Abstract:Learning informative representations of phylogenetic tree structures is essential for analyzing evolutionary relationships. Classical distance-based methods have been widely used to project phylogenetic trees into Euclidean space, but they are often sensitive to the choice of distance metric and may lack sufficient resolution. In this paper, we introduce phylogenetic variational autoencoders (PhyloVAEs), an unsupervised learning framework designed for representation learning and generative modeling of tree topologies. Leveraging an efficient encoding mechanism inspired by autoregressive tree topology generation, we develop a deep latent-variable generative model that facilitates fast, parallelized topology generation. PhyloVAE combines this generative model with a collaborative inference model based on learnable topological features, allowing for high-resolution representations of phylogenetic tree samples. Extensive experiments demonstrate PhyloVAE's robust representation learning capabilities and fast generation of phylogenetic tree topologies.
Abstract:While conditional diffusion models have achieved remarkable success in various applications, they require abundant data to train from scratch, which is often infeasible in practice. To address this issue, transfer learning has emerged as an essential paradigm in small data regimes. Despite its empirical success, the theoretical underpinnings of transfer learning conditional diffusion models remain unexplored. In this paper, we take the first step towards understanding the sample efficiency of transfer learning conditional diffusion models through the lens of representation learning. Inspired by practical training procedures, we assume that there exists a low-dimensional representation of conditions shared across all tasks. Our analysis shows that with a well-learned representation from source tasks, the samplecomplexity of target tasks can be reduced substantially. In addition, we investigate the practical implications of our theoretical results in several real-world applications of conditional diffusion models. Numerical experiments are also conducted to verify our results.
Abstract:Recent success of diffusion models has inspired a surge of interest in developing sampling techniques using reverse diffusion processes. However, accurately estimating the drift term in the reverse stochastic differential equation (SDE) solely from the unnormalized target density poses significant challenges, hindering existing methods from achieving state-of-the-art performance. In this paper, we introduce the Diffusion-PINN Sampler (DPS), a novel diffusion-based sampling algorithm that estimates the drift term by solving the governing partial differential equation of the log-density of the underlying SDE marginals via physics-informed neural networks (PINN). We prove that the error of log-density approximation can be controlled by the PINN residual loss, enabling us to establish convergence guarantees of DPS. Experiments on a variety of sampling tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, particularly in accurately identifying mixing proportions when the target contains isolated components.
Abstract:Probability estimation of tree topologies is one of the fundamental tasks in phylogenetic inference. The recently proposed subsplit Bayesian networks (SBNs) provide a powerful probabilistic graphical model for tree topology probability estimation by properly leveraging the hierarchical structure of phylogenetic trees. However, the expectation maximization (EM) method currently used for learning SBN parameters does not scale up to large data sets. In this paper, we introduce several computationally efficient methods for training SBNs and show that variance reduction could be the key for better performance. Furthermore, we also introduce the variance reduction technique to improve the optimization of SBN parameters for variational Bayesian phylogenetic inference (VBPI). Extensive synthetic and real data experiments demonstrate that our methods outperform previous baseline methods on the tasks of tree topology probability estimation as well as Bayesian phylogenetic inference using SBNs.
Abstract:Reconstructing the evolutionary history relating a collection of molecular sequences is the main subject of modern Bayesian phylogenetic inference. However, the commonly used Markov chain Monte Carlo methods can be inefficient due to the complicated space of phylogenetic trees, especially when the number of sequences is large. An alternative approach is variational Bayesian phylogenetic inference (VBPI) which transforms the inference problem into an optimization problem. While effective, the default diagonal lognormal approximation for the branch lengths of the tree used in VBPI is often insufficient to capture the complexity of the exact posterior. In this work, we propose a more flexible family of branch length variational posteriors based on semi-implicit hierarchical distributions using graph neural networks. We show that this semi-implicit construction emits straightforward permutation equivariant distributions, and therefore can handle the non-Euclidean branch length space across different tree topologies with ease. To deal with the intractable marginal probability of semi-implicit variational distributions, we develop several alternative lower bounds for stochastic optimization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method over baseline methods on benchmark data examples, in terms of both marginal likelihood estimation and branch length posterior approximation.
Abstract:Semi-implicit variational inference (SIVI) extends traditional variational families with semi-implicit distributions defined in a hierarchical manner. Due to the intractable densities of semi-implicit distributions, classical SIVI often resorts to surrogates of evidence lower bound (ELBO) that would introduce biases for training. A recent advancement in SIVI, named SIVI-SM, utilizes an alternative score matching objective made tractable via a minimax formulation, albeit requiring an additional lower-level optimization. In this paper, we propose kernel SIVI (KSIVI), a variant of SIVI-SM that eliminates the need for lower-level optimization through kernel tricks. Specifically, we show that when optimizing over a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), the lower-level problem has an explicit solution. This way, the upper-level objective becomes the kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD), which is readily computable for stochastic gradient descent due to the hierarchical structure of semi-implicit variational distributions. An upper bound for the variance of the Monte Carlo gradient estimators of the KSD objective is derived, which allows us to establish novel convergence guarantees of KSIVI. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of KSIVI on both synthetic distributions and a variety of real data Bayesian inference tasks.
Abstract:Continuous normalizing flows (CNFs) learn an ordinary differential equation to transform prior samples into data. Flow matching (FM) has recently emerged as a simulation-free approach for training CNFs by regressing a velocity model towards the conditional velocity field. However, on constrained domains, the learned velocity model may lead to undesirable flows that result in highly unnatural samples, e.g., oversaturated images, due to both flow matching error and simulation error. To address this, we add a boundary constraint term to CNFs, which leads to reflected CNFs that keep trajectories within the constrained domains. We propose reflected flow matching (RFM) to train the velocity model in reflected CNFs by matching the conditional velocity fields in a simulation-free manner, similar to the vanilla FM. Moreover, the analytical form of conditional velocity fields in RFM avoids potentially biased approximations, making it superior to existing score-based generative models on constrained domains. We demonstrate that RFM achieves comparable or better results on standard image benchmarks and produces high-quality class-conditioned samples under high guidance weight.
Abstract:Semi-implicit variational inference (SIVI) has been introduced to expand the analytical variational families by defining expressive semi-implicit distributions in a hierarchical manner. However, the single-layer architecture commonly used in current SIVI methods can be insufficient when the target posterior has complicated structures. In this paper, we propose hierarchical semi-implicit variational inference, called HSIVI, which generalizes SIVI to allow more expressive multi-layer construction of semi-implicit distributions. By introducing auxiliary distributions that interpolate between a simple base distribution and the target distribution, the conditional layers can be trained by progressively matching these auxiliary distributions one layer after another. Moreover, given pre-trained score networks, HSIVI can be used to accelerate the sampling process of diffusion models with the score matching objective. We show that HSIVI significantly enhances the expressiveness of SIVI on several Bayesian inference problems with complicated target distributions. When used for diffusion model acceleration, we show that HSIVI can produce high quality samples comparable to or better than the existing fast diffusion model based samplers with a small number of function evaluations on various datasets.
Abstract:Designing flexible probabilistic models over tree topologies is important for developing efficient phylogenetic inference methods. To do that, previous works often leverage the similarity of tree topologies via hand-engineered heuristic features which would require pre-sampled tree topologies and may suffer from limited approximation capability. In this paper, we propose a deep autoregressive model for phylogenetic inference based on graph neural networks (GNNs), called ARTree. By decomposing a tree topology into a sequence of leaf node addition operations and modeling the involved conditional distributions based on learnable topological features via GNNs, ARTree can provide a rich family of distributions over the entire tree topology space that have simple sampling algorithms and density estimation procedures, without using heuristic features. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method on a benchmark of challenging real data tree topology density estimation and variational Bayesian phylogenetic inference problems.