Abstract:Rydberg atomic quantum receivers exhibit great potential in assisting classical wireless communications due to their outstanding advantages in detecting radio frequency signals. To realize this potential, we integrate a Rydberg atomic quantum receiver into a classical multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) scheme to form a multi-user Rydberg atomic quantum MIMO (RAQ-MIMO) system for the uplink. To study this system, we first construct an equivalent baseband signal model, which facilitates convenient system design, signal processing and optimizations. We then study the ergodic achievable rates under both the maximum ratio combining (MRC) and zero-forcing (ZF) schemes by deriving their tight lower bounds. We next compare the ergodic achievable rates of the RAQ-MIMO and the conventional massive MIMO schemes by offering a closed-form expression for the difference of their ergodic achievable rates, which allows us to directly compare the two systems. Our results show that RAQ-MIMO allows the average transmit power of users to be $\sim 20$ dBm lower than that of the conventional massive MIMO. Viewed from a different perspective, an extra $\sim 7$ bits/s/Hz/user rate becomes achievable by ZF RAQ-MIMO, when equipping $50 \sim 500$ receive elements for receiving $1 \sim 100$ user signals at an enough transmit power (e.g., $\ge 20$ dBm).
Abstract:Quantum sensing technologies have experienced rapid progresses since entering the `second quantum revolution'. Among various candidates, schemes relying on Rydberg atoms exhibit compelling advantages for detecting radio frequency signals. Based on this, Rydberg atomic quantum receivers (RAQRs) have emerged as a promising solution to classical wireless communication and sensing. To harness the advantages and exploit the potential of RAQRs in wireless sensing, we investigate the realization of the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation by RAQRs. Specifically, we first conceive a Rydberg atomic quantum uniform linear array (RAQ-ULA) aided receiver for multi-target detection and propose the corresponding signal model of this sensing system. Furthermore, we propose the Rydberg atomic quantum estimation of signal parameters by designing a rotational invariance based technique termed as RAQ-ESPRIT relying on our model. The proposed algorithm solves the sensor gain mismatch problem, which is due to the presence of the RF local oscillator in the RAQ-ULA and cannot be well addressed by using the conventional ESPRIT. Lastly, we characterize our scheme through numerical simulations.
Abstract:The Rydberg atomic quantum receiver (RAQR) is an emerging quantum precision sensing platform designed for receiving radio frequency (RF) signals. It relies on creation of Rydberg atoms from normal atoms by exciting one or more electrons to a very high energy level, which in turn makes the atom sensitive to RF signals. The RAQR realizes RF-to-optical conversion based on light-atom interaction relying on the so called electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and Aulter-Townes splitting (ATS), so that the desired RF signal can be read out optically. The large dipole moments of Rydberg atoms associated with rich choices of Rydberg states and various modulation schemes facilitate an ultra-high sensitivity ($\sim$ nV/cm/$\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$) and an ultra-broadband tunability (near direct-current to Terahertz). RAQRs also exhibit compelling scalability and lend themselves to the construction of innovative, compact receivers. Initial experimental studies have demonstrated their capabilities in classical wireless communications and sensing. To fully harness their potential in a wide variety of applications, we commence by outlining the underlying fundamentals of Rydberg atoms, followed by the principles, structures, and theories of RAQRs. Finally, we conceive Rydberg atomic quantum single-input single-output (RAQ-SISO) and multiple-input multiple-output (RAQ-MIMO) schemes for facilitating the integration of RAQRs with classical wireless systems, and conclude with a set of potent research directions.
Abstract:Holographic multiple-input multiple-output (HMIMO) utilizes a compact antenna array to form a nearly continuous aperture, thereby enhancing higher capacity and more flexible configurations compared with conventional MIMO systems, making it attractive in current scientific research. Key questions naturally arise regarding the potential of HMIMO to surpass Shannon's theoretical limits and how far its capabilities can be extended. However, the traditional Shannon information theory falls short in addressing these inquiries because it only focuses on the information itself while neglecting the underlying carrier, electromagnetic (EM) waves, and environmental interactions. To fill up the gap between the theoretical analysis and the practical application for HMIMO systems, we introduce electromagnetic information theory (EIT) in this paper. This paper begins by laying the foundation for HMIMO-oriented EIT, encompassing EM wave equations and communication regions. In the context of HMIMO systems, the resultant physical limitations are presented, involving Chu's limit, Harrington's limit, Hannan's limit, and the evaluation of coupling effects. Field sampling and HMIMO-assisted oversampling are also discussed to guide the optimal HMIMO design within the EIT framework. To comprehensively depict the EM-compliant propagation process, we present the approximate and exact channel modeling approaches in near-/far-field zones. Furthermore, we discuss both traditional Shannon's information theory, employing the probabilistic method, and Kolmogorov information theory, utilizing the functional analysis, for HMIMO-oriented EIT systems.
Abstract:Empowered by the latest progress on innovative metamaterials/metasurfaces and advanced antenna technologies, holographic multiple-input multiple-output (H-MIMO) emerges as a promising technology to fulfill the extreme goals of the sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks. The antenna arrays utilized in H-MIMO comprise massive (possibly to extreme extent) numbers of antenna elements, densely spaced less than half-a-wavelength and integrated into a compact space, realizing an almost continuous aperture. Thanks to the expected low cost, size, weight, and power consumption, such apertures are expected to be largely fabricated for near-field communications. In addition, the physical features of H-MIMO enable manipulations directly on the electromagnetic (EM) wave domain and spatial multiplexing. To fully leverage this potential, near-field H-MIMO channel modeling, especially from the EM perspective, is of paramount significance. In this article, we overview near-field H-MIMO channel models elaborating on the various modeling categories and respective features, as well as their challenges and evaluation criteria. We also present EM-domain channel models that address the inherit computational and measurement complexities. Finally, the article is concluded with a set of future research directions on the topic.
Abstract:To support the extremely high spectral efficiency and energy efficiency requirements, and emerging applications of future wireless communications, holographic multiple-input multiple-output (H-MIMO) technology is envisioned as one of the most promising enablers. It can potentially bring extra degrees-of-freedom for communications and signal processing, including spatial multiplexing in line-of-sight (LoS) channels and electromagnetic (EM) field processing performed using specialized devices, to attain the fundamental limits of wireless communications. In this context, EM-domain channel modeling is critical to harvest the benefits offered by H-MIMO. Existing EM-domain channel models are built based on the tensor Green function, which require prior knowledge of the global position and/or the relative distances and directions of the transmit/receive antenna elements. Such knowledge may be difficult to acquire in real-world applications due to extensive measurements needed for obtaining this data. To overcome this limitation, we propose a transmit-receive parameter separable channel model methodology in which the EM-domain (or holographic) channel can be simply acquired from the distance/direction measured between the center-points between the transmit and receive surfaces, and the local positions between the transmit and receive elements, thus avoiding extensive global parameter measurements. Analysis and numerical results showcase the effectiveness of the proposed channel modeling approach in approximating the H-MIMO channel, and achieving the theoretical channel capacity.
Abstract:Envisioned as one of the most promising technologies, holographic multiple-input multiple-output (H-MIMO) recently attracts notable research interests for its great potential in expanding wireless possibilities and achieving fundamental wireless limits. Empowered by the nearly continuous, large and energy-efficient surfaces with powerful electromagnetic (EM) wave control capabilities, H-MIMO opens up the opportunity for signal processing in a more fundamental EM-domain, paving the way for realizing holographic imaging level communications in supporting the extremely high spectral efficiency and energy efficiency in future networks. In this article, we try to implement a generalized EM-domain near-field channel modeling and study its capacity limit of point-to-point H-MIMO systems that equips arbitrarily placed surfaces in a line-of-sight (LoS) environment. Two effective and computational-efficient channel models are established from their integral counterpart, where one is with a sophisticated formula but showcases more accurate, and another is concise with a slight precision sacrifice. Furthermore, we unveil the capacity limit using our channel model, and derive a tight upper bound based upon an elaborately built analytical framework. Our result reveals that the capacity limit grows logarithmically with the product of transmit element area, receive element area, and the combined effects of $1/{{d}_{mn}^2}$, $1/{{d}_{mn}^4}$, and $1/{{d}_{mn}^6}$ over all transmit and receive antenna elements, where $d_{mn}$ indicates the distance between each transmit and receive elements. Numerical evaluations validate the effectiveness of our channel models, and showcase the slight disparity between the upper bound and the exact capacity, which is beneficial for predicting practical system performance.
Abstract:Holographic multiple-input multiple-output (H-MIMO) is considered as one of the most promising technologies to enable future wireless communications in supporting the expected extreme requirements, such as high energy and spectral efficiency. Empowered by the powerful capability in electromagnetic (EM) wave manipulations, H-MIMO has the potential to reach the fundamental limit of the wireless environment, and opens up the possibility of signal processing in the EM-domain, which needs to be depicted carefully from an EM perspective, especially the wireless channel. To this aim, we study the line-of-sight (LOS) H-MIMO communications with arbitrary surface placements and establish an exact expression of the wireless channel in the EM-domain. To further obtain a more explicit and computationally-efficient channel models, we solve the implicit integrals of the exact channel model with moderate and reasonable assumptions. Numerical studies are executed and the results show good agreements of our established approximated channel models to the exact channel model.
Abstract:Future wireless systems are envisioned to create an endogenously holography-capable, intelligent, and programmable radio propagation environment, that will offer unprecedented capabilities for high spectral and energy efficiency, low latency, and massive connectivity. A potential and promising technology for supporting the expected extreme requirements of the sixth-generation (6G) communication systems is the holographic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) surface (HMIMOS), which will actualize holographic radios with reasonable power consumption and fabrication cost. An HMIMOS is a nearly continuous aperture that incorporates reconfigurable and sub-wavelength-spaced antennas and/or metamaterials. Such surfaces comprising dense electromagnetic (EM) excited elements are capable of recording and manipulating impinging fields with utmost flexibility and precision, as well as with reduced cost and power consumption, thereby shaping arbitrary-intended EM waves with high energy efficiency. The powerful EM processing capability of HMIMOS opens up the possibility of wireless communications of holographic imaging level, paving the way for signal processing techniques realized in the EM domain, possibly in conjunction with their digital-domain counterparts. However, in spite of the significant potential, the studies on HMIMOS-based wireless systems are still at an initial stage. In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview of the latest advances in holographic MIMO communications, with a special focus on their physical aspects, theoretical foundations, and enabling technologies. We also compare HMIMOS systems with conventional multi-antenna technologies, especially massive MIMO systems, present various promising synergies of HMIMOS with current and future candidate technologies, and provide an extensive list of research challenges and open directions.
Abstract:In this letter, we investigate the millimeter wave (mmWave) downlink multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system, adopting the dynamic subarray architecture at the base station and considering the multi-stream communication for each user. Aiming at maximizing the system spectral efficiency, we propose a novel hybrid beamforming design. First, assuming no inter-user interference (IUI), we easily get the optimal fully-digital beamformers and combiners using the singular value decomposition of each user channel and the waterfilling algorithm. Then, based on the obtained fullydigital beamformers, we propose a Kuhn-Munkres algorithmassisted dynamic hybrid beamforming design, which guarantees that each radio-frequency chain is connected to at least one antenna. Finally, we propose to further project each obtained digital beamformer onto the null space of all the other equivalent user channels to cancel the IUI. Numerical results verify the superiority of our proposed hybrid beamforming design.