Abstract:Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for relevance assessments offers promising opportunities to improve Information Retrieval (IR), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and related fields. Indeed, LLMs hold the promise of allowing IR experimenters to build evaluation collections with a fraction of the manual human labor currently required. This could help with fresh topics on which there is still limited knowledge and could mitigate the challenges of evaluating ranking systems in low-resource scenarios, where it is challenging to find human annotators. Given the fast-paced recent developments in the domain, many questions concerning LLMs as assessors are yet to be answered. Among the aspects that require further investigation, we can list the impact of various components in a relevance judgment generation pipeline, such as the prompt used or the LLM chosen. This paper benchmarks and reports on the results of a large-scale automatic relevance judgment evaluation, the LLMJudge challenge at SIGIR 2024, where different relevance assessment approaches were proposed. In detail, we release and benchmark 42 LLM-generated labels of the TREC 2023 Deep Learning track relevance judgments produced by eight international teams who participated in the challenge. Given their diverse nature, these automatically generated relevance judgments can help the community not only investigate systematic biases caused by LLMs but also explore the effectiveness of ensemble models, analyze the trade-offs between different models and human assessors, and advance methodologies for improving automated evaluation techniques. The released resource is available at the following link: https://llm4eval.github.io/LLMJudge-benchmark/
Abstract:The effective training and evaluation of retrieval systems require a substantial amount of relevance judgments, which are traditionally collected from human assessors -- a process that is both costly and time-consuming. Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in generating relevance labels for search tasks, offering a potential alternative to manual assessments. Current approaches often rely on a single LLM, such as GPT-4, which, despite being effective, are expensive and prone to intra-model biases that can favour systems leveraging similar models. In this work, we introduce JudgeBlender, a framework that employs smaller, open-source models to provide relevance judgments by combining evaluations across multiple LLMs (LLMBlender) or multiple prompts (PromptBlender). By leveraging the LLMJudge benchmark [18], we compare JudgeBlender with state-of-the-art methods and the top performers in the LLMJudge challenge. Our results show that JudgeBlender achieves competitive performance, demonstrating that very large models are often unnecessary for reliable relevance assessments.
Abstract:Large-scale test collections play a crucial role in Information Retrieval (IR) research. However, according to the Cranfield paradigm and the research into publicly available datasets, the existing information retrieval research studies are commonly developed on small-scale datasets that rely on human assessors for relevance judgments - a time-intensive and expensive process. Recent studies have shown the strong capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) in producing reliable relevance judgments with human accuracy but at a greatly reduced cost. In this paper, to address the missing large-scale ad-hoc document retrieval dataset, we extend the TREC Deep Learning Track (DL) test collection via additional language model synthetic labels to enable researchers to test and evaluate their search systems at a large scale. Specifically, such a test collection includes more than 1,900 test queries from the previous years of tracks. We compare system evaluation with past human labels from past years and find that our synthetically created large-scale test collection can lead to highly correlated system rankings.
Abstract:The first edition of the workshop on Large Language Model for Evaluation in Information Retrieval (LLM4Eval 2024) took place in July 2024, co-located with the ACM SIGIR Conference 2024 in the USA (SIGIR 2024). The aim was to bring information retrieval researchers together around the topic of LLMs for evaluation in information retrieval that gathered attention with the advancement of large language models and generative AI. Given the novelty of the topic, the workshop was focused around multi-sided discussions, namely panels and poster sessions of the accepted proceedings papers.
Abstract:The LLMJudge challenge is organized as part of the LLM4Eval workshop at SIGIR 2024. Test collections are essential for evaluating information retrieval (IR) systems. The evaluation and tuning of a search system is largely based on relevance labels, which indicate whether a document is useful for a specific search and user. However, collecting relevance judgments on a large scale is costly and resource-intensive. Consequently, typical experiments rely on third-party labelers who may not always produce accurate annotations. The LLMJudge challenge aims to explore an alternative approach by using LLMs to generate relevance judgments. Recent studies have shown that LLMs can generate reliable relevance judgments for search systems. However, it remains unclear which LLMs can match the accuracy of human labelers, which prompts are most effective, how fine-tuned open-source LLMs compare to closed-source LLMs like GPT-4, whether there are biases in synthetically generated data, and if data leakage affects the quality of generated labels. This challenge will investigate these questions, and the collected data will be released as a package to support automatic relevance judgment research in information retrieval and search.
Abstract:Utilizing user profiles to personalize Large Language Models (LLMs) has been shown to enhance the performance on a wide range of tasks. However, the precise role of user profiles and their effect mechanism on LLMs remains unclear. This study first confirms that the effectiveness of user profiles is primarily due to personalization information rather than semantic information. Furthermore, we investigate how user profiles affect the personalization of LLMs. Within the user profile, we reveal that it is the historical personalized response produced or approved by users that plays a pivotal role in personalizing LLMs. This discovery unlocks the potential of LLMs to incorporate a greater number of user profiles within the constraints of limited input length. As for the position of user profiles, we observe that user profiles integrated into different positions of the input context do not contribute equally to personalization. Instead, where the user profile that is closer to the beginning affects more on the personalization of LLMs. Our findings reveal the role of user profiles for the personalization of LLMs, and showcase how incorporating user profiles impacts performance providing insight to leverage user profiles effectively.
Abstract:Test collections play a vital role in evaluation of information retrieval (IR) systems. Obtaining a diverse set of user queries for test collection construction can be challenging, and acquiring relevance judgments, which indicate the appropriateness of retrieved documents to a query, is often costly and resource-intensive. Generating synthetic datasets using Large Language Models (LLMs) has recently gained significant attention in various applications. In IR, while previous work exploited the capabilities of LLMs to generate synthetic queries or documents to augment training data and improve the performance of ranking models, using LLMs for constructing synthetic test collections is relatively unexplored. Previous studies demonstrate that LLMs have the potential to generate synthetic relevance judgments for use in the evaluation of IR systems. In this paper, we comprehensively investigate whether it is possible to use LLMs to construct fully synthetic test collections by generating not only synthetic judgments but also synthetic queries. In particular, we analyse whether it is possible to construct reliable synthetic test collections and the potential risks of bias such test collections may exhibit towards LLM-based models. Our experiments indicate that using LLMs it is possible to construct synthetic test collections that can reliably be used for retrieval evaluation.
Abstract:Clarifying questions are an integral component of modern information retrieval systems, directly impacting user satisfaction and overall system performance. Poorly formulated questions can lead to user frustration and confusion, negatively affecting the system's performance. This research addresses the urgent need to identify and leverage key features that contribute to the classification of clarifying questions, enhancing user satisfaction. To gain deeper insights into how different features influence user satisfaction, we conduct a comprehensive analysis, considering a broad spectrum of lexical, semantic, and statistical features, such as question length and sentiment polarity. Our empirical results provide three main insights into the qualities of effective query clarification: (1) specific questions are more effective than generic ones; (2) the subjectivity and emotional tone of a question play a role; and (3) shorter and more ambiguous queries benefit significantly from clarification. Based on these insights, we implement feature-integrated user satisfaction prediction using various classifiers, both traditional and neural-based, including random forest, BERT, and large language models. Our experiments show a consistent and significant improvement, particularly in traditional classifiers, with a minimum performance boost of 45\%. This study presents invaluable guidelines for refining the formulation of clarifying questions and enhancing both user satisfaction and system performance.
Abstract:In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition that when machine learning (ML) algorithms are used to automate decisions, they may mistreat individuals or groups, with legal, ethical, or economic implications. Recommender systems are prominent examples of these machine learning (ML) systems that aid users in making decisions. The majority of past literature research on RS fairness treats user and item fairness concerns independently, ignoring the fact that recommender systems function in a two-sided marketplace. In this paper, we propose CP-FairRank, an optimization-based re-ranking algorithm that seamlessly integrates fairness constraints from both the consumer and producer side in a joint objective framework. The framework is generalizable and may take into account varied fairness settings based on group segmentation, recommendation model selection, and domain, which is one of its key characteristics. For instance, we demonstrate that the system may jointly increase consumer and producer fairness when (un)protected consumer groups are defined on the basis of their activity level and main-streamness, while producer groups are defined according to their popularity level. For empirical validation, through large-scale on eight datasets and four mainstream collaborative filtering (CF) recommendation models, we demonstrate that our proposed strategy is able to improve both consumer and producer fairness without compromising or very little overall recommendation quality, demonstrating the role algorithms may play in avoiding data biases.
Abstract:Conversational Recommendation System (CRS) is a rapidly growing research area that has gained significant attention alongside advancements in language modelling techniques. However, the current state of conversational recommendation faces numerous challenges due to its relative novelty and limited existing contributions. In this study, we delve into benchmark datasets for developing CRS models and address potential biases arising from the feedback loop inherent in multi-turn interactions, including selection bias and multiple popularity bias variants. Drawing inspiration from the success of generative data via using language models and data augmentation techniques, we present two novel strategies, 'Once-Aug' and 'PopNudge', to enhance model performance while mitigating biases. Through extensive experiments on ReDial and TG-ReDial benchmark datasets, we show a consistent improvement of CRS techniques with our data augmentation approaches and offer additional insights on addressing multiple newly formulated biases.