Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are widely utilized in software engineering (SE) tasks, such as code generation and automated program repair. However, their reliance on extensive and often undisclosed pre-training datasets raises significant concerns about data leakage, where the evaluation benchmark data is unintentionally ``seen'' by LLMs during the model's construction phase. The data leakage issue could largely undermine the validity of LLM-based research and evaluations. Despite the increasing use of LLMs in the SE community, there is no comprehensive study that assesses the extent of data leakage in SE benchmarks for LLMs yet. To address this gap, this paper presents the first large-scale analysis of data leakage in 83 SE benchmarks concerning LLMs. Our results show that in general, data leakage in SE benchmarks is minimal, with average leakage ratios of only 4.8\%, 2.8\%, and 0.7\% for Python, Java, and C/C++ benchmarks, respectively. However, some benchmarks exhibit relatively higher leakage ratios, which raises concerns about their bias in evaluation. For instance, QuixBugs and BigCloneBench have leakage ratios of 100.0\% and 55.7\%, respectively. Furthermore, we observe that data leakage has a substantial impact on LLM evaluation. We also identify key causes of high data leakage, such as the direct inclusion of benchmark data in pre-training datasets and the use of coding platforms like LeetCode for benchmark construction. To address the data leakage, we introduce \textbf{LessLeak-Bench}, a new benchmark that removes leaked samples from the 83 SE benchmarks, enabling more reliable LLM evaluations in future research. Our study enhances the understanding of data leakage in SE benchmarks and provides valuable insights for future research involving LLMs in SE.
Abstract:Evaluating the alignment of large language models (LLMs) with user-defined coding preferences is a challenging endeavour that requires assessing intricate textual LLMs' outputs. By relying on automated metrics and static analysis tools, existing benchmarks fail to assess nuances in user instructions and LLM outputs, highlighting the need for large-scale datasets and benchmarks for LLM preference alignment. In this paper, we introduce CodeUltraFeedback, a preference dataset of 10,000 complex instructions to tune and align LLMs to coding preferences through AI feedback. We generate responses to the instructions using a pool of 14 diverse LLMs, which we then annotate according to their alignment with five coding preferences using the LLM-as-a-Judge approach with GPT-3.5, producing both numerical and textual feedback. We also present CODAL-Bench, a benchmark for assessing LLM alignment with these coding preferences. Our results show that CodeLlama-7B-Instruct, aligned through reinforcement learning from AI feedback (RLAIF) with direct preference optimization (DPO) using CodeUltraFeedback's AI feedback data, outperforms 34B LLMs on CODAL-Bench, validating the utility of CodeUltraFeedback for preference tuning. Furthermore, we show our DPO-aligned CodeLlama model improves functional correctness on HumanEval+ compared to the unaligned base model. Therefore, our contributions bridge the gap in preference tuning of LLMs for code and set the stage for further advancements in model alignment and RLAIF for code intelligence. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/martin-wey/CodeUltraFeedback.
Abstract:Motivated by recent work on lifelong learning applications for language models (LMs) of code, we introduce CodeLL, a lifelong learning dataset focused on code changes. Our contribution addresses a notable research gap marked by the absence of a long-term temporal dimension in existing code change datasets, limiting their suitability in lifelong learning scenarios. In contrast, our dataset aims to comprehensively capture code changes across the entire release history of open-source software repositories. In this work, we introduce an initial version of CodeLL, comprising 71 machine-learning-based projects mined from Software Heritage. This dataset enables the extraction and in-depth analysis of code changes spanning 2,483 releases at both the method and API levels. CodeLL enables researchers studying the behaviour of LMs in lifelong fine-tuning settings for learning code changes. Additionally, the dataset can help studying data distribution shifts within software repositories and the evolution of API usages over time.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) possess impressive capabilities to generate meaningful code snippets given natural language intents in zero-shot, i.e., without the need for specific fine-tuning. In the perspective of unleashing their full potential, prior work has demonstrated the benefits of fine-tuning the models to task-specific data. However, fine-tuning process demands heavy computational costs and is intractable when resources are scarce, especially for models with billions of parameters. In light of these challenges, previous studies explored In-Context Learning (ICL) as an effective strategy to generate contextually appropriate code without fine-tuning. However, it operates at inference time and does not involve learning task-specific parameters, potentially limiting the model's performance on downstream tasks. In this context, we foresee that Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques carry a high potential for efficiently specializing LLMs to task-specific data. In this paper, we deliver a comprehensive study of LLMs with the impact of PEFT techniques under the automated code generation scenario. Our experimental results reveal the superiority and potential of such techniques over ICL on a wide range of LLMs in reducing the computational burden and improving performance. Therefore, the study opens opportunities for broader applications of PEFT in software engineering scenarios.
Abstract:Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have become a prevalent technique in deep learning for code, utilizing a two-stage pre-training and fine-tuning procedure to acquire general knowledge about code and specialize in a variety of downstream tasks. However, the dynamic nature of software codebases poses a challenge to the effectiveness and robustness of PLMs. In particular, world-realistic scenarios potentially lead to significant differences between the distribution of the pre-training and test data, i.e., distribution shift, resulting in a degradation of the PLM's performance on downstream tasks. In this paper, we stress the need for adapting PLMs of code to software data whose distribution changes over time, a crucial problem that has been overlooked in previous works. The motivation of this work is to consider the PLM in a non-stationary environment, where fine-tuning data evolves over time according to a software evolution scenario. Specifically, we design a scenario where the model needs to learn from a stream of programs containing new, unseen APIs over time. We study two widely used PLM architectures, i.e., a GPT2 decoder and a RoBERTa encoder, on two downstream tasks, API call and API usage prediction. We demonstrate that the most commonly used fine-tuning technique from prior work is not robust enough to handle the dynamic nature of APIs, leading to the loss of previously acquired knowledge i.e., catastrophic forgetting. To address these issues, we implement five continual learning approaches, including replay-based and regularization-based methods. Our findings demonstrate that utilizing these straightforward methods effectively mitigates catastrophic forgetting in PLMs across both downstream tasks while achieving comparable or superior performance.
Abstract:The objective of pre-trained language models is to learn contextual representations of textual data. Pre-trained language models have become mainstream in natural language processing and code modeling. Using probes, a technique to study the linguistic properties of hidden vector spaces, previous works have shown that these pre-trained language models encode simple linguistic properties in their hidden representations. However, none of the previous work assessed whether these models encode the whole grammatical structure of a programming language. In this paper, we prove the existence of a \textit{syntactic subspace}, lying in the hidden representations of pre-trained language models, which contain the syntactic information of the programming language. We show that this subspace can be extracted from the models' representations and define a novel probing method, the AST-Probe, that enables recovering the whole abstract syntax tree (AST) of an input code snippet. In our experimentations, we show that this syntactic subspace exists in five state-of-the-art pre-trained language models. In addition, we highlight that the middle layers of the models are the ones that encode most of the AST information. Finally, we estimate the optimal size of this syntactic subspace and show that its dimension is substantially lower than those of the models' representation spaces. This suggests that pre-trained language models use a small part of their representation spaces to encode syntactic information of the programming languages.
Abstract:The progress made in code modeling has been tremendous in recent years thanks to the design of natural language processing learning approaches based on state-of-the-art model architectures. Nevertheless, we believe that the current state-of-the-art does not focus enough on the full potential that data may bring to a learning process in software engineering. Our vision articulates on the idea of leveraging multi-modal learning approaches to modeling the programming world. In this paper, we investigate one of the underlying idea of our vision whose objective based on concept graphs of identifiers aims at leveraging high-level relationships between domain concepts manipulated through particular language constructs. In particular, we propose to enhance an existing pretrained language model of code by joint-learning it with a graph neural network based on our concept graphs. We conducted a preliminary evaluation that shows gain of effectiveness of the models for code search using a simple joint-learning method and prompts us to further investigate our research vision.
Abstract:The design of conceptually sound metamodels that embody proper semantics in relation to the application domain is particularly tedious in Model-Driven Engineering. As metamodels define complex relationships between domain concepts, it is crucial for a modeler to define these concepts thoroughly while being consistent with respect to the application domain. We propose an approach to assist a modeler in the design of a metamodel by recommending relevant domain concepts in several modeling scenarios. Our approach does not require to extract knowledge from the domain or to hand-design completion rules. Instead, we design a fully data-driven approach using a deep learning model that is able to abstract domain concepts by learning from both structural and lexical metamodel properties in a corpus of thousands of independent metamodels. We evaluate our approach on a test set containing 166 metamodels, unseen during the model training, with more than 5000 test samples. Our preliminary results show that the trained model is able to provide accurate top-$5$ lists of relevant recommendations for concept renaming scenarios. Although promising, the results are less compelling for the scenario of the iterative construction of the metamodel, in part because of the conservative strategy we use to evaluate the recommendations.