Abstract:We provide new connections between two distinct federated learning approaches based on (i) ADMM and (ii) Variational Bayes (VB), and propose new variants by combining their complementary strengths. Specifically, we show that the dual variables in ADMM naturally emerge through the 'site' parameters used in VB with isotropic Gaussian covariances. Using this, we derive two versions of ADMM from VB that use flexible covariances and functional regularisation, respectively. Through numerical experiments, we validate the improvements obtained in performance. The work shows connection between two fields that are believed to be fundamentally different and combines them to improve federated learning.
Abstract:Concept bottleneck models are interpretable predictive models that are often used in domains where model trust is a key priority, such as healthcare. They identify a small number of human-interpretable concepts in the data, which they then use to make predictions. Learning relevant concepts from data proves to be a challenging task. The most predictive concepts may not align with expert intuition, thus, failing interpretability with no recourse. Our proposed approach identifies a number of predictive concepts that explain the data. By offering multiple alternative explanations, we allow the human expert to choose the one that best aligns with their expectation. To demonstrate our method, we show that it is able discover all possible concept representations on a synthetic dataset. On EHR data, our model was able to identify 4 out of the 5 pre-defined concepts without supervision.
Abstract:Artificial Intelligence (AI), like any transformative technology, has the potential to be a double-edged sword, leading either toward significant advancements or detrimental outcomes for society as a whole. As is often the case when it comes to widely-used technologies in market economies (e.g., cars and semiconductor chips), commercial interest tends to be the predominant guiding factor. The AI community is at risk of becoming polarized to either take a laissez-faire attitude toward AI development, or to call for government overregulation. Between these two poles we argue for the community of AI practitioners to consciously and proactively work for the common good. This paper offers a blueprint for a new type of innovation infrastructure including 18 concrete milestones to guide AI research in that direction. Our view is that we are still in the early days of practical AI, and focused efforts by practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders can still maximize the upsides of AI and minimize its downsides. We talked to luminaries such as recent Nobelist John Jumper on science, President Barack Obama on governance, former UN Ambassador and former National Security Advisor Susan Rice on security, philanthropist Eric Schmidt on several topics, and science fiction novelist Neal Stephenson on entertainment. This ongoing dialogue and collaborative effort has produced a comprehensive, realistic view of what the actual impact of AI could be, from a diverse assembly of thinkers with deep understanding of this technology and these domains. From these exchanges, five recurring guidelines emerged, which form the cornerstone of a framework for beginning to harness AI in service of the public good. They not only guide our efforts in discovery but also shape our approach to deploying this transformative technology responsibly and ethically.
Abstract:We consider the problem of estimating the transition dynamics $T^*$ from near-optimal expert trajectories in the context of offline model-based reinforcement learning. We develop a novel constraint-based method, Inverse Transition Learning, that treats the limited coverage of the expert trajectories as a \emph{feature}: we use the fact that the expert is near-optimal to inform our estimate of $T^*$. We integrate our constraints into a Bayesian approach. Across both synthetic environments and real healthcare scenarios like Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patient management in hypotension, we demonstrate not only significant improvements in decision-making, but that our posterior can inform when transfer will be successful.
Abstract:In aims to uncover insights into medical decision-making embedded within observational data from clinical settings, we present a novel application of Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) that identifies suboptimal clinician actions based on the actions of their peers. This approach centers two stages of IRL with an intermediate step to prune trajectories displaying behavior that deviates significantly from the consensus. This enables us to effectively identify clinical priorities and values from ICU data containing both optimal and suboptimal clinician decisions. We observe that the benefits of removing suboptimal actions vary by disease and differentially impact certain demographic groups.
Abstract:When explaining black-box machine learning models, it's often important for explanations to have certain desirable properties. Most existing methods `encourage' desirable properties in their construction of explanations. In this work, we demonstrate that these forms of encouragement do not consistently create explanations with the properties that are supposedly being targeted. Moreover, they do not allow for any control over which properties are prioritized when different properties are at odds with each other. We propose to directly optimize explanations for desired properties. Our direct approach not only produces explanations with optimal properties more consistently but also empowers users to control trade-offs between different properties, allowing them to create explanations with exactly what is needed for a particular task.
Abstract:Within batch reinforcement learning, safe policy improvement (SPI) seeks to ensure that the learnt policy performs at least as well as the behavior policy that generated the dataset. The core challenge in SPI is seeking improvements while balancing risk when many state-action pairs may be infrequently visited. In this work, we introduce Decision Points RL (DPRL), an algorithm that restricts the set of state-action pairs (or regions for continuous states) considered for improvement. DPRL ensures high-confidence improvement in densely visited states (i.e. decision points) while still utilizing data from sparsely visited states. By appropriately limiting where and how we may deviate from the behavior policy, we achieve tighter bounds than prior work; specifically, our data-dependent bounds do not scale with the size of the state and action spaces. In addition to the analysis, we demonstrate that DPRL is both safe and performant on synthetic and real datasets.
Abstract:People's decision-making abilities often fail to improve or may even erode when they rely on AI for decision-support, even when the AI provides informative explanations. We argue this is partly because people intuitively seek contrastive explanations, which clarify the difference between the AI's decision and their own reasoning, while most AI systems offer "unilateral" explanations that justify the AI's decision but do not account for users' thinking. To align human-AI knowledge on decision tasks, we introduce a framework for generating human-centered contrastive explanations that explain the difference between AI's choice and a predicted, likely human choice about the same task. Results from a large-scale experiment (N = 628) demonstrate that contrastive explanations significantly enhance users' independent decision-making skills compared to unilateral explanations, without sacrificing decision accuracy. Amid rising deskilling concerns, our research demonstrates that incorporating human reasoning into AI design can foster human skill development.
Abstract:Dental disease is a prevalent chronic condition associated with substantial financial burden, personal suffering, and increased risk of systemic diseases. Despite widespread recommendations for twice-daily tooth brushing, adherence to recommended oral self-care behaviors remains sub-optimal due to factors such as forgetfulness and disengagement. To address this, we developed Oralytics, a mHealth intervention system designed to complement clinician-delivered preventative care for marginalized individuals at risk for dental disease. Oralytics incorporates an online reinforcement learning algorithm to determine optimal times to deliver intervention prompts that encourage oral self-care behaviors. We have deployed Oralytics in a registered clinical trial. The deployment required careful design to manage challenges specific to the clinical trials setting in the U.S. In this paper, we (1) highlight key design decisions of the RL algorithm that address these challenges and (2) conduct a re-sampling analysis to evaluate algorithm design decisions. A second phase (randomized control trial) of Oralytics is planned to start in spring 2025.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are widely used in decision-making, but their reliability, especially in critical tasks like healthcare, is not well-established. Therefore, understanding how LLMs reason and make decisions is crucial for their safe deployment. This paper investigates how the uncertainty of responses generated by LLMs relates to the information provided in the input prompt. Leveraging the insight that LLMs learn to infer latent concepts during pretraining, we propose a prompt-response concept model that explains how LLMs generate responses and helps understand the relationship between prompts and response uncertainty. We show that the uncertainty decreases as the prompt's informativeness increases, similar to epistemic uncertainty. Our detailed experimental results on real datasets validate our proposed model.