Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have shown significant promise across various medical applications, with ophthalmology being a notable area of focus. Many ophthalmic tasks have shown substantial improvement through the integration of LLMs. However, before these models can be widely adopted in clinical practice, evaluating their capabilities and identifying their limitations is crucial. To address this research gap and support the real-world application of LLMs, we introduce the OphthBench, a specialized benchmark designed to assess LLM performance within the context of Chinese ophthalmic practices. This benchmark systematically divides a typical ophthalmic clinical workflow into five key scenarios: Education, Triage, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis. For each scenario, we developed multiple tasks featuring diverse question types, resulting in a comprehensive benchmark comprising 9 tasks and 591 questions. This comprehensive framework allows for a thorough assessment of LLMs' capabilities and provides insights into their practical application in Chinese ophthalmology. Using this benchmark, we conducted extensive experiments and analyzed the results from 39 popular LLMs. Our evaluation highlights the current gap between LLM development and its practical utility in clinical settings, providing a clear direction for future advancements. By bridging this gap, we aim to unlock the potential of LLMs and advance their development in ophthalmology.
Abstract:Federated Reinforcement Learning (FedRL) improves sample efficiency while preserving privacy; however, most existing studies assume homogeneous agents, limiting its applicability in real-world scenarios. This paper investigates FedRL in black-box settings with heterogeneous agents, where each agent employs distinct policy networks and training configurations without disclosing their internal details. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a promising method for facilitating knowledge sharing among heterogeneous models, but it faces challenges related to the scarcity of public datasets and limitations in knowledge representation when applied to FedRL. To address these challenges, we propose Federated Heterogeneous Policy Distillation (FedHPD), which solves the problem of heterogeneous FedRL by utilizing action probability distributions as a medium for knowledge sharing. We provide a theoretical analysis of FedHPD's convergence under standard assumptions. Extensive experiments corroborate that FedHPD shows significant improvements across various reinforcement learning benchmark tasks, further validating our theoretical findings. Moreover, additional experiments demonstrate that FedHPD operates effectively without the need for an elaborate selection of public datasets.
Abstract:Behavior Tree (BT) planning is crucial for autonomous robot behavior control, yet its application in complex scenarios is hampered by long planning times. Pruning and heuristics are common techniques to accelerate planning, but it is difficult to design general pruning strategies and heuristic functions for BT planning problems. This paper proposes improving BT planning efficiency for everyday service robots leveraging commonsense reasoning provided by Large Language Models (LLMs), leading to model-free pre-planning action space pruning and heuristic generation. This approach takes advantage of the modularity and interpretability of BT nodes, represented by predicate logic, to enable LLMs to predict the task-relevant action predicates and objects, and even the optimal path, without an explicit action model. We propose the Heuristic Optimal Behavior Tree Expansion Algorithm (HOBTEA) with two heuristic variants and provide a formal comparison and discussion of their efficiency and optimality. We introduce a learnable and transferable commonsense library to enhance the LLM's reasoning performance without fine-tuning. The action space expansion based on the commonsense library can further increase the success rate of planning. Experiments show the theoretical bounds of commonsense pruning and heuristic, and demonstrate the actual performance of LLM learning and reasoning with the commonsense library. Results in four datasets showcase the practical effectiveness of our approach in everyday service robot applications.
Abstract:Robots executing tasks following human instructions in domestic or industrial environments essentially require both adaptability and reliability. Behavior Tree (BT) emerges as an appropriate control architecture for these scenarios due to its modularity and reactivity. Existing BT generation methods, however, either do not involve interpreting natural language or cannot theoretically guarantee the BTs' success. This paper proposes a two-stage framework for BT generation, which first employs large language models (LLMs) to interpret goals from high-level instructions, then constructs an efficient goal-specific BT through the Optimal Behavior Tree Expansion Algorithm (OBTEA). We represent goals as well-formed formulas in first-order logic, effectively bridging intent understanding and optimal behavior planning. Experiments in the service robot validate the proficiency of LLMs in producing grammatically correct and accurately interpreted goals, demonstrate OBTEA's superiority over the baseline BT Expansion algorithm in various metrics, and finally confirm the practical deployability of our framework. The project website is https://dids-ei.github.io/Project/LLM-OBTEA/.
Abstract:Recently, formal verification of deep neural networks (DNNs) has garnered considerable attention, and over-approximation based methods have become popular due to their effectiveness and efficiency. However, these strategies face challenges in addressing the "unknown dilemma" concerning whether the exact output region or the introduced approximation error violates the property in question. To address this, this paper introduces the UR4NNV verification framework, which utilizes under-approximation reachability analysis for DNN verification for the first time. UR4NNV focuses on DNNs with Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activations and employs a binary tree branch-based under-approximation algorithm. In each epoch, UR4NNV under-approximates a sub-polytope of the reachable set and verifies this polytope against the given property. Through a trial-and-error approach, UR4NNV effectively falsifies DNN properties while providing confidence levels when reaching verification epoch bounds and failing falsifying properties. Experimental comparisons with existing verification methods demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of UR4NNV, significantly reducing the impact of the "unknown dilemma".
Abstract:A near-field wideband beamforming scheme is investigated for reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) assisted multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, in which a deep learning-based end-to-end (E2E) optimization framework is proposed to maximize the system spectral efficiency. To deal with the near-field double beam split effect, the base station is equipped with frequency-dependent hybrid precoding architecture by introducing sub-connected true time delay (TTD) units, while two specific RIS architectures, namely true time delay-based RIS (TTD-RIS) and virtual subarray-based RIS (SA-RIS), are exploited to realize the frequency-dependent passive beamforming at the RIS. Furthermore, the efficient E2E beamforming models without explicit channel state information are proposed, which jointly exploits the uplink channel training module and the downlink wideband beamforming module. In the proposed network architecture of the E2E models, the classical communication signal processing methods, i.e., polarized filtering and sparsity transform, are leveraged to develop a signal-guided beamforming network. Numerical results show that the proposed E2E models have superior beamforming performance and robustness to conventional beamforming benchmarks. Furthermore, the tradeoff between the beamforming gain and the hardware complexity is investigated for different frequency-dependent RIS architectures, in which the TTD-RIS can achieve better spectral efficiency than the SA-RIS while requiring additional energy consumption and hardware cost.
Abstract:Numerous approaches have attempted to interpret deep neural networks (DNNs) by attributing the prediction of DNN to its input features. One of the well-studied attribution methods is Integrated Gradients (IG). Specifically, the choice of baselines for IG is a critical consideration for generating meaningful and unbiased explanations for model predictions in different scenarios. However, current practice of exploiting a single baseline fails to fulfill this ambition, thus demanding multiple baselines. Fortunately, the inherent connection between IG and Aumann-Shapley Value forms a unique perspective to rethink the design of baselines. Under certain hypothesis, we theoretically analyse that a set of baseline aligns with the coalitions in Shapley Value. Thus, we propose a novel baseline construction method called Shapley Integrated Gradients (SIG) that searches for a set of baselines by proportional sampling to partly simulate the computation path of Shapley Value. Simulations on GridWorld show that SIG approximates the proportion of Shapley Values. Furthermore, experiments conducted on various image tasks demonstrate that compared to IG using other baseline methods, SIG exhibits an improved estimation of feature's contribution, offers more consistent explanations across diverse applications, and is generic to distinct data types or instances with insignificant computational overhead.
Abstract:Emotion distribution learning has gained increasing attention with the tendency to express emotions through images. As for emotion ambiguity arising from humans' subjectivity, substantial previous methods generally focused on learning appropriate representations from the holistic or significant part of images. However, they rarely consider establishing connections with the stylistic information although it can lead to a better understanding of images. In this paper, we propose a style-guided high-order attention network for image emotion distribution learning termed StyleEDL, which interactively learns stylistic-aware representations of images by exploring the hierarchical stylistic information of visual contents. Specifically, we consider exploring the intra- and inter-layer correlations among GRAM-based stylistic representations, and meanwhile exploit an adversary-constrained high-order attention mechanism to capture potential interactions between subtle visual parts. In addition, we introduce a stylistic graph convolutional network to dynamically generate the content-dependent emotion representations to benefit the final emotion distribution learning. Extensive experiments conducted on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed StyleEDL compared to state-of-the-art methods. The implementation is released at: https://github.com/liuxianyi/StyleEDL.
Abstract:Deep neural networks, (DNNs, a.k.a. NNs), have been widely used in various tasks and have been proven to be successful. However, the accompanied expensive computing and storage costs make the deployments in resource-constrained devices a significant concern. To solve this issue, quantization has emerged as an effective way to reduce the costs of DNNs with little accuracy degradation by quantizing floating-point numbers to low-width fixed-point representations. Quantized neural networks (QNNs) have been developed, with binarized neural networks (BNNs) restricted to binary values as a special case. Another concern about neural networks is their vulnerability and lack of interpretability. Despite the active research on trustworthy of DNNs, few approaches have been proposed to QNNs. To this end, this paper presents an automata-theoretic approach to synthesizing BNNs that meet designated properties. More specifically, we define a temporal logic, called BLTL, as the specification language. We show that each BLTL formula can be transformed into an automaton on finite words. To deal with the state-explosion problem, we provide a tableau-based approach in real implementation. For the synthesis procedure, we utilize SMT solvers to detect the existence of a model (i.e., a BNN) in the construction process. Notably, synthesis provides a way to determine the hyper-parameters of the network before training.Moreover, we experimentally evaluate our approach and demonstrate its effectiveness in improving the individual fairness and local robustness of BNNs while maintaining accuracy to a great extent.
Abstract:Neural networks (NNs) are increasingly applied in safety-critical systems such as autonomous vehicles. However, they are fragile and are often ill-behaved. Consequently, their behaviors should undergo rigorous guarantees before deployment in practice. In this paper, we propose a set-boundary reachability method to investigate the safety verification problem of NNs from a topological perspective. Given an NN with an input set and a safe set, the safety verification problem is to determine whether all outputs of the NN resulting from the input set fall within the safe set. In our method, the homeomorphism property and the open map property of NNs are mainly exploited, which establish rigorous guarantees between the boundaries of the input set and the boundaries of the output set. The exploitation of these two properties facilitates reachability computations via extracting subsets of the input set rather than the entire input set, thus controlling the wrapping effect in reachability analysis and facilitating the reduction of computation burdens for safety verification. The homeomorphism property exists in some widely used NNs such as invertible residual networks (i-ResNets) and Neural ordinary differential equations (Neural ODEs), and the open map is a less strict property and easier to satisfy compared with the homeomorphism property. For NNs establishing either of these properties, our set-boundary reachability method only needs to perform reachability analysis on the boundary of the input set. Moreover, for NNs that do not feature these properties with respect to the input set, we explore subsets of the input set for establishing the local homeomorphism property and then abandon these subsets for reachability computations. Finally, some examples demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.