Abstract:Multimodal multi-label emotion recognition (MMER) aims to identify the concurrent presence of multiple emotions in multimodal data. Existing studies primarily focus on improving fusion strategies and modeling modality-to-label dependencies. However, they often overlook the impact of \textbf{aleatoric uncertainty}, which is the inherent noise in the multimodal data and hinders the effectiveness of modality fusion by introducing ambiguity into feature representations. To address this issue and effectively model aleatoric uncertainty, this paper proposes Latent emotional Distribution Decomposition with Uncertainty perception (LDDU) framework from a novel perspective of latent emotional space probabilistic modeling. Specifically, we introduce a contrastive disentangled distribution mechanism within the emotion space to model the multimodal data, allowing for the extraction of semantic features and uncertainty. Furthermore, we design an uncertainty-aware fusion multimodal method that accounts for the dispersed distribution of uncertainty and integrates distribution information. Experimental results show that LDDU achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CMU-MOSEI and M$^3$ED datasets, highlighting the importance of uncertainty modeling in MMER. Code is available at https://github.com/201983290498/lddu\_mmer.git.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable generative capabilities, enabling the generation of valuable information. Despite these advancements, previous research found that LLMs sometimes struggle with adhering to specific constraints (e.g., in specific place or at specific time), at times even overlooking them, which leads to responses that are either too generic or not fully satisfactory. Existing approaches attempted to address this issue by decomposing or rewriting input instructions, yet they fall short in adequately emphasizing specific constraints and in unlocking the underlying knowledge (e.g., programming within the context of software development). In response, this paper proposes a simple yet effective method named Chain-of-Specificity (CoS). Specifically, CoS iteratively emphasizes the specific constraints in the input instructions, unlocks knowledge within LLMs, and refines responses. Experiments conducted on publicly available and self-build complex datasets demonstrate that CoS outperforms existing methods in enhancing generated content especially for the specificity. Besides, as the number of specific constraints increase, other baselines falter, while CoS still performs well. Moreover, we show that distilling responses generated by CoS effectively enhances the ability of smaller models to follow the constrained instructions. Resources of this paper will be released for further research.
Abstract:Key Information Extraction (KIE) is a challenging multimodal task that aims to extract structured value semantic entities from visually rich documents. Although significant progress has been made, there are still two major challenges that need to be addressed. Firstly, the layout of existing datasets is relatively fixed and limited in the number of semantic entity categories, creating a significant gap between these datasets and the complex real-world scenarios. Secondly, existing methods follow a two-stage pipeline strategy, which may lead to the error propagation problem. Additionally, they are difficult to apply in situations where unseen semantic entity categories emerge. To address the first challenge, we propose a new large-scale human-annotated dataset named Complex Layout form for key information EXtraction (CLEX), which consists of 5,860 images with 1,162 semantic entity categories. To solve the second challenge, we introduce Parallel Pointer-based Network (PPN), an end-to-end model that can be applied in zero-shot and few-shot scenarios. PPN leverages the implicit clues between semantic entities to assist extracting, and its parallel extraction mechanism allows it to extract multiple results simultaneously and efficiently. Experiments on the CLEX dataset demonstrate that PPN outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods while also offering a much faster inference speed.