Abstract:Current social navigation methods and benchmarks primarily focus on proxemics and task efficiency. While these factors are important, qualitative aspects such as perceptions of a robot's social competence are equally crucial for successful adoption and integration into human environments. We propose a more comprehensive evaluation of social navigation through scenario-based testing, where specific human-robot interaction scenarios can reveal key robot behaviors. However, creating such scenarios is often labor-intensive and complex. In this work, we address this challenge by introducing a pipeline that automates the generation of context-, and location-appropriate social navigation scenarios, ready for simulation. Our pipeline transforms simple scenario metadata into detailed textual scenarios, infers pedestrian and robot trajectories, and simulates pedestrian behaviors, which enables more controlled evaluation. We leverage the social reasoning and code-generation capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to streamline scenario generation and translation. Our experiments show that our pipeline produces realistic scenarios and significantly improves scenario translation over naive LLM prompting. Additionally, we present initial feedback from a usability study with social navigation experts and a case-study demonstrating a scenario-based evaluation of three navigation algorithms.
Abstract:While most tactile sensors rely on measuring pressure, insights from continuum mechanics suggest that measuring shear strain provides critical information for tactile sensing. In this work, we introduce an optical tactile sensing principle based on shear strain detection. A silicone rubber layer, dyed with color inks, is used to quantify the shear magnitude of the sensing layer. This principle was validated using the NUSense camera-based tactile sensor. The wide-angle camera captures the elongation of the soft pad under mechanical load, a phenomenon attributed to the Poisson effect. The physical and optical properties of the inked pad are essential and should ideally remain stable over time. We tested the robustness of the sensor by subjecting the outermost layer to multiple load cycles using a robot arm. Additionally, we discussed potential applications of this sensor in force sensing and contact localization.
Abstract:Recent advances in diffusion-based robot policies have demonstrated significant potential in imitating multi-modal behaviors. However, these approaches typically require large quantities of demonstration data paired with corresponding robot action labels, creating a substantial data collection burden. In this work, we propose a plan-then-control framework aimed at improving the action-data efficiency of inverse dynamics controllers by leveraging observational demonstration data. Specifically, we adopt a Deep Koopman Operator framework to model the dynamical system and utilize observation-only trajectories to learn a latent action representation. This latent representation can then be effectively mapped to real high-dimensional continuous actions using a linear action decoder, requiring minimal action-labeled data. Through experiments on simulated robot manipulation tasks and a real robot experiment with multi-modal expert demonstrations, we demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances action-data efficiency and achieves high task success rates with limited action data.
Abstract:We study EgalMAB, an egalitarian assignment problem in the context of stochastic multi-armed bandits. In EgalMAB, an agent is tasked with assigning a set of users to arms. At each time step, the agent must assign exactly one arm to each user such that no two users are assigned to the same arm. Subsequently, each user obtains a reward drawn from the unknown reward distribution associated with its assigned arm. The agent's objective is to maximize the minimum expected cumulative reward among all users over a fixed horizon. This problem has applications in areas such as fairness in job and resource allocations, among others. We design and analyze a UCB-based policy EgalUCB and establish upper bounds on the cumulative regret. In complement, we establish an almost-matching policy-independent impossibility result.
Abstract:Safe and successful deployment of robots requires not only the ability to generate complex plans but also the capacity to frequently replan and correct execution errors. This paper addresses the challenge of long-horizon trajectory planning under temporally extended objectives in a receding horizon manner. To this end, we propose DOPPLER, a data-driven hierarchical framework that generates and updates plans based on instruction specified by linear temporal logic (LTL). Our method decomposes temporal tasks into chain of options with hierarchical reinforcement learning from offline non-expert datasets. It leverages diffusion models to generate options with low-level actions. We devise a determinantal-guided posterior sampling technique during batch generation, which improves the speed and diversity of diffusion generated options, leading to more efficient querying. Experiments on robot navigation and manipulation tasks demonstrate that DOPPLER can generate sequences of trajectories that progressively satisfy the specified formulae for obstacle avoidance and sequential visitation. Demonstration videos are available online at: https://philiptheother.github.io/doppler/.
Abstract:Diffusion policies have demonstrated robust performance in generative modeling, prompting their application in robotic manipulation controlled via language descriptions. In this paper, we introduce a zero-shot, open-vocabulary diffusion policy method for robot manipulation. Using Vision-Language Models (VLMs), our method transforms linguistic task descriptions into actionable keyframes in 3D space. These keyframes serve to guide the diffusion process via inpainting. However, naively enforcing the diffusion process to adhere to the generated keyframes is problematic: the keyframes from the VLMs may be incorrect and lead to out-of-distribution (OOD) action sequences where the diffusion model performs poorly. To address these challenges, we develop an inpainting optimization strategy that balances adherence to the keyframes v.s. the training data distribution. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that our approach surpasses the performance of traditional fine-tuned language-conditioned methods in both simulated and real-world settings.
Abstract:Building upon our previous contributions, this paper introduces Arena 3.0, an extension of Arena-Bench, Arena 1.0, and Arena 2.0. Arena 3.0 is a comprehensive software stack containing multiple modules and simulation environments focusing on the development, simulation, and benchmarking of social navigation approaches in collaborative environments. We significantly enhance the realism of human behavior simulation by incorporating a diverse array of new social force models and interaction patterns, encompassing both human-human and human-robot dynamics. The platform provides a comprehensive set of new task modes, designed for extensive benchmarking and testing and is capable of generating realistic and human-centric environments dynamically, catering to a broad spectrum of social navigation scenarios. In addition, the platform's functionalities have been abstracted across three widely used simulators, each tailored for specific training and testing purposes. The platform's efficacy has been validated through an extensive benchmark and user evaluations of the platform by a global community of researchers and students, which noted the substantial improvement compared to previous versions and expressed interests to utilize the platform for future research and development. Arena 3.0 is openly available at https://github.com/Arena-Rosnav.
Abstract:Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is a critical task in machine learning that seeks to identify abnormal samples. Traditionally, unsupervised methods utilize a deep generative model for OOD detection. However, such approaches necessitate a different model when evaluating abnormality against a new distribution. With the emergence of foundational generative models, this paper explores whether a single generalist model can also perform OOD detection across diverse tasks. To that end, we introduce our method, Diffusion Paths, (DiffPath) in this work. DiffPath proposes to utilize a single diffusion model originally trained to perform unconditional generation for OOD detection. Specifically, we introduce a novel technique of measuring the rate-of-change and curvature of the diffusion paths connecting samples to the standard normal. Extensive experiments show that with a single model, DiffPath outperforms prior work on a variety of OOD tasks involving different distributions. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/clear-nus/diffpath.
Abstract:Operating effectively in complex environments while complying with specified constraints is crucial for the safe and successful deployment of robots that interact with and operate around people. In this work, we focus on generating long-horizon trajectories that adhere to novel static and temporally-extended constraints/instructions at test time. We propose a data-driven diffusion-based framework, LTLDoG, that modifies the inference steps of the reverse process given an instruction specified using finite linear temporal logic ($\text{LTL}_f$). LTLDoG leverages a satisfaction value function on $\text{LTL}_f$ and guides the sampling steps using its gradient field. This value function can also be trained to generalize to new instructions not observed during training, enabling flexible test-time adaptability. Experiments in robot navigation and manipulation illustrate that the method is able to generate trajectories that satisfy formulae that specify obstacle avoidance and visitation sequences.
Abstract:Physical reasoning is important for effective robot manipulation. Recent work has investigated both vision and language modalities for physical reasoning; vision can reveal information about objects in the environment and language serves as an abstraction and communication medium for additional context. Although these works have demonstrated success on a variety of physical reasoning tasks, they are limited to physical properties that can be inferred from visual or language inputs. In this work, we investigate combining tactile perception with language, which enables embodied systems to obtain physical properties through interaction and apply common-sense reasoning. We contribute a new dataset PhysiCleAR, which comprises both physical/property reasoning tasks and annotated tactile videos obtained using a GelSight tactile sensor. We then introduce Octopi, a system that leverages both tactile representation learning and large vision-language models to predict and reason about tactile inputs with minimal language fine-tuning. Our evaluations on PhysiCleAR show that Octopi is able to effectively use intermediate physical property predictions to improve physical reasoning in both trained tasks and for zero-shot reasoning. PhysiCleAR and Octopi are available on https://github.com/clear-nus/octopi.