Abstract:Quantifying prediction uncertainty when applying object detection models to new, unlabeled datasets is critical in applied machine learning. This study introduces an approach to estimate the performance of deep learning-based object detection models for quantifying defects in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, focusing on detecting irradiation-induced cavities in TEM images of metal alloys. We developed a random forest regression model that predicts the object detection F1 score, a statistical metric used to evaluate the ability to accurately locate and classify objects of interest. The random forest model uses features extracted from the predictions of the object detection model whose uncertainty is being quantified, enabling fast prediction on new, unlabeled images. The mean absolute error (MAE) for predicting F1 of the trained model on test data is 0.09, and the $R^2$ score is 0.77, indicating there is a significant correlation between the random forest regression model predicted and true defect detection F1 scores. The approach is shown to be robust across three distinct TEM image datasets with varying imaging and material domains. Our approach enables users to estimate the reliability of a defect detection and segmentation model predictions and assess the applicability of the model to their specific datasets, providing valuable information about possible domain shifts and whether the model needs to be fine-tuned or trained on additional data to be maximally effective for the desired use case.
Abstract:Materials design often relies on human-generated hypotheses, a process inherently limited by cognitive constraints such as knowledge gaps and limited ability to integrate and extract knowledge implications, particularly when multidisciplinary expertise is required. This work demonstrates that large language models (LLMs), coupled with prompt engineering, can effectively generate non-trivial materials hypotheses by integrating scientific principles from diverse sources without explicit design guidance by human experts. These include design ideas for high-entropy alloys with superior cryogenic properties and halide solid electrolytes with enhanced ionic conductivity and formability. These design ideas have been experimentally validated in high-impact publications in 2023 not available in the LLM training data, demonstrating the LLM's ability to generate highly valuable and realizable innovative ideas not established in the literature. Our approach primarily leverages materials system charts encoding processing-structure-property relationships, enabling more effective data integration by condensing key information from numerous papers, and evaluation and categorization of numerous hypotheses for human cognition, both through the LLM. This LLM-driven approach opens the door to new avenues of artificial intelligence-driven materials discovery by accelerating design, democratizing innovation, and expanding capabilities beyond the designer's direct knowledge.
Abstract:We demonstrate the ability of large language models (LLMs) to perform material and molecular property regression tasks, a significant deviation from the conventional LLM use case. We benchmark the Large Language Model Meta AI (LLaMA) 3 on several molecular properties in the QM9 dataset and 24 materials properties. Only composition-based input strings are used as the model input and we fine tune on only the generative loss. We broadly find that LLaMA 3, when fine-tuned using the SMILES representation of molecules, provides useful regression results which can rival standard materials property prediction models like random forest or fully connected neural networks on the QM9 dataset. Not surprisingly, LLaMA 3 errors are 5-10x higher than those of the state-of-the-art models that were trained using far more granular representation of molecules (e.g., atom types and their coordinates) for the same task. Interestingly, LLaMA 3 provides improved predictions compared to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4o. This work highlights the versatility of LLMs, suggesting that LLM-like generative models can potentially transcend their traditional applications to tackle complex physical phenomena, thus paving the way for future research and applications in chemistry, materials science and other scientific domains.
Abstract:The integration of machine learning (ML) models enhances the efficiency, affordability, and reliability of feature detection in microscopy, yet their development and applicability are hindered by the dependency on scarce and often flawed manually labeled datasets and a lack of domain awareness. We addressed these challenges by creating a physics-based synthetic image and data generator, resulting in a machine learning model that achieves comparable precision (0.86), recall (0.63), F1 scores (0.71), and engineering property predictions (R2=0.82) to a model trained on human-labeled data. We enhanced both models by using feature prediction confidence scores to derive an image-wide confidence metric, enabling simple thresholding to eliminate ambiguous and out-of-domain images resulting in performance boosts of 5-30% with a filtering-out rate of 25%. Our study demonstrates that synthetic data can eliminate human reliance in ML and provides a means for domain awareness in cases where many feature detections per image are needed.
Abstract:Knowledge of the domain of applicability of a machine learning model is essential to ensuring accurate and reliable model predictions. In this work, we develop a new approach of assessing model domain and demonstrate that our approach provides accurate and meaningful designation of in-domain versus out-of-domain when applied across multiple model types and material property data sets. Our approach assesses the distance between a test and training data point in feature space by using kernel density estimation and shows that this distance provides an effective tool for domain determination. We show that chemical groups considered unrelated based on established chemical knowledge exhibit significant dissimilarities by our measure. We also show that high measures of dissimilarity are associated with poor model performance (i.e., high residual magnitudes) and poor estimates of model uncertainty (i.e., unreliable uncertainty estimation). Automated tools are provided to enable researchers to establish acceptable dissimilarity thresholds to identify whether new predictions of their own machine learning models are in-domain versus out-of-domain.
Abstract:Ensemble models can be used to estimate prediction uncertainties in machine learning models. However, an ensemble of N models is approximately N times more computationally demanding compared to a single model when it is used for inference. In this work, we explore fitting a single model to predicted ensemble error bar data, which allows us to estimate uncertainties without the need for a full ensemble. Our approach is based on three models: Model A for predictive accuracy, Model $A_{E}$ for traditional ensemble-based error bar prediction, and Model B, fit to data from Model $A_{E}$, to be used for predicting the values of $A_{E}$ but with only one model evaluation. Model B leverages synthetic data augmentation to estimate error bars efficiently. This approach offers a highly flexible method of uncertainty quantification that can approximate that of ensemble methods but only requires a single extra model evaluation over Model A during inference. We assess this approach on a set of problems in materials science.
Abstract:There has been a growing effort to replace hand extraction of data from research papers with automated data extraction based on natural language processing (NLP), language models (LMs), and recently, large language models (LLMs). Although these methods enable efficient extraction of data from large sets of research papers, they require a significant amount of up-front effort, expertise, and coding. In this work we propose the ChatExtract method that can fully automate very accurate data extraction with essentially no initial effort or background using an advanced conversational LLM (or AI). ChatExtract consists of a set of engineered prompts applied to a conversational LLM that both identify sentences with data, extract data, and assure its correctness through a series of follow-up questions. These follow-up questions address a critical challenge associated with LLMs - their tendency to provide factually inaccurate responses. ChatExtract can be applied with any conversational LLMs and yields very high quality data extraction. In tests on materials data we find precision and recall both over 90% from the best conversational LLMs, likely rivaling or exceeding human accuracy in many cases. We demonstrate that the exceptional performance is enabled by the information retention in a conversational model combined with purposeful redundancy and introducing uncertainty through follow-up prompts. These results suggest that approaches similar to ChatExtract, due to their simplicity, transferability and accuracy are likely to replace other methods of data extraction in the near future.
Abstract:Accurate and comprehensive material databases extracted from research papers are critical for materials science and engineering but require significant human effort to develop. In this paper we present a simple method of extracting materials data from full texts of research papers suitable for quickly developing modest-sized databases. The method requires minimal to no coding, prior knowledge about the extracted property, or model training, and provides high recall and almost perfect precision in the resultant database. The method is fully automated except for one human-assisted step, which typically requires just a few hours of human labor. The method builds on top of natural language processing and large general language models but can work with almost any such model. The language models GPT-3/3.5, bart and DeBERTaV3 are evaluated here for comparison. We provide a detailed detailed analysis of the methods performance in extracting bulk modulus data, obtaining up to 90% precision at 96% recall, depending on the amount of human effort involved. We then demonstrate the methods broader effectiveness by developing a database of critical cooling rates for metallic glasses.
Abstract:Speckle patterns produced by coherent X-ray have a close relationship with the internal structure of materials but quantitative inversion of the relationship to determine structure from images is challenging. Here, we investigate the link between coherent X-ray speckle patterns and sample structures using a model 2D disk system and explore the ability of machine learning to learn aspects of the relationship. Specifically, we train a deep neural network to classify the coherent X-ray speckle pattern images according to the disk number density in the corresponding structure. It is demonstrated that the classification system is accurate for both non-disperse and disperse size distributions.
Abstract:In this work, we perform semantic segmentation of multiple defect types in electron microscopy images of irradiated FeCrAl alloys using a deep learning Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network (Mask R-CNN) model. We conduct an in-depth analysis of key model performance statistics, with a focus on quantities such as predicted distributions of defect shapes, defect sizes, and defect areal densities relevant to informing modeling and understanding of irradiated Fe-based materials properties. To better understand the performance and present limitations of the model, we provide examples of useful evaluation tests which include a suite of random splits, and dataset size-dependent and domain-targeted cross validation tests. Overall, we find that the current model is a fast, effective tool for automatically characterizing and quantifying multiple defect types in microscopy images, with a level of accuracy on par with human domain expert labelers. More specifically, the model can achieve average defect identification F1 scores as high as 0.8, and, based on random cross validation, have low overall average (+/- standard deviation) defect size and density percentage errors of 7.3 (+/- 3.8)% and 12.7 (+/- 5.3)%, respectively. Further, our model predicts the expected material hardening to within 10-20 MPa (about 10% of total hardening), which is about the same error level as experiments. Our targeted evaluation tests also suggest the best path toward improving future models is not expanding existing databases with more labeled images but instead data additions that target weak points of the model domain, such as images from different microscopes, imaging conditions, irradiation environments, and alloy types. Finally, we discuss the first phase of an effort to provide an easy-to-use, open-source object detection tool to the broader community for identifying defects in new images.