Abstract:Standard deep learning architectures used for classification generate label predictions with a projection head and softmax activation function. Although successful, these methods fail to leverage the relational information between samples in the batch for generating label predictions. In recent works, graph-based learning techniques, namely Laplace learning, have been heuristically combined with neural networks for both supervised and semi-supervised learning (SSL) tasks. However, prior works approximate the gradient of the loss function with respect to the graph learning algorithm or decouple the processes; end-to-end integration with neural networks is not achieved. In this work, we derive backpropagation equations, via the adjoint method, for inclusion of a general family of graph learning layers into a neural network. This allows us to precisely integrate graph Laplacian-based label propagation into a neural network layer, replacing a projection head and softmax activation function for classification tasks. Using this new framework, our experimental results demonstrate smooth label transitions across data, improved robustness to adversarial attacks, improved generalization, and improved training dynamics compared to the standard softmax-based approach.
Abstract:This paper considers cooperative control of robots involving two different testbed systems in remote locations with communication on the internet. This provides us the capability to exchange robots status like positions, velocities and directions needed for the swarming algorithm. The results show that all robots properly follow some leader defined one of the testbeds. Measurement of data exchange rates show no loss of packets, and average transfer delays stay within tolerance limits for practical applications. In our knowledge, the novelty of this paper concerns this kind of control over a large network like internet.
Abstract:Narrative data spans all disciplines and provides a coherent model of the world to the reader or viewer. Recent advancement in machine learning and Large Language Models (LLMs) have enable great strides in analyzing natural language. However, Large language models (LLMs) still struggle with complex narrative arcs as well as narratives containing conflicting information. Recent work indicates LLMs augmented with external knowledge bases can improve the accuracy and interpretability of the resulting models. In this work, we analyze the effectiveness of applying knowledge graphs (KGs) in understanding true-crime podcast data from both classical Natural Language Processing (NLP) and LLM approaches. We directly compare KG-augmented LLMs (KGLLMs) with classical methods for KG construction, topic modeling, and sentiment analysis. Additionally, the KGLLM allows us to query the knowledge base in natural language and test its ability to factually answer questions. We examine the robustness of the model to adversarial prompting in order to test the model's ability to deal with conflicting information. Finally, we apply classical methods to understand more subtle aspects of the text such as the use of hearsay and sentiment in narrative construction and propose future directions. Our results indicate that KGLLMs outperform LLMs on a variety of metrics, are more robust to adversarial prompts, and are more capable of summarizing the text into topics.
Abstract:Automated detection of chemical plumes presents a segmentation challenge. The segmentation problem for gas plumes is difficult due to the diffusive nature of the cloud. The advantage of considering hyperspectral images in the gas plume detection problem over the conventional RGB imagery is the presence of non-visual data, allowing for a richer representation of information. In this paper we present an effective method of visualizing hyperspectral video sequences containing chemical plumes and investigate the effectiveness of segmentation techniques on these post-processed videos. Our approach uses a combination of dimension reduction and histogram equalization to prepare the hyperspectral videos for segmentation. First, Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is used to reduce the dimension of the entire video sequence. This is done by projecting each pixel onto the first few Principal Components resulting in a type of spectral filter. Next, a Midway method for histogram equalization is used. These methods redistribute the intensity values in order to reduce flicker between frames. This properly prepares these high-dimensional video sequences for more traditional segmentation techniques. We compare the ability of various clustering techniques to properly segment the chemical plume. These include K-means, spectral clustering, and the Ginzburg-Landau functional.
Abstract:Self-attention is key to the remarkable success of transformers in sequence modeling tasks including many applications in natural language processing and computer vision. Like neural network layers, these attention mechanisms are often developed by heuristics and experience. To provide a principled framework for constructing attention layers in transformers, we show that the self-attention corresponds to the support vector expansion derived from a support vector regression problem, whose primal formulation has the form of a neural network layer. Using our framework, we derive popular attention layers used in practice and propose two new attentions: 1) the Batch Normalized Attention (Attention-BN) derived from the batch normalization layer and 2) the Attention with Scaled Head (Attention-SH) derived from using less training data to fit the SVR model. We empirically demonstrate the advantages of the Attention-BN and Attention-SH in reducing head redundancy, increasing the model's accuracy, and improving the model's efficiency in a variety of practical applications including image and time-series classification.
Abstract:Traditional methods of linking large language models (LLMs) to knowledge bases via the semantic similarity search often fall short of capturing complex relational dynamics. To address these limitations, we introduce AutoKG, a lightweight and efficient approach for automated knowledge graph (KG) construction. For a given knowledge base consisting of text blocks, AutoKG first extracts keywords using a LLM and then evaluates the relationship weight between each pair of keywords using graph Laplace learning. We employ a hybrid search scheme combining vector similarity and graph-based associations to enrich LLM responses. Preliminary experiments demonstrate that AutoKG offers a more comprehensive and interconnected knowledge retrieval mechanism compared to the semantic similarity search, thereby enhancing the capabilities of LLMs in generating more insightful and relevant outputs.
Abstract:Active learning improves the performance of machine learning methods by judiciously selecting a limited number of unlabeled data points to query for labels, with the aim of maximally improving the underlying classifier's performance. Recent gains have been made using sequential active learning for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data arXiv:2204.00005. In each iteration, sequential active learning selects a query set of size one while batch active learning selects a query set of multiple datapoints. While batch active learning methods exhibit greater efficiency, the challenge lies in maintaining model accuracy relative to sequential active learning methods. We developed a novel, two-part approach for batch active learning: Dijkstra's Annulus Core-Set (DAC) for core-set generation and LocalMax for batch sampling. The batch active learning process that combines DAC and LocalMax achieves nearly identical accuracy as sequential active learning but is more efficient, proportional to the batch size. As an application, a pipeline is built based on transfer learning feature embedding, graph learning, DAC, and LocalMax to classify the FUSAR-Ship and OpenSARShip datasets. Our pipeline outperforms the state-of-the-art CNN-based methods.
Abstract:We develop a graph active learning pipeline (GAP) to detect surface water and in-river sediment pixels in satellite images. The active learning approach is applied within the training process to optimally select specific pixels to generate a hand-labeled training set. Our method obtains higher accuracy with far fewer training pixels than both standard and deep learning models. According to our experiments, our GAP trained on a set of 3270 pixels reaches a better accuracy than the neural network method trained on 2.1 million pixels.
Abstract:Pretraining neural networks with massive unlabeled datasets has become popular as it equips the deep models with a better prior to solve downstream tasks. However, this approach generally assumes that for downstream tasks, we have access to annotated data of sufficient size. In this work, we propose ALOE, a novel system for improving the data- and label-efficiency of non-semantic speech tasks with active learning (AL). ALOE uses pre-trained models in conjunction with active learning to label data incrementally and learns classifiers for downstream tasks, thereby mitigating the need to acquire labeled data beforehand. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ALOE on a wide range of tasks, uncertainty-based acquisition functions, and model architectures. Training a linear classifier on top of a frozen encoder with ALOE is shown to achieve performance similar to several baselines that utilize the entire labeled data.
Abstract:Learning neural ODEs often requires solving very stiff ODE systems, primarily using explicit adaptive step size ODE solvers. These solvers are computationally expensive, requiring the use of tiny step sizes for numerical stability and accuracy guarantees. This paper considers learning neural ODEs using implicit ODE solvers of different orders leveraging proximal operators. The proximal implicit solver consists of inner-outer iterations: the inner iterations approximate each implicit update step using a fast optimization algorithm, and the outer iterations solve the ODE system over time. The proximal implicit ODE solver guarantees superiority over explicit solvers in numerical stability and computational efficiency. We validate the advantages of proximal implicit solvers over existing popular neural ODE solvers on various challenging benchmark tasks, including learning continuous-depth graph neural networks and continuous normalizing flows.