Abstract:Reversible architectures have been shown to be capable of performing on par with their non-reversible architectures, being applied in deep learning for memory savings and generative modeling. In this work, we show how reversible architectures can solve challenges in parallelizing deep model training. We introduce PETRA, a novel alternative to backpropagation for parallelizing gradient computations. PETRA facilitates effective model parallelism by enabling stages (i.e., a set of layers) to compute independently on different devices, while only needing to communicate activations and gradients between each other. By decoupling the forward and backward passes and keeping a single updated version of the parameters, the need for weight stashing is also removed. We develop a custom autograd-like training framework for PETRA, and we demonstrate its effectiveness on CIFAR-10, ImageNet32, and ImageNet, achieving competitive accuracies comparable to backpropagation using ResNet-18, ResNet-34, and ResNet-50 models.
Abstract:Training Large Language Models (LLMs) relies heavily on distributed implementations, employing multiple GPUs to compute stochastic gradients on model replicas in parallel. However, synchronizing gradients in data parallel settings induces a communication overhead increasing with the number of distributed workers, which can impede the efficiency gains of parallelization. To address this challenge, optimization algorithms reducing inter-worker communication have emerged, such as local optimization methods used in Federated Learning. While effective in minimizing communication overhead, these methods incur significant memory costs, hindering scalability: in addition to extra momentum variables, if communications are only allowed between multiple local optimization steps, then the optimizer's states cannot be sharded among workers. In response, we propose $\textbf{AC}$cumulate while $\textbf{CO}$mmunicate ($\texttt{ACCO}$), a memory-efficient optimization algorithm tailored for distributed training of LLMs. $\texttt{ACCO}$ allows to shard optimizer states across workers, overlaps gradient computations and communications to conceal communication costs, and accommodates heterogeneous hardware. Our method relies on a novel technique to mitigate the one-step delay inherent in parallel execution of gradient computations and communications, eliminating the need for warmup steps and aligning with the training dynamics of standard distributed optimization while converging faster in terms of wall-clock time. We demonstrate the effectiveness of $\texttt{ACCO}$ on several LLMs training and fine-tuning tasks.
Abstract:Learned optimizers (LOs) can significantly reduce the wall-clock training time of neural networks, substantially reducing training costs. However, they often suffer from poor meta-generalization, especially when training networks larger than those seen during meta-training. To address this, we use the recently proposed Maximal Update Parametrization ($\mu$P), which allows zero-shot generalization of optimizer hyperparameters from smaller to larger models. We extend $\mu$P theory to learned optimizers, treating the meta-training problem as finding the learned optimizer under $\mu$P. Our evaluation shows that LOs meta-trained with $\mu$P substantially improve meta-generalization as compared to LOs trained under standard parametrization (SP). Notably, when applied to large-width models, our best $\mu$LO, trained for 103 GPU-hours, matches or exceeds the performance of VeLO, the largest publicly available learned optimizer, meta-trained with 4000 TPU-months of compute. Moreover, $\mu$LOs demonstrate better generalization than their SP counterparts to deeper networks and to much longer training horizons (25 times longer) than those seen during meta-training.
Abstract:The performance of deep neural networks is enhanced by ensemble methods, which average the output of several models. However, this comes at an increased cost at inference. Weight averaging methods aim at balancing the generalization of ensembling and the inference speed of a single model by averaging the parameters of an ensemble of models. Yet, naive averaging results in poor performance as models converge to different loss basins, and aligning the models to improve the performance of the average is challenging. Alternatively, inspired by distributed training, methods like DART and PAPA have been proposed to train several models in parallel such that they will end up in the same basin, resulting in good averaging accuracy. However, these methods either compromise ensembling accuracy or demand significant communication between models during training. In this paper, we introduce WASH, a novel distributed method for training model ensembles for weight averaging that achieves state-of-the-art image classification accuracy. WASH maintains models within the same basin by randomly shuffling a small percentage of weights during training, resulting in diverse models and lower communication costs compared to standard parameter averaging methods.
Abstract:Training large deep learning models requires parallelization techniques to scale. In existing methods such as Data Parallelism or ZeRO-DP, micro-batches of data are processed in parallel, which creates two drawbacks: the total memory required to store the model's activations peaks at the end of the forward pass, and gradients must be simultaneously averaged at the end of the backpropagation step. We propose Cyclic Data Parallelism, a novel paradigm shifting the execution of the micro-batches from simultaneous to sequential, with a uniform delay. At the cost of a slight gradient delay, the total memory taken by activations is constant, and the gradient communications are balanced during the training step. With Model Parallelism, our technique reduces the number of GPUs needed, by sharing GPUs across micro-batches. Within the ZeRO-DP framework, our technique allows communication of the model states with point-to-point operations rather than a collective broadcast operation. We illustrate the strength of our approach on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets.
Abstract:There are increasingly efficient data processing pipelines that work on vectors of numbers, for instance most machine learning models, or vector databases for fast similarity search. These require converting the data to numbers. While this conversion is easy for simple numerical and categorical entries, databases are strife with text entries, such as names or descriptions. In the age of large language models, what's the best strategies to vectorize tables entries, baring in mind that larger models entail more operational complexity? We study the benefits of language models in 14 analytical tasks on tables while varying the training size, as well as for a fuzzy join benchmark. We introduce a simple characterization of a column that reveals two settings: 1) a dirty categories setting, where strings share much similarities across entries, and conversely 2) a diverse entries setting. For dirty categories, pretrained language models bring little-to-no benefit compared to simpler string models. For diverse entries, we show that larger language models improve data processing. For these we investigate the complexity-performance tradeoffs and show that they reflect those of classic text embedding: larger models tend to perform better, but it is useful to fine tune them for embedding purposes.
Abstract:Distributed training of Deep Learning models has been critical to many recent successes in the field. Current standard methods primarily rely on synchronous centralized algorithms which induce major communication bottlenecks and limit their usability to High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments with strong connectivity. Decentralized asynchronous algorithms are emerging as a potential alternative but their practical applicability still lags. In this work, we focus on peerto-peer asynchronous methods due to their flexibility and parallelization potentials. In order to mitigate the increase in bandwidth they require at large scale and in poorly connected contexts, we introduce a principled asynchronous, randomized, gossip-based algorithm which works thanks to a continuous momentum named $\textbf{A}^2\textbf{CiD}^2$. In addition to inducing a significant communication acceleration at no cost other than doubling the parameters, minimal adaptation is required to incorporate $\textbf{A}^2\textbf{CiD}^2$ to other asynchronous approaches. We demonstrate its efficiency theoretically and numerically. Empirically on the ring graph, adding $\textbf{A}^2\textbf{CiD}^2$ has the same effect as doubling the communication rate. In particular, we show consistent improvement on the ImageNet dataset using up to 64 asynchronous workers (A100 GPUs) and various communication network topologies.
Abstract:Forward Gradients - the idea of using directional derivatives in forward differentiation mode - have recently been shown to be utilizable for neural network training while avoiding problems generally associated with backpropagation gradient computation, such as locking and memorization requirements. The cost is the requirement to guess the step direction, which is hard in high dimensions. While current solutions rely on weighted averages over isotropic guess vector distributions, we propose to strongly bias our gradient guesses in directions that are much more promising, such as feedback obtained from small, local auxiliary networks. For a standard computer vision neural network, we conduct a rigorous study systematically covering a variety of combinations of gradient targets and gradient guesses, including those previously presented in the literature. We find that using gradients obtained from a local loss as a candidate direction drastically improves on random noise in Forward Gradient methods.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is an emerging paradigm that allows a model to be trained across a number of participants without sharing data. Recent works have begun to consider the effects of using pre-trained models as an initialization point for existing FL algorithms; however, these approaches ignore the vast body of efficient transfer learning literature from the centralized learning setting. Here we revisit the problem of FL from a pre-trained model considered in prior work and expand it to a set of computer vision transfer learning problems. We first observe that simply fitting a linear classification head can be efficient and effective in many cases. We then show that in the FL setting, fitting a classifier using the Nearest Class Means (NCM) can be done exactly and orders of magnitude more efficiently than existing proposals, while obtaining strong performance. Finally, we demonstrate that using a two-phase approach of obtaining the classifier and then fine-tuning the model can yield rapid convergence and improved generalization in the federated setting. We demonstrate the potential our method has to reduce communication and compute costs while achieving better model performance.
Abstract:DADAO is a novel decentralized asynchronous stochastic algorithm to minimize a sum of $L$-smooth and $\mu$-strongly convex functions distributed over a time-varying connectivity network of size $n$. We model the local gradient updates and gossip communication procedures with separate independent Poisson Point Processes, decoupling the computation and communication steps in addition to making the whole approach completely asynchronous. Our method employs primal gradients and do not use a multi-consensus inner loop nor other ad-hoc mechanisms as Error Feedback, Gradient Tracking or a Proximal operator. By relating spatial quantities of our graphs $\chi^*_1,\chi_2^*$ to a necessary minimal communication rate between nodes of the network, we show that our algorithm requires $\mathcal{O}(n\sqrt{\frac{L}{\mu}}\log \epsilon)$ local gradients and only $\mathcal{O}(n\sqrt{\chi_1^*\chi_2^*}\sqrt{\frac{L}{\mu}}\log \epsilon)$ communications to reach a precision $\epsilon$. If SGD with uniform noise $\sigma^2$ is used, we reach a precision $\epsilon$ with same speed, up to a bias term in $\mathcal{O}(\frac{\sigma^2}{\sqrt{\mu L}})$. This improves upon the bounds obtained with current state-of-the-art approaches, our simulations validating the strength of our relatively unconstrained method. Our source-code is released on a public repository.