Abstract:Certified robustness circumvents the fragility of defences against adversarial attacks, by endowing model predictions with guarantees of class invariance for attacks up to a calculated size. While there is value in these certifications, the techniques through which we assess their performance do not present a proper accounting of their strengths and weaknesses, as their analysis has eschewed consideration of performance over individual samples in favour of aggregated measures. By considering the potential output space of certified models, this work presents two distinct approaches to improve the analysis of certification mechanisms, that allow for both dataset-independent and dataset-dependent measures of certification performance. Embracing such a perspective uncovers new certification approaches, which have the potential to more than double the achievable radius of certification, relative to current state-of-the-art. Empirical evaluation verifies that our new approach can certify $9\%$ more samples at noise scale $\sigma = 1$, with greater relative improvements observed as the difficulty of the predictive task increases.
Abstract:Poisoning attacks can disproportionately influence model behaviour by making small changes to the training corpus. While defences against specific poisoning attacks do exist, they in general do not provide any guarantees, leaving them potentially countered by novel attacks. In contrast, by examining worst-case behaviours Certified Defences make it possible to provide guarantees of the robustness of a sample against adversarial attacks modifying a finite number of training samples, known as pointwise certification. We achieve this by exploiting both Differential Privacy and the Sampled Gaussian Mechanism to ensure the invariance of prediction for each testing instance against finite numbers of poisoned examples. In doing so, our model provides guarantees of adversarial robustness that are more than twice as large as those provided by prior certifications.
Abstract:Aspect-based sentiment analysis is a long-standing research interest in the field of opinion mining, and in recent years, researchers have gradually shifted their focus from simple ABSA subtasks to end-to-end multi-element ABSA tasks. However, the datasets currently used in the research are limited to individual elements of specific tasks, usually focusing on in-domain settings, ignoring implicit aspects and opinions, and with a small data scale. To address these issues, we propose a large-scale Multi-Element Multi-Domain dataset (MEMD) that covers the four elements across five domains, including nearly 20,000 review sentences and 30,000 quadruples annotated with explicit and implicit aspects and opinions for ABSA research. Meanwhile, we evaluate generative and non-generative baselines on multiple ABSA subtasks under the open domain setting, and the results show that open domain ABSA as well as mining implicit aspects and opinions remain ongoing challenges to be addressed. The datasets are publicly released at \url{https://github.com/NUSTM/MEMD-ABSA}.
Abstract:In image denoising, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can obtain favorable performance on removing spatially invariant noise. However, many of these networks cannot perform well on removing the real noise (i.e. spatially variant noise) generated during image acquisition or transmission, which severely sets back their application in practical image denoising tasks. Instead of continuously increasing the network depth, many researchers have revealed that expanding the width of networks can also be a useful way to improve model performance. It also has been verified that feature filtering can promote the learning ability of the models. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel Dual-branch Residual Attention Network (DRANet) for image denoising, which has both the merits of a wide model architecture and attention-guided feature learning. The proposed DRANet includes two different parallel branches, which can capture complementary features to enhance the learning ability of the model. We designed a new residual attention block (RAB) and a novel hybrid dilated residual attention block (HDRAB) for the upper and the lower branches, respectively. The RAB and HDRAB can capture rich local features through multiple skip connections between different convolutional layers, and the unimportant features are dropped by the residual attention modules. Meanwhile, the long skip connections in each branch, and the global feature fusion between the two parallel branches can capture the global features as well. Moreover, the proposed DRANet uses downsampling operations and dilated convolutions to increase the size of the receptive field, which can enable DRANet to capture more image context information. Extensive experiments demonstrate that compared with other state-of-the-art denoising methods, our DRANet can produce competitive denoising performance both on synthetic and real-world noise removal.
Abstract:In guaranteeing that no adversarial examples exist within a bounded region, certification mechanisms play an important role in neural network robustness. Concerningly, this work demonstrates that the certification mechanisms themselves introduce a new, heretofore undiscovered attack surface, that can be exploited by attackers to construct smaller adversarial perturbations. While these attacks exist outside the certification region in no way invalidate certifications, minimising a perturbation's norm significantly increases the level of difficulty associated with attack detection. In comparison to baseline attacks, our new framework yields smaller perturbations more than twice as frequently as any other approach, resulting in an up to $34 \%$ reduction in the median perturbation norm. That this approach also requires $90 \%$ less computational time than approaches like PGD. That these reductions are possible suggests that exploiting this new attack vector would allow attackers to more frequently construct hard to detect adversarial attacks, by exploiting the very systems designed to defend deployed models.
Abstract:In response to subtle adversarial examples flipping classifications of neural network models, recent research has promoted certified robustness as a solution. There, invariance of predictions to all norm-bounded attacks is achieved through randomised smoothing of network inputs. Today's state-of-the-art certifications make optimal use of the class output scores at the input instance under test: no better radius of certification (under the $L_2$ norm) is possible given only these score. However, it is an open question as to whether such lower bounds can be improved using local information around the instance under test. In this work, we demonstrate how today's "optimal" certificates can be improved by exploiting both the transitivity of certifications, and the geometry of the input space, giving rise to what we term Geometrically-Informed Certified Robustness. By considering the smallest distance to points on the boundary of a set of certifications this approach improves certifications for more than $80\%$ of Tiny-Imagenet instances, yielding an on average $5 \%$ increase in the associated certification. When incorporating training time processes that enhance the certified radius, our technique shows even more promising results, with a uniform $4$ percentage point increase in the achieved certified radius.
Abstract:Spreadsheet table detection is the task of detecting all tables on a given sheet and locating their respective ranges. Automatic table detection is a key enabling technique and an initial step in spreadsheet data intelligence. However, the detection task is challenged by the diversity of table structures and table layouts on the spreadsheet. Considering the analogy between a cell matrix as spreadsheet and a pixel matrix as image, and encouraged by the successful application of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in computer vision, we have developed TableSense, a novel end-to-end framework for spreadsheet table detection. First, we devise an effective cell featurization scheme to better leverage the rich information in each cell; second, we develop an enhanced convolutional neural network model for table detection to meet the domain-specific requirement on precise table boundary detection; third, we propose an effective uncertainty metric to guide an active learning based smart sampling algorithm, which enables the efficient build-up of a training dataset with 22,176 tables on 10,220 sheets with broad coverage of diverse table structures and layouts. Our evaluation shows that TableSense is highly effective with 91.3\% recall and 86.5\% precision in EoB-2 metric, a significant improvement over both the current detection algorithm that are used in commodity spreadsheet tools and state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks in computer vision.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the NameRec* task, which aims to do highly accurate and fine-grained person name recognition. Traditional Named Entity Recognition models have good performance in recognising well-formed person names from text with consistent and complete syntax, such as news articles. However, there are rapidly growing scenarios where sentences are of incomplete syntax and names are in various forms such as user-generated contents and academic homepages. To address person name recognition in this context, we propose a fine-grained annotation scheme based on anthroponymy. To take full advantage of the fine-grained annotations, we propose a Co-guided Neural Network (CogNN) for person name recognition. CogNN fully explores the intra-sentence context and rich training signals of name forms. To better utilize the inter-sentence context and implicit relations, which are extremely essential for recognizing person names in long documents, we further propose an Inter-sentence BERT Model (IsBERT). IsBERT has an overlapped input processor, and an inter-sentence encoder with bidirectional overlapped contextual embedding learning and multi-hop inference mechanisms. To derive benefit from different documents with a diverse abundance of context, we propose an advanced Adaptive Inter-sentence BERT Model (Ada-IsBERT) to dynamically adjust the inter-sentence overlapping ratio to different documents. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods on both academic homepages and news articles.
Abstract:As facial interaction systems are prevalently deployed, security and reliability of these systems become a critical issue, with substantial research efforts devoted. Among them, face anti-spoofing emerges as an important area, whose objective is to identify whether a presented face is live or spoof. Recently, a large-scale face anti-spoofing dataset, CelebA-Spoof which comprised of 625,537 pictures of 10,177 subjects has been released. It is the largest face anti-spoofing dataset in terms of the numbers of the data and the subjects. This paper reports methods and results in the CelebA-Spoof Challenge 2020 on Face AntiSpoofing which employs the CelebA-Spoof dataset. The model evaluation is conducted online on the hidden test set. A total of 134 participants registered for the competition, and 19 teams made valid submissions. We will analyze the top ranked solutions and present some discussion on future work directions.