*: shared first/last authors
Abstract:Purpose: Visual 3D scene reconstruction can support colonoscopy navigation. It can help in recognising which portions of the colon have been visualised and characterising the size and shape of polyps. This is still a very challenging problem due to complex illumination variations, including abundant specular reflections. We investigate how to effectively decouple light and depth in this problem. Methods: We introduce a self-supervised model that simultaneously characterises the shape and lighting of the visualised colonoscopy scene. Our model estimates shading, albedo, depth, and specularities (SHADeS) from single images. Unlike previous approaches (IID), we use a non-Lambertian model that treats specular reflections as a separate light component. The implementation of our method is available at https://github.com/RemaDaher/SHADeS. Results: We demonstrate on real colonoscopy images (Hyper Kvasir) that previous models for light decomposition (IID) and depth estimation (MonoVIT, ModoDepth2) are negatively affected by specularities. In contrast, SHADeS can simultaneously produce light decomposition and depth maps that are robust to specular regions. We also perform a quantitative comparison on phantom data (C3VD) where we further demonstrate the robustness of our model. Conclusion: Modelling specular reflections improves depth estimation in colonoscopy. We propose an effective self-supervised approach that uses this insight to jointly estimate light decomposition and depth. Light decomposition has the potential to help with other problems, such as place recognition within the colon.
Abstract:Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, with polyp removal being an effective early screening method. However, navigating the colon for thorough polyp detection poses significant challenges. To advance camera navigation in colonoscopy, we propose the Semantic Segmentation for Tools and Fold Edges in Colonoscopy (SegCol) Challenge. This challenge introduces a dataset from the EndoMapper repository, featuring manually annotated, pixel-level semantic labels for colon folds and endoscopic tools across selected frames from 96 colonoscopy videos. By providing fold edges as anatomical landmarks and depth discontinuity information from both fold and tool labels, the dataset is aimed to improve depth perception and localization methods. Hosted as part of the Endovis Challenge at MICCAI 2024, SegCol aims to drive innovation in colonoscopy navigation systems. Details are available at https://www.synapse.org/Synapse:syn54124209/wiki/626563, and code resources at https://github.com/surgical-vision/segcol_challenge .
Abstract:With the development of science and technology, mobile robots are playing a significant important role in the new round of world revolution. Further, mobile robots might assist or replace human beings in a great number of areas. To increase the degree of automation for mobile robots, advanced motion planners need to be integrated into them to cope with various environments. Complex maze environments are common in the potential application scenarios of different mobile robots. This article proposes a novel motion planner named the rapidly exploring random tree based Gaussian process motion planner 2, which aims to tackle the motion planning problem for mobile robots in complex maze environments. To be more specific, the proposed motion planner successfully combines the advantages of a trajectory optimisation motion planning algorithm named the Gaussian process motion planner 2 and a sampling-based motion planning algorithm named the rapidly exploring random tree. To validate the performance and practicability of the proposed motion planner, we have tested it in several simulations in the Matrix laboratory and applied it on a marine mobile robot in a virtual scenario in the Robotic operating system.
Abstract:During recent years, unmanned surface vehicles are extensively utilised in a variety of maritime applications such as the exploration of unknown areas, autonomous transportation, offshore patrol and others. In such maritime applications, unmanned surface vehicles executing relevant missions that might collide with potential static obstacles such as islands and reefs and dynamic obstacles such as other moving unmanned surface vehicles. To successfully accomplish these missions, motion planning algorithms that can generate smooth and collision-free trajectories to avoid both these static and dynamic obstacles in an efficient manner are essential. In this article, we propose a novel motion planning algorithm named the Dynamic Gaussian process motion planner 2, which successfully extends the application scope of the Gaussian process motion planner 2 into complex and dynamic environments with both static and dynamic obstacles. First, we introduce an approach to generate safe areas for dynamic obstacles using modified multivariate Gaussian distributions. Second, we introduce an approach to integrate real-time status information of dynamic obstacles into the modified multivariate Gaussian distributions. Therefore, the multivariate Gaussian distributions with real-time statuses of dynamic obstacles can be innovatively added into the optimisation process of factor graph to generate an optimised trajectory. The proposed Dynamic Gaussian process motion planner 2 algorithm has been validated in a series of benchmark simulations in the Matrix laboratory and a dynamic obstacle avoidance mission in a high-fidelity maritime environment in the Robotic operating system to demonstrate its functionality and practicability.
Abstract:The integration of deep learning tools in gastrointestinal vision holds the potential for significant advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and overall patient care. A major challenge, however, is these tools' tendency to make overconfident predictions, even when encountering unseen or newly emerging disease patterns, undermining their reliability. We address this critical issue of reliability by framing it as an out-of-distribution (OOD) detection problem, where previously unseen and emerging diseases are identified as OOD examples. However, gastrointestinal images pose a unique challenge due to the overlapping feature representations between in- Distribution (ID) and OOD examples. Existing approaches often overlook this characteristic, as they are primarily developed for natural image datasets, where feature distinctions are more apparent. Despite the overlap, we hypothesize that the features of an in-distribution example will cluster closer to the centroids of their ground truth class, resulting in a shorter distance to the nearest centroid. In contrast, OOD examples maintain an equal distance from all class centroids. Based on this observation, we propose a novel nearest-centroid distance deficit (NCCD) score in the feature space for gastrointestinal OOD detection. Evaluations across multiple deep learning architectures and two publicly available benchmarks, Kvasir2 and Gastrovision, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to several state-of-the-art methods. The code and implementation details are publicly available at: https://github.com/bhattarailab/NCDD
Abstract:This study investigates the reconstruction of hyperspectral signatures from RGB data to enhance surgical imaging, utilizing the publicly available HeiPorSPECTRAL dataset from porcine surgery and an in-house neurosurgery dataset. Various architectures based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformer models are evaluated using comprehensive metrics. Transformer models exhibit superior performance in terms of RMSE, SAM, PSNR and SSIM by effectively integrating spatial information to predict accurate spectral profiles, encompassing both visible and extended spectral ranges. Qualitative assessments demonstrate the capability to predict spectral profiles critical for informed surgical decision-making during procedures. Challenges associated with capturing both the visible and extended hyperspectral ranges are highlighted using the MAE, emphasizing the complexities involved. The findings open up the new research direction of hyperspectral reconstruction for surgical applications and clinical use cases in real-time surgical environments.
Abstract:Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) offers significant benefits such as reduced recovery time and minimised patient trauma, but poses challenges in visibility and access, making accurate 3D reconstruction a significant tool in surgical planning and navigation. This work introduces a robotic arm platform for efficient multi-view image acquisition and precise 3D reconstruction in MIS settings. We adapted a laparoscope to a robotic arm and captured ex-vivo images of several ovine organs across varying lighting conditions (operating room and laparoscopic) and trajectories (spherical and laparoscopic). We employed recently released learning-based feature matchers combined with COLMAP to produce our reconstructions. The reconstructions were evaluated against high-precision laser scans for quantitative evaluation. Our results show that whilst reconstructions suffer most under realistic MIS lighting and trajectory, many versions of our pipeline achieve close to sub-millimetre accuracy with an average of 1.05 mm Root Mean Squared Error and 0.82 mm Chamfer distance. Our best reconstruction results occur with operating room lighting and spherical trajectories. Our robotic platform provides a tool for controlled, repeatable multi-view data acquisition for 3D generation in MIS environments which we hope leads to new datasets for training learning-based models.
Abstract:Accurate 3D reconstruction of dynamic surgical scenes from endoscopic video is essential for robotic-assisted surgery. While recent 3D Gaussian Splatting methods have shown promise in achieving high-quality reconstructions with fast rendering speeds, their use of inverse depth loss functions compresses depth variations. This can lead to a loss of fine geometric details, limiting their ability to capture precise 3D geometry and effectiveness in intraoperative application. To address these challenges, we present SurgicalGS, a dynamic 3D Gaussian Splatting framework specifically designed for surgical scene reconstruction with improved geometric accuracy. Our approach first initialises a Gaussian point cloud using depth priors, employing binary motion masks to identify pixels with significant depth variations and fusing point clouds from depth maps across frames for initialisation. We use the Flexible Deformation Model to represent dynamic scene and introduce a normalised depth regularisation loss along with an unsupervised depth smoothness constraint to ensure more accurate geometric reconstruction. Extensive experiments on two real surgical datasets demonstrate that SurgicalGS achieves state-of-the-art reconstruction quality, especially in terms of accurate geometry, advancing the usability of 3D Gaussian Splatting in robotic-assisted surgery.
Abstract:Accurate tracking of tissues and instruments in videos is crucial for Robotic-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery (RAMIS), as it enables the robot to comprehend the surgical scene with precise locations and interactions of tissues and tools. Traditional keypoint-based sparse tracking is limited by featured points, while flow-based dense two-view matching suffers from long-term drifts. Recently, the Tracking Any Point (TAP) algorithm was proposed to overcome these limitations and achieve dense accurate long-term tracking. However, its efficacy in surgical scenarios remains untested, largely due to the lack of a comprehensive surgical tracking dataset for evaluation. To address this gap, we introduce a new annotated surgical tracking dataset for benchmarking tracking methods for surgical scenarios, comprising real-world surgical videos with complex tissue and instrument motions. We extensively evaluate state-of-the-art (SOTA) TAP-based algorithms on this dataset and reveal their limitations in challenging surgical scenarios, including fast instrument motion, severe occlusions, and motion blur, etc. Furthermore, we propose a new tracking method, namely SurgMotion, to solve the challenges and further improve the tracking performance. Our proposed method outperforms most TAP-based algorithms in surgical instruments tracking, and especially demonstrates significant improvements over baselines in challenging medical videos.
Abstract:Improved surgical skill is generally associated with improved patient outcomes, although assessment is subjective; labour-intensive; and requires domain specific expertise. Automated data driven metrics can alleviate these difficulties, as demonstrated by existing machine learning instrument tracking models in minimally invasive surgery. However, these models have been tested on limited datasets of laparoscopic surgery, with a focus on isolated tasks and robotic surgery. In this paper, a new public dataset is introduced, focusing on simulated surgery, using the nasal phase of endoscopic pituitary surgery as an exemplar. Simulated surgery allows for a realistic yet repeatable environment, meaning the insights gained from automated assessment can be used by novice surgeons to hone their skills on the simulator before moving to real surgery. PRINTNet (Pituitary Real-time INstrument Tracking Network) has been created as a baseline model for this automated assessment. Consisting of DeepLabV3 for classification and segmentation; StrongSORT for tracking; and the NVIDIA Holoscan SDK for real-time performance, PRINTNet achieved 71.9% Multiple Object Tracking Precision running at 22 Frames Per Second. Using this tracking output, a Multilayer Perceptron achieved 87% accuracy in predicting surgical skill level (novice or expert), with the "ratio of total procedure time to instrument visible time" correlated with higher surgical skill. This therefore demonstrates the feasibility of automated surgical skill assessment in simulated endoscopic pituitary surgery. The new publicly available dataset can be found here: https://doi.org/10.5522/04/26511049.