Abstract:Recent advancements in text-guided diffusion models have unlocked powerful image manipulation capabilities, yet balancing reconstruction fidelity and editability for real images remains a significant challenge. In this work, we introduce \textbf{T}ask-\textbf{O}riented \textbf{D}iffusion \textbf{I}nversion (\textbf{TODInv}), a novel framework that inverts and edits real images tailored to specific editing tasks by optimizing prompt embeddings within the extended \(\mathcal{P}^*\) space. By leveraging distinct embeddings across different U-Net layers and time steps, TODInv seamlessly integrates inversion and editing through reciprocal optimization, ensuring both high fidelity and precise editability. This hierarchical editing mechanism categorizes tasks into structure, appearance, and global edits, optimizing only those embeddings unaffected by the current editing task. Extensive experiments on benchmark dataset reveal TODInv's superior performance over existing methods, delivering both quantitative and qualitative enhancements while showcasing its versatility with few-step diffusion model.
Abstract:In this paper, we present QueryWarp, a novel framework for temporally coherent human motion video translation. Existing diffusion-based video editing approaches that rely solely on key and value tokens to ensure temporal consistency, which scarifies the preservation of local and structural regions. In contrast, we aim to consider complementary query priors by constructing the temporal correlations among query tokens from different frames. Initially, we extract appearance flows from source poses to capture continuous human foreground motion. Subsequently, during the denoising process of the diffusion model, we employ appearance flows to warp the previous frame's query token, aligning it with the current frame's query. This query warping imposes explicit constraints on the outputs of self-attention layers, effectively guaranteeing temporally coherent translation. We perform experiments on various human motion video translation tasks, and the results demonstrate that our QueryWarp framework surpasses state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce DiffusionMat, a novel image matting framework that employs a diffusion model for the transition from coarse to refined alpha mattes. Diverging from conventional methods that utilize trimaps merely as loose guidance for alpha matte prediction, our approach treats image matting as a sequential refinement learning process. This process begins with the addition of noise to trimaps and iteratively denoises them using a pre-trained diffusion model, which incrementally guides the prediction towards a clean alpha matte. The key innovation of our framework is a correction module that adjusts the output at each denoising step, ensuring that the final result is consistent with the input image's structures. We also introduce the Alpha Reliability Propagation, a novel technique designed to maximize the utility of available guidance by selectively enhancing the trimap regions with confident alpha information, thus simplifying the correction task. To train the correction module, we devise specialized loss functions that target the accuracy of the alpha matte's edges and the consistency of its opaque and transparent regions. We evaluate our model across several image matting benchmarks, and the results indicate that DiffusionMat consistently outperforms existing methods. Project page at~\url{https://cnnlstm.github.io/DiffusionMat
Abstract:We give a damped proximal augmented Lagrangian method (DPALM) for solving problems with a weakly-convex objective and convex linear/nonlinear constraints. Instead of taking a full stepsize, DPALM adopts a damped dual stepsize to ensure the boundedness of dual iterates. We show that DPALM can produce a (near) $\vareps$-KKT point within $O(\vareps^{-2})$ outer iterations if each DPALM subproblem is solved to a proper accuracy. In addition, we establish overall iteration complexity of DPALM when the objective is either a regularized smooth function or in a regularized compositional form. For the former case, DPALM achieves the complexity of $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\varepsilon^{-2.5} \right)$ to produce an $\varepsilon$-KKT point by applying an accelerated proximal gradient (APG) method to each DPALM subproblem. For the latter case, the complexity of DPALM is $\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(\varepsilon^{-3} \right)$ to produce a near $\varepsilon$-KKT point by using an APG to solve a Moreau-envelope smoothed version of each subproblem. Our outer iteration complexity and the overall complexity either generalize existing best ones from unconstrained or linear-constrained problems to convex-constrained ones, or improve over the best-known results on solving the same-structured problems. Furthermore, numerical experiments on linearly/quadratically constrained non-convex quadratic programs and linear-constrained robust nonlinear least squares are conducted to demonstrate the empirical efficiency of the proposed DPALM over several state-of-the art methods.
Abstract:Domain shift is a common problem in clinical applications, where the training images (source domain) and the test images (target domain) are under different distributions. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) techniques have been proposed to adapt models trained in the source domain to the target domain. However, those methods require a large number of images from the target domain for model training. In this paper, we propose a novel method for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (FSUDA), where only a limited number of unlabeled target domain samples are available for training. To accomplish this challenging task, first, a spectral sensitivity map is introduced to characterize the generalization weaknesses of models in the frequency domain. We then developed a Sensitivity-guided Spectral Adversarial MixUp (SAMix) method to generate target-style images to effectively suppresses the model sensitivity, which leads to improved model generalizability in the target domain. We demonstrated the proposed method and rigorously evaluated its performance on multiple tasks using several public datasets.
Abstract:CNNs and Transformers have their own advantages and both have been widely used for dense prediction in multi-task learning (MTL). Most of the current studies on MTL solely rely on CNN or Transformer. In this work, we present a novel MTL model by combining both merits of deformable CNN and query-based Transformer with shared gating for multi-task learning of dense prediction. This combination may offer a simple and efficient solution owing to its powerful and flexible task-specific learning and advantages of lower cost, less complexity and smaller parameters than the traditional MTL methods. We introduce deformable mixer Transformer with gating (DeMTG), a simple and effective encoder-decoder architecture up-to-date that incorporates the convolution and attention mechanism in a unified network for MTL. It is exquisitely designed to use advantages of each block, and provide deformable and comprehensive features for all tasks from local and global perspective. First, the deformable mixer encoder contains two types of operators: the channel-aware mixing operator leveraged to allow communication among different channels, and the spatial-aware deformable operator with deformable convolution applied to efficiently sample more informative spatial locations. Second, the task-aware gating transformer decoder is used to perform the task-specific predictions, in which task interaction block integrated with self-attention is applied to capture task interaction features, and the task query block integrated with gating attention is leveraged to select corresponding task-specific features. Further, the experiment results demonstrate that the proposed DeMTG uses fewer GFLOPs and significantly outperforms current Transformer-based and CNN-based competitive models on a variety of metrics on three dense prediction datasets. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/yangyangxu0/DeMTG.
Abstract:GAN inversion is indispensable for applying the powerful editability of GAN to real images. However, existing methods invert video frames individually often leading to undesired inconsistent results over time. In this paper, we propose a unified recurrent framework, named \textbf{R}ecurrent v\textbf{I}deo \textbf{G}AN \textbf{I}nversion and e\textbf{D}iting (RIGID), to explicitly and simultaneously enforce temporally coherent GAN inversion and facial editing of real videos. Our approach models the temporal relations between current and previous frames from three aspects. To enable a faithful real video reconstruction, we first maximize the inversion fidelity and consistency by learning a temporal compensated latent code. Second, we observe incoherent noises lie in the high-frequency domain that can be disentangled from the latent space. Third, to remove the inconsistency after attribute manipulation, we propose an \textit{in-between frame composition constraint} such that the arbitrary frame must be a direct composite of its neighboring frames. Our unified framework learns the inherent coherence between input frames in an end-to-end manner, and therefore it is agnostic to a specific attribute and can be applied to arbitrary editing of the same video without re-training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that RIGID outperforms state-of-the-art methods qualitatively and quantitatively in both inversion and editing tasks. The deliverables can be found in \url{https://cnnlstm.github.io/RIGID}
Abstract:In this paper, we consider the decentralized, stochastic nonconvex strongly-concave (NCSC) minimax problem with nonsmooth regularization terms on both primal and dual variables, wherein a network of $m$ computing agents collaborate via peer-to-peer communications. We consider when the coupling function is in expectation or finite-sum form and the double regularizers are convex functions, applied separately to the primal and dual variables. Our algorithmic framework introduces a Lagrangian multiplier to eliminate the consensus constraint on the dual variable. Coupling this with variance-reduction (VR) techniques, our proposed method, entitled VRLM, by a single neighbor communication per iteration, is able to achieve an $\mathcal{O}(\kappa^3\varepsilon^{-3})$ sample complexity under the general stochastic setting, with either a big-batch or small-batch VR option, where $\kappa$ is the condition number of the problem and $\varepsilon$ is the desired solution accuracy. With a big-batch VR, we can additionally achieve $\mathcal{O}(\kappa^2\varepsilon^{-2})$ communication complexity. Under the special finite-sum setting, our method with a big-batch VR can achieve an $\mathcal{O}(n + \sqrt{n} \kappa^2\varepsilon^{-2})$ sample complexity and $\mathcal{O}(\kappa^2\varepsilon^{-2})$ communication complexity, where $n$ is the number of components in the finite sum. All complexity results match the best-known results achieved by a few existing methods for solving special cases of the problem we consider. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work which provides convergence guarantees for NCSC minimax problems with general convex nonsmooth regularizers applied to both the primal and dual variables in the decentralized stochastic setting. Numerical experiments are conducted on two machine learning problems. Our code is downloadable from https://github.com/RPI-OPT/VRLM.
Abstract:Many recent studies on first-order methods (FOMs) focus on \emph{composite non-convex non-smooth} optimization with linear and/or nonlinear function constraints. Upper (or worst-case) complexity bounds have been established for these methods. However, little can be claimed about their optimality as no lower bound is known, except for a few special \emph{smooth non-convex} cases. In this paper, we make the first attempt to establish lower complexity bounds of FOMs for solving a class of composite non-convex non-smooth optimization with linear constraints. Assuming two different first-order oracles, we establish lower complexity bounds of FOMs to produce a (near) $\epsilon$-stationary point of a problem (and its reformulation) in the considered problem class, for any given tolerance $\epsilon>0$. In addition, we present an inexact proximal gradient (IPG) method by using the more relaxed one of the two assumed first-order oracles. The oracle complexity of the proposed IPG, to find a (near) $\epsilon$-stationary point of the considered problem and its reformulation, matches our established lower bounds up to a logarithmic factor. Therefore, our lower complexity bounds and the proposed IPG method are almost non-improvable.
Abstract:Minimax problems have recently attracted a lot of research interests. A few efforts have been made to solve decentralized nonconvex strongly-concave (NCSC) minimax-structured optimization; however, all of them focus on smooth problems with at most a constraint on the maximization variable. In this paper, we make the first attempt on solving composite NCSC minimax problems that can have convex nonsmooth terms on both minimization and maximization variables. Our algorithm is designed based on a novel reformulation of the decentralized minimax problem that introduces a multiplier to absorb the dual consensus constraint. The removal of dual consensus constraint enables the most aggressive (i.e., local maximization instead of a gradient ascent step) dual update that leads to the benefit of taking a larger primal stepsize and better complexity results. In addition, the decoupling of the nonsmoothness and consensus on the dual variable eases the analysis of a decentralized algorithm; thus our reformulation creates a new way for interested researchers to design new (and possibly more efficient) decentralized methods on solving NCSC minimax problems. We show a global convergence result of the proposed algorithm and an iteration complexity result to produce a (near) stationary point of the reformulation. Moreover, a relation is established between the (near) stationarities of the reformulation and the original formulation. With this relation, we show that when the dual regularizer is smooth, our algorithm can have lower complexity results (with reduced dependence on a condition number) than existing ones to produce a near-stationary point of the original formulation. Numerical experiments are conducted on a distributionally robust logistic regression to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm.