Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Abstract:When trained with severely imbalanced data, deep neural networks often struggle to accurately recognize classes with only a few samples. Previous studies in long-tailed recognition have attempted to rebalance biased learning using known sample distributions, primarily addressing different classification difficulties at the class level. However, these approaches often overlook the instance difficulty variation within each class. In this paper, we propose a difficulty-aware balancing margin (DBM) loss, which considers both class imbalance and instance difficulty. DBM loss comprises two components: a class-wise margin to mitigate learning bias caused by imbalanced class frequencies, and an instance-wise margin assigned to hard positive samples based on their individual difficulty. DBM loss improves class discriminativity by assigning larger margins to more difficult samples. Our method seamlessly combines with existing approaches and consistently improves performance across various long-tailed recognition benchmarks.
Abstract:Previous Deepfake detection methods perform well within their training domains, but their effectiveness diminishes significantly with new synthesis techniques. Recent studies have revealed that detection models often create decision boundaries based on facial identity rather than synthetic artifacts, resulting in poor performance on cross-domain datasets. To address this limitation, we propose Facial Recognition Identity Attenuation (FRIDAY), a novel training method that mitigates facial identity influence using a face recognizer. Specifically, we first train a face recognizer using the same backbone as the Deepfake detector. The recognizer is then frozen and employed during the detector's training to reduce facial identity information. This is achieved by feeding input images into both the recognizer and the detector, and minimizing the similarity of their feature embeddings through our Facial Identity Attenuating loss. This process encourages the detector to generate embeddings distinct from the recognizer, effectively reducing the impact of facial identity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances detection performance on both in-domain and cross-domain datasets.
Abstract:Most techniques approach the problem of image forgery localization as a binary segmentation task, training neural networks to label original areas as 0 and forged areas as 1. In contrast, we tackle this issue from a more fundamental perspective by partitioning images according to their originating sources. To this end, we propose Segment Any Forged Image Region (SAFIRE), which solves forgery localization using point prompting. Each point on an image is used to segment the source region containing itself. This allows us to partition images into multiple source regions, a capability achieved for the first time. Additionally, rather than memorizing certain forgery traces, SAFIRE naturally focuses on uniform characteristics within each source region. This approach leads to more stable and effective learning, achieving superior performance in both the new task and the traditional binary forgery localization.
Abstract:Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across multimodal tasks by integrating vision encoders with large language models (LLMs). However, these models remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Among such attacks, Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) are especially powerful, as a single optimized perturbation can mislead the model across various input images. In this work, we introduce a novel UAP specifically designed for VLMs: the Doubly-Universal Adversarial Perturbation (Doubly-UAP), capable of universally deceiving VLMs across both image and text inputs. To successfully disrupt the vision encoder's fundamental process, we analyze the core components of the attention mechanism. After identifying value vectors in the middle-to-late layers as the most vulnerable, we optimize Doubly-UAP in a label-free manner with a frozen model. Despite being developed as a black-box to the LLM, Doubly-UAP achieves high attack success rates on VLMs, consistently outperforming baseline methods across vision-language tasks. Extensive ablation studies and analyses further demonstrate the robustness of Doubly-UAP and provide insights into how it influences internal attention mechanisms.
Abstract:Text-based generation and editing of 3D scenes hold significant potential for streamlining content creation through intuitive user interactions. While recent advances leverage 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) for high-fidelity and real-time rendering, existing methods are often specialized and task-focused, lacking a unified framework for both generation and editing. In this paper, we introduce SplatFlow, a comprehensive framework that addresses this gap by enabling direct 3DGS generation and editing. SplatFlow comprises two main components: a multi-view rectified flow (RF) model and a Gaussian Splatting Decoder (GSDecoder). The multi-view RF model operates in latent space, generating multi-view images, depths, and camera poses simultaneously, conditioned on text prompts, thus addressing challenges like diverse scene scales and complex camera trajectories in real-world settings. Then, the GSDecoder efficiently translates these latent outputs into 3DGS representations through a feed-forward 3DGS method. Leveraging training-free inversion and inpainting techniques, SplatFlow enables seamless 3DGS editing and supports a broad range of 3D tasks-including object editing, novel view synthesis, and camera pose estimation-within a unified framework without requiring additional complex pipelines. We validate SplatFlow's capabilities on the MVImgNet and DL3DV-7K datasets, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness in various 3D generation, editing, and inpainting-based tasks.
Abstract:Despite the growing interest in Mamba architecture as a potential replacement for Transformer architecture, parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) approaches for Mamba remain largely unexplored. In our study, we introduce two key insights-driven strategies for PEFT in Mamba architecture: (1) While state-space models (SSMs) have been regarded as the cornerstone of Mamba architecture, then expected to play a primary role in transfer learning, our findings reveal that Projectors -- not SSMs -- are the predominant contributors to transfer learning, and (2) Based on our observation that adapting pretrained Projectors to new tasks can be effectively approximated through a near-diagonal linear transformation, we propose a novel PEFT method specialized to Mamba architecture: Projector-targeted Diagonal-centric Linear Transformation (ProDiaL). ProDiaL focuses on optimizing only diagonal-centric linear transformation matrices, without directly fine-tuning the pretrained Projector weights. This targeted approach allows efficient task adaptation, utilizing less than 1% of the total parameters, and exhibits strong performance across both vision and language Mamba models, highlighting its versatility and effectiveness.
Abstract:We introduce VideoMamba, a novel adaptation of the pure Mamba architecture, specifically designed for video recognition. Unlike transformers that rely on self-attention mechanisms leading to high computational costs by quadratic complexity, VideoMamba leverages Mamba's linear complexity and selective SSM mechanism for more efficient processing. The proposed Spatio-Temporal Forward and Backward SSM allows the model to effectively capture the complex relationship between non-sequential spatial and sequential temporal information in video. Consequently, VideoMamba is not only resource-efficient but also effective in capturing long-range dependency in videos, demonstrated by competitive performance and outstanding efficiency on a variety of video understanding benchmarks. Our work highlights the potential of VideoMamba as a powerful tool for video understanding, offering a simple yet effective baseline for future research in video analysis.
Abstract:We present Diffusion Model Patching (DMP), a simple method to boost the performance of pre-trained diffusion models that have already reached convergence, with a negligible increase in parameters. DMP inserts a small, learnable set of prompts into the model's input space while keeping the original model frozen. The effectiveness of DMP is not merely due to the addition of parameters but stems from its dynamic gating mechanism, which selects and combines a subset of learnable prompts at every step of the generative process (e.g., reverse denoising steps). This strategy, which we term "mixture-of-prompts", enables the model to draw on the distinct expertise of each prompt, essentially "patching" the model's functionality at every step with minimal yet specialized parameters. Uniquely, DMP enhances the model by further training on the same dataset on which it was originally trained, even in a scenario where significant improvements are typically not expected due to model convergence. Experiments show that DMP significantly enhances the converged FID of DiT-L/2 on FFHQ 256x256 by 10.38%, achieved with only a 1.43% parameter increase and 50K additional training iterations.
Abstract:Recent advancements in Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) have revolutionized how machines understand and generate textual responses based on visual inputs. Despite their impressive capabilities, they often produce "hallucinatory" outputs that do not accurately reflect the visual information, posing challenges in reliability and trustworthiness. Current methods such as contrastive decoding have made strides in addressing these issues by contrasting the original probability distribution of generated tokens with distorted counterparts; yet, generating visually-faithful outputs remains a challenge. In this work, we shift our focus to the opposite: What could serve as a complementary enhancement to the original probability distribution? We propose a simple, training-free method termed RITUAL to enhance robustness against hallucinations in LVLMs. Our approach employs random image transformations as complements to the original probability distribution, aiming to mitigate the likelihood of hallucinatory visual explanations by enriching the model's exposure to varied visual scenarios. Our empirical results show that while the isolated use of transformed images initially degrades performance, strategic implementation of these transformations can indeed serve as effective complements. Notably, our method is compatible with current contrastive decoding methods and does not require external models or costly self-feedback mechanisms, making it a practical addition. In experiments, RITUAL significantly outperforms existing contrastive decoding methods across several object hallucination benchmarks, including POPE, CHAIR, and MME.
Abstract:Weakly-Supervised Group Activity Recognition (WSGAR) aims to understand the activity performed together by a group of individuals with the video-level label and without actor-level labels. We propose Flow-Assisted Motion Learning Network (Flaming-Net) for WSGAR, which consists of the motion-aware actor encoder to extract actor features and the two-pathways relation module to infer the interaction among actors and their activity. Flaming-Net leverages an additional optical flow modality in the training stage to enhance its motion awareness when finding locally active actors. The first pathway of the relation module, the actor-centric path, initially captures the temporal dynamics of individual actors and then constructs inter-actor relationships. In parallel, the group-centric path starts by building spatial connections between actors within the same timeframe and then captures simultaneous spatio-temporal dynamics among them. We demonstrate that Flaming-Net achieves new state-of-the-art WSGAR results on two benchmarks, including a 2.8%p higher MPCA score on the NBA dataset. Importantly, we use the optical flow modality only for training and not for inference.