Abstract:This paper investigates how perturbation does and does not improve the Follow-the-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) algorithm in imperfect-information extensive-form games. Perturbing the expected payoffs guarantees that the FTRL dynamics reach an approximate equilibrium, and proper adjustments of the magnitude of the perturbation lead to a Nash equilibrium (\textit{last-iterate convergence}). This approach is robust even when payoffs are estimated using sampling -- as is the case for large games -- while the optimistic approach often becomes unstable. Building upon those insights, we first develop a general framework for perturbed FTRL algorithms under \textit{sampling}. We then empirically show that in the last-iterate sense, the perturbed FTRL consistently outperforms the non-perturbed FTRL. We further identify a divergence function that reduces the variance of the estimates for perturbed payoffs, with which it significantly outperforms the prior algorithms on Leduc poker (whose structure is more asymmetric in a sense than that of the other benchmark games) and consistently performs smooth convergence behavior on all the benchmark games.
Abstract:This paper introduces state abstraction for two-player zero-sum Markov games (TZMGs), where the payoffs for the two players are determined by the state representing the environment and their respective actions, with state transitions following Markov decision processes. For example, in games like soccer, the value of actions changes according to the state of play, and thus such games should be described as Markov games. In TZMGs, as the number of states increases, computing equilibria becomes more difficult. Therefore, we consider state abstraction, which reduces the number of states by treating multiple different states as a single state. There is a substantial body of research on finding optimal policies for Markov decision processes using state abstraction. However, in the multi-player setting, the game with state abstraction may yield different equilibrium solutions from those of the ground game. To evaluate the equilibrium solutions of the game with state abstraction, we derived bounds on the duality gap, which represents the distance from the equilibrium solutions of the ground game. Finally, we demonstrate our state abstraction with Markov Soccer, compute equilibrium policies, and examine the results.
Abstract:Mean Field Game (MFG) is a framework utilized to model and approximate the behavior of a large number of agents, and the computation of equilibria in MFG has been a subject of interest. Despite the proposal of methods to approximate the equilibria, algorithms where the sequence of updated policy converges to equilibrium, specifically those exhibiting last-iterate convergence, have been limited. We propose the use of a simple, proximal-point-type algorithm to compute equilibria for MFGs. Subsequently, we provide the first last-iterate convergence guarantee under the Lasry--Lions-type monotonicity condition. We further employ the Mirror Descent algorithm for the regularized MFG to efficiently approximate the update rules of the proximal point method for MFGs. We demonstrate that the algorithm can approximate with an accuracy of $\varepsilon$ after $\mathcal{O}({\log(1/\varepsilon)})$ iterations. This research offers a tractable approach for large-scale and large-population games.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) plays a crucial role in aligning language models with human preferences. While the significance of dataset quality is generally recognized, explicit investigations into its impact within the RLHF framework, to our knowledge, have been limited. This paper addresses the issue of text quality within the preference dataset by focusing on Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), an increasingly adopted reward-model-free RLHF method. We confirm that text quality significantly influences the performance of models optimized with DPO more than those optimized with reward-model-based RLHF. Building on this new insight, we propose an extension of DPO, termed filtered direct preference optimization (fDPO). fDPO uses a trained reward model to monitor the quality of texts within the preference dataset during DPO training. Samples of lower quality are discarded based on comparisons with texts generated by the model being optimized, resulting in a more accurate dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that fDPO enhances the final model performance. Our code is available at https://github.com/CyberAgentAILab/filtered-dpo.
Abstract:Best-of-N (BoN) sampling with a reward model has been shown to be an effective strategy for aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to human preferences at the time of decoding. BoN sampling is susceptible to a problem known as reward hacking. Because the reward model is an imperfect proxy for the true objective, over-optimizing its value can compromise its performance on the true objective. A common solution to prevent reward hacking in preference learning techniques is to optimize a reward using proximity regularization (e.g., KL regularization), which ensures that the language model remains close to the reference model. In this research, we propose Regularized Best-of-N (RBoN), a variant of BoN that aims to mitigate reward hacking by incorporating a proximity term in response selection, similar to preference learning techniques. We evaluate two variants of RBoN on the AlpacaFarm dataset and find that they outperform BoN, especially when the proxy reward model has a low correlation with the true objective.
Abstract:Typical recommendation and ranking methods aim to optimize the satisfaction of users, but they are often oblivious to their impact on the items (e.g., products, jobs, news, video) and their providers. However, there has been a growing understanding that the latter is crucial to consider for a wide range of applications, since it determines the utility of those being recommended. Prior approaches to fairness-aware recommendation optimize a regularized objective to balance user satisfaction and item fairness based on some notion such as exposure fairness. These existing methods have been shown to be effective in controlling fairness, however, most of them are computationally inefficient, limiting their applications to only unrealistically small-scale situations. This indeed implies that the literature does not yet provide a solution to enable a flexible control of exposure in the industry-scale recommender systems where millions of users and items exist. To enable a computationally efficient exposure control even for such large-scale systems, this work develops a scalable, fast, and fair method called \emph{\textbf{ex}posure-aware \textbf{ADMM} (\textbf{exADMM})}. exADMM is based on implicit alternating least squares (iALS), a conventional scalable algorithm for collaborative filtering, but optimizes a regularized objective to achieve a flexible control of accuracy-fairness tradeoff. A particular technical challenge in developing exADMM is the fact that the fairness regularizer destroys the separability of optimization subproblems for users and items, which is an essential property to ensure the scalability of iALS. Therefore, we develop a set of optimization tools to enable yet scalable fairness control with provable convergence guarantees as a basis of our algorithm.
Abstract:Traditional approaches in offline reinforcement learning aim to learn the optimal policy that maximizes the cumulative reward, also known as return. However, as applications broaden, it becomes increasingly crucial to train agents that not only maximize the returns, but align the actual return with a specified target return, giving control over the agent's performance. Decision Transformer (DT) optimizes a policy that generates actions conditioned on the target return through supervised learning and is equipped with a mechanism to control the agent using the target return. Despite being designed to align the actual return with the target return, we have empirically identified a discrepancy between the actual return and the target return in DT. In this paper, we propose Return-Aligned Decision Transformer (RADT), designed to effectively align the actual return with the target return. Our model decouples returns from the conventional input sequence, which typically consists of returns, states, and actions, to enhance the relationships between returns and states, as well as returns and actions. Extensive experiments show that RADT reduces the discrepancies between the actual return and the target return of DT-based methods.
Abstract:This work addresses learning online fair division under uncertainty, where a central planner sequentially allocates items without precise knowledge of agents' values or utilities. Departing from conventional online algorithm, the planner here relies on noisy, estimated values obtained after allocating items. We introduce wrapper algorithms utilizing \textit{dual averaging}, enabling gradual learning of both the type distribution of arriving items and agents' values through bandit feedback. This approach enables the algorithms to asymptotically achieve optimal Nash social welfare in linear Fisher markets with agents having additive utilities. We establish regret bounds in Nash social welfare and empirically validate the superior performance of our proposed algorithms across synthetic and empirical datasets.
Abstract:Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) decoding has been shown to be a powerful alternative to beam search decoding in a variety of text generation tasks. MBR decoding selects a hypothesis from a pool of hypotheses that has the least expected risk under a probability model according to a given utility function. Since it is impractical to compute the expected risk exactly over all possible hypotheses, two approximations are commonly used in MBR. First, it integrates over a sampled set of hypotheses rather than over all possible hypotheses. Second, it estimates the probability of each hypothesis using a Monte Carlo estimator. While the first approximation is necessary to make it computationally feasible, the second is not essential since we typically have access to the model probability at inference time. We propose Model-Based MBR (MBMBR), a variant of MBR that uses the model probability itself as the estimate of the probability distribution instead of the Monte Carlo estimate. We show analytically and empirically that the model-based estimate is more promising than the Monte Carlo estimate in text generation tasks. Our experiments show that MBMBR outperforms MBR in several text generation tasks, both with encoder-decoder models and with large language models.
Abstract:Dialog policies, which determine a system's action based on the current state at each dialog turn, are crucial to the success of the dialog. In recent years, reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a promising option for dialog policy learning (DPL). In RL-based DPL, dialog policies are updated according to rewards. The manual construction of fine-grained rewards, such as state-action-based ones, to effectively guide the dialog policy is challenging in multi-domain task-oriented dialog scenarios with numerous state-action pair combinations. One way to estimate rewards from collected data is to train the reward estimator and dialog policy simultaneously using adversarial learning (AL). Although this method has demonstrated superior performance experimentally, it is fraught with the inherent problems of AL, such as mode collapse. This paper first identifies the role of AL in DPL through detailed analyses of the objective functions of dialog policy and reward estimator. Next, based on these analyses, we propose a method that eliminates AL from reward estimation and DPL while retaining its advantages. We evaluate our method using MultiWOZ, a multi-domain task-oriented dialog corpus.