\% in execution time. This work underscores the potential of VLMs in future digital systems as capable assistants for solving complex tasks, while enhancing user interaction and accelerating rapid prototyping under diverse wireless constraints.
Abstract:Causal models seek to unravel the cause-effect relationships among variables from observed data, as opposed to mere mappings among them, as traditional regression models do. This paper introduces a novel causal discovery algorithm designed for settings in which variables exhibit linearly sparse relationships. In such scenarios, the causal links represented by directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) can be encapsulated in a structural matrix. The proposed approach leverages the structural matrix's ability to reconstruct data and the statistical properties it imposes on the data to identify the correct structural matrix. This method does not rely on independence tests or graph fitting procedures, making it suitable for scenarios with limited training data. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the well-known PC, GES, BIC exact search, and LINGAM-based methods in recovering linearly sparse causal structures.
Abstract:In this paper, a novel generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL)-powered policy learning approach is proposed for optimizing beamforming, spectrum allocation, and remote user equipment (RUE) association in NTNs. Traditional reinforcement learning (RL) methods for wireless network optimization often rely on manually designed reward functions, which can require extensive parameter tuning. To overcome these limitations, we employ inverse RL (IRL), specifically leveraging the GAIL framework, to automatically learn reward functions without manual design. We augment this framework with an asynchronous federated learning approach, enabling decentralized multi-satellite systems to collaboratively derive optimal policies. The proposed method aims to maximize spectrum efficiency (SE) while meeting minimum information rate requirements for RUEs. To address the non-convex, NP-hard nature of this problem, we combine the many-to-one matching theory with a multi-agent asynchronous federated IRL (MA-AFIRL) framework. This allows agents to learn through asynchronous environmental interactions, improving training efficiency and scalability. The expert policy is generated using the Whale optimization algorithm (WOA), providing data to train the automatic reward function within GAIL. Simulation results show that the proposed MA-AFIRL method outperforms traditional RL approaches, achieving a $14.6\%$ improvement in convergence and reward value. The novel GAIL-driven policy learning establishes a novel benchmark for 6G NTN optimization.
Abstract:Semantic communications (SC) is an emerging communication paradigm in which wireless devices can send only relevant information from a source of data while relying on computing resources to regenerate missing data points. However, the design of a multi-user SC system becomes more challenging because of the computing and communication overhead required for coordination. Existing solutions for learning the semantic language and performing resource allocation often fail to capture the computing and communication tradeoffs involved in multiuser SC. To address this gap, a novel framework for decentralized computing and communication resource allocation in multiuser SC systems is proposed. The challenge of efficiently allocating communication and computing resources (for reasoning) in a decentralized manner to maximize the quality of task experience for the end users is addressed through the application of Stackelberg hyper game theory. Leveraging the concept of second-level hyper games, novel analytical formulations are developed to model misperceptions of the users about each other's communication and control strategies. Further, equilibrium analysis of the learned resource allocation protocols examines the convergence of the computing and communication strategies to a local Stackelberg equilibria, considering misperceptions. Simulation results show that the proposed Stackelberg hyper game results in efficient usage of communication and computing resources while maintaining a high quality of experience for the users compared to state-of-the-art that does not account for the misperceptions.
Abstract:Split federated learning (SFL) is a compute-efficient paradigm in distributed machine learning (ML), where components of large ML models are outsourced to remote servers. A significant challenge in SFL, particularly when deployed over wireless channels, is the susceptibility of transmitted model parameters to adversarial jamming that could jeopardize the learning process. This is particularly pronounced for word embedding parameters in large language models (LLMs), which are crucial for language understanding. In this paper, rigorous insights are provided into the influence of jamming LLM word embeddings in SFL by deriving an expression for the ML training loss divergence and showing that it is upper-bounded by the mean squared error (MSE). Based on this analysis, a physical layer framework is developed for resilient SFL with LLMs (R-SFLLM) over wireless networks. R-SFLLM leverages wireless sensing data to gather information on the jamming directions-of-arrival (DoAs) for the purpose of devising a novel, sensing-assisted anti-jamming strategy while jointly optimizing beamforming, user scheduling, and resource allocation. Extensive experiments using BERT and RoBERTa models demonstrate R-SFLLM's effectiveness, achieving close-to-baseline performance across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks and datasets. The proposed methodology further introduces an adversarial training component, where controlled noise exposure significantly enhances the LLM's resilience to perturbed parameters during training. The results show that more noise-sensitive models, such as RoBERTa, benefit from this feature, especially when resource allocation is unfair. It is also shown that worst-case jamming in particular translates into worst-case model outcomes, thereby necessitating the need for jamming-resilient SFL protocols.
Abstract:The Internet of Sounds (IoS) combines sound sensing, processing, and transmission techniques, enabling collaboration among diverse sound devices. To achieve perceptual quality of sound synchronization in the IoS, it is necessary to precisely synchronize three critical factors: sound quality, timing, and behavior control. However, conventional bit-oriented communication, which focuses on bit reproduction, may not be able to fulfill these synchronization requirements under dynamic channel conditions. One promising approach to address the synchronization challenges of the IoS is through the use of semantic communication (SC) that can capture and leverage the logical relationships in its source data. Consequently, in this paper, we propose an IoS-centric SC framework with a transceiver design. The designed encoder extracts semantic information from diverse sources and transmits it to IoS listeners. It can also distill important semantic information to reduce transmission latency for timing synchronization. At the receiver's end, the decoder employs context- and knowledge-based reasoning techniques to reconstruct and integrate sounds, which achieves sound quality synchronization across diverse communication environments. Moreover, by periodically sharing knowledge, SC models of IoS devices can be updated to optimize their synchronization behavior. Finally, we explore several open issues on mathematical models, resource allocation, and cross-layer protocols.
Abstract:Sixth-generation (6G) networks leverage simultaneously transmitting and reflecting reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (STAR-RISs) to overcome the limitations of traditional RISs. STAR-RISs offer 360-degree full-space coverage and optimized transmission and reflection for enhanced network performance and dynamic control of the indoor propagation environment. However, deploying STAR-RISs indoors presents challenges in interference mitigation, power consumption, and real-time configuration. In this work, a novel network architecture utilizing multiple access points (APs) and STAR-RISs is proposed for indoor communication. An optimization problem encompassing user assignment, access point beamforming, and STAR-RIS phase control for reflection and transmission is formulated. The inherent complexity of the formulated problem necessitates a decomposition approach for an efficient solution. This involves tackling different sub-problems with specialized techniques: a many-to-one matching algorithm is employed to assign users to appropriate access points, optimizing resource allocation. To facilitate efficient resource management, access points are grouped using a correlation-based K-means clustering algorithm. Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) is leveraged to optimize the control of the STAR-RIS. Within the proposed MADRL framework, a novel approach is introduced where each decision variable acts as an independent agent, enabling collaborative learning and decision-making. Additionally, the proposed MADRL approach incorporates convex approximation (CA). This technique utilizes suboptimal solutions from successive convex approximation (SCA) to accelerate policy learning for the agents, thereby leading to faster environment adaptation and convergence. Simulations demonstrate significant network utility improvements compared to baseline approaches.