Abstract:Recent research on backdoor stealthiness focuses mainly on indistinguishable triggers in input space and inseparable backdoor representations in feature space, aiming to circumvent backdoor defenses that examine these respective spaces. However, existing backdoor attacks are typically designed to resist a specific type of backdoor defense without considering the diverse range of defense mechanisms. Based on this observation, we pose a natural question: Are current backdoor attacks truly a real-world threat when facing diverse practical defenses? To answer this question, we examine 12 common backdoor attacks that focus on input-space or feature-space stealthiness and 17 diverse representative defenses. Surprisingly, we reveal a critical blind spot: Backdoor attacks designed to be stealthy in input and feature spaces can be mitigated by examining backdoored models in parameter space. To investigate the underlying causes behind this common vulnerability, we study the characteristics of backdoor attacks in the parameter space. Notably, we find that input- and feature-space attacks introduce prominent backdoor-related neurons in parameter space, which are not thoroughly considered by current backdoor attacks. Taking comprehensive stealthiness into account, we propose a novel supply-chain attack called Grond. Grond limits the parameter changes by a simple yet effective module, Adversarial Backdoor Injection (ABI), which adaptively increases the parameter-space stealthiness during the backdoor injection. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Grond outperforms all 12 backdoor attacks against state-of-the-art (including adaptive) defenses on CIFAR-10, GTSRB, and a subset of ImageNet. In addition, we show that ABI consistently improves the effectiveness of common backdoor attacks.
Abstract:Current methods for disaster scene interpretation in remote sensing images (RSIs) mostly focus on isolated tasks such as segmentation, detection, or visual question-answering (VQA). However, current interpretation methods often fail at tasks that require the combination of multiple perception methods and specialized tools. To fill this gap, this paper introduces Adaptive Disaster Interpretation (ADI), a novel task designed to solve requests by planning and executing multiple sequentially correlative interpretation tasks to provide a comprehensive analysis of disaster scenes. To facilitate research and application in this area, we present a new dataset named RescueADI, which contains high-resolution RSIs with annotations for three connected aspects: planning, perception, and recognition. The dataset includes 4,044 RSIs, 16,949 semantic masks, 14,483 object bounding boxes, and 13,424 interpretation requests across nine challenging request types. Moreover, we propose a new disaster interpretation method employing autonomous agents driven by large language models (LLMs) for task planning and execution, proving its efficacy in handling complex disaster interpretations. The proposed agent-based method solves various complex interpretation requests such as counting, area calculation, and path-finding without human intervention, which traditional single-task approaches cannot handle effectively. Experimental results on RescueADI demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed task and show that our method achieves an accuracy 9% higher than existing VQA methods, highlighting its advantages over conventional disaster interpretation approaches. The dataset will be publicly available.
Abstract:Improving search efficiency serves as one of the crucial objectives of Neural Architecture Search (NAS). However, many current approaches ignore the universality of the search strategy and fail to reduce the computational redundancy during the search process, especially in one-shot NAS architectures. Besides, current NAS methods show invalid reparameterization in non-linear search space, leading to poor efficiency in common search spaces like DARTS. In this paper, we propose TopoNAS, a model-agnostic approach for gradient-based one-shot NAS that significantly reduces searching time and memory usage by topological simplification of searchable paths. Firstly, we model the non-linearity in search spaces to reveal the parameterization difficulties. To improve the search efficiency, we present a topological simplification method and iteratively apply module-sharing strategies to simplify the topological structure of searchable paths. In addition, a kernel normalization technique is also proposed to preserve the search accuracy. Experimental results on the NASBench201 benchmark with various search spaces demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. It proves the proposed TopoNAS enhances the performance of various architectures in terms of search efficiency while maintaining a high level of accuracy. The project page is available at https://xdedss.github.io/topo_simplification.
Abstract:Continual learning (CL) breaks off the one-way training manner and enables a model to adapt to new data, semantics and tasks continuously. However, current CL methods mainly focus on single tasks. Besides, CL models are plagued by catastrophic forgetting and semantic drift since the lack of old data, which often occurs in remote-sensing interpretation due to the intricate fine-grained semantics. In this paper, we propose Continual Panoptic Perception (CPP), a unified continual learning model that leverages multi-task joint learning covering pixel-level classification, instance-level segmentation and image-level perception for universal interpretation in remote sensing images. Concretely, we propose a collaborative cross-modal encoder (CCE) to extract the input image features, which supports pixel classification and caption generation synchronously. To inherit the knowledge from the old model without exemplar memory, we propose a task-interactive knowledge distillation (TKD) method, which leverages cross-modal optimization and task-asymmetric pseudo-labeling (TPL) to alleviate catastrophic forgetting. Furthermore, we also propose a joint optimization mechanism to achieve end-to-end multi-modal panoptic perception. Experimental results on the fine-grained panoptic perception dataset validate the effectiveness of the proposed model, and also prove that joint optimization can boost sub-task CL efficiency with over 13\% relative improvement on panoptic quality.
Abstract:AI Infrastructure plays a key role in the speed and cost-competitiveness of developing and deploying advanced AI models. The current demand for powerful AI infrastructure for model training is driven by the emergence of generative AI and foundational models, where on occasion thousands of GPUs must cooperate on a single training job for the model to be trained in a reasonable time. Delivering efficient and high-performing AI training requires an end-to-end solution that combines hardware, software and holistic telemetry to cater for multiple types of AI workloads. In this report, we describe IBM's hybrid cloud infrastructure that powers our generative AI model development. This infrastructure includes (1) Vela: an AI-optimized supercomputing capability directly integrated into the IBM Cloud, delivering scalable, dynamic, multi-tenant and geographically distributed infrastructure for large-scale model training and other AI workflow steps and (2) Blue Vela: a large-scale, purpose-built, on-premises hosting environment that is optimized to support our largest and most ambitious AI model training tasks. Vela provides IBM with the dual benefit of high performance for internal use along with the flexibility to adapt to an evolving commercial landscape. Blue Vela provides us with the benefits of rapid development of our largest and most ambitious models, as well as future-proofing against the evolving model landscape in the industry. Taken together, they provide IBM with the ability to rapidly innovate in the development of both AI models and commercial offerings.
Abstract:Backdoor attacks on deep learning represent a recent threat that has gained significant attention in the research community. Backdoor defenses are mainly based on backdoor inversion, which has been shown to be generic, model-agnostic, and applicable to practical threat scenarios. State-of-the-art backdoor inversion recovers a mask in the feature space to locate prominent backdoor features, where benign and backdoor features can be disentangled. However, it suffers from high computational overhead, and we also find that it overly relies on prominent backdoor features that are highly distinguishable from benign features. To tackle these shortcomings, this paper improves backdoor feature inversion for backdoor detection by incorporating extra neuron activation information. In particular, we adversarially increase the loss of backdoored models with respect to weights to activate the backdoor effect, based on which we can easily differentiate backdoored and clean models. Experimental results demonstrate our defense, BAN, is 1.37$\times$ (on CIFAR-10) and 5.11$\times$ (on ImageNet200) more efficient with 9.99% higher detect success rate than the state-of-the-art defense BTI-DBF. Our code and trained models are publicly available.\url{https://anonymous.4open.science/r/ban-4B32}
Abstract:Current remote-sensing interpretation models often focus on a single task such as detection, segmentation, or caption. However, the task-specific designed models are unattainable to achieve the comprehensive multi-level interpretation of images. The field also lacks support for multi-task joint interpretation datasets. In this paper, we propose Panoptic Perception, a novel task and a new fine-grained dataset (FineGrip) to achieve a more thorough and universal interpretation for RSIs. The new task, 1) integrates pixel-level, instance-level, and image-level information for universal image perception, 2) captures image information from coarse to fine granularity, achieving deeper scene understanding and description, and 3) enables various independent tasks to complement and enhance each other through multi-task learning. By emphasizing multi-task interactions and the consistency of perception results, this task enables the simultaneous processing of fine-grained foreground instance segmentation, background semantic segmentation, and global fine-grained image captioning. Concretely, the FineGrip dataset includes 2,649 remote sensing images, 12,054 fine-grained instance segmentation masks belonging to 20 foreground things categories, 7,599 background semantic masks for 5 stuff classes and 13,245 captioning sentences. Furthermore, we propose a joint optimization-based panoptic perception model. Experimental results on FineGrip demonstrate the feasibility of the panoptic perception task and the beneficial effect of multi-task joint optimization on individual tasks. The dataset will be publicly available.
Abstract:Recent research has proposed approaches that modify speech to defend against gender inference attacks. The goal of these protection algorithms is to control the availability of information about a speaker's gender, a privacy-sensitive attribute. Currently, the common practice for developing and testing gender protection algorithms is "neural-on-neural", i.e., perturbations are generated and tested with a neural network. In this paper, we propose to go beyond this practice to strengthen the study of gender protection. First, we demonstrate the importance of testing gender inference attacks that are based on speech features historically developed by speech scientists, alongside the conventionally used neural classifiers. Next, we argue that researchers should use speech features to gain insight into how protective modifications change the speech signal. Finally, we point out that gender-protection algorithms should be compared with novel "vocal adversaries", human-executed voice adaptations, in order to improve interpretability and enable before-the-mic protection.
Abstract:Perturbative availability poisoning (PAP) adds small changes to images to prevent their use for model training. Current research adopts the belief that practical and effective approaches to countering such poisons do not exist. In this paper, we argue that it is time to abandon this belief. We present extensive experiments showing that 12 state-of-the-art PAP methods are vulnerable to Image Shortcut Squeezing (ISS), which is based on simple compression. For example, on average, ISS restores the CIFAR-10 model accuracy to $81.73\%$, surpassing the previous best preprocessing-based countermeasures by $37.97\%$ absolute. ISS also (slightly) outperforms adversarial training and has higher generalizability to unseen perturbation norms and also higher efficiency. Our investigation reveals that the property of PAP perturbations depends on the type of surrogate model used for poison generation, and it explains why a specific ISS compression yields the best performance for a specific type of PAP perturbation. We further test stronger, adaptive poisoning, and show it falls short of being an ideal defense against ISS. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of considering various (simple) countermeasures to ensure the meaningfulness of analysis carried out during the development of availability poisons.
Abstract:We introduce ShortcutGen, a new data poisoning attack that generates sample-dependent, error-minimizing perturbations by learning a generator. The key novelty of ShortcutGen is the use of a randomly-initialized discriminator, which provides spurious shortcuts needed for generating poisons. Different from recent, iterative methods, our ShortcutGen can generate perturbations with only one forward pass in a label-free manner, and compared to the only existing generative method, DeepConfuse, our ShortcutGen is faster and simpler to train while remaining competitive. We also demonstrate that integrating a simple augmentation strategy can further boost the robustness of ShortcutGen against early stopping, and combining augmentation and non-augmentation leads to new state-of-the-art results in terms of final validation accuracy, especially in the challenging, transfer scenario. Lastly, we speculate, through uncovering its working mechanism, that learning a more general representation space could allow ShortcutGen to work for unseen data.