Abstract:Understanding reader behaviors such as skimming, deep reading, and scanning is essential for improving educational instruction. While prior eye-tracking studies have trained models to recognize reading behaviors, they often rely on instructed reading tasks, which can alter natural behaviors and limit the applicability of these findings to in-the-wild settings. Additionally, there is a lack of clear definitions for reading behavior archetypes in the literature. We conducted a classroom study to address these issues by collecting instructed and in-the-wild reading data. We developed a mixed-method framework, including a human-driven theoretical model, statistical analyses, and an AI classifier, to differentiate reading behaviors based on their velocity, density, and sequentiality. Our lightweight 2D CNN achieved an F1 score of 0.8 for behavior recognition, providing a robust approach for understanding in-the-wild reading. This work advances our ability to provide detailed behavioral insights to educators, supporting more targeted and effective assessment and instruction.
Abstract:The workshop 'AI-based Planning for Cyber-Physical Systems', which took place on February 26, 2024, as part of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Vancouver, Canada, brought together researchers to discuss recent advances in AI planning methods for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). CPS pose a major challenge due to their complexity and data-intensive nature, which often exceeds the capabilities of traditional planning algorithms. The workshop highlighted new approaches such as neuro-symbolic architectures, large language models (LLMs), deep reinforcement learning and advances in symbolic planning. These techniques are promising when it comes to managing the complexity of CPS and have potential for real-world applications.
Abstract:Recent technological advancements have enhanced our ability to collect and analyze rich multimodal data (e.g., speech, video, and eye gaze) to better inform learning and training experiences. While previous reviews have focused on parts of the multimodal pipeline (e.g., conceptual models and data fusion), a comprehensive literature review on the methods informing multimodal learning and training environments has not been conducted. This literature review provides an in-depth analysis of research methods in these environments, proposing a taxonomy and framework that encapsulates recent methodological advances in this field and characterizes the multimodal domain in terms of five modality groups: Natural Language, Video, Sensors, Human-Centered, and Environment Logs. We introduce a novel data fusion category -- mid fusion -- and a graph-based technique for refining literature reviews, termed citation graph pruning. Our analysis reveals that leveraging multiple modalities offers a more holistic understanding of the behaviors and outcomes of learners and trainees. Even when multimodality does not enhance predictive accuracy, it often uncovers patterns that contextualize and elucidate unimodal data, revealing subtleties that a single modality may miss. However, there remains a need for further research to bridge the divide between multimodal learning and training studies and foundational AI research.
Abstract:Early and accurate detection of anomalous events on the freeway, such as accidents, can improve emergency response and clearance. However, existing delays and errors in event identification and reporting make it a difficult problem to solve. Current large-scale freeway traffic datasets are not designed for anomaly detection and ignore these challenges. In this paper, we introduce the first large-scale lane-level freeway traffic dataset for anomaly detection. Our dataset consists of a month of weekday radar detection sensor data collected in 4 lanes along an 18-mile stretch of Interstate 24 heading toward Nashville, TN, comprising over 3.7 million sensor measurements. We also collect official crash reports from the Nashville Traffic Management Center and manually label all other potential anomalies in the dataset. To show the potential for our dataset to be used in future machine learning and traffic research, we benchmark numerous deep learning anomaly detection models on our dataset. We find that unsupervised graph neural network autoencoders are a promising solution for this problem and that ignoring spatial relationships leads to decreased performance. We demonstrate that our methods can reduce reporting delays by over 10 minutes on average while detecting 75% of crashes. Our dataset and all preprocessing code needed to get started are publicly released at https://vu.edu/ft-aed/ to facilitate future research.
Abstract:Investigating children's embodied learning in mixed-reality environments, where they collaboratively simulate scientific processes, requires analyzing complex multimodal data to interpret their learning and coordination behaviors. Learning scientists have developed Interaction Analysis (IA) methodologies for analyzing such data, but this requires researchers to watch hours of videos to extract and interpret students' learning patterns. Our study aims to simplify researchers' tasks, using Machine Learning and Multimodal Learning Analytics to support the IA processes. Our study combines machine learning algorithms and multimodal analyses to support and streamline researcher efforts in developing a comprehensive understanding of students' scientific engagement through their movements, gaze, and affective responses in a simulated scenario. To facilitate an effective researcher-AI partnership, we present an initial case study to determine the feasibility of visually representing students' states, actions, gaze, affect, and movement on a timeline. Our case study focuses on a specific science scenario where students learn about photosynthesis. The timeline allows us to investigate the alignment of critical learning moments identified by multimodal and interaction analysis, and uncover insights into students' temporal learning progressions.
Abstract:LLMs have demonstrated proficiency in contextualizing their outputs using human input, often matching or beating human-level performance on a variety of tasks. However, LLMs have not yet been used to characterize synergistic learning in students' collaborative discourse. In this exploratory work, we take a first step towards adopting a human-in-the-loop prompt engineering approach with GPT-4-Turbo to summarize and categorize students' synergistic learning during collaborative discourse. Our preliminary findings suggest GPT-4-Turbo may be able to characterize students' synergistic learning in a manner comparable to humans and that our approach warrants further investigation.
Abstract:This paper explores the use of large language models (LLMs) to score and explain short-answer assessments in K-12 science. While existing methods can score more structured math and computer science assessments, they often do not provide explanations for the scores. Our study focuses on employing GPT-4 for automated assessment in middle school Earth Science, combining few-shot and active learning with chain-of-thought reasoning. Using a human-in-the-loop approach, we successfully score and provide meaningful explanations for formative assessment responses. A systematic analysis of our method's pros and cons sheds light on the potential for human-in-the-loop techniques to enhance automated grading for open-ended science assessments.
Abstract:Variable speed limit (VSL) control is a promising traffic management strategy for enhancing safety and mobility. This work introduces MARVEL, a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) framework for implementing large-scale VSL control on freeway corridors using only commonly available data. The agents learn through a reward structure that incorporates adaptability to traffic conditions, safety, and mobility; enabling coordination among the agents. The proposed framework scales to cover corridors with many gantries thanks to a parameter sharing among all VSL agents. The agents are trained in a microsimulation environment based on a short freeway stretch with 8 gantries spanning 7 miles and tested with 34 gantries spanning 17 miles of I-24 near Nashville, TN. MARVEL improves traffic safety by 63.4% compared to the no control scenario and enhances traffic mobility by 14.6% compared to a state-of-the-practice algorithm that has been deployed on I-24. An explainability analysis is undertaken to explore the learned policy under different traffic conditions and the results provide insights into the decision-making process of agents. Finally, we test the policy learned from the simulation-based experiments on real input data from I-24 to illustrate the potential deployment capability of the learned policy.
Abstract:In this work, we present an approach to supervisory reinforcement learning control for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAVs are dynamic systems where control decisions in response to disturbances in the environment have to be made in the order of milliseconds. We formulate a supervisory control architecture that interleaves with extant embedded control and demonstrates robustness to environmental disturbances in the form of adverse wind conditions. We run case studies with a Tarot T-18 Octorotor to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and compare it against a classic cascade control architecture used in most vehicles. While the results show the performance difference is marginal for nominal operations, substantial performance improvement is obtained with the supervisory RL approach under unseen wind conditions.
Abstract:In this paper, we leverage ideas from model-based control to address the sample efficiency problem of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms. Accelerating learning is an active field of RL highly relevant in the context of time-varying systems. Traditional transfer learning methods propose to use prior knowledge of the system behavior to devise a gradual or immediate data-driven transformation of the control policy obtained through RL. Such transformation is usually computed by estimating the performance of previous control policies based on measurements recently collected from the system. However, such retrospective measures have debatable utility with no guarantees of positive transfer in most cases. Instead, we propose a model-based transformation, such that when actions from a control policy are applied to the target system, a positive transfer is achieved. The transformation can be used as an initialization for the reinforcement learning process to converge to a new optimum. We validate the performance of our approach through four benchmark examples. We demonstrate that our approach is more sample-efficient than fine-tuning with reinforcement learning alone and achieves comparable performance to linear-quadratic-regulators and model-predictive control when an accurate linear model is known in the three cases. If an accurate model is not known, we empirically show that the proposed approach still guarantees positive transfer with jump-start improvement.