Abstract:In this work, we introduce the first unsupervised method that simultaneously predicts time-varying neural implicit surfaces and deformations between pairs of point clouds. We propose to model the point movement using an explicit velocity field and directly deform a time-varying implicit field using the modified level-set equation. This equation utilizes an iso-surface evolution with Eikonal constraints in a compact formulation, ensuring the integrity of the signed distance field. By applying a smooth, volume-preserving constraint to the velocity field, our method successfully recovers physically plausible intermediate shapes. Our method is able to handle both rigid and non-rigid deformations without any intermediate shape supervision. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing works, delivering superior results in both quality and efficiency.
Abstract:Finding correspondences between 3D shapes is an important and long-standing problem in computer vision, graphics and beyond. While approaches based on machine learning dominate modern 3D shape matching, almost all existing (learning-based) methods require that at least one of the involved shapes is complete. In contrast, the most challenging and arguably most practically relevant setting of matching partially observed shapes, is currently underexplored. One important factor is that existing datasets contain only a small number of shapes (typically below 100), which are unable to serve data-hungry machine learning approaches, particularly in the unsupervised regime. In addition, the type of partiality present in existing datasets is often artificial and far from realistic. To address these limitations and to encourage research on these relevant settings, we provide a generic and flexible framework for the procedural generation of challenging partial shape matching scenarios. Our framework allows for a virtually infinite generation of partial shape matching instances from a finite set of shapes with complete geometry. Further, we manually create cross-dataset correspondences between seven existing (complete geometry) shape matching datasets, leading to a total of 2543 shapes. Based on this, we propose several challenging partial benchmark settings, for which we evaluate respective state-of-the-art methods as baselines.
Abstract:Most recent unsupervised non-rigid 3D shape matching methods are based on the functional map framework due to its efficiency and superior performance. Nevertheless, respective methods struggle to obtain spatially smooth pointwise correspondences due to the lack of proper regularisation. In this work, inspired by the success of message passing on graphs, we propose a synchronous diffusion process which we use as regularisation to achieve smoothness in non-rigid 3D shape matching problems. The intuition of synchronous diffusion is that diffusing the same input function on two different shapes results in consistent outputs. Using different challenging datasets, we demonstrate that our novel regularisation can substantially improve the state-of-the-art in shape matching, especially in the presence of topological noise.
Abstract:Although 3D shape matching and interpolation are highly interrelated, they are often studied separately and applied sequentially to relate different 3D shapes, thus resulting in sub-optimal performance. In this work we present a unified framework to predict both point-wise correspondences and shape interpolation between 3D shapes. To this end, we combine the deep functional map framework with classical surface deformation models to map shapes in both spectral and spatial domains. On the one hand, by incorporating spatial maps, our method obtains more accurate and smooth point-wise correspondences compared to previous functional map methods for shape matching. On the other hand, by introducing spectral maps, our method gets rid of commonly used but computationally expensive geodesic distance constraints that are only valid for near-isometric shape deformations. Furthermore, we propose a novel test-time adaptation scheme to capture both pose-dominant and shape-dominant deformations. Using different challenging datasets, we demonstrate that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods for both shape matching and interpolation, even compared to supervised approaches.
Abstract:We propose a novel unsupervised learning approach for non-rigid 3D shape matching. Our approach improves upon recent state-of-the art deep functional map methods and can be applied to a broad range of different challenging scenarios. Previous deep functional map methods mainly focus on feature extraction and aim exclusively at obtaining more expressive features for functional map computation. However, the importance of the functional map computation itself is often neglected and the relationship between the functional map and point-wise map is underexplored. In this paper, we systematically investigate the coupling relationship between the functional map from the functional map solver and the point-wise map based on feature similarity. To this end, we propose a self-adaptive functional map solver to adjust the functional map regularisation for different shape matching scenarios, together with a vertex-wise contrastive loss to obtain more discriminative features. Using different challenging datasets (including non-isometry, topological noise and partiality), we demonstrate that our method substantially outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:In this work we propose to combine the advantages of learning-based and combinatorial formalisms for 3D shape matching. While learning-based shape matching solutions lead to state-of-the-art matching performance, they do not ensure geometric consistency, so that obtained matchings are locally unsmooth. On the contrary, axiomatic methods allow to take geometric consistency into account by explicitly constraining the space of valid matchings. However, existing axiomatic formalisms are impractical since they do not scale to practically relevant problem sizes, or they require user input for the initialisation of non-convex optimisation problems. In this work we aim to close this gap by proposing a novel combinatorial solver that combines a unique set of favourable properties: our approach is (i) initialisation free, (ii) massively parallelisable powered by a quasi-Newton method, (iii) provides optimality gaps, and (iv) delivers decreased runtime and globally optimal results for many instances.
Abstract:The recovery of morphologically accurate anatomical images from deformed ones is challenging in ultrasound (US) image acquisition, but crucial to accurate and consistent diagnosis, particularly in the emerging field of computer-assisted diagnosis. This article presents a novel anatomy-aware deformation correction approach based on a coarse-to-fine, multi-scale deep neural network (DefCor-Net). To achieve pixel-wise performance, DefCor-Net incorporates biomedical knowledge by estimating pixel-wise stiffness online using a U-shaped feature extractor. The deformation field is then computed using polynomial regression by integrating the measured force applied by the US probe. Based on real-time estimation of pixel-by-pixel tissue properties, the learning-based approach enables the potential for anatomy-aware deformation correction. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DefCor-Net, images recorded at multiple locations on forearms and upper arms of six volunteers are used to train and validate DefCor-Net. The results demonstrate that DefCor-Net can significantly improve the accuracy of deformation correction to recover the original geometry (Dice Coefficient: from $14.3\pm20.9$ to $82.6\pm12.1$ when the force is $6N$).
Abstract:We propose a novel learning-based approach for robust 3D shape matching. Our method builds upon deep functional maps and can be trained in a fully unsupervised manner. Previous deep functional map methods mainly focus on predicting optimised functional maps alone, and then rely on off-the-shelf post-processing to obtain accurate point-wise maps during inference. However, this two-stage procedure for obtaining point-wise maps often yields sub-optimal performance. In contrast, building upon recent insights about the relation between functional maps and point-wise maps, we propose a novel unsupervised loss to couple the functional maps and point-wise maps, and thereby directly obtain point-wise maps without any post-processing. Our approach obtains accurate correspondences not only for near-isometric shapes, but also for more challenging non-isometric shapes and partial shapes, as well as shapes with different discretisation or topological noise. Using a total of nine diverse datasets, we extensively evaluate the performance and demonstrate that our method substantially outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods, even compared to recent supervised methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/dongliangcao/Unsupervised-Learning-of-Robust-Spectral-Shape-Matching.
Abstract:The matching of 3D shapes has been extensively studied for shapes represented as surface meshes, as well as for shapes represented as point clouds. While point clouds are a common representation of raw real-world 3D data (e.g. from laser scanners), meshes encode rich and expressive topological information, but their creation typically requires some form of (often manual) curation. In turn, methods that purely rely on point clouds are unable to meet the matching quality of mesh-based methods that utilise the additional topological structure. In this work we close this gap by introducing a self-supervised multimodal learning strategy that combines mesh-based functional map regularisation with a contrastive loss that couples mesh and point cloud data. Our shape matching approach allows to obtain intramodal correspondences for triangle meshes, complete point clouds, and partially observed point clouds, as well as correspondences across these data modalities. We demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results on several challenging benchmark datasets even in comparison to recent supervised methods, and that our method reaches previously unseen cross-dataset generalisation ability.
Abstract:3D shape matching is a long-standing problem in computer vision and computer graphics. While deep neural networks were shown to lead to state-of-the-art results in shape matching, existing learning-based approaches are limited in the context of multi-shape matching: (i) either they focus on matching pairs of shapes only and thus suffer from cycle-inconsistent multi-matchings, or (ii) they require an explicit template shape to address the matching of a collection of shapes. In this paper, we present a novel approach for deep multi-shape matching that ensures cycle-consistent multi-matchings while not depending on an explicit template shape. To this end, we utilise a shape-to-universe multi-matching representation that we combine with powerful functional map regularisation, so that our multi-shape matching neural network can be trained in a fully unsupervised manner. While the functional map regularisation is only considered during training time, functional maps are not computed for predicting correspondences, thereby allowing for fast inference. We demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results on several challenging benchmark datasets, and, most remarkably, that our unsupervised method even outperforms recent supervised methods.