Abstract:Remote sensing imagery is dense with objects and contextual visual information. There is a recent trend to combine paired satellite images and text captions for pretraining performant encoders for downstream tasks. However, while contrastive image-text methods like CLIP enable vision-language alignment and zero-shot classification ability, vision-only downstream performance tends to degrade compared to image-only pretraining, such as MAE. In this paper, we propose FLAVARS, a pretraining method that combines the best of both contrastive learning and masked modeling, along with geospatial alignment via contrastive location encoding. We find that FLAVARS significantly outperforms a baseline of SkyCLIP for vision-only tasks such as KNN classification and semantic segmentation, +6\% mIOU on SpaceNet1, while retaining the ability to perform zero-shot classification, unlike MAE pretrained methods.
Abstract:As of 2023, a record 117 million people have been displaced worldwide, more than double the number from a decade ago [22]. Of these, 32 million are refugees under the UNHCR mandate, with 8.7 million residing in refugee camps. A critical issue faced by these populations is the lack of access to electricity, with 80% of the 8.7 million refugees and displaced persons in camps globally relying on traditional biomass for cooking and lacking reliable power for essential tasks such as cooking and charging phones. Often, the burden of collecting firewood falls on women and children, who frequently travel up to 20 kilometers into dangerous areas, increasing their vulnerability.[7] Electricity access could significantly alleviate these challenges, but a major obstacle is the lack of accurate power grid infrastructure maps, particularly in resource-constrained environments like refugee camps, needed for energy access planning. Existing power grid maps are often outdated, incomplete, or dependent on costly, complex technologies, limiting their practicality. To address this issue, PGRID is a novel application-based approach, which utilizes high-resolution aerial imagery to detect electrical poles and segment electrical lines, creating precise power grid maps. PGRID was tested in the Turkana region of Kenya, specifically the Kakuma and Kalobeyei Camps, covering 84 km2 and housing over 200,000 residents. Our findings show that PGRID delivers high-fidelity power grid maps especially in unplanned settlements, with F1-scores of 0.71 and 0.82 for pole detection and line segmentation, respectively. This study highlights a practical application for leveraging open data and limited labels to improve power grid mapping in unplanned settlements, where the growing number of displaced persons urgently need sustainable energy infrastructure solutions.
Abstract:In recent years, there has been an explosion of proposed change detection deep learning architectures in the remote sensing literature. These approaches claim to offer state-of the-art performance on different standard benchmark datasets. However, has the field truly made significant progress? In this paper we perform experiments which conclude a simple U-Net segmentation baseline without training tricks or complicated architectural changes is still a top performer for the task of change detection.
Abstract:Fully understanding a complex high-resolution satellite or aerial imagery scene often requires spatial reasoning over a broad relevant context. The human object recognition system is able to understand object in a scene over a long-range relevant context. For example, if a human observes an aerial scene that shows sections of road broken up by tree canopy, then they will be unlikely to conclude that the road has actually been broken up into disjoint pieces by trees and instead think that the canopy of nearby trees is occluding the road. However, there is limited research being conducted to understand long-range context understanding of modern machine learning models. In this work we propose a road segmentation benchmark dataset, Chesapeake Roads Spatial Context (RSC), for evaluating the spatial long-range context understanding of geospatial machine learning models and show how commonly used semantic segmentation models can fail at this task. For example, we show that a U-Net trained to segment roads from background in aerial imagery achieves an 84% recall on unoccluded roads, but just 63.5% recall on roads covered by tree canopy despite being trained to model both the same way. We further analyze how the performance of models changes as the relevant context for a decision (unoccluded roads in our case) varies in distance. We release the code to reproduce our experiments and dataset of imagery and masks to encourage future research in this direction -- https://github.com/isaaccorley/ChesapeakeRSC.
Abstract:This work presents an approach for combining household demographic and living standards survey questions with features derived from satellite imagery to predict the poverty rate of a region. Our approach utilizes visual features obtained from a single-step featurization method applied to freely available 10m/px Sentinel-2 surface reflectance satellite imagery. These visual features are combined with ten survey questions in a proxy means test (PMT) to estimate whether a household is below the poverty line. We show that the inclusion of visual features reduces the mean error in poverty rate estimates from 4.09% to 3.88% over a nationally representative out-of-sample test set. In addition to including satellite imagery features in proxy means tests, we propose an approach for selecting a subset of survey questions that are complementary to the visual features extracted from satellite imagery. Specifically, we design a survey variable selection approach guided by the full survey and image features and use the approach to determine the most relevant set of small survey questions to include in a PMT. We validate the choice of small survey questions in a downstream task of predicting the poverty rate using the small set of questions. This approach results in the best performance -- errors in poverty rate decrease from 4.09% to 3.71%. We show that extracted visual features encode geographic and urbanization differences between regions.
Abstract:Rapid and accurate building damage assessments from high-resolution satellite imagery following a natural disaster is essential to inform and optimize first responder efforts. However, performing such building damage assessments in an automated manner is non-trivial due to the challenges posed by variations in disaster-specific damage, diversity in satellite imagery, and the dearth of extensive, labeled datasets. To circumvent these issues, this paper introduces a human-in-the-loop workflow for rapidly training building damage assessment models after a natural disaster. This article details a case study using this workflow, executed in partnership with the American Red Cross during a tornado event in Rolling Fork, Mississippi in March, 2023. The output from our human-in-the-loop modeling process achieved a precision of 0.86 and recall of 0.80 for damaged buildings when compared to ground truth data collected post-disaster. This workflow was implemented end-to-end in under 2 hours per satellite imagery scene, highlighting its potential for real-time deployment.
Abstract:In this paper we propose a mask-conditional synthetic image generation model for creating synthetic satellite imagery datasets. Given a dataset of real high-resolution images and accompanying land cover masks, we show that it is possible to train an upstream conditional synthetic imagery generator, use that generator to create synthetic imagery with the land cover masks, then train a downstream model on the synthetic imagery and land cover masks that achieves similar test performance to a model that was trained with the real imagery. Further, we find that incorporating a mixture of real and synthetic imagery acts as a data augmentation method, producing better models than using only real imagery (0.5834 vs. 0.5235 mIoU). Finally, we find that encouraging diversity of outputs in the upstream model is a necessary component for improved downstream task performance. We have released code for reproducing our work on GitHub, see https://github.com/ms-synthetic-satellite-image/synthetic-satellite-imagery .
Abstract:Innovations in computer vision algorithms for satellite image analysis can enable us to explore global challenges such as urbanization and land use change at the planetary level. However, domain shift problems are a common occurrence when trying to replicate models that drive these analyses to new areas, particularly in the developing world. If a model is trained with imagery and labels from one location, then it usually will not generalize well to new locations where the content of the imagery and data distributions are different. In this work, we consider the setting in which we have a single large satellite imagery scene over which we want to solve an applied problem -- building footprint segmentation. Here, we do not necessarily need to worry about creating a model that generalizes past the borders of our scene but can instead train a local model. We show that surprisingly few labels are needed to solve the building segmentation problem with very high-resolution (0.5m/px) satellite imagery with this setting in mind. Our best model trained with just 527 sparse polygon annotations (an equivalent of 1500 x 1500 densely labeled pixels) has a recall of 0.87 over held out footprints and a R2 of 0.93 on the task of counting the number of buildings in 200 x 200-meter windows. We apply our models over high-resolution imagery in Amman, Jordan in a case study on urban change detection.
Abstract:Rapid development of renewable energy sources, particularly solar photovoltaics, is critical to mitigate climate change. As a result, India has set ambitious goals to install 300 gigawatts of solar energy capacity by 2030. Given the large footprint projected to meet these renewable energy targets the potential for land use conflicts over environmental and social values is high. To expedite development of solar energy, land use planners will need access to up-to-date and accurate geo-spatial information of PV infrastructure. The majority of recent studies use either predictions of resource suitability or databases that are either developed thru crowdsourcing that often have significant sampling biases or have time lags between when projects are permitted and when location data becomes available. Here, we address this shortcoming by developing a spatially explicit machine learning model to map utility-scale solar projects across India. Using these outputs, we provide a cumulative measure of the solar footprint across India and quantified the degree of land modification associated with land cover types that may cause conflicts. Our analysis indicates that over 74\% of solar development In India was built on landcover types that have natural ecosystem preservation, and agricultural values. Thus, with a mean accuracy of 92\% this method permits the identification of the factors driving land suitability for solar projects and will be of widespread interest for studies seeking to assess trade-offs associated with the global decarbonization of green-energy systems. In the same way, our model increases the feasibility of remote sensing and long-term monitoring of renewable energy deployment targets.
Abstract:Remotely sensed geospatial data are critical for applications including precision agriculture, urban planning, disaster monitoring and response, and climate change research, among others. Deep learning methods are particularly promising for modeling many remote sensing tasks given the success of deep neural networks in similar computer vision tasks and the sheer volume of remotely sensed imagery available. However, the variance in data collection methods and handling of geospatial metadata make the application of deep learning methodology to remotely sensed data nontrivial. For example, satellite imagery often includes additional spectral bands beyond red, green, and blue and must be joined to other geospatial data sources that can have differing coordinate systems, bounds, and resolutions. To help realize the potential of deep learning for remote sensing applications, we introduce TorchGeo, a Python library for integrating geospatial data into the PyTorch deep learning ecosystem. TorchGeo provides data loaders for a variety of benchmark datasets, composable datasets for generic geospatial data sources, samplers for geospatial data, and transforms that work with multispectral imagery. TorchGeo is also the first library to provide pre-trained models for multispectral satellite imagery (e.g. models that use all bands from the Sentinel 2 satellites), allowing for advances in transfer learning on downstream remote sensing tasks with limited labeled data. We use TorchGeo to create reproducible benchmark results on existing datasets and benchmark our proposed method for preprocessing geospatial imagery on-the-fly. TorchGeo is open-source and available on GitHub: https://github.com/microsoft/torchgeo.