Abstract:Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for relevance assessments offers promising opportunities to improve Information Retrieval (IR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and related fields. Indeed, LLMs hold the promise of allowing IR experimenters to build evaluation collections with a fraction of the manual human labor currently required. This could help with fresh topics on which there is still limited knowledge and could mitigate the challenges of evaluating ranking systems in low-resource scenarios, where it is challenging to find human annotators. Given the fast-paced recent developments in the domain, many questions concerning LLMs as assessors are yet to be answered. Among the aspects that require further investigation, we can list the impact of various components in a relevance judgment generation pipeline, such as the prompt used or the LLM chosen. This paper benchmarks and reports on the results of a large-scale automatic relevance judgment evaluation, the LLMJudge challenge at SIGIR 2024, where different relevance assessment approaches were proposed. In detail, we release and benchmark 42 LLM-generated labels of the TREC 2023 Deep Learning track relevance judgments produced by eight international teams who participated in the challenge. Given their diverse nature, these automatically generated relevance judgments can help the community not only investigate systematic biases caused by LLMs but also explore the effectiveness of ensemble models, analyze the trade-offs between different models and human assessors, and advance methodologies for improving automated evaluation techniques. The released resource is available at the following link: https://llm4eval.github.io/LLMJudge-benchmark/
Abstract:The use of large language models (LLMs) for relevance assessment in information retrieval has gained significant attention, with recent studies suggesting that LLM-based judgments provide comparable evaluations to human judgments. Notably, based on TREC 2024 data, Upadhyay et al. make a bold claim that LLM-based relevance assessments, such as those generated by the UMBRELA system, can fully replace traditional human relevance assessments in TREC-style evaluations. This paper critically examines this claim, highlighting practical and theoretical limitations that undermine the validity of this conclusion. First, we question whether the evidence provided by Upadhyay et al. really supports their claim, particularly if a test collection is used asa benchmark for future improvements. Second, through a submission deliberately intended to do so, we demonstrate the ease with which automatic evaluation metrics can be subverted, showing that systems designed to exploit these evaluations can achieve artificially high scores. Theoretical challenges -- such as the inherent narcissism of LLMs, the risk of overfitting to LLM-based metrics, and the potential degradation of future LLM performance -- must be addressed before LLM-based relevance assessments can be considered a viable replacement for human judgments.
Abstract:Recent research has shown that neural information retrieval techniques may be susceptible to adversarial attacks. Adversarial attacks seek to manipulate the ranking of documents, with the intention of exposing users to targeted content. In this paper, we introduce the Embedding Perturbation Rank Attack (EMPRA) method, a novel approach designed to perform adversarial attacks on black-box Neural Ranking Models (NRMs). EMPRA manipulates sentence-level embeddings, guiding them towards pertinent context related to the query while preserving semantic integrity. This process generates adversarial texts that seamlessly integrate with the original content and remain imperceptible to humans. Our extensive evaluation conducted on the widely-used MS MARCO V1 passage collection demonstrate the effectiveness of EMPRA against a wide range of state-of-the-art baselines in promoting a specific set of target documents within a given ranked results. Specifically, EMPRA successfully achieves a re-ranking of almost 96% of target documents originally ranked between 51-100 to rank within the top 10. Furthermore, EMPRA does not depend on surrogate models for adversarial text generation, enhancing its robustness against different NRMs in realistic settings.
Abstract:This paper introduces annotative indexing, a novel framework that unifies and generalizes traditional inverted indexes, column stores, object stores, and graph databases. As a result, annotative indexing can provide the underlying indexing framework for databases that support knowledge graphs, entity retrieval, semi-structured data, and ranked retrieval. While we primarily focus on human language data in the form of text, annotative indexing is sufficiently general to support a range of other datatypes, and we provide examples of SQL-like queries over a JSON store that includes numbers and dates. Taking advantage of the flexibility of annotative indexing, we also demonstrate a fully dynamic annotative index incorporating support for ACID properties of transactions with hundreds of multiple concurrent readers and writers.
Abstract:With the rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs), recent studies employed LLMs as recommenders to provide personalized information services for distinct users. Despite efforts to improve the accuracy of LLM-based recommendation models, relatively little attention is paid to beyond-utility dimensions. Moreover, there are unique evaluation aspects of LLM-based recommendation models, which have been largely ignored. To bridge this gap, we explore four new evaluation dimensions and propose a multidimensional evaluation framework. The new evaluation dimensions include: 1) history length sensitivity, 2) candidate position bias, 3) generation-involved performance, and 4) hallucinations. All four dimensions have the potential to impact performance, but are largely unnecessary for consideration in traditional systems. Using this multidimensional evaluation framework, along with traditional aspects, we evaluate the performance of seven LLM-based recommenders, with three prompting strategies, comparing them with six traditional models on both ranking and re-ranking tasks on four datasets. We find that LLMs excel at handling tasks with prior knowledge and shorter input histories in the ranking setting, and perform better in the re-ranking setting, beating traditional models across multiple dimensions. However, LLMs exhibit substantial candidate position bias issues, and some models hallucinate non-existent items much more often than others. We intend our evaluation framework and observations to benefit future research on the use of LLMs as recommenders. The code and data are available at https://github.com/JiangDeccc/EvaLLMasRecommender.
Abstract:The first edition of the workshop on Large Language Model for Evaluation in Information Retrieval (LLM4Eval 2024) took place in July 2024, co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference 2024 in the USA (SIGIR 2024). The aim was to bring information retrieval researchers together around the topic of LLMs for evaluation in information retrieval that gathered attention with the advancement of large language models and generative AI. Given the novelty of the topic, the workshop was focused around multi-sided discussions, namely panels and poster sessions of the accepted proceedings papers.
Abstract:The LLMJudge challenge is organized as part of the LLM4Eval workshop at SIGIR 2024. Test collections are essential for evaluating information retrieval (IR) systems. The evaluation and tuning of a search system is largely based on relevance labels, which indicate whether a document is useful for a specific search and user. However, collecting relevance judgments on a large scale is costly and resource-intensive. Consequently, typical experiments rely on third-party labelers who may not always produce accurate annotations. The LLMJudge challenge aims to explore an alternative approach by using LLMs to generate relevance judgments. Recent studies have shown that LLMs can generate reliable relevance judgments for search systems. However, it remains unclear which LLMs can match the accuracy of human labelers, which prompts are most effective, how fine-tuned open-source LLMs compare to closed-source LLMs like GPT-4, whether there are biases in synthetically generated data, and if data leakage affects the quality of generated labels. This challenge will investigate these questions, and the collected data will be released as a package to support automatic relevance judgment research in information retrieval and search.
Abstract:The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to a surge in applications that facilitate collaboration among multiple agents, assisting humans in their daily tasks. However, a significant gap remains in assessing to what extent LLM-powered applications genuinely enhance user experience and task execution efficiency. This highlights the need to verify utility of LLM-powered applications, particularly by ensuring alignment between the application's functionality and end-user needs. We introduce AgentEval, a novel framework designed to simplify the utility verification process by automatically proposing a set of criteria tailored to the unique purpose of any given application. This allows for a comprehensive assessment, quantifying the utility of an application against the suggested criteria. We present a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness and robustness of AgentEval for two open source datasets including Math Problem solving and ALFWorld House-hold related tasks. For reproducibility purposes, we make the data, code and all the logs publicly available at https://bit.ly/3w3yKcS .
Abstract:In this chapter, we consider generative information retrieval evaluation from two distinct but interrelated perspectives. First, large language models (LLMs) themselves are rapidly becoming tools for evaluation, with current research indicating that LLMs may be superior to crowdsource workers and other paid assessors on basic relevance judgement tasks. We review past and ongoing related research, including speculation on the future of shared task initiatives, such as TREC, and a discussion on the continuing need for human assessments. Second, we consider the evaluation of emerging LLM-based generative information retrieval (GenIR) systems, including retrieval augmented generation (RAG) systems. We consider approaches that focus both on the end-to-end evaluation of GenIR systems and on the evaluation of a retrieval component as an element in a RAG system. Going forward, we expect the evaluation of GenIR systems to be at least partially based on LLM-based assessment, creating an apparent circularity, with a system seemingly evaluating its own output. We resolve this apparent circularity in two ways: 1) by viewing LLM-based assessment as a form of "slow search", where a slower IR system is used for evaluation and training of a faster production IR system; and 2) by recognizing a continuing need to ground evaluation in human assessment, even if the characteristics of that human assessment must change.
Abstract:Information retrieval systems increasingly incorporate generative components. For example, in a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) system, a retrieval component might provide a source of ground truth, while a generative component summarizes and augments its responses. In other systems, a large language model (LLM) might directly generate responses without consulting a retrieval component. While there are multiple definitions of generative information retrieval (Gen-IR) systems, in this paper we focus on those systems where the system's response is not drawn from a fixed collection of documents or passages. The response to a query may be entirely new text. Since traditional IR evaluation methods break down under this model, we explore various methods that extend traditional offline evaluation approaches to the Gen-IR context. Offline IR evaluation traditionally employs paid human assessors, but increasingly LLMs are replacing human assessment, demonstrating capabilities similar or superior to crowdsourced labels. Given that Gen-IR systems do not generate responses from a fixed set, we assume that methods for Gen-IR evaluation must largely depend on LLM-generated labels. Along with methods based on binary and graded relevance, we explore methods based on explicit subtopics, pairwise preferences, and embeddings. We first validate these methods against human assessments on several TREC Deep Learning Track tasks; we then apply these methods to evaluate the output of several purely generative systems. For each method we consider both its ability to act autonomously, without the need for human labels or other input, and its ability to support human auditing. To trust these methods, we must be assured that their results align with human assessments. In order to do so, evaluation criteria must be transparent, so that outcomes can be audited by human assessors.