Abstract:User simulation is an emerging interdisciplinary topic with multiple critical applications in the era of Generative AI. It involves creating an intelligent agent that mimics the actions of a human user interacting with an AI system, enabling researchers to model and analyze user behaviour, generate synthetic data for training, and evaluate interactive AI systems in a controlled and reproducible manner. User simulation has profound implications for diverse fields and plays a vital role in the pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence. This paper provides an overview of user simulation, highlighting its key applications, connections to various disciplines, and outlining future research directions to advance this increasingly important technology.
Abstract:We introduce CRS Arena, a research platform for scalable benchmarking of Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) based on human feedback. The platform displays pairwise battles between anonymous conversational recommender systems, where users interact with the systems one after the other before declaring either a winner or a draw. CRS Arena collects conversations and user feedback, providing a foundation for reliable evaluation and ranking of CRSs. We conduct experiments with CRS Arena on both open and closed crowdsourcing platforms, confirming that both setups produce highly correlated rankings of CRSs and conversations with similar characteristics. We release CRSArena-Dial, a dataset of 474 conversations and their corresponding user feedback, along with a preliminary ranking of the systems based on the Elo rating system. The platform is accessible at https://iai-group-crsarena.hf.space/.
Abstract:Information-seeking dialogues span a wide range of questions, from simple factoid to complex queries that require exploring multiple facets and viewpoints. When performing exploratory searches in unfamiliar domains, users may lack background knowledge and struggle to verify the system-provided information, making them vulnerable to misinformation. We investigate the limitations of response generation in conversational information-seeking systems, highlighting potential inaccuracies, pitfalls, and biases in the responses. The study addresses the problem of query answerability and the challenge of response incompleteness. Our user studies explore how these issues impact user experience, focusing on users' ability to identify biased, incorrect, or incomplete responses. We design two crowdsourcing tasks to assess user experience with different system response variants, highlighting critical issues to be addressed in future conversational information-seeking research. Our analysis reveals that it is easier for users to detect response incompleteness than query answerability and user satisfaction is mostly associated with response diversity, not factual correctness.
Abstract:This paper is a report of the Workshop on Simulations for Information Access (Sim4IA) workshop at SIGIR 2024. The workshop had two keynotes, a panel discussion, nine lightning talks, and two breakout sessions. Key takeaways were user simulation's importance in academia and industry, the possible bridging of online and offline evaluation, and the issues of organizing a companion shared task around user simulations for information access. We report on how we organized the workshop, provide a brief overview of what happened at the workshop, and summarize the main topics and findings of the workshop and future work.
Abstract:The emergence of synthetic data represents a pivotal shift in modern machine learning, offering a solution to satisfy the need for large volumes of data in domains where real data is scarce, highly private, or difficult to obtain. We investigate the feasibility of creating realistic, large-scale synthetic datasets of user-generated content, noting that such content is increasingly prevalent and a source of frequently sought information. Large language models (LLMs) offer a starting point for generating synthetic social media discussion threads, due to their ability to produce diverse responses that typify online interactions. However, as we demonstrate, straightforward application of LLMs yields limited success in capturing the complex structure of online discussions, and standard prompting mechanisms lack sufficient control. We therefore propose a multi-step generation process, predicated on the idea of creating compact representations of discussion threads, referred to as scaffolds. Our framework is generic yet adaptable to the unique characteristics of specific social media platforms. We demonstrate its feasibility using data from two distinct online discussion platforms. To address the fundamental challenge of ensuring the representativeness and realism of synthetic data, we propose a portfolio of evaluation measures to compare various instantiations of our framework.
Abstract:Conversational passage retrieval is challenging as it often requires the resolution of references to previous utterances and needs to deal with the complexities of natural language, such as coreference and ellipsis. To address these challenges, pre-trained sequence-to-sequence neural query rewriters are commonly used to generate a single de-contextualized query based on conversation history. Previous research shows that combining multiple query rewrites for the same user utterance has a positive effect on retrieval performance. We propose the use of a neural query rewriter to generate multiple queries and show how to integrate those queries in the passage retrieval pipeline efficiently. The main strength of our approach lies in its simplicity: it leverages how the beam search algorithm works and can produce multiple query rewrites at no additional cost. Our contributions further include devising ways to utilize multi-query rewrites in both sparse and dense first-pass retrieval. We demonstrate that applying our approach on top of a standard passage retrieval pipeline delivers state-of-the-art performance without sacrificing efficiency.
Abstract:User simulation is a promising approach for automatically training and evaluating conversational information access agents, enabling the generation of synthetic dialogues and facilitating reproducible experiments at scale. However, the objectives of user simulation for the different uses remain loosely defined, hindering the development of effective simulators. In this work, we formally characterize the distinct objectives for user simulators: training aims to maximize behavioral similarity to real users, while evaluation focuses on the accurate prediction of real-world conversational agent performance. Through an empirical study, we demonstrate that optimizing for one objective does not necessarily lead to improved performance on the other. This finding underscores the need for tailored design considerations depending on the intended use of the simulator. By establishing clear objectives and proposing concrete measures to evaluate user simulators against those objectives, we pave the way for the development of simulators that are specifically tailored to their intended use, ultimately leading to more effective conversational agents.
Abstract:We present a methodology to systematically test conversational recommender systems with regards to conversational breakdowns. It involves examining conversations generated between the system and simulated users for a set of pre-defined breakdown types, extracting responsible conversational paths, and characterizing them in terms of the underlying dialogue intents. User simulation offers the advantages of simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and time efficiency for obtaining conversations where potential breakdowns can be identified. The proposed methodology can be used as diagnostic tool as well as a development tool to improve conversational recommendation systems. We apply our methodology in a case study with an existing conversational recommender system and user simulator, demonstrating that with just a few iterations, we can make the system more robust to conversational breakdowns.
Abstract:While recommender systems with multi-modal item representations (image, audio, and text), have been widely explored, learning recommendations from multi-modal user interactions (e.g., clicks and speech) remains an open problem. We study the case of multi-modal user interactions in a setting where users engage with a service provider through multiple channels (website and call center). In such cases, incomplete modalities naturally occur, since not all users interact through all the available channels. To address these challenges, we publish a real-world dataset that allows progress in this under-researched area. We further present and benchmark various methods for leveraging multi-modal user interactions for item recommendations, and propose a novel approach that specifically deals with missing modalities by mapping user interactions to a common feature space. Our analysis reveals important interactions between the different modalities and that a frequently occurring modality can enhance learning from a less frequent one.
Abstract:The increasing reliance on digital information necessitates advancements in conversational search systems, particularly in terms of information transparency. While prior research in conversational information-seeking has concentrated on improving retrieval techniques, the challenge remains in generating responses useful from a user perspective. This study explores different methods of explaining the responses, hypothesizing that transparency about the source of the information, system confidence, and limitations can enhance users' ability to objectively assess the response. By exploring transparency across explanation type, quality, and presentation mode, this research aims to bridge the gap between system-generated responses and responses verifiable by the user. We design a user study to answer questions concerning the impact of (1) the quality of explanations enhancing the response on its usefulness and (2) ways of presenting explanations to users. The analysis of the collected data reveals lower user ratings for noisy explanations, although these scores seem insensitive to the quality of the response. Inconclusive results on the explanations presentation format suggest that it may not be a critical factor in this setting.