Abstract:The workshop 'AI-based Planning for Cyber-Physical Systems', which took place on February 26, 2024, as part of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Vancouver, Canada, brought together researchers to discuss recent advances in AI planning methods for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). CPS pose a major challenge due to their complexity and data-intensive nature, which often exceeds the capabilities of traditional planning algorithms. The workshop highlighted new approaches such as neuro-symbolic architectures, large language models (LLMs), deep reinforcement learning and advances in symbolic planning. These techniques are promising when it comes to managing the complexity of CPS and have potential for real-world applications.
Abstract:In Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) research, anomaly detection (detecting abnormal behavior) and diagnosis (identifying the underlying root cause) are often treated as distinct, isolated tasks. However, diagnosis algorithms require symptoms, i.e. temporally and spatially isolated anomalies, as input. Thus, anomaly detection and diagnosis must be developed together to provide a holistic solution for diagnosis in CPS. We therefore propose a method for utilizing deep learning-based anomaly detection to generate inputs for Consistency-Based Diagnosis (CBD). We evaluate our approach on a simulated and a real-world CPS dataset, where our model demonstrates strong performance relative to other state-of-the-art models.
Abstract:Consistency-based diagnosis is an established approach to diagnose technical applications, but suffers from significant modeling efforts, especially for dynamic multi-modal time series. Machine learning seems to be an obvious solution, which becomes less obvious when looking at details: Which notion of consistency can be used? If logical calculi are still to be used, how can dynamic time series be transferred into the discrete world? This paper presents the methodology Discret2Di for automated learning of logical expressions for consistency-based diagnosis. While these logical calculi have advantages by providing a clear notion of consistency, they have the key problem of relying on a discretization of the dynamic system. The solution presented combines machine learning from both the time series and the symbolic domain to automate the learning of logical rules for consistency-based diagnosis.
Abstract:Services for Cyber-Physical Systems based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning require a virtual representation of the physical. To reduce modeling efforts and to synchronize results, for each system, a common and unique virtual representation used by all services during the whole system life-cycle is needed, i.e. a DigitalTwin. In this paper such a DigitalTwin, namely the AI reference model AITwin, is defined. This reference model is verified by using a running example from process industry and by analyzing the work done in recent projects.