Abstract:Metal artifacts in computed tomography (CT) images can significantly degrade image quality and impede accurate diagnosis. Supervised metal artifact reduction (MAR) methods, trained using simulated datasets, often struggle to perform well on real clinical CT images due to a substantial domain gap. Although state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods use pseudo ground-truths generated by a prior network to mitigate this issue, their reliance on a fixed prior limits both the quality and quantity of these pseudo ground-truths, introducing confirmation bias and reducing clinical applicability. To address these limitations, we propose a novel Radiologist-In-the-loop SElf-training framework for MAR, termed RISE-MAR, which can integrate radiologists' feedback into the semi-supervised learning process, progressively improving the quality and quantity of pseudo ground-truths for enhanced generalization on real clinical CT images. For quality assurance, we introduce a clinical quality assessor model that emulates radiologist evaluations, effectively selecting high-quality pseudo ground-truths for semi-supervised training. For quantity assurance, our self-training framework iteratively generates additional high-quality pseudo ground-truths, expanding the clinical dataset and further improving model generalization. Extensive experimental results on multiple clinical datasets demonstrate the superior generalization performance of our RISE-MAR over state-of-the-art methods, advancing the development of MAR models for practical application. Code is available at https://github.com/Masaaki-75/rise-mar.
Abstract:This papers presents the submission of team Ryu to the canceled SIGMORPHON 2024 shared task on subword tokenization. My submission explores whether morphological segmentation methods can be used as a part of subword tokenizers. I adopt two approaches: the statistical segmentation method Morfessor and a transformer based sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) segmentation model in tokenizers. The prediction results show that morphological segmentation could be as effective as commonly used subword tokenizers. Additionally, I investigate how a tokenizer's vocabulary influences the performance of language models. A tokenizer with a balanced token frequency distribution tends to work better. A balanced token vocabulary can be achieved by keeping frequent words as unique tokens.
Abstract:Despite the reduced radiation dose, suitability for objects with physical constraints, and accelerated scanning procedure, incomplete-view computed tomography (CT) images suffer from severe artifacts, hampering their value for clinical diagnosis. The incomplete-view CT can be divided into two scenarios depending on the sampling of projection, sparse-view CT and limited-angle CT, each encompassing various settings for different clinical requirements. Existing methods tackle with these settings separately and individually due to their significantly different artifact patterns; this, however, gives rise to high computational and storage costs, hindering its flexible adaptation to new settings. To address this challenge, we present the first-of-its-kind all-in-one incomplete-view CT reconstruction model with PROmpted Contextual Transformer, termed ProCT. More specifically, we first devise the projection view-aware prompting to provide setting-discriminative information, enabling a single model to handle diverse incomplete-view CT settings. Then, we propose artifact-aware contextual learning to provide the contextual guidance of image pairs from either CT phantom or publicly available datasets, making ProCT capable of accurately removing the complex artifacts from the incomplete-view CT images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ProCT can achieve superior performance on a wide range of incomplete-view CT settings using a single model. Remarkably, our model with only image-domain information surpasses the state-of-the-art dual-domain methods that require the access to raw data. The code is available at: https://github.com/Masaaki-75/proct
Abstract:Image restoration, which aims to retrieve and enhance degraded images, is fundamental across a wide range of applications. While conventional deep learning approaches have notably improved the image quality across various tasks, they still suffer from (i) the high storage cost needed for various task-specific models and (ii) the lack of interactivity and flexibility, hindering their wider application. Drawing inspiration from the pronounced success of prompts in both linguistic and visual domains, we propose novel Prompt-In-Prompt learning for universal image restoration, named PIP. First, we present two novel prompts, a degradation-aware prompt to encode high-level degradation knowledge and a basic restoration prompt to provide essential low-level information. Second, we devise a novel prompt-to-prompt interaction module to fuse these two prompts into a universal restoration prompt. Third, we introduce a selective prompt-to-feature interaction module to modulate the degradation-related feature. By doing so, the resultant PIP works as a plug-and-play module to enhance existing restoration models for universal image restoration. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of PIP on multiple restoration tasks, including image denoising, deraining, dehazing, deblurring, and low-light enhancement. Remarkably, PIP is interpretable, flexible, efficient, and easy-to-use, showing promising potential for real-world applications. The code is available at https://github.com/longzilicart/pip_universal.
Abstract:Interpreting the decisions of deep learning models has been actively studied since the explosion of deep neural networks. One of the most convincing interpretation approaches is salience-based visual interpretation, such as Grad-CAM, where the generation of attention maps depends merely on categorical labels. Although existing interpretation methods can provide explainable decision clues, they often yield partial correspondence between image and saliency maps due to the limited discriminative information from one-hot labels. This paper develops a Language-Image COnsistency model for explainable image classification, termed LICO, by correlating learnable linguistic prompts with corresponding visual features in a coarse-to-fine manner. Specifically, we first establish a coarse global manifold structure alignment by minimizing the distance between the distributions of image and language features. We then achieve fine-grained saliency maps by applying optimal transport (OT) theory to assign local feature maps with class-specific prompts. Extensive experimental results on eight benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed LICO achieves a significant improvement in generating more explainable attention maps in conjunction with existing interpretation methods such as Grad-CAM. Remarkably, LICO improves the classification performance of existing models without introducing any computational overhead during inference. Source code is made available at https://github.com/ymLeiFDU/LICO.
Abstract:Sparse-view computed tomography (CT) -- using a small number of projections for tomographic reconstruction -- enables much lower radiation dose to patients and accelerated data acquisition. The reconstructed images, however, suffer from strong artifacts, greatly limiting their diagnostic value. Current trends for sparse-view CT turn to the raw data for better information recovery. The resultant dual-domain methods, nonetheless, suffer from secondary artifacts, especially in ultra-sparse view scenarios, and their generalization to other scanners/protocols is greatly limited. A crucial question arises: have the image post-processing methods reached the limit? Our answer is not yet. In this paper, we stick to image post-processing methods due to great flexibility and propose global representation (GloRe) distillation framework for sparse-view CT, termed GloReDi. First, we propose to learn GloRe with Fourier convolution, so each element in GloRe has an image-wide receptive field. Second, unlike methods that only use the full-view images for supervision, we propose to distill GloRe from intermediate-view reconstructed images that are readily available but not explored in previous literature. The success of GloRe distillation is attributed to two key components: representation directional distillation to align the GloRe directions, and band-pass-specific contrastive distillation to gain clinically important details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed GloReDi over the state-of-the-art methods, including dual-domain ones. The source code is available at https://github.com/longzilicart/GloReDi.
Abstract:Sparse-view computed tomography (CT) is a promising solution for expediting the scanning process and mitigating radiation exposure to patients, the reconstructed images, however, contain severe streak artifacts, compromising subsequent screening and diagnosis. Recently, deep learning-based image post-processing methods along with their dual-domain counterparts have shown promising results. However, existing methods usually produce over-smoothed images with loss of details due to (1) the difficulty in accurately modeling the artifact patterns in the image domain, and (2) the equal treatment of each pixel in the loss function. To address these issues, we concentrate on the image post-processing and propose a simple yet effective FREquency-band-awarE and SElf-guidED network, termed FreeSeed, which can effectively remove artifact and recover missing detail from the contaminated sparse-view CT images. Specifically, we first propose a frequency-band-aware artifact modeling network (FreeNet), which learns artifact-related frequency-band attention in Fourier domain for better modeling the globally distributed streak artifact on the sparse-view CT images. We then introduce a self-guided artifact refinement network (SeedNet), which leverages the predicted artifact to assist FreeNet in continuing to refine the severely corrupted details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of FreeSeed and its dual-domain counterpart over the state-of-the-art sparse-view CT reconstruction methods. Source code is made available at https://github.com/Masaaki-75/freeseed.
Abstract:Lung nodule malignancy prediction has been enhanced by advanced deep-learning techniques and effective tricks. Nevertheless, current methods are mainly trained with cross-entropy loss using one-hot categorical labels, which results in difficulty in distinguishing those nodules with closer progression labels. Interestingly, we observe that clinical text information annotated by radiologists provides us with discriminative knowledge to identify challenging samples. Drawing on the capability of the contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) model to learn generalized visual representations from text annotations, in this paper, we propose CLIP-Lung, a textual knowledge-guided framework for lung nodule malignancy prediction. First, CLIP-Lung introduces both class and attribute annotations into the training of the lung nodule classifier without any additional overheads in inference. Second, we designed a channel-wise conditional prompt (CCP) module to establish consistent relationships between learnable context prompts and specific feature maps. Third, we align image features with both class and attribute features via contrastive learning, rectifying false positives and false negatives in latent space. The experimental results on the benchmark LIDC-IDRI dataset have demonstrated the superiority of CLIP-Lung, both in classification performance and interpretability of attention maps.
Abstract:Low-dose computed tomography (CT) images suffer from noise and artifacts due to photon starvation and electronic noise. Recently, some works have attempted to use diffusion models to address the over-smoothness and training instability encountered by previous deep-learning-based denoising models. However, diffusion models suffer from long inference times due to the large number of sampling steps involved. Very recently, cold diffusion model generalizes classical diffusion models and has greater flexibility. Inspired by the cold diffusion, this paper presents a novel COntextual eRror-modulated gEneralized Diffusion model for low-dose CT (LDCT) denoising, termed CoreDiff. First, CoreDiff utilizes LDCT images to displace the random Gaussian noise and employs a novel mean-preserving degradation operator to mimic the physical process of CT degradation, significantly reducing sampling steps thanks to the informative LDCT images as the starting point of the sampling process. Second, to alleviate the error accumulation problem caused by the imperfect restoration operator in the sampling process, we propose a novel ContextuaL Error-modulAted Restoration Network (CLEAR-Net), which can leverage contextual information to constrain the sampling process from structural distortion and modulate time step embedding features for better alignment with the input at the next time step. Third, to rapidly generalize to a new, unseen dose level with as few resources as possible, we devise a one-shot learning framework to make CoreDiff generalize faster and better using only a single LDCT image (un)paired with NDCT. Extensive experimental results on two datasets demonstrate that our CoreDiff outperforms competing methods in denoising and generalization performance, with a clinically acceptable inference time.
Abstract:The goal of image ordinal estimation is to estimate the ordinal label of a given image with a convolutional neural network. Existing methods are mainly based on ordinal regression and particularly focus on modeling the ordinal mapping from the feature representation of the input to the ordinal label space. However, the manifold of the resultant feature representations does not maintain the intrinsic ordinal relations of interest, which hinders the effectiveness of the image ordinal estimation. Therefore, this paper proposes learning intrinsic Consistent Ordinal REpresentations (CORE) from ordinal relations residing in groundtruth labels while encouraging the feature representations to embody the ordinal low-dimensional manifold. First, we develop an ordinal totally ordered set (toset) distribution (OTD), which can (i) model the label embeddings to inherit ordinal information and measure distances between ordered labels of samples in a neighborhood, and (ii) model the feature embeddings to infer numerical magnitude with unknown ordinal information among the features of different samples. Second, through OTD, we convert the feature representations and labels into the same embedding space for better alignment, and then compute the Kullback Leibler (KL) divergence between the ordinal labels and feature representations to endow the latent space with consistent ordinal relations. Third, we optimize the KL divergence through ordinal prototype-constrained convex programming with dual decomposition; our theoretical analysis shows that we can obtain the optimal solutions via gradient backpropagation. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed CORE can accurately construct an ordinal latent space and significantly enhance existing deep ordinal regression methods to achieve better results.