Abstract:Accurate segmentation of the aorta and its associated arch branches is crucial for diagnosing aortic diseases. While deep learning techniques have significantly improved aorta segmentation, they remain challenging due to the intricate multiscale structure and the complexity of the surrounding tissues. This paper presents a novel approach for enhancing aorta segmentation using a Bayesian neural network-based hierarchical Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) model. Our model consists of a 3D U-Net stream and a hierarchical LoG stream: the former provides an initial aorta segmentation, and the latter enhances blood vessel detection across varying scales by learning suitable LoG kernels, enabling self-adaptive handling of different parts of the aorta vessels with significant scale differences. We employ a Bayesian method to parameterize the LoG stream and provide confidence intervals for the segmentation results, ensuring robustness and reliability of the prediction for vascular medical image analysts. Experimental results show that our model can accurately segment main and supra-aortic vessels, yielding at least a 3% gain in the Dice coefficient over state-of-the-art methods across multiple volumes drawn from two aorta datasets, and can provide reliable confidence intervals for different parts of the aorta. The code is available at https://github.com/adlsn/LoGBNet.
Abstract:Deep learning (DL) methods have shown remarkable successes in medical image segmentation, often using large amounts of annotated data for model training. However, acquiring a large number of diverse labeled 3D medical image datasets is highly difficult and expensive. Recently, mask propagation DL methods were developed to reduce the annotation burden on 3D medical images. For example, Sli2Vol~\cite{yeung2021sli2vol} proposed a self-supervised framework (SSF) to learn correspondences by matching neighboring slices via slice reconstruction in the training stage; the learned correspondences were then used to propagate a labeled slice to other slices in the test stage. But, these methods are still prone to error accumulation due to the inter-slice propagation of reconstruction errors. Also, they do not handle discontinuities well, which can occur between consecutive slices in 3D images, as they emphasize exploiting object continuity. To address these challenges, in this work, we propose a new SSF, called \proposed, {for segmenting any anatomical structures in 3D medical images using only a single annotated slice per training and testing volume.} Specifically, in the training stage, we first propagate an annotated 2D slice of a training volume to the other slices, generating pseudo-labels (PLs). Then, we develop a novel Object Estimation Guided Correspondence Flow Network to learn reliable correspondences between consecutive slices and corresponding PLs in a self-supervised manner. In the test stage, such correspondences are utilized to propagate a single annotated slice to the other slices of a test volume. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on various medical image segmentation tasks with different datasets, showing better generalizability across different organs, modalities, and modals. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/adlsn/Sli2Volplus}
Abstract:We present FCNR, a fast compressive neural representation for tens of thousands of visualization images under varying viewpoints and timesteps. The existing NeRVI solution, albeit enjoying a high compression ratio, incurs slow speeds in encoding and decoding. Built on the recent advances in stereo image compression, FCNR assimilates stereo context modules and joint context transfer modules to compress image pairs. Our solution significantly improves encoding and decoding speed while maintaining high reconstruction quality and satisfying compression ratio. To demonstrate its effectiveness, we compare FCNR with state-of-the-art neural compression methods, including E-NeRV, HNeRV, NeRVI, and ECSIC. The source code can be found at https://github.com/YunfeiLu0112/FCNR.
Abstract:The Segment Anything Model (SAM) exhibits impressive capabilities in zero-shot segmentation for natural images. Recently, SAM has gained a great deal of attention for its applications in medical image segmentation. However, to our best knowledge, no studies have shown how to harness the power of SAM for medical image classification. To fill this gap and make SAM a true ``foundation model'' for medical image analysis, it is highly desirable to customize SAM specifically for medical image classification. In this paper, we introduce SAMAug-C, an innovative augmentation method based on SAM for augmenting classification datasets by generating variants of the original images. The augmented datasets can be used to train a deep learning classification model, thereby boosting the classification performance. Furthermore, we propose a novel framework that simultaneously processes raw and SAMAug-C augmented image input, capitalizing on the complementary information that is offered by both. Experiments on three public datasets validate the effectiveness of our new approach.
Abstract:Masked Autoencoders (MAEs) have been shown to be effective in pre-training Vision Transformers (ViTs) for natural and medical image analysis problems. By reconstructing missing pixel/voxel information in visible patches, a ViT encoder can aggregate contextual information for downstream tasks. But, existing MAE pre-training methods, which were specifically developed with the ViT architecture, lack the ability to capture geometric shape and spatial information, which is critical for medical image segmentation tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel extension of known MAEs for self pre-training (i.e., models pre-trained on the same target dataset) for 3D medical image segmentation. (1) We propose a new topological loss to preserve geometric shape information by computing topological signatures of both the input and reconstructed volumes, learning geometric shape information. (2) We introduce a pre-text task that predicts the positions of the centers and eight corners of 3D crops, enabling the MAE to aggregate spatial information. (3) We extend the MAE pre-training strategy to a hybrid state-of-the-art (SOTA) medical image segmentation architecture and co-pretrain it alongside the ViT. (4) We develop a fine-tuned model for downstream segmentation tasks by complementing the pre-trained ViT encoder with our pre-trained SOTA model. Extensive experiments on five public 3D segmentation datasets show the effectiveness of our new approach.
Abstract:For predicting cancer survival outcomes, standard approaches in clinical research are often based on two main modalities: pathology images for observing cell morphology features, and genomic (e.g., bulk RNA-seq) for quantifying gene expressions. However, existing pathology-genomic multi-modal algorithms face significant challenges: (1) Valuable biological insights regarding genes and gene-gene interactions are frequently overlooked; (2) one modality often dominates the optimization process, causing inadequate training for the other modality. In this paper, we introduce a new multi-modal ``Path-GPTOmic" framework for cancer survival outcome prediction. First, to extract valuable biological insights, we regulate the embedding space of a foundation model, scGPT, initially trained on single-cell RNA-seq data, making it adaptable for bulk RNA-seq data. Second, to address the imbalance-between-modalities problem, we propose a gradient modulation mechanism tailored to the Cox partial likelihood loss for survival prediction. The contributions of the modalities are dynamically monitored and adjusted during the training process, encouraging that both modalities are sufficiently trained. Evaluated on two TCGA(The Cancer Genome Atlas) datasets, our model achieves substantially improved survival prediction accuracy.
Abstract:The Segment Anything Model (SAM) exhibits a capability to segment a wide array of objects in natural images, serving as a versatile perceptual tool for various downstream image segmentation tasks. In contrast, medical image segmentation tasks often rely on domain-specific knowledge (DSK). In this paper, we propose a novel method that combines the segmentation foundation model (i.e., SAM) with domain-specific knowledge for reliable utilization of unlabeled images in building a medical image segmentation model. Our new method is iterative and consists of two main stages: (1) segmentation model training; (2) expanding the labeled set by using the trained segmentation model, an unlabeled set, SAM, and domain-specific knowledge. These two stages are repeated until no more samples are added to the labeled set. A novel optimal-matching-based method is developed for combining the SAM-generated segmentation proposals and pixel-level and image-level DSK for constructing annotations of unlabeled images in the iterative stage (2). In experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method for breast cancer segmentation in ultrasound images, polyp segmentation in endoscopic images, and skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopic images. Our work initiates a new direction of semi-supervised learning for medical image segmentation: the segmentation foundation model can be harnessed as a valuable tool for label-efficient segmentation learning in medical image segmentation.
Abstract:Modern medical image segmentation methods primarily use discrete representations in the form of rasterized masks to learn features and generate predictions. Although effective, this paradigm is spatially inflexible, scales poorly to higher-resolution images, and lacks direct understanding of object shapes. To address these limitations, some recent works utilized implicit neural representations (INRs) to learn continuous representations for segmentation. However, these methods often directly adopted components designed for 3D shape reconstruction. More importantly, these formulations were also constrained to either point-based or global contexts, lacking contextual understanding or local fine-grained details, respectively--both critical for accurate segmentation. To remedy this, we propose a novel approach, SwIPE (Segmentation with Implicit Patch Embeddings), that leverages the advantages of INRs and predicts shapes at the patch level--rather than at the point level or image level--to enable both accurate local boundary delineation and global shape coherence. Extensive evaluations on two tasks (2D polyp segmentation and 3D abdominal organ segmentation) show that SwIPE significantly improves over recent implicit approaches and outperforms state-of-the-art discrete methods with over 10x fewer parameters. Our method also demonstrates superior data efficiency and improved robustness to data shifts across image resolutions and datasets. Code is available on Github.
Abstract:Spatiotemporal learning, which aims at extracting spatiotemporal correlations from the collected spatiotemporal data, is a research hotspot in recent years. And considering the inherent graph structure of spatiotemporal data, recent works focus on capturing spatial dependencies by utilizing Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) to aggregate vertex features with the guidance of adjacency matrices. In this paper, with extensive and deep-going experiments, we comprehensively analyze existing spatiotemporal graph learning models and reveal that extracting adjacency matrices with carefully design strategies, which are viewed as the key of enhancing performance on graph learning, are largely ineffective. Meanwhile, based on these experiments, we also discover that the aggregation itself is more important than the way that how vertices are aggregated. With these preliminary, a novel efficient Graph-Free Spatial (GFS) learning module based on layer normalization for capturing spatial correlations in spatiotemporal graph learning. The proposed GFS module can be easily plugged into existing models for replacing all graph convolution components. Rigorous theoretical proof demonstrates that the time complexity of GFS is significantly better than that of graph convolution operation. Extensive experiments verify the superiority of GFS in both the perspectives of efficiency and learning effect in processing graph-structured data especially extreme large scale graph data.
Abstract:Understanding of spatial attributes is central to effective 3D radiology image analysis where crop-based learning is the de facto standard. Given an image patch, its core spatial properties (e.g., position & orientation) provide helpful priors on expected object sizes, appearances, and structures through inherent anatomical consistencies. Spatial correspondences, in particular, can effectively gauge semantic similarities between inter-image regions, while their approximate extraction requires no annotations or overbearing computational costs. However, recent 3D contrastive learning approaches either neglect correspondences or fail to maximally capitalize on them. To this end, we propose an extensible 3D contrastive framework (Spade, for Spatial Debiasing) that leverages extracted correspondences to select more effective positive & negative samples for representation learning. Our method learns both globally invariant and locally equivariant representations with downstream segmentation in mind. We also propose separate selection strategies for global & local scopes that tailor to their respective representational requirements. Compared to recent state-of-the-art approaches, Spade shows notable improvements on three downstream segmentation tasks (CT Abdominal Organ, CT Heart, MR Heart).