Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) excel at learning from graph-structured data but are limited to modeling pairwise interactions, insufficient for capturing higher-order relationships present in many real-world systems. Topological Deep Learning (TDL) has allowed for systematic modeling of hierarchical higher-order interactions by relying on combinatorial topological spaces such as simplicial complexes. In parallel, Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) have been introduced to leverage quantum mechanics for enhanced computational and learning power. In this work, we present the first Quantum Topological Deep Learning Model: Quantum Simplicial Networks (QSNs), being QNNs operating on simplicial complexes. QSNs are a stack of Quantum Simplicial Layers, which are inspired by the Ising model to encode higher-order structures into quantum states. Experiments on synthetic classification tasks show that QSNs can outperform classical simplicial TDL models in accuracy and efficiency, demonstrating the potential of combining quantum computing with TDL for processing data on combinatorial topological spaces.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel framework for goal-oriented semantic communications leveraging recursive early exit models. The proposed approach is built on two key components. First, we introduce an innovative early exit strategy that dynamically partitions computations, enabling samples to be offloaded to a server based on layer-wise recursive prediction dynamics that detect samples for which the confidence is not increasing fast enough over layers. Second, we develop a Reinforcement Learning-based online optimization framework that jointly determines early exit points, computation splitting, and offloading strategies, while accounting for wireless conditions, inference accuracy, and resource costs. Numerical evaluations in an edge inference scenario demonstrate the method's adaptability and effectiveness in striking an excellent trade-off between performance, latency, and resource efficiency.
Abstract:Developing methods to process irregularly structured data is crucial in applications like gene-regulatory, brain, power, and socioeconomic networks. Graphs have been the go-to algebraic tool for modeling the structure via nodes and edges capturing their interactions, leading to the establishment of the fields of graph signal processing (GSP) and graph machine learning (GML). Key graph-aware methods include Fourier transform, filtering, sampling, as well as topology identification and spatiotemporal processing. Although versatile, graphs can model only pairwise dependencies in the data. To this end, topological structures such as simplicial and cell complexes have emerged as algebraic representations for more intricate structure modeling in data-driven systems, fueling the rapid development of novel topological-based processing and learning methods. This paper first presents the core principles of topological signal processing through the Hodge theory, a framework instrumental in propelling the field forward thanks to principled connections with GSP-GML. It then outlines advances in topological signal representation, filtering, and sampling, as well as inferring topological structures from data, processing spatiotemporal topological signals, and connections with topological machine learning. The impact of topological signal processing and learning is finally highlighted in applications dealing with flow data over networks, geometric processing, statistical ranking, biology, and semantic communication.
Abstract:In multi-user semantic communication, language mismatche poses a significant challenge when independently trained agents interact. We present a novel semantic equalization algorithm that enables communication between agents with different languages without additional retraining. Our algorithm is based on relative representations, a framework that enables different agents employing different neural network models to have unified representation. It proceeds by projecting the latent vectors of different models into a common space defined relative to a set of data samples called \textit{anchors}, whose number equals the dimension of the resulting space. A communication between different agents translates to a communication of semantic symbols sampled from this relative space. This approach, in addition to aligning the semantic representations of different agents, allows compressing the amount of information being exchanged, by appropriately selecting the number of anchors. Eventually, we introduce a novel anchor selection strategy, which advantageously determines prototypical anchors, capturing the most relevant information for the downstream task. Our numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach allowing seamless communication between agents with radically different models, including differences in terms of neural network architecture and datasets used for initial training.
Abstract:This paper studies the interference broadcast channel comprising multiple multi-antenna Base Stations (BSs), each controlling a beyond diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) and serving multiple single-antenna users. Wideband transmissions are considered with the objective to jointly design the BS linear precoding vectors and the phase configurations at the RISs in a distributed manner. We take into account the frequency selectivity behavior of each RIS's tunable meta-element, and focusing on the sum rate as the system's performance criterion, we present a distributed optimization approach that enables cooperation between the RIS control units and their respective BSs. According to the proposed scheme, each design variable can be efficiently obtained in an iterative parallel way with guaranteed convergence properties. Our simulation results demonstrate the validity of the presented distributed algorithm and showcase its superiority over a non-cooperative scheme as well as over the special case where the RISs have a conventional diagonal structure.
Abstract:Recently, foundation models based on Vision Transformers (ViTs) have become widely available. However, their fine-tuning process is highly resource-intensive, and it hinders their adoption in several edge or low-energy applications. To this end, in this paper we introduce an efficient fine-tuning method for ViTs called $\textbf{ALaST}$ ($\textit{Adaptive Layer Selection Fine-Tuning for Vision Transformers}$) to speed up the fine-tuning process while reducing computational cost, memory load, and training time. Our approach is based on the observation that not all layers are equally critical during fine-tuning, and their importance varies depending on the current mini-batch. Therefore, at each fine-tuning step, we adaptively estimate the importance of all layers and we assign what we call ``compute budgets'' accordingly. Layers that were allocated lower budgets are either trained with a reduced number of input tokens or kept frozen. Freezing a layer reduces the computational cost and memory usage by preventing updates to its weights, while discarding tokens removes redundant data, speeding up processing and reducing memory requirements. We show that this adaptive compute allocation enables a nearly-optimal schedule for distributing computational resources across layers, resulting in substantial reductions in training time (up to 1.5x), FLOPs (up to 2x), and memory load (up to 2x) compared to traditional full fine-tuning approaches. Additionally, it can be successfully combined with other parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods, such as LoRA.
Abstract:This paper investigates the advantages of representing and processing semantic knowledge extracted into graphs within the emerging paradigm of semantic communications. The proposed approach leverages semantic and pragmatic aspects, incorporating recent advances on large language models (LLMs) to achieve compact representations of knowledge to be processed and exchanged between intelligent agents. This is accomplished by using the cascade of LLMs and graph neural networks (GNNs) as semantic encoders, where information to be shared is selected to be meaningful at the receiver. The embedding vectors produced by the proposed semantic encoder represent information in the form of triplets: nodes (semantic concepts entities), edges(relations between concepts), nodes. Thus, semantic information is associated with the representation of relationships among elements in the space of semantic concept abstractions. In this paper, we investigate the potential of achieving high compression rates in communication by incorporating relations that link elements within graph embeddings. We propose sending semantic symbols solely equivalent to node embeddings through the wireless channel and inferring the complete knowledge graph at the receiver. Numerical simulations illustrate the effectiveness of leveraging knowledge graphs to semantically compress and transmit information.
Abstract:The plethora of wirelessly connected devices, whose deployment density is expected to largely increase in the upcoming sixth Generation (6G) of wireless networks, will naturally necessitate substantial advances in multiple access schemes. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) constitute a candidate 6G technology capable to offer dynamic over-the-air signal propagation programmability, which can be optimized for efficient non-orthogonal access of a multitude of devices. In this paper, we study the downlink of a wideband communication system comprising multiple multi-antenna Base Stations (BSs), each wishing to serve an associated single-antenna user via the assistance of a Beyond Diagonal (BD) and frequency-selective RIS. Under the assumption that each BS performs Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) transmissions and exclusively controls a distinct RIS, we focus on the sum-rate maximization problem and present a distributed joint design of the linear precoders at the BSs as well as the tunable capacitances and the switch selection matrices at the multiple BD RISs. The formulated non-convex design optimization problem is solved via successive concave approximation necessitating minimal cooperation among the BSs. Our extensive simulation results showcase the performance superiority of the proposed cooperative scheme over non-cooperation benchmarks, indicating the performance gains with BD RISs via the presented optimized frequency selective operation for various scenarios.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel design for AI-native goal-oriented communications, exploiting transformer neural networks under dynamic inference constraints on bandwidth and computation. Transformers have become the standard architecture for pretraining large-scale vision and text models, and preliminary results have shown promising performance also in deep joint source-channel coding (JSCC). Here, we consider a dynamic model where communication happens over a channel with variable latency and bandwidth constraints. Leveraging recent works on conditional computation, we exploit the structure of the transformer blocks and the multihead attention operator to design a trainable semantic token selection mechanism that learns to select relevant tokens (e.g., image patches) from the input signal. This is done dynamically, on a per-input basis, with a rate that can be chosen as an additional input by the user. We show that our model improves over state-of-the-art token selection mechanisms, exhibiting high accuracy for a wide range of latency and bandwidth constraints, without the need for deploying multiple architectures tailored to each constraint. Last, but not least, the proposed token selection mechanism helps extract powerful semantics that are easy to understand and explain, paving the way for interpretable-by-design models for the next generation of AI-native communication systems.
Abstract:The Information Bottleneck (IB) method is an information theoretical framework to design a parsimonious and tunable feature-extraction mechanism, such that the extracted features are maximally relevant to a specific learning or inference task. Despite its theoretical value, the IB is based on a functional optimization problem that admits a closed form solution only on specific cases (e.g., Gaussian distributions), making it difficult to be applied in most applications, where it is necessary to resort to complex and approximated variational implementations. To overcome this limitation, we propose an approach to adapt the closed-form solution of the Gaussian IB to a general task. Whichever is the inference task to be performed by a (possibly deep) neural-network, the key idea is to opportunistically design a regression sub-task, embedded in the original problem, where we can safely assume a (joint) multivariate normality between the sub-task's inputs and outputs. In this way we can exploit a fixed and pre-trained neural network to process the input data, using a tunable number of features, to trade data-size and complexity for accuracy. This approach is particularly useful every time a device needs to transmit data (or features) to a server that has to fulfil an inference task, as it provides a principled way to extract the most relevant features for the task to be executed, while looking for the best trade-off between the size of the feature vector to be transmitted, inference accuracy, and complexity. Extensive simulation results testify the effectiveness of the proposed methodhttps://info.arxiv.org/help/prep#comments and encourage to further investigate this research line.