Abstract:Active Speaker Detection (ASD) aims to identify speaking individuals in complex visual scenes. While humans can easily detect speech by matching lip movements to audio, current ASD models struggle to establish this correspondence, often misclassifying non-speaking instances when audio and lip movements are unsynchronized. To address this limitation, we propose Lip landmark Assisted Speaker dEtection for Robustness (LASER). Unlike models that rely solely on facial frames, LASER explicitly focuses on lip movements by integrating lip landmarks in training. Specifically, given a face track, LASER extracts frame-level visual features and the 2D coordinates of lip landmarks using a lightweight detector. These coordinates are encoded into dense feature maps, providing spatial and structural information on lip positions. Recognizing that landmark detectors may sometimes fail under challenging conditions (e.g., low resolution, occlusions, extreme angles), we incorporate an auxiliary consistency loss to align predictions from both lip-aware and face-only features, ensuring reliable performance even when lip data is absent. Extensive experiments across multiple datasets show that LASER outperforms state-of-the-art models, especially in scenarios with desynchronized audio and visuals, demonstrating robust performance in real-world video contexts. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/plnguyen2908/LASER_ASD}.
Abstract:Recent advances in generative deep learning have enabled the creation of high-quality synthetic images in text-to-image generation. Prior work shows that fine-tuning a pretrained diffusion model on ImageNet and generating synthetic training images from the finetuned model can enhance an ImageNet classifier's performance. However, performance degrades as synthetic images outnumber real ones. In this paper, we explore whether generative fine-tuning is essential for this improvement and whether it is possible to further scale up training using more synthetic data. We present a new framework leveraging off-the-shelf generative models to generate synthetic training images, addressing multiple challenges: class name ambiguity, lack of diversity in naive prompts, and domain shifts. Specifically, we leverage large language models (LLMs) and CLIP to resolve class name ambiguity. To diversify images, we propose contextualized diversification (CD) and stylized diversification (SD) methods, also prompted by LLMs. Finally, to mitigate domain shifts, we leverage domain adaptation techniques with auxiliary batch normalization for synthetic images. Our framework consistently enhances recognition model performance with more synthetic data, up to 6x of original ImageNet size showcasing the potential of synthetic data for improved recognition models and strong out-of-domain generalization.
Abstract:We propose a new semi-supervised learning design for human pose estimation that revisits the popular dual-student framework and enhances it two ways. First, we introduce a denoising scheme to generate reliable pseudo-heatmaps as targets for learning from unlabeled data. This uses multi-view augmentations and a threshold-and-refine procedure to produce a pool of pseudo-heatmaps. Second, we select the learning targets from these pseudo-heatmaps guided by the estimated cross-student uncertainty. We evaluate our proposed method on multiple evaluation setups on the COCO benchmark. Our results show that our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art semi-supervised pose estimators, especially in extreme low-data regime. For example with only 0.5K labeled images our method is capable of surpassing the best competitor by 7.22 mAP (+25% absolute improvement). We also demonstrate that our model can learn effectively from unlabeled data in the wild to further boost its generalization and performance.
Abstract:Recent state-of-the-art methods in imbalanced semi-supervised learning (SSL) rely on confidence-based pseudo-labeling with consistency regularization. To obtain high-quality pseudo-labels, a high confidence threshold is typically adopted. However, it has been shown that softmax-based confidence scores in deep networks can be arbitrarily high for samples far from the training data, and thus, the pseudo-labels for even high-confidence unlabeled samples may still be unreliable. In this work, we present a new perspective of pseudo-labeling for imbalanced SSL. Without relying on model confidence, we propose to measure whether an unlabeled sample is likely to be ``in-distribution''; i.e., close to the current training data. To decide whether an unlabeled sample is ``in-distribution'' or ``out-of-distribution'', we adopt the energy score from out-of-distribution detection literature. As training progresses and more unlabeled samples become in-distribution and contribute to training, the combined labeled and pseudo-labeled data can better approximate the true class distribution to improve the model. Experiments demonstrate that our energy-based pseudo-labeling method, \textbf{InPL}, albeit conceptually simple, significantly outperforms confidence-based methods on imbalanced SSL benchmarks. For example, it produces around 3\% absolute accuracy improvement on CIFAR10-LT. When combined with state-of-the-art long-tailed SSL methods, further improvements are attained. In particular, in one of the most challenging scenarios, InPL achieves a 6.9\% accuracy improvement over the best competitor.
Abstract:Recent state-of-the-art methods in semi-supervised learning (SSL) combine consistency regularization with confidence-based pseudo-labeling. To obtain high-quality pseudo-labels, a high confidence threshold is typically adopted. However, it has been shown that softmax-based confidence scores in deep networks can be arbitrarily high for samples far from the training data, and thus, the pseudo-labels for even high-confidence unlabeled samples may still be unreliable. In this work, we present a new perspective of pseudo-labeling: instead of relying on model confidence, we instead measure whether an unlabeled sample is likely to be "in-distribution"; i.e., close to the current training data. To classify whether an unlabeled sample is "in-distribution" or "out-of-distribution", we adopt the energy score from out-of-distribution detection literature. As training progresses and more unlabeled samples become in-distribution and contribute to training, the combined labeled and pseudo-labeled data can better approximate the true distribution to improve the model. Experiments demonstrate that our energy-based pseudo-labeling method, albeit conceptually simple, significantly outperforms confidence-based methods on imbalanced SSL benchmarks, and achieves competitive performance on class-balanced data. For example, it produces a 4-6% absolute accuracy improvement on CIFAR10-LT when the imbalance ratio is higher than 50. When combined with state-of-the-art long-tailed SSL methods, further improvements are attained.
Abstract:We study the problem of weakly semi-supervised object detection with points (WSSOD-P), where the training data is combined by a small set of fully annotated images with bounding boxes and a large set of weakly-labeled images with only a single point annotated for each instance. The core of this task is to train a point-to-box regressor on well-labeled images that can be used to predict credible bounding boxes for each point annotation. We challenge the prior belief that existing CNN-based detectors are not compatible with this task. Based on the classic R-CNN architecture, we propose an effective point-to-box regressor: Group R-CNN. Group R-CNN first uses instance-level proposal grouping to generate a group of proposals for each point annotation and thus can obtain a high recall rate. To better distinguish different instances and improve precision, we propose instance-level proposal assignment to replace the vanilla assignment strategy adopted in the original R-CNN methods. As naive instance-level assignment brings converging difficulty, we propose instance-aware representation learning which consists of instance-aware feature enhancement and instance-aware parameter generation to overcome this issue. Comprehensive experiments on the MS-COCO benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Specifically, Group R-CNN significantly outperforms the prior method Point DETR by 3.9 mAP with 5% well-labeled images, which is the most challenging scenario. The source code can be found at https://github.com/jshilong/GroupRCNN
Abstract:Feature pyramid has been an efficient method to extract features at different scales. Development over this method mainly focuses on aggregating contextual information at different levels while seldom touching the inter-level correlation in the feature pyramid. Early computer vision methods extracted scale-invariant features by locating the feature extrema in both spatial and scale dimension. Inspired by this, a convolution across the pyramid level is proposed in this study, which is termed pyramid convolution and is a modified 3-D convolution. Stacked pyramid convolutions directly extract 3-D (scale and spatial) features and outperforms other meticulously designed feature fusion modules. Based on the viewpoint of 3-D convolution, an integrated batch normalization that collects statistics from the whole feature pyramid is naturally inserted after the pyramid convolution. Furthermore, we also show that the naive pyramid convolution, together with the design of RetinaNet head, actually best applies for extracting features from a Gaussian pyramid, whose properties can hardly be satisfied by a feature pyramid. In order to alleviate this discrepancy, we build a scale-equalizing pyramid convolution (SEPC) that aligns the shared pyramid convolution kernel only at high-level feature maps. Being computationally efficient and compatible with the head design of most single-stage object detectors, the SEPC module brings significant performance improvement ($>4$AP increase on MS-COCO2017 dataset) in state-of-the-art one-stage object detectors, and a light version of SEPC also has $\sim3.5$AP gain with only around 7% inference time increase. The pyramid convolution also functions well as a stand-alone module in two-stage object detectors and is able to improve the performance by $\sim2$AP. The source code can be found at https://github.com/jshilong/SEPC.