Abstract:We consider the problem of estimating causal effects from observational data in the presence of network confounding. In this context, an individual's treatment assignment and outcomes may be affected by their neighbors within the network. We propose a novel matching technique which leverages hyperdimensional computing to model network information and improve predictive performance. We present results of extensive experiments which show that the proposed method outperforms or is competitive with the state-of-the-art methods for causal effect estimation from network data, including advanced computationally demanding deep learning methods. Further, our technique benefits from simplicity and speed, with roughly an order of magnitude lower runtime compared to state-of-the-art methods, while offering similar causal effect estimation error rates.
Abstract:Tabular data remains one of the most prevalent data types across a wide range of real-world applications, yet effective representation learning for this domain poses unique challenges due to its irregular patterns, heterogeneous feature distributions, and complex inter-column dependencies. This survey provides a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art techniques in tabular data representation learning, structured around three foundational design elements: training data, neural architectures, and learning objectives. Unlike prior surveys that focus primarily on either architecture design or learning strategies, we adopt a holistic perspective that emphasizes the universality and robustness of representation learning methods across diverse downstream tasks. We examine recent advances in data augmentation and generation, specialized neural network architectures tailored to tabular data, and innovative learning objectives that enhance representation quality. Additionally, we highlight the growing influence of self-supervised learning and the adaptation of transformer-based foundation models for tabular data. Our review is based on a systematic literature search using rigorous inclusion criteria, encompassing 127 papers published since 2020 in top-tier conferences and journals. Through detailed analysis and comparison, we identify emerging trends, critical gaps, and promising directions for future research, aiming to guide the development of more generalizable and effective tabular data representation methods.
Abstract:We demonstrate the ability of large language models (LLMs) to perform material and molecular property regression tasks, a significant deviation from the conventional LLM use case. We benchmark the Large Language Model Meta AI (LLaMA) 3 on several molecular properties in the QM9 dataset and 24 materials properties. Only composition-based input strings are used as the model input and we fine tune on only the generative loss. We broadly find that LLaMA 3, when fine-tuned using the SMILES representation of molecules, provides useful regression results which can rival standard materials property prediction models like random forest or fully connected neural networks on the QM9 dataset. Not surprisingly, LLaMA 3 errors are 5-10x higher than those of the state-of-the-art models that were trained using far more granular representation of molecules (e.g., atom types and their coordinates) for the same task. Interestingly, LLaMA 3 provides improved predictions compared to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4o. This work highlights the versatility of LLMs, suggesting that LLM-like generative models can potentially transcend their traditional applications to tackle complex physical phenomena, thus paving the way for future research and applications in chemistry, materials science and other scientific domains.
Abstract:Matching is one of the simplest approaches for estimating causal effects from observational data. Matching techniques compare the observed outcomes across pairs of individuals with similar covariate values but different treatment statuses in order to estimate causal effects. However, traditional matching techniques are unreliable given high-dimensional covariates due to the infamous curse of dimensionality. To overcome this challenge, we propose a simple, fast, yet highly effective approach to matching using Random Hyperplane Tessellations (RHPT). First, we prove that the RHPT representation is an approximate balancing score -- thus maintaining the strong ignorability assumption -- and provide empirical evidence for this claim. Second, we report results of extensive experiments showing that matching using RHPT outperforms traditional matching techniques and is competitive with state-of-the-art deep learning methods for causal effect estimation. In addition, RHPT avoids the need for computationally expensive training of deep neural networks.
Abstract:We present a novel, simple, fast, and efficient approach for semi-supervised learning on graphs. The proposed approach takes advantage of hyper-dimensional computing which encodes data samples using random projections into a high dimensional space (HD space for short). Specifically, we propose a Hyper-dimensional Graph Learning (HDGL) algorithm that leverages the injectivity property of the node representations of a family of graph neural networks. HDGL maps node features to the HD space and then uses HD operators such as bundling and binding to aggregate information from the local neighborhood of each node. Results of experiments with widely used benchmark data sets show that HDGL achieves predictive performance that is competitive with the state-of-the-art deep learning methods, without the need for computationally expensive training.
Abstract:Many decision-making scenarios, e.g., public policy, healthcare, business, and disaster response, require accommodating the preferences of multiple stakeholders. We offer the first formal treatment of reasoning with multi-stakeholder qualitative preferences in a setting where stakeholders express their preferences in a qualitative preference language, e.g., CP-net, CI-net, TCP-net, CP-Theory. We introduce a query language for expressing queries against such preferences over sets of outcomes that satisfy specified criteria, e.g., $\mlangpref{\psi_1}{\psi_2}{A}$ (read loosely as the set of outcomes satisfying $\psi_1$ that are preferred over outcomes satisfying $\psi_2$ by a set of stakeholders $A$). Motivated by practical application scenarios, we introduce and analyze several alternative semantics for such queries, and examine their interrelationships. We provide a provably correct algorithm for answering multi-stakeholder qualitative preference queries using model checking in alternation-free $\mu$-calculus. We present experimental results that demonstrate the feasibility of our approach.
Abstract:The increasing reliance on online communities for healthcare information by patients and caregivers has led to the increase in the spread of misinformation, or subjective, anecdotal and inaccurate or non-specific recommendations, which, if acted on, could cause serious harm to the patients. Hence, there is an urgent need to connect users with accurate and tailored health information in a timely manner to prevent such harm. This paper proposes an innovative approach to suggesting reliable information to participants in online communities as they move through different stages in their disease or treatment. We hypothesize that patients with similar histories of disease progression or course of treatment would have similar information needs at comparable stages. Specifically, we pose the problem of predicting topic tags or keywords that describe the future information needs of users based on their profiles, traces of their online interactions within the community (past posts, replies) and the profiles and traces of online interactions of other users with similar profiles and similar traces of past interaction with the target users. The result is a variant of the collaborative information filtering or recommendation system tailored to the needs of users of online health communities. We report results of our experiments on an expert curated data set which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over the state of the art baselines with respect to accurate and timely prediction of topic tags (and hence information sources of interest).
Abstract:Network telescopes or "Darknets" provide a unique window into Internet-wide malicious activities associated with malware propagation, denial of service attacks, scanning performed for network reconnaissance, and others. Analyses of the resulting data can provide actionable insights to security analysts that can be used to prevent or mitigate cyber-threats. Large Darknets, however, observe millions of nefarious events on a daily basis which makes the transformation of the captured information into meaningful insights challenging. We present a novel framework for characterizing Darknet behavior and its temporal evolution aiming to address this challenge. The proposed framework: (i) Extracts a high dimensional representation of Darknet events composed of features distilled from Darknet data and other external sources; (ii) Learns, in an unsupervised fashion, an information-preserving low-dimensional representation of these events (using deep representation learning) that is amenable to clustering; (iv) Performs clustering of the scanner data in the resulting representation space and provides interpretable insights using optimal decision trees; and (v) Utilizes the clustering outcomes as "signatures" that can be used to detect structural changes in the Darknet activities. We evaluate the proposed system on a large operational Network Telescope and demonstrate its ability to detect real-world, high-impact cybersecurity incidents.
Abstract:Time series data is prevalent in a wide variety of real-world applications and it calls for trustworthy and explainable models for people to understand and fully trust decisions made by AI solutions. We consider the problem of building explainable classifiers from multi-variate time series data. A key criterion to understand such predictive models involves elucidating and quantifying the contribution of time varying input variables to the classification. Hence, we introduce a novel, modular, convolution-based feature extraction and attention mechanism that simultaneously identifies the variables as well as time intervals which determine the classifier output. We present results of extensive experiments with several benchmark data sets that show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline methods on multi-variate time series classification task. The results of our case studies demonstrate that the variables and time intervals identified by the proposed method make sense relative to available domain knowledge.
Abstract:With the increasing adoption of predictive models trained using machine learning across a wide range of high-stakes applications, e.g., health care, security, criminal justice, finance, and education, there is a growing need for effective techniques for explaining such models and their predictions. We aim to address this problem in settings where the predictive model is a black box; That is, we can only observe the response of the model to various inputs, but have no knowledge about the internal structure of the predictive model, its parameters, the objective function, and the algorithm used to optimize the model. We reduce the problem of interpreting a black box predictive model to that of estimating the causal effects of each of the model inputs on the model output, from observations of the model inputs and the corresponding outputs. We estimate the causal effects of model inputs on model output using variants of the Rubin Neyman potential outcomes framework for estimating causal effects from observational data. We show how the resulting causal attribution of responsibility for model output to the different model inputs can be used to interpret the predictive model and to explain its predictions. We present results of experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to the interpretation of black box predictive models via causal attribution in the case of deep neural network models trained on one synthetic data set (where the input variables that impact the output variable are known by design) and two real-world data sets: Handwritten digit classification, and Parkinson's disease severity prediction. Because our approach does not require knowledge about the predictive model algorithm and is free of assumptions regarding the black box predictive model except that its input-output responses be observable, it can be applied, in principle, to any black box predictive model.