Abstract:For millions of adults with mobility limitations, eating meals is a daily challenge. A variety of robotic systems have been developed to address this societal need. Unfortunately, end-user adoption of robot-assisted feeding is limited, in part because existing devices are unable to seamlessly grasp, manipulate, and feed diverse foods. Recent works seek to address this issue by creating new algorithms for food acquisition and bite transfer. In parallel to these algorithmic developments, however, we hypothesize that mechanical intelligence will make it fundamentally easier for robot arms to feed humans. We therefore propose Kiri-Spoon, a soft utensil specifically designed for robot-assisted feeding. Kiri-Spoon consists of a spoon-shaped kirigami structure: when actuated, the kirigami sheet deforms into a bowl of increasing curvature. Robot arms equipped with Kiri-Spoon can leverage the kirigami structure to wrap-around morsels during acquisition, contain those items as the robot moves, and then compliantly release the food into the user's mouth. Overall, Kiri-Spoon combines the familiar and comfortable shape of a standard spoon with the increased capabilities of soft robotic grippers. In what follows, we first apply a stakeholder-driven design process to ensure that Kiri-Spoon meets the needs of caregivers and users with physical disabilities. We next characterize the dynamics of Kiri-Spoon, and derive a mechanics model to relate actuation force to the spoon's shape. The paper concludes with three separate experiments that evaluate (a) the mechanical advantage provided by Kiri-Spoon, (b) the ways users with disabilities perceive our system, and (c) how the mechanical intelligence of Kiri-Spoon complements state-of-the-art algorithms. Our results suggest that Kiri-Spoon advances robot-assisted feeding across diverse foods, multiple robotic platforms, and different manipulation algorithms.
Abstract:Behavior cloning is a common imitation learning paradigm. Under behavior cloning the robot collects expert demonstrations, and then trains a policy to match the actions taken by the expert. This works well when the robot learner visits states where the expert has already demonstrated the correct action; but inevitably the robot will also encounter new states outside of its training dataset. If the robot learner takes the wrong action at these new states it could move farther from the training data, which in turn leads to increasingly incorrect actions and compounding errors. Existing works try to address this fundamental challenge by augmenting or enhancing the training data. By contrast, in our paper we develop the control theoretic properties of behavior cloned policies. Specifically, we consider the error dynamics between the system's current state and the states in the expert dataset. From the error dynamics we derive model-based and model-free conditions for stability: under these conditions the robot shapes its policy so that its current behavior converges towards example behaviors in the expert dataset. In practice, this results in Stable-BC, an easy to implement extension of standard behavior cloning that is provably robust to covariate shift. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm in simulations with interactive, nonlinear, and visual environments. We also conduct experiments where a robot arm uses Stable-BC to play air hockey. See our website here: https://collab.me.vt.edu/Stable-BC/
Abstract:Robots should personalize how they perform tasks to match the needs of individual human users. Today's robot achieve this personalization by asking for the human's feedback in the task space. For example, an autonomous car might show the human two different ways to decelerate at stoplights, and ask the human which of these motions they prefer. This current approach to personalization is indirect: based on the behaviors the human selects (e.g., decelerating slowly), the robot tries to infer their underlying preference (e.g., defensive driving). By contrast, our paper develops a learning and interface-based approach that enables humans to directly indicate their desired style. We do this by learning an abstract, low-dimensional, and continuous canonical space from human demonstration data. Each point in the canonical space corresponds to a different style (e.g., defensive or aggressive driving), and users can directly personalize the robot's behavior by simply clicking on a point. Given the human's selection, the robot then decodes this canonical style across each task in the dataset -- e.g., if the human selects a defensive style, the autonomous car personalizes its behavior to drive defensively when decelerating, passing other cars, or merging onto highways. We refer to our resulting approach as PECAN: Personalizing Robot Behaviors through a Learned Canonical Space. Our simulations and user studies suggest that humans prefer using PECAN to directly personalize robot behavior (particularly when those users become familiar with PECAN), and that users find the learned canonical space to be intuitive and consistent. See videos here: https://youtu.be/wRJpyr23PKI
Abstract:Robots can use Visual Imitation Learning (VIL) to learn everyday tasks from video demonstrations. However, translating visual observations into actionable robot policies is challenging due to the high-dimensional nature of video data. This challenge is further exacerbated by the morphological differences between humans and robots, especially when the video demonstrations feature humans performing tasks. To address these problems we introduce Visual Imitation lEarning with Waypoints (VIEW), an algorithm that significantly enhances the sample efficiency of human-to-robot VIL. VIEW achieves this efficiency using a multi-pronged approach: extracting a condensed prior trajectory that captures the demonstrator's intent, employing an agent-agnostic reward function for feedback on the robot's actions, and utilizing an exploration algorithm that efficiently samples around waypoints in the extracted trajectory. VIEW also segments the human trajectory into grasp and task phases to further accelerate learning efficiency. Through comprehensive simulations and real-world experiments, VIEW demonstrates improved performance compared to current state-of-the-art VIL methods. VIEW enables robots to learn a diverse range of manipulation tasks involving multiple objects from arbitrarily long video demonstrations. Additionally, it can learn standard manipulation tasks such as pushing or moving objects from a single video demonstration in under 30 minutes, with fewer than 20 real-world rollouts. Code and videos here: https://collab.me.vt.edu/view/
Abstract:For robot arms to perform everyday tasks in unstructured environments, these robots must be able to manipulate a diverse range of objects. Today's robots often grasp objects with either soft grippers or rigid end-effectors. However, purely rigid or purely soft grippers have fundamental limitations: soft grippers struggle with irregular, heavy objects, while rigid grippers often cannot grasp small, numerous items. In this paper we therefore introduce RISOs, a mechanics and controls approach for unifying traditional RIgid end-effectors with a novel class of SOft adhesives. When grasping an object, RISOs can use either the rigid end-effector (pinching the item between non-deformable fingers) and/or the soft materials (attaching and releasing items with switchable adhesives). This enhances manipulation capabilities by combining and decoupling rigid and soft mechanisms. With RISOs robots can perform grasps along a spectrum from fully rigid, to fully soft, to rigid-soft, enabling real time object manipulation across a 1 million times range in weight (from 2 mg to 2 kg). To develop RISOs we first model and characterize the soft switchable adhesives. We then mount sheets of these soft adhesives on the surfaces of rigid end-effectors, and develop control strategies that make it easier for robot arms and human operators to utilize RISOs. The resulting RISO grippers were able to pick-up, carry, and release a larger set of objects than existing grippers, and participants also preferred using RISO. Overall, our experimental and user study results suggest that RISOs provide an exceptional gripper range in both capacity and object diversity. See videos of our user studies here: https://youtu.be/du085R0gPFI
Abstract:Robot arms should be able to learn new tasks. One framework here is reinforcement learning, where the robot is given a reward function that encodes the task, and the robot autonomously learns actions to maximize its reward. Existing approaches to reinforcement learning often frame this problem as a Markov decision process, and learn a policy (or a hierarchy of policies) to complete the task. These policies reason over hundreds of fine-grained actions that the robot arm needs to take: e.g., moving slightly to the right or rotating the end-effector a few degrees. But the manipulation tasks that we want robots to perform can often be broken down into a small number of high-level motions: e.g., reaching an object or turning a handle. In this paper we therefore propose a waypoint-based approach for model-free reinforcement learning. Instead of learning a low-level policy, the robot now learns a trajectory of waypoints, and then interpolates between those waypoints using existing controllers. Our key novelty is framing this waypoint-based setting as a sequence of multi-armed bandits: each bandit problem corresponds to one waypoint along the robot's motion. We theoretically show that an ideal solution to this reformulation has lower regret bounds than standard frameworks. We also introduce an approximate posterior sampling solution that builds the robot's motion one waypoint at a time. Results across benchmark simulations and two real-world experiments suggest that this proposed approach learns new tasks more quickly than state-of-the-art baselines. See videos here: https://youtu.be/MMEd-lYfq4Y
Abstract:Assistive robot arms can help humans by partially automating their desired tasks. Consider an adult with motor impairments controlling an assistive robot arm to eat dinner. The robot can reduce the number of human inputs -- and how precise those inputs need to be -- by recognizing what the human wants (e.g., a fork) and assisting for that task (e.g., moving towards the fork). Prior research has largely focused on learning the human's task and providing meaningful assistance. But as the robot learns and assists, we also need to ensure that the human understands the robot's intent (e.g., does the human know the robot is reaching for a fork?). In this paper, we study the effects of communicating learned assistance from the robot back to the human operator. We do not focus on the specific interfaces used for communication. Instead, we develop experimental and theoretical models of a) how communication changes the way humans interact with assistive robot arms, and b) how robots can harness these changes to better align with the human's intent. We first conduct online and in-person user studies where participants operate robots that provide partial assistance, and we measure how the human's inputs change with and without communication. With communication, we find that humans are more likely to intervene when the robot incorrectly predicts their intent, and more likely to release control when the robot correctly understands their task. We then use these findings to modify an established robot learning algorithm so that the robot can correctly interpret the human's inputs when communication is present. Our results from a second in-person user study suggest that this combination of communication and learning outperforms assistive systems that isolate either learning or communication.
Abstract:Robots often need to convey information to human users. For example, robots can leverage visual, auditory, and haptic interfaces to display their intent or express their internal state. In some scenarios there are socially agreed upon conventions for what these signals mean: e.g., a red light indicates an autonomous car is slowing down. But as robots develop new capabilities and seek to convey more complex data, the meaning behind their signals is not always mutually understood: one user might think a flashing light indicates the autonomous car is an aggressive driver, while another user might think the same signal means the autonomous car is defensive. In this paper we enable robots to adapt their interfaces to the current user so that the human's personalized interpretation is aligned with the robot's meaning. We start with an information theoretic end-to-end approach, which automatically tunes the interface policy to optimize the correlation between human and robot. But to ensure that this learning policy is intuitive -- and to accelerate how quickly the interface adapts to the human -- we recognize that humans have priors over how interfaces should function. For instance, humans expect interface signals to be proportional and convex. Our approach biases the robot's interface towards these priors, resulting in signals that are adapted to the current user while still following social expectations. Our simulations and user study results across $15$ participants suggest that these priors improve robot-to-human communication. See videos here: https://youtu.be/Re3OLg57hp8
Abstract:Assistive robot arms have the potential to help disabled or elderly adults eat everyday meals without relying on a caregiver. To provide meaningful assistance, these robots must reach for food items, pick them up, and then carry them to the human's mouth. Current work equips robot arms with standard utensils (e.g., forks and spoons). But -- although these utensils are intuitive for humans -- they are not easy for robots to control. If the robot arm does not carefully and precisely orchestrate its motion, food items may fall out of a spoon or slide off of the fork. Accordingly, in this paper we design, model, and test Kiri-Spoon, a novel utensil specifically intended for robot-assisted feeding. Kiri-Spoon combines the familiar shape of traditional utensils with the capabilities of soft grippers. By actuating a kirigami structure the robot can rapidly adjust the curvature of Kiri-Spoon: at one extreme the utensil wraps around food items to make them easier for the robot to pick up and carry, and at the other extreme the utensil returns to a typical spoon shape so that human users can easily take a bite of food. Our studies with able-bodied human operators suggest that robot arms equipped with Kiri-Spoon carry foods more robustly than when leveraging traditional utensils. See videos here: https://youtu.be/nddAniZLFPk
Abstract:Labor shortages in the United States are impacting a number of industries including the meat processing sector. Collaborative technologies that work alongside humans while increasing production abilities may support the industry by enhancing automation and improving job quality. However, existing automation technologies used in the meat industry have limited collaboration potential, low flexibility, and high cost. The objective of this work was to explore the use of a robot arm to collaboratively work alongside a human and complete tasks performed in a meat processing facility. Toward this objective, we demonstrated proof-of-concept approaches to ensure human safety while exploring the capacity of the robot arm to perform example meat processing tasks. In support of human safety, we developed a knife instrumentation system to detect when the cutting implement comes into contact with meat within the collaborative space. To demonstrate the capability of the system to flexibly conduct a variety of basic meat processing tasks, we developed vision and control protocols to execute slicing, trimming, and cubing of pork loins. We also collected a subjective evaluation of the actions from experts within the U.S. meat processing industry. On average the experts rated the robot's performance as adequate. Moreover, the experts generally preferred the cuts performed in collaboration with a human worker to cuts completed autonomously, highlighting the benefits of robotic technologies that assist human workers rather than replace them. Video demonstrations of our proposed framework can be found here: https://youtu.be/56mdHjjYMVc