Abstract:Multimodal entity linking (MEL) aims to link ambiguous mentions within multimodal contexts to corresponding entities in a multimodal knowledge base. Most existing approaches to MEL are based on representation learning or vision-and-language pre-training mechanisms for exploring the complementary effect among multiple modalities. However, these methods suffer from two limitations. On the one hand, they overlook the possibility of considering negative samples from the same modality. On the other hand, they lack mechanisms to capture bidirectional cross-modal interaction. To address these issues, we propose a Multi-level Matching network for Multimodal Entity Linking (M3EL). Specifically, M3EL is composed of three different modules: (i) a Multimodal Feature Extraction module, which extracts modality-specific representations with a multimodal encoder and introduces an intra-modal contrastive learning sub-module to obtain better discriminative embeddings based on uni-modal differences; (ii) an Intra-modal Matching Network module, which contains two levels of matching granularity: Coarse-grained Global-to-Global and Fine-grained Global-to-Local, to achieve local and global level intra-modal interaction; (iii) a Cross-modal Matching Network module, which applies bidirectional strategies, Textual-to-Visual and Visual-to-Textual matching, to implement bidirectional cross-modal interaction. Extensive experiments conducted on WikiMEL, RichpediaMEL, and WikiDiverse datasets demonstrate the outstanding performance of M3EL when compared to the state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) often lack culture-specific knowledge of daily life, especially across diverse regions and non-English languages. Existing benchmarks for evaluating LLMs' cultural sensitivities are limited to a single language or collected from online sources such as Wikipedia, which do not reflect the mundane everyday lifestyles of diverse regions. That is, information about the food people eat for their birthday celebrations, spices they typically use, musical instruments youngsters play, or the sports they practice in school is common cultural knowledge but uncommon in easily collected online sources, especially for underrepresented cultures. To address this issue, we introduce BLEnD, a hand-crafted benchmark designed to evaluate LLMs' everyday knowledge across diverse cultures and languages. BLEnD comprises 52.6k question-answer pairs from 16 countries/regions, in 13 different languages, including low-resource ones such as Amharic, Assamese, Azerbaijani, Hausa, and Sundanese. We construct the benchmark to include two formats of questions: short-answer and multiple-choice. We show that LLMs perform better for cultures that are highly represented online, with a maximum 57.34% difference in GPT-4, the best-performing model, in the short-answer format. For cultures represented by mid-to-high-resource languages, LLMs perform better in their local languages, but for cultures represented by low-resource languages, LLMs perform better in English than the local languages. We make our dataset publicly available at: https://github.com/nlee0212/BLEnD.
Abstract:Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) fine-tuned with multimodal instruction datasets have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in multimodal tasks. However, fine-tuning all parameters of MLLMs has become challenging as they usually contain billions of parameters. To address this issue, we study parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods for MLLMs. We aim to identify effective methods for enhancing the performance of MLLMs in scenarios where only a limited number of parameters are trained. This paper conducts empirical studies using four popular PEFT methods to fine-tune the LLM component of open-source MLLMs. We present a comprehensive analysis that encompasses various aspects, including the impact of PEFT methods on various models, parameters and location of the PEFT module, size of fine-tuning data, model stability based on PEFT methods, MLLM's generalization, and hallucination. We evaluated four PEFT methods on seven datasets from two different categories: unseen and seen datasets. Across all experiments, we show that the adapter is the best-performing PEFT method. At the same time, fine-tuning the connector layers leads to improved performance in most MLLMs. Code and data are available at https://github.com/alenai97/PEFT-MLLM.git.
Abstract:Knowledge graph entity typing (KGET) aims to infer missing entity type instances in knowledge graphs. Previous research has predominantly centered around leveraging contextual information associated with entities, which provides valuable clues for inference. However, they have long ignored the dual nature of information inherent in entities, encompassing both high-level coarse-grained cluster knowledge and fine-grained type knowledge. This paper introduces Cross-view Optimal Transport for knowledge graph Entity Typing (COTET), a method that effectively incorporates the information on how types are clustered into the representation of entities and types. COTET comprises three modules: i) Multi-view Generation and Encoder, which captures structured knowledge at different levels of granularity through entity-type, entity-cluster, and type-cluster-type perspectives; ii) Cross-view Optimal Transport, transporting view-specific embeddings to a unified space by minimizing the Wasserstein distance from a distributional alignment perspective; iii) Pooling-based Entity Typing Prediction, employing a mixture pooling mechanism to aggregate prediction scores from diverse neighbors of an entity. Additionally, we introduce a distribution-based loss function to mitigate the occurrence of false negatives during training. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of COTET when compared to existing baselines.
Abstract:Multi-modal entity alignment (MMEA) aims to identify equivalent entity pairs across different multi-modal knowledge graphs (MMKGs). Existing approaches focus on how to better encode and aggregate information from different modalities. However, it is not trivial to leverage multi-modal knowledge in entity alignment due to the modal heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Grained Interaction framework for Multi-Modal Entity Alignment (MIMEA), which effectively realizes multi-granular interaction within the same modality or between different modalities. MIMEA is composed of four modules: i) a Multi-modal Knowledge Embedding module, which extracts modality-specific representations with multiple individual encoders; ii) a Probability-guided Modal Fusion module, which employs a probability guided approach to integrate uni-modal representations into joint-modal embeddings, while considering the interaction between uni-modal representations; iii) an Optimal Transport Modal Alignment module, which introduces an optimal transport mechanism to encourage the interaction between uni-modal and joint-modal embeddings; iv) a Modal-adaptive Contrastive Learning module, which distinguishes the embeddings of equivalent entities from those of non-equivalent ones, for each modality. Extensive experiments conducted on two real-world datasets demonstrate the strong performance of MIMEA compared to the SoTA. Datasets and code have been submitted as supplementary materials.
Abstract:In a hyper-relational knowledge graph (HKG), each fact is composed of a main triple associated with attribute-value qualifiers, which express additional factual knowledge. The hyper-relational knowledge graph completion (HKGC) task aims at inferring plausible missing links in a HKG. Most existing approaches to HKGC focus on enhancing the communication between qualifier pairs and main triples, while overlooking two important properties that emerge from the monotonicity of the hyper-relational graphs representation regime. Stage Reasoning allows for a two-step reasoning process, facilitating the integration of coarse-grained inference results derived solely from main triples and fine-grained inference results obtained from hyper-relational facts with qualifiers. In the initial stage, coarse-grained results provide an upper bound for correct predictions, which are subsequently refined in the fine-grained step. More generally, Qualifier Monotonicity implies that by attaching more qualifier pairs to a main triple, we may only narrow down the answer set, but never enlarge it. This paper proposes the HyperMono model for hyper-relational knowledge graph completion, which realizes stage reasoning and qualifier monotonicity. To implement qualifier monotonicity HyperMono resorts to cone embeddings. Experiments on three real-world datasets with three different scenario conditions demonstrate the strong performance of HyperMono when compared to the SoTA.
Abstract:Several recent papers have investigated the potential of language models as knowledge bases as well as the existence of severe biases when extracting factual knowledge. In this work, we focus on the factual probing performance over unseen prompts from tuning, and using a probabilistic view we show the inherent misalignment between pre-training and downstream tuning objectives in language models for probing knowledge. We hypothesize that simultaneously debiasing these objectives can be the key to generalisation over unseen prompts. We propose an adapter-based framework, UniArk, for generalised and consistent factual knowledge extraction through simple methods without introducing extra parameters. Extensive experiments show that UniArk can significantly improve the model's out-of-domain generalisation as well as consistency under various prompts. Additionally, we construct ParaTrex, a large-scale and diverse dataset for measuring the inconsistency and out-of-domain generation of models. Further, ParaTrex offers a reference method for constructing paraphrased datasets using large language models.
Abstract:Knowledge graph entity typing (KGET) aims at inferring plausible types of entities in knowledge graphs. Existing approaches to KGET focus on how to better encode the knowledge provided by the neighbors and types of an entity into its representation. However, they ignore the semantic knowledge provided by the way in which types can be clustered together. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Multi-view Contrastive Learning for knowledge graph Entity Typing (MCLET), which effectively encodes the coarse-grained knowledge provided by clusters into entity and type embeddings. MCLET is composed of three modules: i) Multi-view Generation and Encoder module, which encodes structured information from entity-type, entity-cluster and cluster-type views; ii) Cross-view Contrastive Learning module, which encourages different views to collaboratively improve view-specific representations of entities and types; iii) Entity Typing Prediction module, which integrates multi-head attention and a Mixture-of-Experts strategy to infer missing entity types. Extensive experiments show the strong performance of MCLET compared to the state-of-the-art
Abstract:Hierarchical multi-label text classification (HMTC) aims at utilizing a label hierarchy in multi-label classification. Recent approaches to HMTC deal with the problem of imposing an over-constrained premise on the output space by using contrastive learning on generated samples in a semi-supervised manner to bring text and label embeddings closer. However, the generation of samples tends to introduce noise as it ignores the correlation between similar samples in the same batch. One solution to this issue is supervised contrastive learning, but it remains an underexplored topic in HMTC due to its complex structured labels. To overcome this challenge, we propose $\textbf{HJCL}$, a $\textbf{H}$ierarchy-aware $\textbf{J}$oint Supervised $\textbf{C}$ontrastive $\textbf{L}$earning method that bridges the gap between supervised contrastive learning and HMTC. Specifically, we employ both instance-wise and label-wise contrastive learning techniques and carefully construct batches to fulfill the contrastive learning objective. Extensive experiments on four multi-path HMTC datasets demonstrate that HJCL achieves promising results and the effectiveness of Contrastive Learning on HMTC.
Abstract:The task of inductive knowledge graph completion requires models to learn inference patterns from a training graph, which can then be used to make predictions on a disjoint test graph. Rule-based methods seem like a natural fit for this task, but in practice they significantly underperform state-of-the-art methods based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), such as NBFNet. We hypothesise that the underperformance of rule-based methods is due to two factors: (i) implausible entities are not ranked at all and (ii) only the most informative path is taken into account when determining the confidence in a given link prediction answer. To analyse the impact of these factors, we study a number of variants of a rule-based approach, which are specifically aimed at addressing the aforementioned issues. We find that the resulting models can achieve a performance which is close to that of NBFNet. Crucially, the considered variants only use a small fraction of the evidence that NBFNet relies on, which means that they largely keep the interpretability advantage of rule-based methods. Moreover, we show that a further variant, which does look at the full KG, consistently outperforms NBFNet.