Abstract:Imagination in world models is crucial for enabling agents to learn long-horizon policy in a sample-efficient manner. Existing recurrent state-space model (RSSM)-based world models depend on single-step statistical inference to capture the environment dynamics, and, hence, they are unable to perform long-term imagination tasks due to the accumulation of prediction errors. Inspired by the dual-process theory of human cognition, we propose a novel dual-mind world model (DMWM) framework that integrates logical reasoning to enable imagination with logical consistency. DMWM is composed of two components: an RSSM-based System 1 (RSSM-S1) component that handles state transitions in an intuitive manner and a logic-integrated neural network-based System 2 (LINN-S2) component that guides the imagination process through hierarchical deep logical reasoning. The inter-system feedback mechanism is designed to ensure that the imagination process follows the logical rules of the real environment. The proposed framework is evaluated on benchmark tasks that require long-term planning from the DMControl suite. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework yields significant improvements in terms of logical coherence, trial efficiency, data efficiency and long-term imagination over the state-of-the-art world models.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel graph kernel method for the wireless link scheduling problem in device-to-device (D2D) networks on Riemannian manifold. The link scheduling problem can be considered as a binary classification problem since each D2D pair can only hold the state active or inactive. Our goal is to learn a novel metric that facilitates the design of an efficient but less computationally demanding machine learning (ML) solution for the binary classification task of link scheduling problem that requires no channel state information (CSI) and a fewer number of training samples as opposed to other benchmark ML algorithms. To this aim, we first represent the wireless D2D network as a graph and model the features of each D2D pair, including its communication and interference links, as regularized (i.e., positively-shifted) Laplacian matrices which are symmetric positive definite (SPD) one. By doing so, we represent the feature information of each D2D pair as a point on the SPD manifold, and we analyze the topology through Riemannian geometry. We compute the Riemannian metric, e.g., Log-Euclidean metric (LEM), which are suitable distance measures between the regularized Laplacian matrices. The LEM is then utilized to define a positive definite graph kernel for the binary classification of the link scheduling decisions. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed graph Kernel-based method is computationally less demanding and achieves a sum rate of more than 95% of benchmark algorithm FPLinQ [1] for 10 D2D pairs without using CSI and less than a hundred training network layouts.