Abstract:Industrial anomaly detection achieves progress thanks to datasets such as MVTec-AD and VisA. However, they suf- fer from limitations in terms of the number of defect sam- ples, types of defects, and availability of real-world scenes. These constraints inhibit researchers from further exploring the performance of industrial detection with higher accuracy. To this end, we propose a new large-scale anomaly detection dataset called 3CAD, which is derived from real 3C produc- tion lines. Specifically, the proposed 3CAD includes eight different types of manufactured parts, totaling 27,039 high- resolution images labeled with pixel-level anomalies. The key features of 3CAD are that it covers anomalous regions of different sizes, multiple anomaly types, and the possibility of multiple anomalous regions and multiple anomaly types per anomaly image. This is the largest and first anomaly de- tection dataset dedicated to 3C product quality control for community exploration and development. Meanwhile, we in- troduce a simple yet effective framework for unsupervised anomaly detection: a Coarse-to-Fine detection paradigm with Recovery Guidance (CFRG). To detect small defect anoma- lies, the proposed CFRG utilizes a coarse-to-fine detection paradigm. Specifically, we utilize a heterogeneous distilla- tion model for coarse localization and then fine localiza- tion through a segmentation model. In addition, to better capture normal patterns, we introduce recovery features as guidance. Finally, we report the results of our CFRG frame- work and popular anomaly detection methods on the 3CAD dataset, demonstrating strong competitiveness and providing a highly challenging benchmark to promote the development of the anomaly detection field. Data and code are available: https://github.com/EnquanYang2022/3CAD.
Abstract:Visual tracking has made significant strides due to the adoption of transformer-based models. Most state-of-the-art trackers struggle to meet real-time processing demands on mobile platforms with constrained computing resources, particularly for real-time unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tracking. To achieve a better balance between performance and efficiency, we introduce AVTrack, an adaptive computation framework designed to selectively activate transformer blocks for real-time UAV tracking. The proposed Activation Module (AM) dynamically optimizes the ViT architecture by selectively engaging relevant components, thereby enhancing inference efficiency without significant compromise to tracking performance. Furthermore, to tackle the challenges posed by extreme changes in viewing angles often encountered in UAV tracking, the proposed method enhances ViTs' effectiveness by learning view-invariant representations through mutual information (MI) maximization. Two effective design principles are proposed in the AVTrack. Building on it, we propose an improved tracker, dubbed AVTrack-MD, which introduces the novel MI maximization-based multi-teacher knowledge distillation (MD) framework. It harnesses the benefits of multiple teachers, specifically the off-the-shelf tracking models from the AVTrack, by integrating and refining their outputs, thereby guiding the learning process of the compact student network. Specifically, we maximize the MI between the softened feature representations from the multi-teacher models and the student model, leading to improved generalization and performance of the student model, particularly in noisy conditions. Extensive experiments on multiple UAV tracking benchmarks demonstrate that AVTrack-MD not only achieves performance comparable to the AVTrack baseline but also reduces model complexity, resulting in a significant 17\% increase in average tracking speed.
Abstract:Harnessing low-light enhancement and domain adaptation, nighttime UAV tracking has made substantial strides. However, over-reliance on image enhancement, scarcity of high-quality nighttime data, and neglecting the relationship between daytime and nighttime trackers, which hinders the development of an end-to-end trainable framework. Moreover, current CNN-based trackers have limited receptive fields, leading to suboptimal performance, while ViT-based trackers demand heavy computational resources due to their reliance on the self-attention mechanism. In this paper, we propose a novel pure Mamba-based tracking framework (\textbf{MambaNUT}) that employs a state space model with linear complexity as its backbone, incorporating a single-stream architecture that integrates feature learning and template-search coupling within Vision Mamba. We introduce an adaptive curriculum learning (ACL) approach that dynamically adjusts sampling strategies and loss weights, thereby improving the model's ability of generalization. Our ACL is composed of two levels of curriculum schedulers: (1) sampling scheduler that transforms the data distribution from imbalanced to balanced, as well as from easier (daytime) to harder (nighttime) samples; (2) loss scheduler that dynamically assigns weights based on data frequency and the IOU. Exhaustive experiments on multiple nighttime UAV tracking benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed MambaNUT achieves state-of-the-art performance while requiring lower computational costs. The code will be available.
Abstract:Generating high-quality meshes with complex structures and realistic surfaces is the primary goal of 3D generative models. Existing methods typically employ sequence data or deformable tetrahedral grids for mesh generation. However, sequence-based methods have difficulty producing complex structures with many faces due to memory limits. The deformable tetrahedral grid-based method MeshDiffusion fails to recover realistic surfaces due to the inherent ambiguity in deformable grids. We propose the GenUDC framework to address these challenges by leveraging the Unsigned Dual Contouring (UDC) as the mesh representation. UDC discretizes a mesh in a regular grid and divides it into the face and vertex parts, recovering both complex structures and fine details. As a result, the one-to-one mapping between UDC and mesh resolves the ambiguity problem. In addition, GenUDC adopts a two-stage, coarse-to-fine generative process for 3D mesh generation. It first generates the face part as a rough shape and then the vertex part to craft a detailed shape. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the superiority of UDC as a mesh representation and the favorable performance of GenUDC in mesh generation. The code and trained models are available at https://github.com/TrepangCat/GenUDC.
Abstract:Recognizing objects in low-resolution images is a challenging task due to the lack of informative details. Recent studies have shown that knowledge distillation approaches can effectively transfer knowledge from a high-resolution teacher model to a low-resolution student model by aligning cross-resolution representations. However, these approaches still face limitations in adapting to the situation where the recognized objects exhibit significant representation discrepancies between training and testing images. In this study, we propose a cross-resolution relational contrastive distillation approach to facilitate low-resolution object recognition. Our approach enables the student model to mimic the behavior of a well-trained teacher model which delivers high accuracy in identifying high-resolution objects. To extract sufficient knowledge, the student learning is supervised with contrastive relational distillation loss, which preserves the similarities in various relational structures in contrastive representation space. In this manner, the capability of recovering missing details of familiar low-resolution objects can be effectively enhanced, leading to a better knowledge transfer. Extensive experiments on low-resolution object classification and low-resolution face recognition clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of our approach.
Abstract:While deep models have proved successful in learning rich knowledge from massive well-annotated data, they may pose a privacy leakage risk in practical deployment. It is necessary to find an effective trade-off between high utility and strong privacy. In this work, we propose a discriminative-generative distillation approach to learn privacy-preserving deep models. Our key idea is taking models as bridge to distill knowledge from private data and then transfer it to learn a student network via two streams. First, discriminative stream trains a baseline classifier on private data and an ensemble of teachers on multiple disjoint private subsets, respectively. Then, generative stream takes the classifier as a fixed discriminator and trains a generator in a data-free manner. After that, the generator is used to generate massive synthetic data which are further applied to train a variational autoencoder (VAE). Among these synthetic data, a few of them are fed into the teacher ensemble to query labels via differentially private aggregation, while most of them are embedded to the trained VAE for reconstructing synthetic data. Finally, a semi-supervised student learning is performed to simultaneously handle two tasks: knowledge transfer from the teachers with distillation on few privately labeled synthetic data, and knowledge enhancement with tangent-normal adversarial regularization on many triples of reconstructed synthetic data. In this way, our approach can control query cost over private data and mitigate accuracy degradation in a unified manner, leading to a privacy-preserving student model. Extensive experiments and analysis clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Abstract:Recently, the surge in the adoption of single-stream architectures utilizing pre-trained ViT backbones represents a promising advancement in the field of generic visual tracking. By integrating feature extraction and fusion into a cohesive framework, these architectures offer improved performance, efficiency, and robustness. However, there has been limited exploration into optimizing these frameworks for UAV tracking. In this paper, we boost the efficiency of this framework by tailoring it into an adaptive computation framework that dynamically exits Transformer blocks for real-time UAV tracking. The motivation behind this is that tracking tasks with fewer challenges can be adequately addressed using low-level feature representations. Simpler tasks can often be handled with less demanding, lower-level features. This approach allows the model use computational resources more efficiently by focusing on complex tasks and conserving resources for easier ones. Another significant enhancement introduced in this paper is the improved effectiveness of ViTs in handling motion blur, a common issue in UAV tracking caused by the fast movements of either the UAV, the tracked objects, or both. This is achieved by acquiring motion blur robust representations through enforcing invariance in the feature representation of the target with respect to simulated motion blur. The proposed approach is dubbed BDTrack. Extensive experiments conducted on five tracking benchmarks validate the effectiveness and versatility of our approach, establishing it as a cutting-edge solution in real-time UAV tracking. Code is released at: https://github.com/wuyou3474/BDTrack.
Abstract:Empowered by transformer-based models, visual tracking has advanced significantly. However, the slow speed of current trackers limits their applicability on devices with constrained computational resources. To address this challenge, we introduce ABTrack, an adaptive computation framework that adaptively bypassing transformer blocks for efficient visual tracking. The rationale behind ABTrack is rooted in the observation that semantic features or relations do not uniformly impact the tracking task across all abstraction levels. Instead, this impact varies based on the characteristics of the target and the scene it occupies. Consequently, disregarding insignificant semantic features or relations at certain abstraction levels may not significantly affect the tracking accuracy. We propose a Bypass Decision Module (BDM) to determine if a transformer block should be bypassed, which adaptively simplifies the architecture of ViTs and thus speeds up the inference process. To counteract the time cost incurred by the BDMs and further enhance the efficiency of ViTs, we innovatively adapt a pruning technique to reduce the dimension of the latent representation of tokens in each transformer block. Extensive experiments on multiple tracking benchmarks validate the effectiveness and generality of the proposed method and show that it achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code is released at: \href{https://github.com/1HykhqV3rU/ABTrack}
Abstract:Masked face recognition is important for social good but challenged by diverse occlusions that cause insufficient or inaccurate representations. In this work, we propose a unified deep network to learn generative-to-discriminative representations for facilitating masked face recognition. To this end, we split the network into three modules and learn them on synthetic masked faces in a greedy module-wise pretraining manner. First, we leverage a generative encoder pretrained for face inpainting and finetune it to represent masked faces into category-aware descriptors. Attribute to the generative encoder's ability in recovering context information, the resulting descriptors can provide occlusion-robust representations for masked faces, mitigating the effect of diverse masks. Then, we incorporate a multi-layer convolutional network as a discriminative reformer and learn it to convert the category-aware descriptors into identity-aware vectors, where the learning is effectively supervised by distilling relation knowledge from off-the-shelf face recognition model. In this way, the discriminative reformer together with the generative encoder serves as the pretrained backbone, providing general and discriminative representations towards masked faces. Finally, we cascade one fully-connected layer following by one softmax layer into a feature classifier and finetune it to identify the reformed identity-aware vectors. Extensive experiments on synthetic and realistic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in recognizing masked faces.
Abstract:Recent studies have suggested frequency-domain Data augmentation (DA) is effec tive for time series prediction. Existing frequency-domain augmentations disturb the original data with various full-spectrum noises, leading to excess domain gap between augmented and original data. Although impressive performance has been achieved in certain cases, frequency-domain DA has yet to be generalized to time series prediction datasets. In this paper, we found that frequency-domain augmentations can be significantly improved by two modifications that limit the perturbations. First, we found that limiting the perturbation to only dominant frequencies significantly outperforms full-spectrum perturbations. Dominant fre quencies represent the main periodicity and trends of the signal and are more important than other frequencies. Second, we found that simply shuffling the dominant frequency components is superior over sophisticated designed random perturbations. Shuffle rearranges the original components (magnitudes and phases) and limits the external noise. With these two modifications, we proposed dominant shuffle, a simple yet effective data augmentation for time series prediction. Our method is very simple yet powerful and can be implemented with just a few lines of code. Extensive experiments with eight datasets and six popular time series models demonstrate that our method consistently improves the baseline performance under various settings and significantly outperforms other DA methods. Code can be accessed at https://kaizhao.net/time-series.