Abstract:In this work, we introduce the first unsupervised method that simultaneously predicts time-varying neural implicit surfaces and deformations between pairs of point clouds. We propose to model the point movement using an explicit velocity field and directly deform a time-varying implicit field using the modified level-set equation. This equation utilizes an iso-surface evolution with Eikonal constraints in a compact formulation, ensuring the integrity of the signed distance field. By applying a smooth, volume-preserving constraint to the velocity field, our method successfully recovers physically plausible intermediate shapes. Our method is able to handle both rigid and non-rigid deformations without any intermediate shape supervision. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing works, delivering superior results in both quality and efficiency.
Abstract:The manipulation of latent space has recently become an interesting topic in the field of generative models. Recent research shows that latent directions can be used to manipulate images towards certain attributes. However, controlling the generation process of 3D generative models remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a novel 3D manipulation method that can manipulate both the shape and texture of the model using text or image-based prompts such as 'a young face' or 'a surprised face'. We leverage the power of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model and a pre-trained 3D GAN model designed to generate face avatars, and create a fully differentiable rendering pipeline to manipulate meshes. More specifically, our method takes an input latent code and modifies it such that the target attribute specified by a text or image prompt is present or enhanced, while leaving other attributes largely unaffected. Our method requires only 5 minutes per manipulation, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with extensive results and comparisons.