Abstract:HotFlip is a topical gradient-based word substitution method for attacking language models. Recently, this method has been further applied to attack retrieval systems by generating malicious passages that are injected into a corpus, i.e., corpus poisoning. However, HotFlip is known to be computationally inefficient, with the majority of time being spent on gradient accumulation for each query-passage pair during the adversarial token generation phase, making it impossible to generate an adequate number of adversarial passages in a reasonable amount of time. Moreover, the attack method itself assumes access to a set of user queries, a strong assumption that does not correspond to how real-world adversarial attacks are usually performed. In this paper, we first significantly boost the efficiency of HotFlip, reducing the adversarial generation process from 4 hours per document to only 15 minutes, using the same hardware. We further contribute experiments and analysis on two additional tasks: (1) transfer-based black-box attacks, and (2) query-agnostic attacks. Whenever possible, we provide comparisons between the original method and our improved version. Our experiments demonstrate that HotFlip can effectively attack a variety of dense retrievers, with an observed trend that its attack performance diminishes against more advanced and recent methods. Interestingly, we observe that while HotFlip performs poorly in a black-box setting, indicating limited capacity for generalization, in query-agnostic scenarios its performance is correlated to the volume of injected adversarial passages.
Abstract:Following multiple instructions is a crucial ability for large language models (LLMs). Evaluating this ability comes with significant challenges: (i) limited coherence between multiple instructions, (ii) positional bias where the order of instructions affects model performance, and (iii) a lack of objectively verifiable tasks. To address these issues, we introduce a benchmark designed to evaluate models' abilities to follow multiple instructions through sequential instruction following (SIFo) tasks. In SIFo, the successful completion of multiple instructions is verifiable by examining only the final instruction. Our benchmark evaluates instruction following using four tasks (text modification, question answering, mathematics, and security rule following), each assessing different aspects of sequential instruction following. Our evaluation of popular LLMs, both closed-source and open-source, shows that more recent and larger models significantly outperform their older and smaller counterparts on the SIFo tasks, validating the benchmark's effectiveness. All models struggle with following sequences of instructions, hinting at an important lack of robustness of today's language models.
Abstract:Despite recent advances in video action recognition achieving strong performance on existing benchmarks, these models often lack robustness when faced with natural distribution shifts between training and test data. We propose two novel evaluation methods to assess model resilience to such distribution disparity. One method uses two different datasets collected from different sources and uses one for training and validation, and the other for testing. More precisely, we created dataset splits of HMDB-51 or UCF-101 for training, and Kinetics-400 for testing, using the subset of the classes that are overlapping in both train and test datasets. The other proposed method extracts the feature mean of each class from the target evaluation dataset's training data (i.e. class prototype) and estimates test video prediction as a cosine similarity score between each sample to the class prototypes of each target class. This procedure does not alter model weights using the target dataset and it does not require aligning overlapping classes of two different datasets, thus is a very efficient method to test the model robustness to distribution shifts without prior knowledge of the target distribution. We address the robustness problem by adversarial augmentation training - generating augmented views of videos that are "hard" for the classification model by applying gradient ascent on the augmentation parameters - as well as "curriculum" scheduling the strength of the video augmentations. We experimentally demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed adversarial augmentation approach over baselines across three state-of-the-art action recognition models - TSM, Video Swin Transformer, and Uniformer. The presented work provides critical insight into model robustness to distribution shifts and presents effective techniques to enhance video action recognition performance in a real-world deployment.
Abstract:In few-shot recognition, a classifier that has been trained on one set of classes is required to rapidly adapt and generalize to a disjoint, novel set of classes. To that end, recent studies have shown the efficacy of fine-tuning with carefully crafted adaptation architectures. However this raises the question of: How can one design the optimal adaptation strategy? In this paper, we study this question through the lens of neural architecture search (NAS). Given a pre-trained neural network, our algorithm discovers the optimal arrangement of adapters, which layers to keep frozen and which to fine-tune. We demonstrate the generality of our NAS method by applying it to both residual networks and vision transformers and report state-of-the-art performance on Meta-Dataset and Meta-Album.
Abstract:This paper investigates a family of methods for defending against adversarial attacks that owe part of their success to creating a noisy, discontinuous, or otherwise rugged loss landscape that adversaries find difficult to navigate. A common, but not universal, way to achieve this effect is via the use of stochastic neural networks. We show that this is a form of gradient obfuscation, and propose a general extension to gradient-based adversaries based on the Weierstrass transform, which smooths the surface of the loss function and provides more reliable gradient estimates. We further show that the same principle can strengthen gradient-free adversaries. We demonstrate the efficacy of our loss-smoothing method against both stochastic and non-stochastic adversarial defences that exhibit robustness due to this type of obfuscation. Furthermore, we provide analysis of how it interacts with Expectation over Transformation; a popular gradient-sampling method currently used to attack stochastic defences.
Abstract:Stochastic Neural Networks (SNNs) that inject noise into their hidden layers have recently been shown to achieve strong robustness against adversarial attacks. However, existing SNNs are usually heuristically motivated, and further rely on adversarial training, which is computationally costly and biases models' defense towards a specific attack. We propose a new SNN that achieves state-of-the-art performance without relying on adversarial training, and enjoys solid theoretical justification. Specifically, while existing SNNs inject learned or hand-tuned isotropic noise, our SNN learns an anisotropic noise distribution to optimize a learning-theoretic bound on adversarial robustness. We evaluate our method on three benchmarks (CIFAR-10, SVHN, F-MNIST), show that it can be applied to different architectures (ResNet-18, LeNet++), and that it provides robustness to a variety of white-box and black-box attacks, while being simple and fast to train compared to existing alternatives. The source code is openly available on GitHub: https://github.com/peustr/A2SNN.
Abstract:We consider the challenging problem of zero-shot video object segmentation (VOS). That is, segmenting and tracking multiple moving objects within a video fully automatically, without any manual initialization. We treat this as a grouping problem by exploiting object proposals and making a joint inference about grouping over both space and time. We propose a network architecture for tractably performing proposal selection and joint grouping. Crucially, we then show how to train this network with reinforcement learning so that it learns to perform the optimal non-myopic sequence of grouping decisions to segment the whole video. Unlike standard supervised techniques, this also enables us to directly optimize for the non-differentiable overlap-based metrics used to evaluate VOS. We show that the proposed method, which we call ALBA outperforms the previous stateof-the-art on three benchmarks: DAVIS 2017 [2], FBMS [20] and Youtube-VOS [27].