Abstract:The discovery of new materials is essential for enabling technological advancements. Computational approaches for predicting novel materials must effectively learn the manifold of stable crystal structures within an infinite design space. We introduce Open Materials Generation (OMG), a unifying framework for the generative design and discovery of inorganic crystalline materials. OMG employs stochastic interpolants (SI) to bridge an arbitrary base distribution to the target distribution of inorganic crystals via a broad class of tunable stochastic processes, encompassing both diffusion models and flow matching as special cases. In this work, we adapt the SI framework by integrating an equivariant graph representation of crystal structures and extending it to account for periodic boundary conditions in unit cell representations. Additionally, we couple the SI flow over spatial coordinates and lattice vectors with discrete flow matching for atomic species. We benchmark OMG's performance on two tasks: Crystal Structure Prediction (CSP) for specified compositions, and 'de novo' generation (DNG) aimed at discovering stable, novel, and unique structures. In our ground-up implementation of OMG, we refine and extend both CSP and DNG metrics compared to previous works. OMG establishes a new state-of-the-art in generative modeling for materials discovery, outperforming purely flow-based and diffusion-based implementations. These results underscore the importance of designing flexible deep learning frameworks to accelerate progress in materials science.
Abstract:Stability in recurrent neural models poses a significant challenge, particularly in developing biologically plausible neurodynamical models that can be seamlessly trained. Traditional cortical circuit models are notoriously difficult to train due to expansive nonlinearities in the dynamical system, leading to an optimization problem with nonlinear stability constraints that are difficult to impose. Conversely, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) excel in tasks involving sequential data but lack biological plausibility and interpretability. In this work, we address these challenges by linking dynamic divisive normalization (DN) to the stability of ORGaNICs, a biologically plausible recurrent cortical circuit model that dynamically achieves DN and has been shown to simulate a wide range of neurophysiological phenomena. By using the indirect method of Lyapunov, we prove the remarkable property of unconditional local stability for an arbitrary-dimensional ORGaNICs circuit when the recurrent weight matrix is the identity. We thus connect ORGaNICs to a system of coupled damped harmonic oscillators, which enables us to derive the circuit's energy function, providing a normative principle of what the circuit, and individual neurons, aim to accomplish. Further, for a generic recurrent weight matrix, we prove the stability of the 2D model and demonstrate empirically that stability holds in higher dimensions. Finally, we show that ORGaNICs can be trained by backpropagation through time without gradient clipping/scaling, thanks to its intrinsic stability property and adaptive time constants, which address the problems of exploding, vanishing, and oscillating gradients. By evaluating the model's performance on RNN benchmarks, we find that ORGaNICs outperform alternative neurodynamical models on static image classification tasks and perform comparably to LSTMs on sequential tasks.
Abstract:A force field as accurate as quantum mechanics (QM) and as fast as molecular mechanics (MM), with which one can simulate a biomolecular system efficiently enough and meaningfully enough to get quantitative insights, is among the most ardent dreams of biophysicists -- a dream, nevertheless, not to be fulfilled any time soon. Machine learning force fields (MLFFs) represent a meaningful endeavor towards this direction, where differentiable neural functions are parametrized to fit ab initio energies, and furthermore forces through automatic differentiation. We argue that, as of now, the utility of the MLFF models is no longer bottlenecked by accuracy but primarily by their speed (as well as stability and generalizability), as many recent variants, on limited chemical spaces, have long surpassed the chemical accuracy of $1$ kcal/mol -- the empirical threshold beyond which realistic chemical predictions are possible -- though still magnitudes slower than MM. Hoping to kindle explorations and designs of faster, albeit perhaps slightly less accurate MLFFs, in this review, we focus our attention on the design space (the speed-accuracy tradeoff) between MM and ML force fields. After a brief review of the building blocks of force fields of either kind, we discuss the desired properties and challenges now faced by the force field development community, survey the efforts to make MM force fields more accurate and ML force fields faster, envision what the next generation of MLFF might look like.
Abstract:Machine learning techniques are being increasingly used as flexible non-linear fitting and prediction tools in the physical sciences. Fitting functions that exhibit multiple solutions as local minima can be analysed in terms of the corresponding machine learning landscape. Methods to explore and visualise molecular potential energy landscapes can be applied to these machine learning landscapes to gain new insight into the solution space involved in training and the nature of the corresponding predictions. In particular, we can define quantities analogous to molecular structure, thermodynamics, and kinetics, and relate these emergent properties to the structure of the underlying landscape. This Perspective aims to describe these analogies with examples from recent applications, and suggest avenues for new interdisciplinary research.
Abstract:Conventional Monte Carlo simulations are stochastic in the sense that the acceptance of a trial move is decided by comparing a computed acceptance probability with a random number, uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. Here we consider the case that the weight determining the acceptance probability itself is fluctuating. This situation is common in many numerical studies. We show that it is possible to construct a rigorous Monte Carlo algorithm that visits points in state space with a probability proportional to their average weight. The same approach has the potential to transform the methodology of a certain class of high-throughput experiments or the analysis of noisy datasets.