California Institute of Technology
Abstract:Generative control policies have recently unlocked major progress in robotics. These methods produce action sequences via diffusion or flow matching, with training data provided by demonstrations. But despite enjoying considerable success on difficult manipulation problems, generative policies come with two key limitations. First, behavior cloning requires expert demonstrations, which can be time-consuming and expensive to obtain. Second, existing methods are limited to relatively slow, quasi-static tasks. In this paper, we leverage a tight connection between sampling-based predictive control and generative modeling to address each of these issues. In particular, we introduce generative predictive control, a supervised learning framework for tasks with fast dynamics that are easy to simulate but difficult to demonstrate. We then show how trained flow-matching policies can be warm-started at run-time, maintaining temporal consistency and enabling fast feedback rates. We believe that generative predictive control offers a complementary approach to existing behavior cloning methods, and hope that it paves the way toward generalist policies that extend beyond quasi-static demonstration-oriented tasks.
Abstract:We propose a novel zero-order control barrier function (ZOCBF) for sampled-data systems to ensure system safety. Our formulation generalizes conventional control barrier functions and straightforwardly handles safety constraints with high-relative degrees or those that explicitly depend on both system states and inputs. The proposed ZOCBF condition does not require any differentiation operation. Instead, it involves computing the difference of the ZOCBF values at two consecutive sampling instants. We propose three numerical approaches to enforce the ZOCBF condition, tailored to different problem settings and available computational resources. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through a collision avoidance example and a rollover prevention example on uneven terrains.
Abstract:The recent success of diffusion-based generative models in image and natural language processing has ignited interest in diffusion-based trajectory optimization for nonlinear control systems. Existing methods cannot, however, handle the nonlinear equality constraints necessary for direct trajectory optimization. As a result, diffusion-based trajectory optimizers are currently limited to shooting methods, where the nonlinear dynamics are enforced by forward rollouts. This precludes many of the benefits enjoyed by direct methods, including flexible state constraints, reduced numerical sensitivity, and easy initial guess specification. In this paper, we present a method for diffusion-based optimization with equality constraints. This allows us to perform direct trajectory optimization, enforcing dynamic feasibility with constraints rather than rollouts. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first diffusion-based optimization algorithm that supports the general nonlinear equality constraints required for direct trajectory optimization.
Abstract:The need for a systematic approach to risk assessment has increased in recent years due to the ubiquity of autonomous systems that alter our day-to-day experiences and their need for safety, e.g., for self-driving vehicles, mobile service robots, and bipedal robots. These systems are expected to function safely in unpredictable environments and interact seamlessly with humans, whose behavior is notably challenging to forecast. We present a survey of risk-aware methodologies for autonomous systems. We adopt a contemporary risk-aware approach to mitigate rare and detrimental outcomes by advocating the use of tail risk measures, a concept borrowed from financial literature. This survey will introduce these measures and explain their relevance in the context of robotic systems for planning, control, and verification applications.
Abstract:This paper develops rollover prevention guarantees for mobile robots using control barrier function (CBF) theory, and demonstrates these formal results experimentally. To this end, we consider a safety measure based on the zero moment point to provide conditions on the control input through the lens of CBFs. However, these conditions depend on time-varying and noisy parameters. To address this, we present a differentiator-based safety-critical controller that estimates these parameters and pairs Input-to-State Stable (ISS) differentiator dynamics with CBFs to achieve rigorous guarantees of safety. Additionally, to ensure safety in the presence of disturbance, we utilize a time-varying extension of Projection-to-State Safety (PSSf). The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through experiments on a tracked robot with a rollover potential on steep slopes.
Abstract:This work presents a novel data-driven multi-layered planning and control framework for the safe navigation of a class of unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) in the presence of unknown stationary obstacles and additive modeling uncertainties. The foundation of this framework is a novel robust model predictive planner, designed to generate optimal collision-free trajectories given an occupancy grid map, and a paired ancillary controller, augmented to provide robustness against model uncertainties extracted from learning data. To tackle modeling discrepancies, we identify both matched (input discrepancies) and unmatched model residuals between the true and the nominal reduced-order models using closed-loop tracking errors as training data. Utilizing conformal prediction, we extract probabilistic upper bounds for the unknown model residuals, which serve to construct a robustifying ancillary controller. Further, we also determine maximum tracking discrepancies, also known as the robust control invariance tube, under the augmented policy, formulating them as collision buffers. Employing a LiDAR-based occupancy map to characterize the environment, we construct a discrepancy-aware cost map that incorporates these collision buffers. This map is then integrated into a sampling-based model predictive path planner that generates optimal and safe trajectories that can be robustly tracked by the augmented ancillary controller in the presence of model mismatches. The effectiveness of the framework is experimentally validated for autonomous high-speed trajectory tracking in a cluttered environment with four different vehicle-terrain configurations. We also showcase the framework's versatility by reformulating it as a driver-assist program, providing collision avoidance corrections based on user joystick commands.
Abstract:Model uncertainty poses a significant challenge to the implementation of safety-critical control systems. With this as motivation, this paper proposes a safe control design approach that guarantees the robustness of nonlinear feedback systems in the presence of matched or unmatched unmodelled system dynamics and external disturbances. Our approach couples control barrier functions (CBFs) with a new uncertainty/disturbance estimator to ensure robust safety against input and state-dependent model uncertainties. We prove upper bounds on the estimator's error and estimated outputs. We use an uncertainty estimator-based composite feedback control law to adaptively improve robust control performance under hard safety constraints by compensating for the matched uncertainty. Then, we robustify existing CBF constraints with this uncertainty estimate and the estimation error bounds to ensure robust safety via a quadratic program (CBF-QP). We also extend our method to higher-order CBFs (HOCBFs) to achieve safety under unmatched uncertainty, which causes relative degree differences with respect to control input and disturbance. We assume the relative degree difference is at most one, resulting in a second-order cone (SOC) condition. The proposed robust HOCBFs method is demonstrated in a simulation of an uncertain elastic actuator control problem. Finally, the efficacy of our method is experimentally demonstrated on a tracked robot with slope-induced matched and unmatched perturbations.
Abstract:Ensuring robot safety in complex environments is a difficult task due to actuation limits, such as torque bounds. This paper presents a safety-critical control framework that leverages learning-based switching between multiple backup controllers to formally guarantee safety under bounded control inputs while satisfying driver intention. By leveraging backup controllers designed to uphold safety and input constraints, backup control barrier functions (BCBFs) construct implicitly defined control invariance sets via a feasible quadratic program (QP). However, BCBF performance largely depends on the design and conservativeness of the chosen backup controller, especially in our setting of human-driven vehicles in complex, e.g, off-road, conditions. While conservativeness can be reduced by using multiple backup controllers, determining when to switch is an open problem. Consequently, we develop a broadcast scheme that estimates driver intention and integrates BCBFs with multiple backup strategies for human-robot interaction. An LSTM classifier uses data inputs from the robot, human, and safety algorithms to continually choose a backup controller in real-time. We demonstrate our method's efficacy on a dual-track robot in obstacle avoidance scenarios. Our framework guarantees robot safety while adhering to driver intention.
Abstract:This paper, and its companion, propose a new fractal robotic gripper, drawing inspiration from the century-old Fractal Vise. The unusual synergistic properties allow it to passively conform to diverse objects using only one actuator. Designed to be easily integrated with prevailing parallel jaw grippers, it alleviates the complexities tied to perception and grasp planning, especially when dealing with unpredictable object poses and geometries. We build on the foundational principles of the Fractal Vise to a broader class of gripping mechanisms, and also address the limitations that had led to its obscurity. Two Fractal Fingers, coupled by a closing actuator, can form an adaptive and synergistic Fractal Hand. We articulate a design methodology for low cost, easy to fabricate, large workspace, and compliant Fractal Fingers. The companion paper delves into the kinematics and grasping properties of a specific class of Fractal Fingers and Hands.
Abstract:Future NASA lander missions to icy moons will require completely automated, accurate, and data efficient calibration methods for the robot manipulator arms that sample icy terrains in the lander's vicinity. To support this need, this paper presents a Gaussian Process (GP) approach to the classical manipulator kinematic calibration process. Instead of identifying a corrected set of Denavit-Hartenberg kinematic parameters, a set of GPs models the residual kinematic error of the arm over the workspace. More importantly, this modeling framework allows a Gaussian Process Upper Confident Bound (GP-UCB) algorithm to efficiently and adaptively select the calibration's measurement points so as to minimize the number of experiments, and therefore minimize the time needed for recalibration. The method is demonstrated in simulation on a simple 2-DOF arm, a 6 DOF arm whose geometry is a candidate for a future NASA mission, and a 7 DOF Barrett WAM arm.