Abstract:Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a pivotal technique for enhancing the capability of large language models (LLMs) and has demonstrated promising efficacy across a diverse spectrum of tasks. While LLM-driven RAG systems show superior performance, they face unique challenges in stability and reliability. Their complexity hinders developers' efforts to design, maintain, and optimize effective RAG systems. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how RAG's performance is impacted by its design. In this work, we conduct an early exploratory study toward a better understanding of the mechanism of RAG systems, covering three code datasets, three QA datasets, and two LLMs. We focus on four design factors: retrieval document type, retrieval recall, document selection, and prompt techniques. Our study uncovers how each factor impacts system correctness and confidence, providing valuable insights for developing an accurate and reliable RAG system. Based on these findings, we present nine actionable guidelines for detecting defects and optimizing the performance of RAG systems. We hope our early exploration can inspire further advancements in engineering, improving and maintaining LLM-driven intelligent software systems for greater efficiency and reliability.
Abstract:While large code language models have made significant strides in AI-assisted coding tasks, there are growing concerns about privacy challenges. The user code is transparent to the cloud LLM service provider, inducing risks of unauthorized training, reading, and execution of the user code. In this paper, we propose CodeCipher, a novel method that perturbs privacy from code while preserving the original response from LLMs. CodeCipher transforms the LLM's embedding matrix so that each row corresponds to a different word in the original matrix, forming a token-to-token confusion mapping for obfuscating source code. The new embedding matrix is optimized by minimizing the task-specific loss function. To tackle the challenge of the discrete and sparse nature of word vector spaces, CodeCipher adopts a discrete optimization strategy that aligns the updated vector to the nearest valid token in the vocabulary before each gradient update. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on three AI-assisted coding tasks including code completion, summarization, and translation. Results show that our model successfully confuses the privacy in source code while preserving the original LLM's performance.
Abstract:While large language models have made significant strides in code generation, the pass rate of the generated code is bottlenecked on subtle errors, often requiring human intervention to pass tests, especially for complex problems. Existing LLM-based debugging systems treat generated programs as monolithic units, failing to address bugs at multiple levels of granularity, from low-level syntax errors to high-level algorithmic flaws. In this paper, we introduce Multi-Granularity Debugger (MGDebugger), a hierarchical code debugger by isolating, identifying, and resolving bugs at various levels of granularity. MGDebugger decomposes problematic code into a hierarchical tree structure of subfunctions, with each level representing a particular granularity of error. During debugging, it analyzes each subfunction and iteratively resolves bugs in a bottom-up manner. To effectively test each subfunction, we propose an LLM-simulated Python executor, which traces code execution and tracks important variable states to pinpoint errors accurately. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MGDebugger outperforms existing debugging systems, achieving an 18.9% improvement in accuracy over seed generations in HumanEval and a 97.6% repair success rate in HumanEvalFix. Furthermore, MGDebugger effectively fixes bugs across different categories and difficulty levels, demonstrating its robustness and effectiveness.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) enhanced by retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) provide effective solutions in various application scenarios. However, developers face challenges in integrating RAG-enhanced LLMs into software systems, due to lack of interface specification, requirements from software context, and complicated system management. In this paper, we manually studied 100 open-source applications that incorporate RAG-enhanced LLMs, and their issue reports. We have found that more than 98% of applications contain multiple integration defects that harm software functionality, efficiency, and security. We have also generalized 19 defect patterns and proposed guidelines to tackle them. We hope this work could aid LLM-enabled software development and motivate future research.
Abstract:Large language models have catalyzed an unprecedented wave in code generation. While achieving significant advances, they blur the distinctions between machine-and human-authored source code, causing integrity and authenticity issues of software artifacts. Previous methods such as DetectGPT have proven effective in discerning machine-generated texts, but they do not identify and harness the unique patterns of machine-generated code. Thus, its applicability falters when applied to code. In this paper, we carefully study the specific patterns that characterize machine and human-authored code. Through a rigorous analysis of code attributes such as length, lexical diversity, and naturalness, we expose unique pat-terns inherent to each source. We particularly notice that the structural segmentation of code is a critical factor in identifying its provenance. Based on our findings, we propose a novel machine-generated code detection method called DetectCodeGPT, which improves DetectGPT by capturing the distinct structural patterns of code. Diverging from conventional techniques that depend on external LLMs for perturbations, DetectCodeGPT perturbs the code corpus by strategically inserting spaces and newlines, ensuring both efficacy and efficiency. Experiment results show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in detecting machine-generated code.
Abstract:ML APIs have greatly relieved application developers of the burden to design and train their own neural network models -- classifying objects in an image can now be as simple as one line of Python code to call an API. However, these APIs offer the same pre-trained models regardless of how their output is used by different applications. This can be suboptimal as not all ML inference errors can cause application failures, and the distinction between inference errors that can or cannot cause failures varies greatly across applications. To tackle this problem, we first study 77 real-world applications, which collectively use six ML APIs from two providers, to reveal common patterns of how ML API output affects applications' decision processes. Inspired by the findings, we propose ChameleonAPI, an optimization framework for ML APIs, which takes effect without changing the application source code. ChameleonAPI provides application developers with a parser that automatically analyzes the application to produce an abstract of its decision process, which is then used to devise an application-specific loss function that only penalizes API output errors critical to the application. ChameleonAPI uses the loss function to efficiently train a neural network model customized for each application and deploys it to serve API invocations from the respective application via existing interface. Compared to a baseline that selects the best-of-all commercial ML API, we show that ChameleonAPI reduces incorrect application decisions by 43%.
Abstract:We propose a novel variant of SGD customized for training network architectures that support anytime behavior: such networks produce a series of increasingly accurate outputs over time. Efficient architectural designs for these networks focus on re-using internal state; subnetworks must produce representations relevant for both immediate prediction as well as refinement by subsequent network stages. We consider traditional branched networks as well as a new class of recursively nested networks. Our new optimizer, Orthogonalized SGD, dynamically re-balances task-specific gradients when training a multitask network. In the context of anytime architectures, this optimizer projects gradients from later outputs onto a parameter subspace that does not interfere with those from earlier outputs. Experiments demonstrate that training with Orthogonalized SGD significantly improves generalization accuracy of anytime networks.
Abstract:An increasing number of software applications incorporate runtime Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference for its great accuracy in many problem domains. While much prior work has separately tackled the problems of improving DNN-inference accuracy and improving DNN-inference efficiency, an important problem is under-explored: disciplined methods for dynamically managing application-specific latency, accuracy, and energy tradeoffs and constraints at run time. To address this need, we propose ALERT, a co-designed combination of runtime system and DNN nesting technique. The runtime takes latency, accuracy, and energy constraints, and uses dynamic feedback to predict the best DNN-model and system power-limit setting. The DNN nesting creates a type of flexible network that efficiently delivers a series of results with increasing accuracy as time goes on. These two parts well complement each other: the runtime is aware of the tradeoffs of different DNN settings, and the nested DNNs' flexibility allows the runtime prediction to satisfy application requirements even in unpredictable, changing environments. On real systems for both image and speech, ALERT achieves close-to-optimal results. Comparing with the optimal static DNN-model and power-limit setting, which is impractical to predict, ALERT achieves a harmonic mean 33% of energy savings while satisfying accuracy constraints, and reduces image-classification error rate by 58% and sentence-prediction perplexity by 52% while satisfying energy constraints.