Abstract:Federated Reinforcement Learning (FedRL) improves sample efficiency while preserving privacy; however, most existing studies assume homogeneous agents, limiting its applicability in real-world scenarios. This paper investigates FedRL in black-box settings with heterogeneous agents, where each agent employs distinct policy networks and training configurations without disclosing their internal details. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a promising method for facilitating knowledge sharing among heterogeneous models, but it faces challenges related to the scarcity of public datasets and limitations in knowledge representation when applied to FedRL. To address these challenges, we propose Federated Heterogeneous Policy Distillation (FedHPD), which solves the problem of heterogeneous FedRL by utilizing action probability distributions as a medium for knowledge sharing. We provide a theoretical analysis of FedHPD's convergence under standard assumptions. Extensive experiments corroborate that FedHPD shows significant improvements across various reinforcement learning benchmark tasks, further validating our theoretical findings. Moreover, additional experiments demonstrate that FedHPD operates effectively without the need for an elaborate selection of public datasets.
Abstract:In the era of increasing privacy concerns and demand for personalized experiences, traditional Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) frameworks face significant challenges due to their reliance on centralized data. We introduce Federated Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (FedRLHF), a novel framework that decentralizes the RLHF process. FedRLHF enables collaborative policy learning across multiple clients without necessitating the sharing of raw data or human feedback, thereby ensuring robust privacy preservation. Leveraging federated reinforcement learning, each client integrates human feedback locally into their reward functions and updates their policies through personalized RLHF processes. We establish rigorous theoretical foundations for FedRLHF, providing convergence guarantees, and deriving sample complexity bounds that scale efficiently with the number of clients. Empirical evaluations on the MovieLens and IMDb datasets demonstrate that FedRLHF not only preserves user privacy but also achieves performance on par with centralized RLHF, while enhancing personalization across diverse client environments.
Abstract:Imitation learning (IL) has shown great potential in various applications, such as robot control. However, traditional IL methods are usually designed to learn only one specific type of behavior since demonstrations typically correspond to a single expert. In this work, we introduce the first generic framework for Quality Diversity Imitation Learning (QD-IL), which enables the agent to learn a broad range of skills from limited demonstrations. Our framework integrates the principles of quality diversity with adversarial imitation learning (AIL) methods, and can potentially improve any inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) method. Empirically, our framework significantly improves the QD performance of GAIL and VAIL on the challenging continuous control tasks derived from Mujoco environments. Moreover, our method even achieves 2x expert performance in the most challenging Humanoid environment.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) has gained popularity in the realm of recommender systems due to its ability to optimize long-term rewards and guide users in discovering relevant content. However, the successful implementation of RL in recommender systems is challenging because of several factors, including the limited availability of online data for training on-policy methods. This scarcity requires expensive human interaction for online model training. Furthermore, the development of effective evaluation frameworks that accurately reflect the quality of models remains a fundamental challenge in recommender systems. To address these challenges, we propose a comprehensive framework for synthetic environments that simulate human behavior by harnessing the capabilities of large language models (LLMs). We complement our framework with in-depth ablation studies and demonstrate its effectiveness with experiments on movie and book recommendations. By utilizing LLMs as synthetic users, this work introduces a modular and novel framework for training RL-based recommender systems. The software, including the RL environment, is publicly available.
Abstract:In this study, we delve into Federated Reinforcement Learning (FedRL) in the context of value-based agents operating across diverse Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). Existing FedRL methods typically aggregate agents' learning by averaging the value functions across them to improve their performance. However, this aggregation strategy is suboptimal in heterogeneous environments where agents converge to diverse optimal value functions. To address this problem, we introduce the Convergence-AwarE SAmpling with scReening (CAESAR) aggregation scheme designed to enhance the learning of individual agents across varied MDPs. CAESAR is an aggregation strategy used by the server that combines convergence-aware sampling with a screening mechanism. By exploiting the fact that agents learning in identical MDPs are converging to the same optimal value function, CAESAR enables the selective assimilation of knowledge from more proficient counterparts, thereby significantly enhancing the overall learning efficiency. We empirically validate our hypothesis and demonstrate the effectiveness of CAESAR in enhancing the learning efficiency of agents, using both a custom-built GridWorld environment and the classical FrozenLake-v1 task, each presenting varying levels of environmental heterogeneity.
Abstract:In Federated Reinforcement Learning (FRL), agents aim to collaboratively learn a common task, while each agent is acting in its local environment without exchanging raw trajectories. Existing approaches for FRL either (a) do not provide any fault-tolerance guarantees (against misbehaving agents), or (b) rely on a trusted central agent (a single point of failure) for aggregating updates. We provide the first decentralized Byzantine fault-tolerant FRL method. Towards this end, we first propose a new centralized Byzantine fault-tolerant policy gradient (PG) algorithm that improves over existing methods by relying only on assumptions standard for non-fault-tolerant PG. Then, as our main contribution, we show how a combination of robust aggregation and Byzantine-resilient agreement methods can be leveraged in order to eliminate the need for a trusted central entity. Since our results represent the first sample complexity analysis for Byzantine fault-tolerant decentralized federated non-convex optimization, our technical contributions may be of independent interest. Finally, we corroborate our theoretical results experimentally for common RL environments, demonstrating the speed-up of decentralized federations w.r.t. the number of participating agents and resilience against various Byzantine attacks.
Abstract:Reinforcement Learning (RL) has made promising progress in planning and decision-making for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) in simple driving scenarios. However, existing RL algorithms for AVs fail to learn critical driving skills in complex urban scenarios. First, urban driving scenarios require AVs to handle multiple driving tasks of which conventional RL algorithms are incapable. Second, the presence of other vehicles in urban scenarios results in a dynamically changing environment, which challenges RL algorithms to plan the action and trajectory of the AV. In this work, we propose an action and trajectory planner using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (atHRL) method, which models the agent behavior in a hierarchical model by using the perception of the lidar and birdeye view. The proposed atHRL method learns to make decisions about the agent's future trajectory and computes target waypoints under continuous settings based on a hierarchical DDPG algorithm. The waypoints planned by the atHRL model are then sent to a low-level controller to generate the steering and throttle commands required for the vehicle maneuver. We empirically verify the efficacy of atHRL through extensive experiments in complex urban driving scenarios that compose multiple tasks with the presence of other vehicles in the CARLA simulator. The experimental results suggest a significant performance improvement compared to the state-of-the-art RL methods.
Abstract:Federated Reinforcement Learning (FedRL) encourages distributed agents to learn collectively from each other's experience to improve their performance without exchanging their raw trajectories. The existing work on FedRL assumes that all participating agents are homogeneous, which requires all agents to share the same policy parameterization (e.g., network architectures and training configurations). However, in real-world applications, agents are often in disagreement about the architecture and the parameters, possibly also because of disparate computational budgets. Because homogeneity is not given in practice, we introduce the problem setting of Federated Reinforcement Learning with Heterogeneous And bLack-box agEnts (FedRL-HALE). We present the unique challenges this new setting poses and propose the Federated Heterogeneous Q-Learning (FedHQL) algorithm that principally addresses these challenges. We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of FedHQL in boosting the sample efficiency of heterogeneous agents with distinct policy parameterization using standard RL tasks.
Abstract:Recent works on neural contextual bandit have achieved compelling performances thanks to their ability to leverage the strong representation power of neural networks (NNs) for reward prediction. Many applications of contextual bandit involve multiple agents who collaborate without sharing raw observations, giving rise to the setting of federated contextual bandit. Existing works on federated contextual bandit rely on linear or kernelized bandit, which may fall short when modeling complicated real-world reward functions. In this regard, we introduce the federated neural-upper confidence bound (FN-UCB) algorithm. To better exploit the federated setting, we adopt a weighted combination of two UCBs: $\text{UCB}^{a}$ allows every agent to additionally use the observations from the other agents to accelerate exploration (without sharing raw observations); $\text{UCB}^{b}$ uses an NN with aggregated parameters for reward prediction in a similar way as federated averaging for supervised learning. Notably, the weight between the two UCBs required by our theoretical analysis is amenable to an interesting interpretation, which emphasizes $\text{UCB}^{a}$ initially for accelerated exploration and relies more on $\text{UCB}^{b}$ later after enough observations have been collected to train the NNs for accurate reward prediction (i.e., reliable exploitation). We prove sub-linear upper bounds on both the cumulative regret and the number of communication rounds of FN-UCB, and use empirical experiments to demonstrate its competitive performances.
Abstract:The growing literature of Federated Learning (FL) has recently inspired Federated Reinforcement Learning (FRL) to encourage multiple agents to federatively build a better decision-making policy without sharing raw trajectories. Despite its promising applications, existing works on FRL fail to I) provide theoretical analysis on its convergence, and II) account for random system failures and adversarial attacks. Towards this end, we propose the first FRL framework the convergence of which is guaranteed and tolerant to less than half of the participating agents being random system failures or adversarial attackers. We prove that the sample efficiency of the proposed framework is guaranteed to improve with the number of agents and is able to account for such potential failures or attacks. All theoretical results are empirically verified on various RL benchmark tasks.