Abstract:This paper investigates jointly optimal array geometry and waveform designs for active sensing. Specifically, we focus on minimizing the Cram\'er-Rao lower bound (CRB) of the angle of a single target in white Gaussian noise. We first find that several array-waveform pairs can yield the same CRB by virtue of sequences with equal sums of squares, i.e., solutions to certain Diophantine equations. Furthermore, we show that under physical aperture and sensor number constraints, the CRB-minimizing receive array geometry is unique, whereas the transmit array can be chosen flexibly. We leverage this freedom to design a novel sparse array geometry that not only minimizes the single-target CRB given an optimal waveform, but also has a nonredundant and contiguous sum co-array, a desirable property when launching independent waveforms, with relevance also to the multi-target case.
Abstract:Developing methods to process irregularly structured data is crucial in applications like gene-regulatory, brain, power, and socioeconomic networks. Graphs have been the go-to algebraic tool for modeling the structure via nodes and edges capturing their interactions, leading to the establishment of the fields of graph signal processing (GSP) and graph machine learning (GML). Key graph-aware methods include Fourier transform, filtering, sampling, as well as topology identification and spatiotemporal processing. Although versatile, graphs can model only pairwise dependencies in the data. To this end, topological structures such as simplicial and cell complexes have emerged as algebraic representations for more intricate structure modeling in data-driven systems, fueling the rapid development of novel topological-based processing and learning methods. This paper first presents the core principles of topological signal processing through the Hodge theory, a framework instrumental in propelling the field forward thanks to principled connections with GSP-GML. It then outlines advances in topological signal representation, filtering, and sampling, as well as inferring topological structures from data, processing spatiotemporal topological signals, and connections with topological machine learning. The impact of topological signal processing and learning is finally highlighted in applications dealing with flow data over networks, geometric processing, statistical ranking, biology, and semantic communication.
Abstract:This paper introduces a probabilistic approach for tracking the dynamics of unweighted and directed graphs using state-space models (SSMs). Unlike conventional topology inference methods that assume static graphs and generate point-wise estimates, our method accounts for dynamic changes in the network structure over time. We model the network at each timestep as the state of the SSM, and use observations to update beliefs that quantify the probability of the network being in a particular state. Then, by considering the dynamics of transition and observation models through the update and prediction steps, respectively, the proposed method can incorporate the information of real-time graph signals into the beliefs. These beliefs provide a probability distribution of the network at each timestep, being able to provide both an estimate for the network and the uncertainty it entails. Our approach is evaluated through experiments with synthetic and real-world networks. The results demonstrate that our method effectively estimates network states and accounts for the uncertainty in the data, outperforming traditional techniques such as recursive least squares.
Abstract:In the paper, we consider the line spectral estimation problem in an unlimited sensing framework (USF), where a modulo analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is employed to fold the input signal back into a bounded interval before quantization. Such an operation is mathematically equivalent to taking the modulo of the input signal with respect to the interval. To overcome the noise sensitivity of higher-order difference-based methods, we explore the properties of the first-order difference of modulo samples, and develop two line spectral estimation algorithms based on first-order difference, which are robust against noise. Specifically, we show that, with a high probability, the first-order difference of the original samples is equivalent to that of the modulo samples. By utilizing this property, line spectral estimation is solved via a robust sparse signal recovery approach. The second algorithms is built on our finding that, with a sufficiently high sampling rate, the first-order difference of the original samples can be decomposed as a sum of the first-order difference of the modulo samples and a sequence whose elements are confined to be three possible values. This decomposition enables us to formulate the line spectral estimation problem as a mixed integer linear program that can be efficiently solved. Simulation results show that both proposed methods are robust against noise and achieve a significant performance improvement over the higher-order difference-based method.
Abstract:This paper investigates the positioning of the pilot symbols, as well as the power distribution between the pilot and the communication symbols in the OTFS modulation scheme. We analyze the pilot placements that minimize the mean squared error (MSE) in estimating the channel taps. In addition, we optimize the average channel capacity by adjusting the power balance. We show that this leads to a significant increase in average capacity. The results provide valuable guidance for designing the OTFS parameters to achieve maximum capacity. Numerical simulations are performed to validate the findings.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a novel convolution theorem which encompasses the well known convolution theorem in (graph) signal processing as well as the one related to time-varying filters. Specifically, we show how a node-wise convolution for signals supported on a graph can be expressed as another node-wise convolution in a frequency domain graph, different from the original graph. This is achieved through a parameterization of the filter coefficients following a basis expansion model. After showing how the presented theorem is consistent with the already existing body of literature, we discuss its implications in terms of non-stationarity. Finally, we propose a data-driven algorithm based on subspace fitting to learn the frequency domain graph, which is then corroborated by experimental results on synthetic and real data.
Abstract:Graphs are widely used to represent complex information and signal domains with irregular support. Typically, the underlying graph topology is unknown and must be estimated from the available data. Common approaches assume pairwise node interactions and infer the graph topology based on this premise. In contrast, our novel method not only unveils the graph topology but also identifies three-node interactions, referred to in the literature as second-order simplicial complexes (SCs). We model signals using a graph autoregressive Volterra framework, enhancing it with structured graph Volterra kernels to learn SCs. We propose a mathematical formulation for graph and SC inference, solving it through convex optimization involving group norms and mask matrices. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world data showcase a superior performance for our approach compared to existing methods.
Abstract:Sensor selection is a useful method to help reduce data throughput, as well as computational, power, and hardware requirements, while still maintaining acceptable performance. Although minimizing the Cram\'er-Rao bound has been adopted previously for sparse sensing, it did not consider multiple targets and unknown source models. We propose to tackle the sensor selection problem for angle of arrival estimation using the worst-case Cram\'er-Rao bound of two uncorrelated sources. We cast the problem as a convex semi-definite program and retrieve the binary selection by randomized rounding. Through numerical examples related to a linear array, we illustrate the proposed method and show that it leads to the selection of elements at the edges plus the center of the linear array.
Abstract:CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (CP) decomposition is the mostly used model to formulate the received tensor signal in a multi-domain massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, as the receiver generally sums the components from different paths or users. To achieve accurate and low-latency channel estimation, good and fast CP decomposition algorithms are desired. The CP alternating least squares (CPALS) is the workhorse algorithm for calculating the CP decomposition. However, its performance depends on the initializations, and good starting values can lead to more efficient solutions. Existing initialization strategies are decoupled from the CPALS and are not necessarily favorable for solving the CP decomposition. To enhance the algorithm's speed and accuracy, this paper proposes a deep-learning-aided CPALS (DL-CPALS) method that uses a deep neural network (DNN) to generate favorable initializations. The proposed DL-CPALS integrates the DNN and CPALS to a model-based deep learning paradigm, where it trains the DNN to generate an initialization that facilitates fast and accurate CP decomposition. Moreover, benefiting from the CP low-rankness, the proposed method is trained using noisy data and does not require paired clean data. The proposed DL-CPALS is applied to millimeter wave MIMO orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (mmWave MIMO-OFDM) channel estimation. Experimental results demonstrate the significant improvements of the proposed method in terms of both speed and accuracy for CP decomposition and channel estimation.
Abstract:Graph signal processing (GSP) generalizes signal processing (SP) tasks to signals living on non-Euclidean domains whose structure can be captured by a weighted graph. Graphs are versatile, able to model irregular interactions, easy to interpret, and endowed with a corpus of mathematical results, rendering them natural candidates to serve as the basis for a theory of processing signals in more irregular domains. In this article, we provide an overview of the evolution of GSP, from its origins to the challenges ahead. The first half is devoted to reviewing the history of GSP and explaining how it gave rise to an encompassing framework that shares multiple similarities with SP. A key message is that GSP has been critical to develop novel and technically sound tools, theory, and algorithms that, by leveraging analogies with and the insights of digital SP, provide new ways to analyze, process, and learn from graph signals. In the second half, we shift focus to review the impact of GSP on other disciplines. First, we look at the use of GSP in data science problems, including graph learning and graph-based deep learning. Second, we discuss the impact of GSP on applications, including neuroscience and image and video processing. We conclude with a brief discussion of the emerging and future directions of GSP.