Abstract:Speech emotion recognition (SER) systems often struggle in real-world environments, where ambient noise severely degrades their performance. This paper explores a novel approach that exploits prior knowledge of testing environments to maximize SER performance under noisy conditions. To address this task, we propose a text-guided, environment-aware training where an SER model is trained with contaminated speech samples and their paired noise description. We use a pre-trained text encoder to extract the text-based environment embedding and then fuse it to a transformer-based SER model during training and inference. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through our experiment with the MSP-Podcast corpus and real-world additive noise samples collected from the Freesound repository. Our experiment indicates that the text-based environment descriptions processed by a large language model (LLM) produce representations that improve the noise-robustness of the SER system. In addition, our proposed approach with an LLM yields better performance than our environment-agnostic baselines, especially in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. When testing at -5dB SNR level, our proposed method shows better performance than our best baseline model by 31.8 % (arousal), 23.5% (dominance), and 9.5% (valence).
Abstract:Cross-lingual speech emotion recognition (SER) is important for a wide range of everyday applications. While recent SER research relies heavily on large pretrained models for emotion training, existing studies often concentrate solely on the final transformer layer of these models. However, given the task-specific nature and hierarchical architecture of these models, each transformer layer encapsulates different levels of information. Leveraging this hierarchical structure, our study focuses on the information embedded across different layers. Through an examination of layer feature similarity across different languages, we propose a novel strategy called a layer-anchoring mechanism to facilitate emotion transfer in cross-lingual SER tasks. Our approach is evaluated using two distinct language affective corpora (MSP-Podcast and BIIC-Podcast), achieving a best UAR performance of 60.21% on the BIIC-podcast corpus. The analysis uncovers interesting insights into the behavior of popular pretrained models.
Abstract:In speech synthesis, modeling of rich emotions and prosodic variations present in human voice are crucial to synthesize natural speech. Although speaker embeddings have been widely used in personalized speech synthesis as conditioning inputs, they are designed to lose variation to optimize speaker recognition accuracy. Thus, they are suboptimal for speech synthesis in terms of modeling the rich variations at the output speech distribution. In this work, we propose a novel speaker embedding network which utilizes multiple class centers in the speaker classification training rather than a single class center as traditional embeddings. The proposed approach introduces variations in the speaker embedding while retaining the speaker recognition performance since model does not have to map all of the utterances of a speaker into a single class center. We apply our proposed embedding in voice conversion task and show that our method provides better naturalness and prosody in synthesized speech.
Abstract:Voice conversion (VC) research traditionally depends on scripted or acted speech, which lacks the natural spontaneity of real-life conversations. While natural speech data is limited for VC, our study focuses on filling in this gap. We introduce a novel data-sourcing pipeline that makes the release of a natural speech dataset for VC, named NaturalVoices. The pipeline extracts rich information in speech such as emotion and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) from raw podcast data, utilizing recent deep learning methods and providing flexibility and ease of use. NaturalVoices marks a large-scale, spontaneous, expressive, and emotional speech dataset, comprising over 3,800 hours speech sourced from the original podcasts in the MSP-Podcast dataset. Objective and subjective evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of using our pipeline for providing natural and expressive data for VC, suggesting the potential of NaturalVoices for broader speech generation tasks.
Abstract:Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) is crucial for enabling computers to understand the emotions conveyed in human communication. With recent advancements in Deep Learning (DL), the performance of SER models has significantly improved. However, designing an optimal DL architecture requires specialised knowledge and experimental assessments. Fortunately, Neural Architecture Search (NAS) provides a potential solution for automatically determining the best DL model. The Differentiable Architecture Search (DARTS) is a particularly efficient method for discovering optimal models. This study presents emoDARTS, a DARTS-optimised joint CNN and Sequential Neural Network (SeqNN: LSTM, RNN) architecture that enhances SER performance. The literature supports the selection of CNN and LSTM coupling to improve performance. While DARTS has previously been used to choose CNN and LSTM operations independently, our technique adds a novel mechanism for selecting CNN and SeqNN operations in conjunction using DARTS. Unlike earlier work, we do not impose limits on the layer order of the CNN. Instead, we let DARTS choose the best layer order inside the DARTS cell. We demonstrate that emoDARTS outperforms conventionally designed CNN-LSTM models and surpasses the best-reported SER results achieved through DARTS on CNN-LSTM by evaluating our approach on the IEMOCAP, MSP-IMPROV, and MSP-Podcast datasets.
Abstract:Speaker embeddings carry valuable emotion-related information, which makes them a promising resource for enhancing speech emotion recognition (SER), especially with limited labeled data. Traditionally, it has been assumed that emotion information is indirectly embedded within speaker embeddings, leading to their under-utilization. Our study reveals a direct and useful link between emotion and state-of-the-art speaker embeddings in the form of intra-speaker clusters. By conducting a thorough clustering analysis, we demonstrate that emotion information can be readily extracted from speaker embeddings. In order to leverage this information, we introduce a novel contrastive pretraining approach applied to emotion-unlabeled data for speech emotion recognition. The proposed approach involves the sampling of positive and the negative examples based on the intra-speaker clusters of speaker embeddings. The proposed strategy, which leverages extensive emotion-unlabeled data, leads to a significant improvement in SER performance, whether employed as a standalone pretraining task or integrated into a multi-task pretraining setting.
Abstract:Most current audio-visual emotion recognition models lack the flexibility needed for deployment in practical applications. We envision a multimodal system that works even when only one modality is available and can be implemented interchangeably for either predicting emotional attributes or recognizing categorical emotions. Achieving such flexibility in a multimodal emotion recognition system is difficult due to the inherent challenges in accurately interpreting and integrating varied data sources. It is also a challenge to robustly handle missing or partial information while allowing direct switch between regression and classification tasks. This study proposes a \emph{versatile audio-visual learning} (VAVL) framework for handling unimodal and multimodal systems for emotion regression and emotion classification tasks. We implement an audio-visual framework that can be trained even when audio and visual paired data is not available for part of the training set (i.e., audio only or only video is present). We achieve this effective representation learning with audio-visual shared layers, residual connections over shared layers, and a unimodal reconstruction task. Our experimental results reveal that our architecture significantly outperforms strong baselines on both the CREMA-D and MSP-IMPROV corpora. Notably, VAVL attains a new state-of-the-art performance in the emotional attribute prediction task on the MSP-IMPROV corpus. Code available at: https://github.com/ilucasgoncalves/VAVL
Abstract:Emotional voice conversion (EVC) aims to convert the emotional state of an utterance from one emotion to another while preserving the linguistic content and speaker identity. Current studies mostly focus on modelling the conversion between several specific emotion types. Synthesizing mixed effects of emotions could help us to better imitate human emotions, and facilitate more natural human-computer interaction. In this research, for the first time, we formulate and study the research problem of mixed emotion synthesis for EVC. We regard emotional styles as a series of emotion attributes that are learnt from a ranking-based support vector machine (SVM). Each attribute measures the degree of the relevance between the speech recordings belonging to different emotion types. We then incorporate those attributes into a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) emotional voice conversion framework. During the training, the framework not only learns to characterize the input emotional style, but also quantifies its relevance with other emotion types. At run-time, various emotional mixtures can be produced by manually defining the attributes. We conduct objective and subjective evaluations to validate our idea in terms of mixed emotion synthesis. We further build an emotion triangle as an application of emotion transition. Codes and speech samples are publicly available.
Abstract:Anomaly driving detection is an important problem in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). It is important to identify potential hazard scenarios as early as possible to avoid potential accidents. This study proposes an unsupervised method to quantify driving anomalies using a conditional generative adversarial network (GAN). The approach predicts upcoming driving scenarios by conditioning the models on the previously observed signals. The system uses the difference of the output from the discriminator between the predicted and actual signals as a metric to quantify the anomaly degree of a driving segment. We take a driver-centric approach, considering physiological signals from the driver and controller area network-Bus (CAN-Bus) signals from the vehicle. The approach is implemented with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to extract discriminative feature representations, and with long short-term memory (LSTM) cells to capture temporal information. The study is implemented and evaluated with the driving anomaly dataset (DAD), which includes 250 hours of naturalistic recordings manually annotated with driving events. The experimental results reveal that recordings annotated with events that are likely to be anomalous, such as avoiding on-road pedestrians and traffic rule violations, have higher anomaly scores than recordings without any event annotation. The results are validated with perceptual evaluations, where annotators are asked to assess the risk and familiarity of the videos detected with high anomaly scores. The results indicate that the driving segments with higher anomaly scores are more risky and less regularly seen on the road than other driving segments, validating the proposed unsupervised approach.
Abstract:The prediction of valence from speech is an important, but challenging problem. The externalization of valence in speech has speaker-dependent cues, which contribute to performances that are often significantly lower than the prediction of other emotional attributes such as arousal and dominance. A practical approach to improve valence prediction from speech is to adapt the models to the target speakers in the test set. Adapting a speech emotion recognition (SER) system to a particular speaker is a hard problem, especially with deep neural networks (DNNs), since it requires optimizing millions of parameters. This study proposes an unsupervised approach to address this problem by searching for speakers in the train set with similar acoustic patterns as the speaker in the test set. Speech samples from the selected speakers are used to create the adaptation set. This approach leverages transfer learning using pre-trained models, which are adapted with these speech samples. We propose three alternative adaptation strategies: unique speaker, oversampling and weighting approaches. These methods differ on the use of the adaptation set in the personalization of the valence models. The results demonstrate that a valence prediction model can be efficiently personalized with these unsupervised approaches, leading to relative improvements as high as 13.52%.