Abstract:This paper explores the potential of leveraging language priors learned by text-to-image diffusion models to address ambiguity and visual nuisance in monocular depth estimation. Particularly, traditional monocular depth estimation suffers from inherent ambiguity due to the absence of stereo or multi-view depth cues, and nuisance due to lack of robustness of vision. We argue that language prior in diffusion models can enhance monocular depth estimation by leveraging the geometric prior aligned with the language description, which is learned during text-to-image pre-training. To generate images that reflect the text properly, the model must comprehend the size and shape of specified objects, their spatial relationship, and the scale of the scene. Thus, we propose PriorDiffusion, using a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model that takes both image and text description that aligned with the scene to infer affine-invariant depth through a denoising process. We also show that language priors can guide the model's attention to specific regions and help it perceive the 3D scene in alignment with user intent. Simultaneously, it acts as a constraint to accelerate the convergence of the diffusion trajectory, since learning 3D properties from a condensed, low-dimensional language feature is more efficient compared with learning from a redundant, high-dimensional image feature. By training on HyperSim and Virtual KITTI, we achieve state-of-the-art zero-shot performance and a faster convergence speed, compared with other diffusion-based depth estimators, across NYUv2, KITTI, ETH3D, and ScanNet.
Abstract:We propose UnCLe, a standardized benchmark for Unsupervised Continual Learning of a multimodal depth estimation task: Depth completion aims to infer a dense depth map from a pair of synchronized RGB image and sparse depth map. We benchmark depth completion models under the practical scenario of unsupervised learning over continuous streams of data. Existing methods are typically trained on a static, or stationary, dataset. However, when adapting to novel non-stationary distributions, they "catastrophically forget" previously learned information. UnCLe simulates these non-stationary distributions by adapting depth completion models to sequences of datasets containing diverse scenes captured from distinct domains using different visual and range sensors. We adopt representative methods from continual learning paradigms and translate them to enable unsupervised continual learning of depth completion. We benchmark these models for indoor and outdoor and investigate the degree of catastrophic forgetting through standard quantitative metrics. Furthermore, we introduce model inversion quality as an additional measure of forgetting. We find that unsupervised continual learning of depth completion is an open problem, and we invite researchers to leverage UnCLe as a development platform.
Abstract:By identifying four important components of existing LiDAR-camera 3D object detection methods (LiDAR and camera candidates, transformation, and fusion outputs), we observe that all existing methods either find dense candidates or yield dense representations of scenes. However, given that objects occupy only a small part of a scene, finding dense candidates and generating dense representations is noisy and inefficient. We propose SparseFusion, a novel multi-sensor 3D detection method that exclusively uses sparse candidates and sparse representations. Specifically, SparseFusion utilizes the outputs of parallel detectors in the LiDAR and camera modalities as sparse candidates for fusion. We transform the camera candidates into the LiDAR coordinate space by disentangling the object representations. Then, we can fuse the multi-modality candidates in a unified 3D space by a lightweight self-attention module. To mitigate negative transfer between modalities, we propose novel semantic and geometric cross-modality transfer modules that are applied prior to the modality-specific detectors. SparseFusion achieves state-of-the-art performance on the nuScenes benchmark while also running at the fastest speed, even outperforming methods with stronger backbones. We perform extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our modules and overall method pipeline. Our code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/yichen928/SparseFusion.
Abstract:Current LiDAR odometry, mapping and localization methods leverage point-wise representations of 3D scenes and achieve high accuracy in autonomous driving tasks. However, the space-inefficiency of methods that use point-wise representations limits their development and usage in practical applications. In particular, scan-submap matching and global map representation methods are restricted by the inefficiency of nearest neighbor searching (NNS) for large-volume point clouds. To improve space-time efficiency, we propose a novel method of describing scenes using quadric surfaces, which are far more compact representations of 3D objects than conventional point clouds. In contrast to point cloud-based methods, our quadric representation-based method decomposes a 3D scene into a collection of sparse quadric patches, which improves storage efficiency and avoids the slow point-wise NNS process. Our method first segments a given point cloud into patches and fits each of them to a quadric implicit function. Each function is then coupled with other geometric descriptors of the patch, such as its center position and covariance matrix. Collectively, these patch representations fully describe a 3D scene, which can be used in place of the original point cloud and employed in LiDAR odometry, mapping and localization algorithms. We further design a novel incremental growing method for quadric representations, which eliminates the need to repeatedly re-fit quadric surfaces from the original point cloud. Extensive odometry, mapping and localization experiments on large-volume point clouds in the KITTI and UrbanLoco datasets demonstrate that our method maintains low latency and memory utility while achieving competitive, and even superior, accuracy.